Do Unto Others

golden-ruleYesterday, I was reminded how simple our philosophy of life should be. We should all be treating others based on the way we would like to be treated. If we all followed this behavior pattern, it would easily eliminate many of the world’s problems. However, as we all know, sometimes things get in the way of putting the golden rule into practice. Here are a few explanations and thoughts on making sure that you are following the golden rule and doing your part to make sure the world is a better place.

Don’t Take it Personally.

Everyone at some time in their lives has been faced with someone who treats us less than fairly. These instances can be painful, especially when the person who mistreats us is a friend. Yet the truth of the 6a0105360968fe970b0134800cd908970c-500pimatter is that their choices have very little to do with you and everything to do with them. We are all living our lives through the scope of our own experience.

People with a false sense of self can justify their actions through lies or misconception. To other people, you are just a bit player in the grand play of their lives. So don’t take the poor behavior of another as a reflection of your character and honesty.  You can only control your actions and responses to the situations that you are faced with.  Face them with integrity and caring for others. Let kindness and understanding be your guide, and don’t take the poor behavior of others personally.

Be Proactive

One of the best defenses against the toxic behavior of those who do not treat you well is to be proactive in implementing the golden rule in your life. Each day provides opportunities to practice treating img_7910others as you would like to be treated, with kindness, dignity, and respect. These types of things are completely in your control. Rather than waiting for a situation to present itself to you, seek the situation to provide someone else with the good feeling of being treated well.

These are simple things, acts of kindness that don’t have to cost a penny. Kindness and respect are always good and may do more for someone than you know. The choice between good behavior and poor behavior spreads like the ripples of a stone cast in the water. What will the ripples of your behavior contribute to the world? That is your responsibility.

So All we Can Worry About Is Us.

As you evolve in your life experience, there is only one thing that you can control, and that is your own behavior, thoughts, and feelings about the situations you are faced with in life. We choose how we treat others. Are we too busy? Are we kind? Or do we feel too busy and brush other’s simple needs off to pursue our own? Do we act selfishly? These choices belong to us and are what we will be held responsible for when this journey comes to an end.

Following the golden rule will bring you to a place of peace, but most importantly, it will be a light and example to a world that sorely needs it.


Carpe Diem

At what time in your recent past have you felt most passionate and alive?

Carpe Diem Jonathan Hilton
Today is the day.

I have felt most passionate and alive right now, and there is nothing that could top this moment in time until tomorrow!

Many people will look far into the distant past for this answer or maybe dream of a day in the future that might be more perfect, but to me, right here and right now is the place where I feel most passionate and alive.

Get More Passionate Right Now

There is really no other way to be, is there? If you are not passionate and alive today, then it is time to make some changes and get more passionate about the life you are living.  As I am right now looking out the window and seeing the bright light of the early morning start to defeat the darkness of the night, I can only think about the

need a change jonathan hilton
Sometimes we all do!

possibilities that today contains in it.

I can’t wait to find out what is coming.  Is it good? Is it bad? We will see, but the experience of today has never happened before, ever!

It is amazing how many people can just let an opportunity to enjoy life slip past them and treat today like a carbon copy of Tuesday of last week when there is absolutely no such thing.

Enjoying the difference is what allows your life to grow and change in big ways.

Someday never Comes

I think it is a huge mistake to think that it is OK to suffer and be a little unhappy today because tomorrow will be better and bring me what I want, need, or desire.

Tomorrow may never come, and once you start making excuses about chasing your passion, you may do it for the rest of your life, living for the hope that tomorrow you will have the courage to change.

I know that there is no better opportunity than today.  What makes you feel alive is the belief and ability to live your life with the hope that you will achieve your goal and take one small action step that will lead to you finding it.

Choose to Live With Passion

Feeling alive should be a part of every morning because if you aren’t feeling this way or

feeling passionate and alive jonathan hilton
Be like Nike

you find life too much of a drag, and it saps you of the positive feelings life gives you.

If you don’t like how you feel about things, then it is time to stop doing them. Choose to do something else that feels better to you.

This sounds really simplistic, but honestly, ask yourself how often you have chosen to be unhappy, chosen to be dissatisfied, chosen to be afraid, chosen to go with the flow.

Find your passion and choose to follow it, and each day will allow you to feel the most passionate and alive than you have felt in your life.

I know for sure that I have this moment in life to make the best of that I can, whatever that may involve, and that is all I can really be concerned with, yesterday is gone, and I can’t get it back tomorrow may never come.

See a Little Light




hug1Why do we hug? What does it mean to people? I was walking through a parking lot the other day and witnessed two young people in the midst of a pretty intense hug. Both were emotional, to the point of tears, and you knew that they were saying goodbye. For a day, a month, or a year I have no idea. But I did realize that I had been a participant in just that kind of hug on several occasions in the past, and I was more than just a little jealous.

Hugging is Caring

If you have noone to hug, pretend
If you have no one to hug, pretend.

How long has it been since I had allowed myself to care so deeply that the thought of being separated from someone would create such a powerful and visceral reaction?  As you age, the fear of pain in life and of being hurt has forced me to start to build walls around these parts of my life. You have experiences that hurt. Build a wall. Disappointment, build a wall.  Frustration, build a wall. Soon all you have around you are walls to protect you. Leaving you as an individual who is most definitely safe but also as certainly alone.

I remember the feelings of saying goodbye and wondering how you will ever survive without the presence of that person in your life. Yet you survive and move forward and convince yourself that the hug was a bad thing and just the precursor of more pain in your life. You learn to never let your barriers down for anyone because it is easier and cleaner than being open and honest with someone.  Feelings are great, but there is risk involved in feeling. Just as easy as you can feel happy and elated, you can also feel unhappy, hurt, let down, or devastated. Never open yourself up for a hug from anyone, and you will never be in jeopardy of being hurt or let down.

It’s Not Too Late To Become A Hugger.

need hugs
If you need a hug, don’t be afraid to ask!

So can you change? Of course, you can when you realize that you miss out on some of the best things that life has to offer, caring and intimacy. I believe we can start to re-learn how to develop intimacy with others by recognizing its power and expressing trust for a relationship and gratitude for the fullness it brings to your life.

As I thought about that hug, I remembered what positive feelings I was having at that moment. It was non-judgmental, caring, nurturing, and joyful for just having been in contact with someone else who brought so much into my life. We tend to forget these things when we get hurt or experience disappointment. Remember the good that another person can bring into your life.

Hug Someone

540_293_resize_20130301_80d213139b4a036a6075746f82d10dba_jpgHow often do you hug the person that you share your life with? Often? Never? Somewhere in between? The act of hugging can show appreciation, love, caring, vulnerability, and acceptance of what someone is. There is no dark side to this. If you are feeling bad, get a hug, and you will feel better. If someone else feels bad, hug them, and they will most often feel better.

How many hugs have you been a part of today? 


Beginning- the point in time or space at which something starts.

beginning There is nothing as exciting in life as a new beginning.  This is the point that you are embarking on a fresh adventure in some phase of your life and the potential is feeling unlimited.  Sometimes the manner we get to a beginning can be painful, scary, or sad but the opportunity to start something exists in every situation, we have to have the focus, attention, and desire to get started. This can be easier said than done.  Be conscious today of the beginnings that are happening in your life and the lives of those you come in contact with. Put your thoughts, words, and actions into supporting the beginnings that are happening all around you. Recognize the potential that each day brings you to start new and take steps to achieve anything you want to achieve.

Embrace the Beginning

Life moves in cycles. People enter your life, interests are sparked, patterns are established and we follow them as routine.  Routines are the desired result because there is an illusion of control in them. If you can follow the same pattern daily and get the same result, then control seems to be yours. BeginningBut then always and inevitably change enters the picture.  Situations change, new elements are introduced, routines are challenged and destroyed.  The perception of control is destroyed along with it.  To realize that we have very little control over what happens around us, allows one to seek and accept a new beginning quickly and with an open mind.

So your choice when it comes to a beginning is to resist it and cling to what is gone or to run toward it and embrace it completely.  Take steps to understand yourself and how you deal with change. Focus on what good things are going to come from this change. Put the perceived losses away, they don’t matter because there is nothing you can do about them other than learn their lesson.  See the opportunity and embrace it fully and completely, let the past routines of life go.

You Never Know

ThManyeople tend to ignore that life every day has contained within it achievement, happiness, and satisfaction.  There is a path to find them in each and every day, and it all starts by beginning to look for them. Instead, so many Beginningfocus on the fear and lack around them, allowing worry to limit their potential for all the good things they could accomplish and do.  Don’t let your preconceived notions and thoughts limit the magic that each new day brings to you.

If your heart is telling you to try something, why not do it? Choices have power and even poor choices provide a ground for learning and potential for becoming a better person.  All of these stem from the beginning of something and the newness that life has the potential to provide each and every day to each one of us.  No matter how smart you think you are, life is more intelligent. No matter how strong you believe yourself to be, life is stronger. To investigate the paths that life puts before you and see what potential exists on them is the good stuff in life. You will never find what you are looking for if you don’t embrace the beginning.

What are you waiting for?

So there it is, a beginning is awaiting you like the dawn of a sweet summer day, with the potential to find riches, success, failure, or poverty. All will bring lessons and your focus, wits and luck will determine exactly what is going to come your way.  Whether a beginning is ultimately successful or not is going to be determined by you, your mindset, and your willingness to set goals and follow dreams.  So what are you waiting for to start?  To heal? To be more sure? To be even more ready?  Patch it up and begin. See what happens and get started.

Each day we need to have conscious awareness of our power to undertake a new beginning.  It can be professional, relationships, a project, a hobby, a journey, or any other thing you can imagine. Being conscious of the beginnings all around you will move you toward the possibility we are granted to change our situation and start a new adventure. So look at your thoughts, words, and actions and the potential of your new beginnings this day.

“Be willing to be a beginner every single morning.” ― Meister Eckhart


Show Time

I once heard it said that each person lives their life as if they are staring at their very own television show. All of the people who are entering your life are there to contribute something to your character’s storyline and the plot of your show. Very little substance would occur on these shows if there weren’t other “cast members” around to prompt the action, emotions, and thoughts.  It is an interesting way to look at your life and the people who are in it. Look at how people have entered your life. Some have been there from the beginning, it seems, and others have been introduced along the way. But all of our cast members are here for a reason, and to notice their contribution is important to understand what you need to learn about yourself in this particular episode of your life.  The cast you have is the cast you need.

The Good Guys

Looking at your life as a show makes you realize all of the different supporting characters that have drifted in and out of your life over the years—each leaving a mark on your existence. The supportive ones are always there in a time of need, and sometimes we have to let them play their role.  As we learn about ourselves and the lessons, they come from those we love, care about, or are friends with. I have often seen people come for a season or two, but a few stick around for the whole run of your show.

Cherish the characters that stick around and share their television show with you. You contribute to them, and they contribute to you. It is a symbiotic relationship. Some of them are family, some are just friends, but all need to be appreciated. Not all shows run smoothly. There is going to be drama, downtimes, and pain. But sticking around through all of that stuff shows how valuable you are to them. All people enter your life for a reason, and usually, it is to teach you something. Some teach you lots, some just one thing. It is valuable stuff, and to value the deliverer as much as the information delivered is a life skill we should work on developing.

The Bad Guys

Bad guys teach good lessons.

Sometimes we need a lesson taught so badly to become our best selves, and life sends us people who play the part of the villain in our little show. They work as our arch enemies. They make us mad, upset, frustrated, and make us wonder why anyone could be so evil. Look at what your greatest rivals force you to do. First, you have to reevaluate all things in your life. To compete and defeat the enemy in your story, you need to get control over yourself.  People hurt us or work from their own self-interest. Most importantly, our well-being is not high on their list of concerns.

We need to embrace these types of folks because it is through them that we see the valuable life lessons. If someone talks badly about you, then they are teaching you a lesson. You get an opportunity to look at what you do not want to be. When you see the destructive path that gossip or negativity creates, you know that is not the energy you want in your life.  How other people act is their karma, and they have to own that. How you act is yours, and you also own that. The bad guys provide a chance for us to develop our positive traits and become the best version of ourselves possible.  Light is never as bright as compared to darkness.

That’s a Wrap

At the end of it all, your show is eventually going to wind down and end when the star of your show slips his Earthly bonds and moves on to the great beyond. It is important to appreciate all the people in your life and their unique contributions to you. Know that all people who enter your life can bring you something good even if they are not good themselves.  There are things to learn every day, examples to see, and experiences to share.  Nothing can be shared if you have no others in your life.

Take a moment now and then and take note of your cast and crew: the good guys and the bad. List them and thank them for their contributions to your story. Understand that you are not only the start of your show but a supporting actor on many other shows as well. How do they look at you? Each day is a chance to define what it is you stand for and the impact you want to have on the world. Choose your character well because that is what the world will see, and it is a choice.

Everybody’s a dreamer, and everybody’s a star………………..

Thought Switch

change-your-thoughts-and-you-change-your-world147At every moment in the day, each thought that we entertain is a choice. Many times I find myself thinking a thought that is judgmental, negative, or fear-driven. Fortunately, with everything we think, the opposite is also available.  Like flipping a switch, we have the ability at any moment to turn off those negative thoughts and turn them into something positive. This is a thought switch that is available to you at all moments. Rather than complain about something you can’t control,  think of something else, more positive and productive. Your corresponding emotions will be less destructive.

The human mind is only capable of entertaining only one thought at a time, and that thought will affect your emotional and physical well-being at that moment. It takes no more effort to think positively and constructively than to think negatively and destructively.  We all make this choice for ourselves throughout the course of each day of our lives.

Turn the thought switch………

Thoughts of judgment into thoughts of acceptance.

correct-yr-mindNegative thoughts about yourself to Positive thoughts about your talents.

Thoughts about doom and gloom to thoughts about hope and light.

Thoughts of worry replace with thoughts focused on the here and now.

Thoughts of wrongs done to you in the past are replaced with appreciation for things in your life right now.

Our thoughts are the force that leads to our emotional state, and we control our own minds. We decide what thoughts we focus on and which ones we ignore.  It is your choice to be jealous, envious, judgmental, or angry. Focusing on those thoughts will take you to a life that isn’t much fun to experience because all of those are based on fear. Your choice to hit your own thought switch and focus on the opposite thoughts brings the opposite mental states and experiences with them.

It may sound simplistic, but dismissing this without attempting any change will guarantee that your personal vibration stays just where it is. Improving your thoughts will improve your personal vibration, improve your relationships, health, and how happy you are with life. Generally making your experience in life a more positive and happy one. But the switch can only be operated by you, and nobody can do it for you. 

Give it a try to see what happens. The only thing you have to lose is unhappiness and anger. You have to gain a better understanding of yourself, a consciousness of thought and joy in your life.

You are in the Driver’s Seat!!



Raising My Consciousness One Word at a Time

Technology– machinery and equipment developed from the application of scientific knowledge.

Electronic devices surround our lives.  Virtually all people carry their own devices to allow communication with the world.  Technology has given us amazing things.  A greater ability to communicate, transfer information, travel, and create at a capacity only dreamed of 30 years ago. Now there are problems which have risen as well. Our devices seem to run our lives, as we are all “connected” on social media sites, are we really connected?  Or is it all an illusion?  The challenge in life is to use the technology and not have it use us.  That begins with a focus on our thoughts on using our phones and corresponding social media sites.  Recognize the emotions that result from that and your words and actions, which all come from your technology.  How much of your time is yours? How much belongs to your device?

Attachments to Devices

It is a relatively recent phenomenon that people have developed a significant attachment to their personal communication devices.  They didn’t exist 20 years ago. Now we are all attached to the technology our phone provides to some degree.  It is a one-stop interaction stop, but that attachment brings problems with it—a significant lack of real interaction with other people and the world around you.  The phone provides a link to the world through social media, Facebook, Snap Chat, Instagram, Twitter, or whatever your choice of communication is.  That is addictive.

The addiction can become real, someone likes your picture or shares your story, and your brain reacts chemically to that in a positive way. That leads to seeking more, which leads to more time looking into the false light of your phone, scrolling endlessly through posts to like and judge and like and judge.  The attachment to this activity is solid and real.  The problem is that you are looking at a fantasy of what life is, not life.  Looking at a picture of a beach is not visiting that beach yourself.  Visit the beach!

Building Real Healthy Attachments

How to improve this issue should be easy.  First, you have to become conscious of what you are doing and why you are doing it.  How many times do you scroll through your Facebook feed for no reason?  Start to build attachments to people and things outside of the electronic world.  For example, have real conversations with people.  Real interaction with people is better than any form of social media. I think that people have forgotten this.

Set a bit of time aside each week to be totally electronically free.  No access to the world in any way other than through your five senses in the natural world.  This will wake you up to the things you are missing each day.  What great things do you see every day that you never notice? Start to notice them.  Go for a walk with your eyes directed all around you and with no concern for the things happening in the electronic world.  Allow your consciousness to become aware of real people, sights, activities, and places right in front of you.  Break the electronic attachment, at least for a while.

Awareness of Problem

So now you are aware of the attachment you have to the electronic world of likes, shares, and follows. It is important to become aware of how this can enhance your life.  Social media can be a good thing, but it seems like the negatives are piled high against it.  The process seems to force people to develop unhealthy thoughts that worry about what others think of you and what you are doing.  Then you have to ask yourself, “Do I do this because I want to or because other people will like it?”  The honest answer is probably a little bit of both.  Learning to function for our own approval and nobody else’s is one of the most powerful experiences in life.  Tough to do with social media.

Another of the things people need is to express themselves creatively. This can come in almost any creative form from writing, painting, drawing, woodworking, or any other form of expression.  Creativity is your soul speaking to the world.  Time spent in the vortex of social media is time spent away from creating or learning, or developing yourself as a person. You don’t have to drop off social media, but become conscious of your attachment to it and let that attachment go.  Develop who you are, not what people see about you online.

Letting Go of Attachments

When you let go of all attachments, not just electronic but also those to unhealthy ideas, you open up space for you to develop as a thinking human being.  Then you can let situations be what they are without expectations of your attachment to them.  Each day then contains a little more potential to become whatever it can become.  It all starts with a conscious choice to see the attachment you might have with your phone. Looking at it 900 times a day, seeking validation and support. Those things are already in you. All you have to do is choose to see and pursue them.  It all begins with an awareness of your thoughts, emotions, words, and actions today because of that heightened awareness of technology and its hold on you.

“The word ‘friend’ has become so utterly void of meaning in a world governed by social media. How can anyone truly claim to have eleven hundred friends? In my book, that would involve making time to meet at least three of them every day of the year.”? Alex Morritt

“Social media sites creates [an] illusion of connectivity .”   – Malay Shah






Super Hero

 How Super Are You?  (Hint: I Know You are Pretty Super)

we are all superman
There is a Superman inside each of us

Who hasn’t imagined at some point in their lives that they were a superhero like Superman? Of course, we all have looked at the superpowers of Superman and wondered what life would be like with that power. But, amazingly, so many people don’t see the powers they possess—strength, character, and a commitment to truth and justice.

Hiding Our Inner Superman

My fascination with superheroes has been lifelong, but I would never have admitted it because I never wanted people to know what Clark Kent really was. Hiding my inner thoughts to avoid being detected by society and putting them at risk of destruction.  There is an easy connection from everyone’s mind to the Superman folk tale because we have all lived it in one way or another. Yes, we are all Supermen (or women).

Even though we don’t have “superpowers,” or at least I don’t, there is an inner talent that we are all born with, which is unique and totally yours.  This is something that may be

there is a clark kent in us too
We all hide our own Clarke Kent identity

artistic and creative or really anything that is uniquely you.  Our lives tend to make us hide this “true identity” from the world. The duplicitous nature seems to exist in many people’s lives and allows us to relate to our superheroes from a very young.  We all had to act “well behaved” in certain circumstances and not like our normal wild heathen selves.  Our Clark Kent personalities were for Sundays and special occasions. Our superhero side came out every other time of day.

Like Superman, We all Have Kryptonite

An even deeper psychological connection exists between all people and Superman, and that is because we all have Kryptonite.  Kryptonite represents Superman’s childhood, his beginning, and it can destroy him. If anyone finds out about his origins, then you may destroy him.  How many people have felt the same way? Our own childhoods, good or bad, tend to provide us with the same quandary. If people knew about them, then they may not like us or reject us and, in effect, destroy us.  Much like Superman and Kryptonite, we are all afraid of our past, and that fear may ultimately lead to our destruction.

To most people, Superman’s idea is that even though he has a past and just might be destroyed, he still takes on the danger of doing what is right.  This, I believe, is the part of the folk tale that we all hope we can adopt.  There are continuous opportunities daily to “Do the right thing,” even if it is not easy.  Knowing what is right and doing what is right is a problem that has perplexed man since there was first a significant thought. However, despite all of this, there are still people who choose to take the high road, regardless of their cost.  These are the superheroes that do exist, and probably at one point in their very young lives, tied a blanket around their neck and jumped from the top of the couch, believing they could fly.

You will Fly Again

Even if you have fallen at one point in life or even two or ten, there is still a power of

fly like superman
If you have ever made your own cape, you believed in Superman

goodness within you that can rise again. The superhero can dust off the cape and remember the things that make them powerful and unique individuals. Choosing the path that is right for you can start each day anew. Superman can rise again today.

Some will tell you that Superman never existed, and the stories are just entertainment; others will hear this diagnosis, smile, and never reveal the truth. But, Superman exists as much as you want him to, inside every one of us.



“A house divided against itself cannot stand.” – Abraham Lincoln.

133622396_80_80This famous quote by Abraham Lincoln was given well over a hundred years ago, and I believe that We can directly apply it today to why we do not have peace in the world. When it comes to war, hatred, and discrimination of any kind, there first has to exist a feeling of separation in one’s mind.  A cognitive judgment that a person places on another to exclude them from themselves and their lives.

I was trying to decide if I had ever experienced peace in my lifetime, and I concluded that I had not.  There are several definitions of peace, but the one I am talking about is a state of harmony between people or groups; freedom from strife.  Perhaps for a short time, these afflictions exist all around us, and only the implementation of love and understanding can provide any other experience.

It’s Easy to Build Walls A Monkey Can Do it.

monkeyI was having a conversation with a friend who continually separates people into different groups and stereotypes them.  When I point this out, his retort is OK because his stereotypes are positively meant to him. There is no such thing as a positive stereotype because once you separate yourself from someone, you have set the stage for you to perpetrate violence or discrimination against them.

If you honestly look at your own life and feelings toward others, you will see that the groups and people who you don’t care for are the ones you have separated from yourself. Either because of race, religion, economic status, ethnic background, or nationality.  These separations perpetuate fear and lead to acceptance of violence toward others.

 Divide and Conquer

stereo types to
Labeling anyone and generalizing their humanity immediately makes them less than human in your mind.

My simple premise is that once you accept a label and separation, you have justified any poor behavior toward those that have been separated. This can be done individually, as looking down on your neighbor or en mass as relating to races, religions, or nationalities.

If that were where my thought ended, then it might seem a rather dim view of the world without any hope of peace ever breaking out, but I do not think this is so. The solution to the problem of separation lies within each of us in our ability to love.

Peace Starts Within You

The first place for peace to start is within yourself and in your daily life. Look for the separations that you create between yourself and others. Rich or poor. Old or young. Married or single. Any of these are separation devices.  In my state, there is a lot of discrimination against the poor. All people who need help from the state are labeled as unsuccessful, lazy, drains on the economy.  It is then easy for these people who already.

Why we Build Walls

wallsWhen it comes to experiencing peace in our world, the biggest barrier is the walls we build to separate us. This can be a physical, mental, or spiritual separation. Still, when you hold something apart from yourself, you have subconsciously allowed yourself to exclude others, discriminate against them, and in the end, perpetuate hate.  When separations are removed for whatever reason, the opposite happens. Understanding flows because we are all the same.

Walls are built because of fear, and fear is the root of all evil in the world. Hate, anger, jealousy, and conformity all stem from the tree of fear.

Expanding circles is the Answer.

The simple response to building walls is not tearing them down but refusing to build them cop bannerin the first place. In your mind, your heart, or your soul.  We need to expand the circle of who we include under our definition and allow more people in. The more you include in the group of “us,” the less fear there will be of the group of “them.”

Instead of excluding someone and labeling them, include them and accept them. People are all the same. We are equal members of the human race, and that membership should rise above one’s nationality, religion, or skin color.  Draw a big circle around yourself and include everyone on your side, then there will be no opposition.

Love is the answer to fear, and love involves understanding and acceptance. For every branch that exists on the tree of fear, there is a corresponding and more powerful counterpart on the tree of love.  Love over fear.

One day I may experience peace.


“Focus on where you want to go, not what you fear.”

4e267__8722913709_47950e8ae3_zSociety teaches we should avoid failure that failure at all costs. We observe failure as a fate that is so egregious that it might just permanently mark you for life. It is such a problem that people go to great lengths to make sure they are never associated with failure. Yet failure persists because there is value in the experience of falling short. Those who learn to deal with the specter of it will be able to rise to their highest heights. Those who fear it will never accomplish much.  Where there is an excellent reward, there is always a considerable risk. You can’t have one without the other.

 A Teacher

When you are looking for the right method to achieve, there will be a period of trial and error naturally as we learn what works and what needs to be improved. Each failure offers the opportunity to learn and increase 9b461e09ab43c1a33575b983af7d3f36our talent level.  If you run from failure, there will be no risks taken. If you take no chances and get out of your comfort zone, you will not grow, and without growth, death occurs.

Being great is not going to happen overnight, and it isn’t going to come pain-free. The pain comes from falling short, trying something, and having it not work right. Then the glory comes from picking up the pieces, honestly evaluating the process, and making changes so that the next time you WILL NOT fail.  Failure is the teacher to the wise and the master of fools.

Schools Are Bland Factories

The education system today discourages failure in any way. Society designs the evaluation to reward those who follow the directions and rarely think for themselves. There are precious few possibilities where real critical thinking is encouraged. If students attempt to think for themselvesOur-Education-System, society informs them they are wrong and given a poor grade. Failure is not encouraged in any way.

All people are students in life, and obtaining knowledge in life’s classroom will involve a certain amount of failure. That is life. These challenges will come to you no matter if you are rich or poor, old or young, married or single. There will be times when your plans won’t work out the way you hoped, which is the bedrock of greatness. These are valuable life lessons that can guide you through any adversity. Great people rise above the challenges to try again and again until they find the missing ingredients of prosperity.  Our schools should teach students to experience the process of failure and enjoy the flavor of achievement.

Sweet Taste of Accomplishment

In conclusion, it is a fact that when you are seeking to become successful, there is a risk that you might fail. You cannot success comes to the one who dares, even after failure, to think positively and look forward confidently.have the real potential to be your best without the risk of failure. That is what makes the game exciting and
allows for life to be an experience of growth. If you have never failed, then you have no idea how valuable success is. Success tastes way better after you are forced a meal of your dreams dashed or destroyed.

Remember this when someone has failed and fell short, that they dared to try, and they are one step closer to finding success, while you on the sidelines of life are no closer. You are moving away from it by standing still. Take action, support others in their dreams, and run your own goal forward with your actions. Those who judge the failures of others harshly are secretly happy they failed because it justifies their inaction.

Be brave in the pursuit of your goals and dreams and accept the risk of failure. It is the only way to enjoy the best of life. Be Brave in your attempts, and forces will come to your aid.

Failure Is the Condiment That Gives Success Its Flavor – Truman Capote