Category Archives: 22

Cancel Your Complaining

What do you do when things don’t go your way or life puts something in your less pleasant path? Often, the most straightforward approach is to resort to the ancient verbal exercise of complaining. We complain about the weather, our boss, our coworkers, our significant others, our family, our clothes, the time of year, or anything else I am sure you can think of. There is a feeling of expression that comes from this activity, and of course, misery does love company, but it is one of the unhealthiest things you can do. It spreads negativity and makes your mood sour and your life less enjoyable—time to stop complaining. You are choosing to be unhappy and, worse, to make everyone else who has to deal with you sad. Rather than complaint, appreciate.

It is the Victim Mentality

When you complain about something, you have chosen to adopt a victim’s mentality. You are no longer in charge of your thoughts, emotions, words, or actions. They are now being controlled by whatever you are complaining about. To complain about things you can’t control, like the weather, is an exercise in futility. All your complaints will make you feel bad, and your poison will spread to others around you. You will become a force of negativity and dread that people in their right mind should avoid. But those who are of a similar mentality will flock to it. Complain about something at work or home, and you are not in control. Your complaints control you, and the result will not be positive or pretty.

But you can stop being the victim as soon as you stop complaining about things. You are working from your power when you speak out for what you want or desire. All situations can be changed for the positive when you find your passion and express constructively what is bothering you and solve it. The weather is what it is. Complaining about things you can’t control is futile. But to speak to someone who is hurting you or doing something that irritates you is powerful. Face a problem with your action and your words.

Three Choices

You have three choices to make in all situations in life. Rather than spend your valuable time complaining about things that hurt or diminish your life, confront them and make one of three choices. The first choice is to change the situation. This can be done through conversation and honest expression of how something makes you feel. We often hide from our emotions because we fear them make us look weak. They don’t and tell us how we think about things now. Expressing them appropriately to lead to a change in a situation is robust and healthy. Changing is inevitable and constant; guiding this process forward to improve your life is a good thing.

The second choice is to accept things as they are. You are not willing to institute changes now, and if you are not going to do anything constructive, rather than spending your energy complaining, you should accept things the way they are for the moment. It is a better fate than to be the victim of something. Perhaps they aren’t where you want them but as you decide what you want, accept the way things are. As long as you are physically and psychologically safe, get what is, move on, and be happy about your life. When it comes to weather, there is little choice but to take it as it is.

The third choice is difficult as well. Rather than complain about things and be a victim, leave the situation. Just put it behind you and no longer participate in it anymore. This works for all things, relationships, jobs, hobbies, friendships, or anything else you can think of. What are you waiting for if there is nothing but complaining and you are not the least happy? Life is too short to be spent in unhappy circumstances, which isn’t good for you or anyone else.

Change it, accept it as it is or leave it. Never complain. 

“Stay away from ‘still’ people. Still broke, complaining, still hating, and still nowhere.” Anonymous

 “Complaining never makes anything better.” Anonymous

“If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude. Don’t complain.” Maya Angelou

 “Go 24 hours without complaining. (Not even once). Then watch how your life starts changing.” Anonymous

A Life Is Defined By Action

wd oooHow many great ideas are destroyed before they have a chance to take root? How many are discarded by the neglect of time? Due to fear of failure or a lack of self-confidence? The time to wait is over, and the time for action is here. Taking action is THE ingredient that turns the perfect combination of raw materials into a masterpiece. Life is defined by the actions one takes or, in many cases, the inaction.

I wanted to share a few things I have learned about grasping your life by the throat through action. None of them are complicated to do, but they can be daunting, and I continually have to remind myself about these things.

Forget your Fears

We are all afraid at some point. Fear has served its purpose in your life to help keep you safe in a wild world, but it can become too much for people to function at the level of their highest capabilities. What is there to be afraid of? Action will defeat fear. Always!

inactionIf you stretch yourself, reaching for something you want, what is the worst thing? Fear will stop you from getting because you may be hurt, but that cocoon you exist in has become a cage, and it is time to let that go. Action will destroy fear.

Ignore the negative voices of others and even your mind. When someone behaves without fear, it can make people uncomfortable because their worries are displayed in comparison. Encourage the negative to seek positive actions. Actions will defeat fear.

Recognize your fear, thank it for caring and then do what you should. Move forward with all of the drive and ambition that you have in your heart. You are a bright light that doesn’t need to be hidden anymore. It is your time to shine through the dim fog of fear. Action will destroy fear.

Focus on Your Voice

There is a voice guiding our actions in each of us, and it performs this duty perfectly and for our greater good. Unfortunately, many of us lack a practical aptitude for hearing this voice, much less following it.

The voice is not in your mind but in your heart, and it can only be heard when you quiet your mind and listen. This is the guide that can tell you what you need to know and help guide your steps toward your dreams. To quiet the reason is a simple breathing practice, focusing on your breath and not paying attention to the endless stream of thoughts in your mind. 99% of these are not essential or relevant.

If you have a fail, it is this voice that will tell you to keep on going. Regardless of what others or your mind think, your greatness will be revealed when listening to this voice. Quiet your mind and focus on your voice. It is never wrong and will guide you into the action and places you need to go. You have to have faith and follow what it tells you. This is admittedly difficult to do, but what have you got to lose? A life of comfortable mediocrity?

Be Conscious of Your Vibration

Quantum physics has proven that each object globally projects a measurable vibration based on its physical makeup. You and I are no different, with the minor exception that human being seems to be able to adjust their vibration by changing how they perceive the world. Your thoughts are paramount to this. You can’t control all of your thoughts because they come pretty rapidly sometimes. Yet we have total control over the views we pay attention to and, of course, our reaction to those thoughts. 

In a nutshell, focus on the thoughts that come from love, such as kindness, joy, peace, hope, benevolence, empathy, truth, faith, and compassion. They provide a higher vibration and power.   Give no attention to thoughts like envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, resentment, guilt, inferiority, lies, superiority, or ego, which are all thoughts of fear. These lower vibrations will thwart your plans and make your life less enjoyable.

Positive thoughts are the motivation for our best actions. Our actions will define us. Many believe that your vibration will determine what type of life you will experience. Be conscious of which thoughts you focus on, and they will evaluate the experiences that come into your life. The quality of people you meet and the success you ultimately enjoy through your experience.

Kick  It Now

All of this is to urge you to go for it. If you have a mountain in front of you, climb it! Start swimming if there is an ocean between you and what you want. Now is your time.

All people are born with extraordinary abilities, and how much of those the world will see is determined by your conscious decisions to take action. If you want to lose weight, start doing something to lose weight!

If you want to be successful, start doing what you can to achieve your goals. There is absolutely nothing between you and your dreams than a lack of action. 

Time To Rise

Are You Ready To Rise?

For a long time, I believed that if you created a graph of the activity and thought a person experienced in their life, it would inevitably have a wide variety of points. There would be big moments where you shared your best, and of course, the predictable low moments where tragedy and disappointment visited a life. Between the highs and lows are the steady moments of life that make up most of our experiences. We can’t fear the low moments because they lead to the most significant personal growth. I can look at my life and plot the points of success, failure, satisfaction, fun, contentment, anger, hatred, and love. My experience provides a virtual rise and fall of personal accomplishment and fear. But where they fall on my chart is based on my own beliefs. The events of my life generally have neutral except for the value I assigned to them. I decided what was “good” and what was “bad” and reacted as such. Was I lost or just plain wrong? Looking at the events of falling in love, graduating from college, getting that job, and accomplishing that goal, along with everything else that I viewed as a positive, represented positive growth. While their corresponding low points represent every failure, loss of love, job change, unfulfilled dream, and damage suffered the opportunities I have had for growth. I thought you could never have a high without a low. Was I right, or can we all rise at this moment and become the best version of ourselves today?

I was Wrong

As I look at my life, I realize that I have been plotting things all wrong.     Each of my experiences is not meant to be judged as good or bad and then charted to riaing upsignify my advancement toward happiness. Each experience was given to me to help me learn a lesson that I needed to know. Either I will master the task and move forward to accept new teaching.   Or perhaps if the experience isn’t acquired, the lesson will continually be presented until I finally get a clue and learn what I need to know.

That realization is powerful, although I don’t like to have “bad” things happen to me because that experience is not great fun at the moment. The momentum and direction a challenging experience gives you can be the same push you need to become something you always dreamed you could be.

So charting your life through highs and lows is merely adding our perceptions of things into your experience. Nothing is inherently good or bad unless we believe them to be so. A more accurate chart would be a straight line that continually moves upward to a fuller development as a human being.

Finding your Gift

I believe that we are all born with a gift that is unique to us, and that gift is the the-meaning-of-life-is-to-find-your-gift-pablo-picassothing that makes us happy. Often throughout life, that gift is forgotten due to the conditioning that society, our peers, families, and the educational system provide us with incomplete information designed to make us forget who we are.

People are encouraged to fit in and excel in the acceptance of someone else’s ideas. Our educational system gives out Kudos for being a properly trained individual. It seems like avoidance of creative thinking is all that concerns most people. Individuals become docile, accepting sheep who devour all of the provided fodder, and falling in line will bring reward. Think outside the expectations, and you will have a significant problem.

To find the unique gift, you must overcome this conditioning and realize that you are a great human soul with unlimited potential. A fact that is not debatable, and what is up for discussion, is how you use that gift.


So as you move through life and experiences come your way, remember that each moment comes to help you overcome the narrow-minded conditioning of life and remind you what your natural talent is.

You are learning not to label these experiences as either good or bad and accept them as things happening right now. Some lessons are inherently more pleasant than others, but all experiences have value. It is often difficult to see the value of the forest when you are lost amongst the trees.

Remember that no matter what stage of your life you are in, the graph does not fluctuate wildly, up and down, depending on experiences. That would give you seasickness or whiplash. Your chart always moves in a continually upward direction, moving you closer to your true self and unique talent.   It may level off as you stop searching or get lost, but it will never go down, just as your chronological age will never go backward. Your identity will continually climb.

When you are ready to recognize your talent, you will see that you have been and continually are rising all the time.

“You decide how high you rise in life. Nobody can stop you but you.”

“Never let the fear of falling stop you from rising to your highest potential. Fear is just a thought.” 

“Falling is a part of life; we all fall. It’s getting up every time that makes you a legend.”

“In all situations, you dictate the meaning for you. You decide if it builds you or breaks you. No person can ask for more power than that.”


Any Limiting Belief Can Be Changed

We all have beliefs developed through our lives because of the experiences we have had and the thoughts we have been exposed to. Some of our beliefs help us become the best we can be and contribute to society. But others limit what we can create and who we are. As new information becomes available, any limiting belief can be changed with thought and effort. Here are six limiting beliefs many people accept as accurate, which are not. These are things we should NOT participate in.

Believing you can profit from hurting another.

There are many examples of people and companies who may have driven profits by participating in activities that harm others in the short or long term. Believing you can profit from hurting other people is an invitation to lose your money and your soul. Life has a way of rewarding our behavior just as we deserve. Even if you profit in the short term, it will all come to nothing. To go through life and cause no harm is the life I desire. Making a profit needs to include the human element. If you are causing damage to others, your earnings will be short-lived, and your enjoyment non-existent.

Worrying About Things, You Can’t Change.

You can control things in life and things you can’t. That is a fact of life. To spend time in a state of agitation over things you can’t control is a senseless waste of time. Being wise enough to know precisely what items are on that list is also essential. Worry is a waste of time anyway. Looking at what might go wrong and playing out all the negative scenarios in your mind, which are most likely never to occur, is a misuse of your valuable imagination. You will deal with your challenges as they come. Plan as best you can, and then let the chips fall where they may. Have concern over the things you can control because they will define your life. Where you work, who you love, where you live, who you spend time with, what you spend your time doing, all of these can be controlled. Worrying about the things you can’t change is a mistake in life.

Insist that something is impossible just because you can’t do it.

In life, the neigh sayers discourage all types of people and endeavors. These are the people who claim with certainty that someone else

You decide what is possible for you

is crazy for trying something new or different. They believe something can’t be done a certain way because they can’t do it that way or, worse yet, just never thought of things that way. Are you one of these people? Be an encourager, not a negative person in life. Encourage others to try to do the impossible rather than to be a needle in the balloon of someone’s hope. If all you have is negativity, keep it to yourself and live in your limiting bubble allowing birds to fly free. For it is in the freedom of life that true beauty and talent exist.

I am holding fast to trivial pride, preference, and prejudice.

We are inundated with beliefs when we are young, and most of them stick with us unchallenged throughout our lives. There is no good reason to hold onto an idea about others that is wrong. Each of us has the power to support, be kind, and give. These things will be stunted by pride, preference, and prejudice. Accept people and things that are different from you and allow them to be who they are, and you will find a better version of yourself behind this. Holding fast to these things makes for a negative, sad, and fearful life. That is a choice we all must make. Let go of these things and grow as a person.

People Stop Learning

People stop learning exactly when they choose to. But to me, education is a lifelong experience, especially today. We have access to information at the touch of a button. We can learn about anything from needlepoint to quantum physics by going to Youtube and watching a video about it. People should never stop learning because learning is growing, and growing is living. Without growth, there is only stagnation and death. Knowledge keeps the brain functioning and working at a high level, and as your mind expands, the wiser you get and the more you can contribute to the world. Learning is one of the most important things you can do every day. Learn one new thing a day, your life will be fuller, and your wisdom will eventually be great.

You are trying to compel others to believe and live as you do.

There are over 7 billion people in the world. Each has a right to practice the religion they want, follow the career they are interested in, and the personal life they choose. Too many needless conflicts have arisen in our history because someone wants to dictate how they should live in the world. It is impossible in the long run but unnecessary in any life. Suppose you find peace and comfort in your religion, then good for you. It doesn’t mean it will resonate with me or anyone else. It is none of your business what my relationship with a higher power might be. That is my choice, and I will not expect or compel you to think the same. This goes for all people in all choices they make in their lives. You live, who you love, or what you choose to wear is your option and an expression of who you are, not me. I would no more expect you to change than I would expect myself to change to make you happy.

If you see yourself in some of these things, think about where you are and why you feel the way you do. If you live your life in the judgment of others because of their lifestyle, ethnicity, religion, or beliefs about life, consider making some changes and bringing more peace and happiness to the world.

The Words of Achievement

All people capable of the art of speech let loose with thousands of words every day, but individuals rarely take the time to listen to what they are saying and the impact those words have on their lives. Each person is dictating the events they are capable of achieving through the use of their words. Both on the outside and, more importantly, on the inside. Is your life moving in the direction you desire or not? Check your words, and dictate if you are happy and prosperous in your endeavors or failing to achieve anything relevant.

Inside Job

Words are the expression of ideas we carry around in our minds. We don’t necessarily share everything we think with the rest of the world, but we can’t help noticing the thoughts in our minds. That is being human. If every time you think of goals you want to achieve, you are met with a barrage of discouraging thoughts, ready to stop achievement, and bold action before it collects any momentum.

These thoughts are often programmed into us by parents, relatives, education systems, pop culture, and peers. We have learned which ideas to share and which will brand us as strange or weird. So conditioned, we become that our conditioned thoughts run continuously and without conscious direction. They harm our self-worth, limiting our abilities to become what we are destined to be. Suppose we can get out of our way. Words are the things that either stop us cold or propel us into our best selves.

Outside Words

All people are contracted to the words they speak and bring into the world. What you talk about and focus on is what will show up in your reality. If you accept negative comments about your ability, character, or looks as accurate, then you are allowing the words of another to control your life. Too often, individuals allow the words spoken with malice or no thought to destroying their ability to do something good.

If you allow someone else’s words to dictate how you feel about yourself, you give up your most basic, powerful, and complete form of power. Astonishingly, most people are unconsciously moving through life. Each of you

Remove all doubt and destructive aspects of the words in how you think and speak to yourself. The terms thought or spoken will provide the direction and accomplishments of your life.

The Universe is listening to you and will bring back what it hears. We tell ourselves often and loudly what we are not capable of doing, and the Universe will ensure that is what happens to us.

Words You Speak Determine Your Path

Endeavor to set an intention in your life to be conscious of the words you put into the Universe internally and externally. If you are not where you desire to be, then perhaps your language is one of the reasons. All you think and say guides the forces of creation to bring you just what you are looking for. It is just as easy to create good things as to cause unwanted, complicated items. It would be best to consciously make what you want, starting with how you think and speaking about yourself and your abilities.

When your mind speaks negatively, notice and switch it over to a positive machine, helping you create your best life rather than a negative deterrent to success.



What Do You Imagine?

When you start moving toward your desires, you must set a clear intention about what you want to achieve. It is one of the most important first steps you can take. No trip can reach a successful conclusion unless you know the destination. That is one of the problems we face in life. We want something better but are unsure what that looks like. Indecision in intention leads to a lack of action and little accomplishment because there is no clear direction for your thoughts, emotions, words, and activities. Setting a clear intention for what you want seems like a logical first step, but some obstacles block us every day. Hopefully, you will grow in understanding the power of your intention.

Law of Intention- Directing energy as the intention is the first step of accomplishment and achievement, which allows you to accomplish goals. 

Lack  of Clear Intentions

How often do we wish for something better but have no clear idea exactly what that would look like in reality? Hoping for generic things like more money or a better relationship is great, but there has to be a more specific intention to think about and then take actual physical action. This movement is where tools like visualizing and goal setting can help you. Visualizing is taking your intention and imagining what it will look and feel like when it arrives. This mental picture can help set the direction of your action toward your purpose.

A simple goal-setting process can also help clarify your intention. What is an intention but a goal? Sit down and write the steps and actions you need to take to allow this intention to come into your reality. If you want better relationships, then changes have to be made. If you want more money or a more satisfying career, then make a clear plan of action steps to put into practice. Things have to change for new things to come into your life.

Intention and Fear

Change is difficult for everyone; even if you are struggling, change can be frightening. Also, if things are bad, at least you are dealing with it. What if things get worse? Fear is a funny thing, it is nothing but a thought, but it comes with all sorts of complications for your life. It comes with many wild scenarios of disaster that may result if you pursue a new path. You may fail, people will talk, and you may end up in real danger. These are all fearful thoughts that stop people from following their intentions.

One of the things that separate those living their lives the way they want to and those just living life is the courage to create an intention and then take steps to pursue it. All great things come with a risk attached, making them valuable. Setting an intenta choices you want and then following it through conclusion is what life is all about. It is going to work, or it isn’t. Real courage is to keep going when your first attempt doesn’t work out. Sometimes you need to learn a skill or try a different path for intentions to come into reality. Fear stops the process.

Get Your Intentions In Gear

It is time to decide what it is that you want out of your life at this moment and set a firm intention to do it. Once you have a clear picture of what you want to accomplish, where you want to go, and who you want to spend time with each moment. Once you have this picture in your head, please write it down and continue focusing on it. See the steps you need to take and start to take them.  

Don’t be discouraged if things don’t go exactly as you plan; practice; practice and allow the item to come into your life in the best manner possible. Which they will if you allow them to. The key is to focus on what you want in your life and make sureensuretaking action to see if it can happen. It may and may not, but one thing is for sure, if you set no intention, nothing will happen.

“Creation’s gold mine is in you, and deliberate intention is key. Whatever your dream may be at this moment, identify it. If you cannot define your desire, it can never become a reality.”- Mary Manin Morrissey.

“No one researches physics to win a prize, and it is the joy of discovering something no one knew before.” -Stephen Hawking.

“The world is awaiting your gift – all you have to do is show up with the right intention!” -Lewis Howes.


Let’s Shine a Light

Overcoming toxic fear- brave
Dive Into Your Life……Fearlessly

All of us must know at a basic level that fear is bad. I am not thinking of the basic fear of heights, snakes, or public speaking. Even though the roots of those are located in one of the three fears, which cause us to think negatively and bring negative energy to our lives. To eliminate the toxicity of fear, it is essential to learn how to recognize it and the emotions attached to it and destroy it in our lives. It sounds straightforward, but you know it is anything but simple if you know fear as I do. Let’s look at these three fears, how they arise, and how to eliminate them. Imagine living a life free of fear. What could you accomplish that you haven’t? What things in life would flow better and more efficiently? I didn’t invent these fears, but I have had in-depth experience with them. Let’s shine a light on them.

Fear of the Future

If everyone is honest, they will admit to entertaining the thought of fear about tomorrow’s future. It is easy because we all have hopes and dreams for what will come. But we also have experienced pain because we have attachments to specific outcomes that didn’t happen. It is a constant game of what if and worries. What if the car breaks down? What if they leave? What if I get sick? The list of potential problems is nearly infinite, and your mind will play this game a lot because it is a trick to think if you consider all of the difficulties you might face, you will never be disappointed when tragedy does come your way.

The problem is you are creating anxiety where none needs to exist. Challenges will come your way, and you will deal with them as they come. The actions you will need to take will become apparent as required. To eliminate these fears, the best technique is to maintain a sense of mindfulness and be in the moment right now. Right now is the only moment you are guaranteed. Live there and let tomorrow bring its things. That doesn’t mean you don’t plan, we all do the best we can in this area, but it also means you don’t put all of your energy into fearing what might happen tomorrow or next week. Be grateful for the things you have in your life right now at this moment. Live today and dismiss the fear of tomorrow.

Fear of Rejection

This fear also exists in everyone; some people deal with it much better than others. We have all been in a situation we haven’t gotten what we wanted in life, had a relationship end, or lost a job or something else that mattered to us. This is rejection, and that can be a harrowing experience. It is so painful that we will create a life where we don’t put ourselves in that position again. We will limit ourselves and the people we are close to, ensuring we don’t find that pain again. But that is fear, and fear is toxic and will limit you in all ways.

To face these fears is to understand the pain inside will happen occasionally, and you don’t want to go out and seek it, but you can’t live a life of limit to avoid it either. I have spent years in limiting situations because I was afraid of rejection. It stems from your experience and the programming you have had in life. Something that happened when you were very young can hold a place in you, creating fear of being rejected by someone. Divorce often has this effect on children. We all rationally know it isn’t the child’s fault, but it feels like rejection for sure to the child. Face your fear of pain and jump back in with an open heart and a clear mind. It isn’t easy because there is always going to be a chance you will be hurt. And pain is still………..well, painful. But life is about living, and pain is a part of that. Fear stops you from living. Focus on today and not what has happened in the past and accept new things and people and be grateful for them.

Fear of Failure

We have been conditioned in our lives to fear failure. It is a word that has become synonymous with lessening your ability and a result to be avoided at all costs. Look at our educational system: you pass and are great or fail, and you are not so wonderful. If you have never done something and are trying to figure it out, you will not experience success right away, more than likely. But if you continue to work, take the lessons from your first attempt, and put them into your efforts the next time. You eventually will bring your goal into reality. But a fear of failure stops many from even attempting.

It would be quite a world to put the fear of failure behind us and try things we are interested in without being labeled. When a young person tries and doesn’t do things quite right, it is essential to encourage and not chastise them. See the effort and encourage them to try again. All great things are created through the action of experiencing “failure” and applying what you learn. If others discouraged you as a child, it is up to you now to choose how you respond to a challenge today. Some don’t step out of what they know they can do, and others jump into the challenge. Funny that once you face the fear of failure, you realize how valuable those experiences are to you and your learning. Try without attachment and be open to the feedback experience gives you; you can do anything.

Fear Not

Many fears branch off these three toxic fears, but you can overcome them by learning to recognize when you are afraid. Fear is a feeling of danger and exists to maintain your well-being. It moves you away from physical danger and keeps you safe. When this perception of risk is irrational and mental, you need to shine a light on it, and you will find the fear holding you back is nothing but a misguided thought. The thought you are supporting the things you believe about life. Change your thoughts, and you will find these three toxic fears can be lessened or even eliminated from your life. Start by consciously looking at how you approach things. Please point out the fear, and notice it in your mind. Understand it isn’t you. A simple change in thought can eliminate it. This is not an easy process, but it is simple, and anyone can do it. You can do it if you try, and the result will be a life of limitless possibility.

Quotes on Fear:

“Is it useful to feel fear because it prepares you for nasty events, or is it useless because nasty events will occur whether you are frightened or not?”– Lemony Snicket

“Many times, the thought of fear itself is greater than what it is we fear.”– Idowu Koyenikan

“Men go to far greater lengths to avoid what they fear than to obtain what they desire.”– Dan Brown

“Of all the liars in the world, sometimes the worst are our fears.” – Rudyard Kipling

“One great enemy we must all endeavor to fear, not conquer, is fear. Fear can cripple purpose and purposeful life. Fear asks questions we must fear. Fear makes vision a nightmare. One must always cross the barrier of fear to get to the great city of true purposefulness. A great number of us who are unable to live to accomplish the true reason for our existence on earth are unable to cross the barrier of fear in the first place.”– Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

“The enemy is fear. We think it is hate; but, it is fear.”– Gandhi


Living in the Moment

living in the momentLiving in the moment is a lost art. It is easy to get sucked into the thought patterns that take you into the past and allow a person to remember past triumphs, beautiful feelings, or pleasant times with those we love. Or conversely, people are lost in the worry about what might happen tomorrow, thinking up all kinds of disasters they might suffer but probably won’t. These two distractions regretting the past and worrying about the future, are the most significant factors causing suffering and unhappiness today. Learning to live, really live in the present, is the most powerful tool you can develop for a happy life. The only moment we are guaranteed in any life is this one; right here, don’t waste it by not being present.

Many live just by going through the motions, standing still, or worse yet, living in the glow of past events. There is nothing wrong with understanding and remembering your past, but allowing it to dominate your current life through nostalgia and thoughts of a romantic past will lessen the joy you can have today. Several others Living in the moment will provide happiness and satisfaction in each part of your day. In reality, it is all that you are guaranteed to have.

What is Past Is Prolog, Living in the Moment

All the events and experiences we have ever had are simply an introduction to what we will face today. Each experience, good, past is prolougebad, or neutral, is given to us as a gift to experience, understand, enjoy, feel, and learn from but then discard. You take the lesson from them and take it with you. But you leave the past behind you, which can do you no good. The weight of carrying who you were, where you were, and what you wished you had done is too much for the strongest person. The past is only an introduction and explanation for the person you have developed into today. Don’t let the past be the star. Fill that role yourself.

Most often, the lessons you learn will be vital in dealing with something in your future. There are many different opportunities to excel and grow because of the tasks that the past provides you with. Even a bad experience can bring an understanding or lesson you need to accomplish a goal or follow a dream. Don’t bother getting all wrapped up in a bad experience, as it will only weigh you down like an anchor. Take the lessons and values and move forward. In doing this, you can strive to become the best version of yourself.

Leave it ALL Behind Practice Living in the Moment.

Once you learn the lessons, those must be all you take. Pleasant and bad memories need to be placed aside because they take attention away from what you can get out of living in the momenttoday. Right now is a powerful place and the only place you can be right now. There is no yesterday, last hour, tomorrow, or an hour from now. None of these places are guaranteed to you in any way.

The past is often taken out of context in our minds, and we remember the past how we want it to rather than how it was. This is demonstrated in every event witnessed by a group of people. When you approach them separately, the story will never be the same. Rarely is the story even close to what it is in reality. The past is nothing to build a life on because the memories you bank on are most likely partially fabricated. The benefit is that if you don’t like what happened, you can change that story to something more positive and supportive. This moment is all that you have.

Living in the moment is the only reasonable choice for becoming your best in whatever you want to accomplish.


Use Your Power of Intention

There are two types of people, those who plan everything and those who plan nothing.  I believe spontaneity has its place in life, but when it comes down to accomplishment and actually getting something done, you need to have the end of your efforts in mind. It will help fuel your activities and guide you toward your desired result.  Without the guidance of a genuine intention, we are easily distracted from our path, and reaching our accomplishments will be difficult, but setting an intention is relatively easy. The little effort it takes will allow people to turn their goals into reality and live more fulfilling lives.

Plan Nothing

A wise friend once told me, “If you plan nothing, that is exactly what will happen.”  This is as true for your big goals in life as it is for how you spend your time on the weekend.  Creating a plan will focus on your actions and guide you in the time you can spend on each task to achieve everything you want.  In the short term, you will find your weekends much more productive if you create a list of intentions you will accomplish in that time.  That means committing your thoughts to paper and making a list of the intentions you are pursuing.  There will be things you want to do and things you have to do.  You will be shocked how just writing down something will hold you accountable when you just thought about your list in your mind. It is easy to “forget” your intentions.

With bigger goals, you need to write them down and continually review them.  Break down the ultimate accomplishment into smaller pieces, write them down, and move forward to make it happen.  Keeping the result in mind as you work through creation is vital to keep you working toward achieving what you want in life.  Without intention, long-term goals are virtually impossible. There must be a “fire” inside you to accomplish anything of substance and make it last.  People tend to move like a boat on the water with broken steering cables with no clear destination. They move very quickly in a circle, always in motion, but most energy is wasted because it isn’t taking you anywhere.  Keep your desired ending in mind and write down an intention to get there.

The Path

Once you set an intention and act for a purpose, the path you must take opens up in front of you. It isn’t by magic, and it is by necessity.  Each step you need to take will be there in front of you.  Will there be “missteps”? Yes, there will be an experience you need and the knowledge you have to obtain to reach your ultimate goal.  People without intention can lose their motivation after just one minor setback, whereas someone who desires to accomplish a thing will have no issue continuing their effort regardless of what is in their way. Your intention leads the way.

Keep moving ahead, even taking just a tiny step daily, and you will inevitably find the next available step.  The path to all outstanding accomplishments is easy to see from the endpoint of success. Looking back, you can see how all things are connected. Moving forward, you have to have faith in the Universe to cause all of the tumblers to fall just where they need to for your intention to become a reality.

Each day we begin a new chance to follow the goals we want, or we will unconsciously work toward someone else’s intention. Be conscious of what you want, write it down, revisit the statement often, and have faith you will accomplish what you seek.

“Every morning, you have two choices: continue to sleep with your dreams or wake up and chase them.”

“Intention is one of the most powerful forces there is. What you mean when you do a thing will always determine the outcome. The law creates the world.” — Brenna Yovanoff

“Every journey begins with the first step of articulating the intention, and then becoming the intention.” — Bryant McGill

“A gift consists not in what is done or given, but in the intention of the giver or doer.” — Seneca 


Getting Creative Every Day

Creativity-quotes141I am grateful for the fact that I can be creative. The writing process is where I find my outlet for ideas, but it is not the only one I have tried. It may be the only one I care to share, but creativity in any medium can free up your mind and make you more productive, expressive, and even happy. Taking something that only exists in the recesses of your mind and turning it into a real thing is a fantastic human quality that allows the expression of our deepest selves. It is a procedure we should cherish and pursue in all circumstances and areas.

Finding My Creative Outlet

It doesn’t matter who you are, where you are from, or how old you are, and there is a need for you to be creative. You may recognize this in yourself and create it regularly. I believe that each of us is blessed with some creative talent. These talents may be used for us to enjoy alone and not put on display for everyone to see. Your talent exists still, even if nobody sees it. Some people write, some draw, some dance, and others sing and create music. It doesn’t matter how you make; it only matters that your talent is fully expressed.

When you seek an answer to something, one way to find it is to quiet your mind by occupying it with something. Once all of your focus is on that thing, it frees up space for your heart to speak to you and allows you to listen to that conversation’s emotions. Creativity makes this possible, and the great thing is anyone can do it. Rather than sit in confusion and wonder, take a moment and get creative. You will be amazed at all the things you can create. And the good that can come from it.

Why I Share

This creativity isn’t for anyone but yourself, but eventually, you want creativity 555to know if what you are creating resonates with anyone else. So we venture out to share it. For me, it is easy to do. Publishing on this website is my playground of creativity. I am allowing myself the chance to share my thoughts and have all my imagination examined by others, for better or for worse. But I can put my style into my writing and work out my thoughts and emotions in my words. I almost always include a song expressing my feelings about a particular topic at the end. If you play the music while you read, it will make sense. But that is up to you. My part is to create.

I am sure that it needs some work, and none of my writing is perfect, but it does express something inside me that I feel has to come out. I think I hope that someone else will read it and say, “I get it. I feel just like that!”   I was recently told that it is a cathartic experience to know that your existence is not isolated. We are not alone and not the only ones going through something.   There is a feeling of joy in knowing you are not alone. How else will you find those who share what you have seen, felt, or heard in life unless you put it all out there?   We are all connected, and through creativity, you can see how.

Try Something New

Even though you may have found your creative outlet. Keep on trying other forms of

A drawing I made once when I had writer’s block. Expressing yourself is always healthy and positive for you.

Creativity presents itself in your life. I have found that even though I have no talent for it, drawing can help me be more creative in writing. Something about the process is foreign to me, but so much fun. I do not have talent in this area, but I do have enjoyment, which is enough reason to pursue something. Perhaps it’s singing or playing an instrument. Whatever it is that you like, please give it a go. What is the worst that can happen? It is for you and not anyone else, so who cares if you are not the best at it?

I am grateful today for having creativity and the courage to share it for all to see and know. They may like or hate it, but it is still a natural part of me, and that should be enough. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks about your creations; what you think counts.

There is no reason to include this song today except that I wanted to. It is a great song, I love it, and I think there isn’t a reason you should be more creative in every way!! Enjoy.