All the decisions we make are for the benefit of our soul, or they exist to feed our egoic identity. Your soul is your true self; you were born to be. All the things you do and your decisions in this area will be positive, feel good, and resonate with you. Then there are the choices we make because of the ego. These are choices made in fear and generally pull us further away from who we are.
The goal is to make more decisions that benefit our souls and remind us of all the things that make us happy, productive, and whole. The problem is that our ego has pushed us into situations to distract us from our true identity and move us in directions further from our purpose toward filling our programming. The goal is to start to recognize which of your choices are doing what. Are they moving you closer to your soul or true self, or are they pushing you further away? The best test is to ask yourself every day, “Am I becoming the person I was meant to be?” Let the proper answer guide you.
Your Soul and Why You May Not Know It
Since your soul is your true self, when you strip away all of the things you identify with, which aren’t you, job, money, possessions, what others think of you, or more accurately, what you feel about yourself, you are left with your soul. It is an accurate representation of your connection with a creator and all other people in the world. There is no fear, anger, or judgment located here. A person living from the decisions their soul makes is going to be the best version of themselves.
The restlessness you feel about life comes from not living up to that version. Knowing your best is there inside you, but not learning how to let it out or share your skills with the world. Most people have some of these feelings and are unaware they have another choice.
We pursue things others have told us we should want and never consider what we might want ourselves. We are too worried about looking silly or disappointing a parent, peer, partner, or imaginary audience. Look inside yourself and see what appeals to you and give it a try. The key to understanding the soul comes from creativity because you can lose yourself in a drawing, a painting, a carving, or just restoring a piece of furniture. The act consumes your attention and quiets your mind, and that allows your soul to speak to you. Positive feelings will move you in the right direction.
Know The Ego
The ego has a distinctive negative voice, as well. It has a constant need to try to control everything and everybody out of the misguided thought that if you control everything, then nothing painful will ever happen. This need resists change and growth and makes all involved unhappy. There is also a need for approval from others, which stops one from stepping out and trying something bold and brand new.
If you wait for the approval of others to let your true self shine through, you will end up living your whole life falsely. And finally, the voice of the ego loves to express itself in the judgment of others and yourself. To judge is to be unaccepting of others, their contribution, and their differences because their differences make you feel wrong. Rather than accepting disagreements that the soul would welcome because we are all different, those differences make us glorious.
Choose The Soul
It is a magic of people that we all have within us a divine presence, and it exists in your soul. It is the thing that connects us all with all living things if you allow yourself to feel it. Each decision is either for the soul and becoming the best version of yourself or egoic thought, which stifles healthy growth, attempts to control things, and pushes people down paths they will not be happy traveling. Egoic change occurs subconsciously, and if you don’t examine your thoughts at all, they probably come from that area.
But conscious thought is a guide to your soul and your true, best self. Look at your thoughts honestly and see what they are telling you. Notice what they are telling the world about you. If we all were motivated to become the best version of ourselves, imagine what the world would look like operating from that place. We are born as a soul, and the ego we develop over time. Work your way backward and find your true self.
Thinking consciously about the things which resonate with you and bring joy to your life will allow those things to become a part of your reality. Of course, there are steep hurdles to jump in this pursuit. We have established programming which creates our beliefs and creates our intentions in what things we have in our lives.
What would your life look like if you made only choices which made you happy?
Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies. – Aristotle
Happiness resides not in possessions and not in gold; happiness dwells in the soul. – Democritus
 Begin to see yourself as a soul with a body rather than a body with a soul. –Wayne Dyer
 Each person has an idea, a hope, a dream which represents the soul. We must give to it the warmth of love, the light of understanding, and the essence of encouragement. – Colby Dorr Dam