How You Fit

everyone_fits_in_somewhereYou Fit in So Well

I think that all people at some time have the feeling that they just don’t fit in. It could have been in school, and it could be at work or anywhere else in the world. Feeling like you are just too different to find your place is a common belief, but it is one that you should get rid of right now because that thought is only limiting you from seeing the places where you do fit ideally.

Hiding your Talent will not Let You Fit In

The thought that we are too different to fit into society in any way will il_570xN.244205841
cause a person to look for ways to conform to the expectations of the norm. That means that you are looking for ways to hide the things about yourself that make you original, fantastic, and just plain wonderful.  That unique you are the one you should nurture and allow to grow and not hide from the world.  Through our rarity, the world will ultimately embrace you, and you will make your mark.

Don’t bow your head to anyone because you don’t act, think or look like everyone else expects you to. You are a one-of-a-kind original, and you will find the place you fit in as soon as you embrace your rarity.

Don’t Accept Other Peoples Limits You Fit In

If you weren’t accepted at some time in the past, that is the problem of the people who didn’t accept you, not yours. There are thousands of examples quote-maybe-other-people-will-try-to-limit-me-but-i-don-t-limit-myself-jim-carrey-32557of genius that were ignored, ridiculed, and chastised because it was different from the norm, only to be recognized as a unique contribution in the eyes of history.

You are that historical contribution and don’t allow a limiting belief like “I’m too different to fit in,” Limit you in the least, because at your worst you are remarkable, and at your best, you are a miracle, you fit in.


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