
Learn to T.H.I.N.K. about what you are going to say, and this little acronym will allow you to look at all of the things you say to yourself and others.   Use this before you say anything about anything, and it will allow you to speak more positively about yourself and others, which will make your energy and life more positive.

How You Look At It

Our thoughts on things have power. How we perceive is essential to the reality that we experience every day.  But let’s look at the interesting points of view, which are not factual in any way but held onto by people just as if they are.  You probably have a few. There are two main areas we all stay strong emotional points of view, love and money. The majority of our time is spent dealing with these two issues. Getting enough money to experience the life we want and finding someone to love us for it.


The worst thing that will happen is you will feel better about life. The best thing that will happen is that you will open yourself up to more of the same kind of experiences.  It doesn’t really matter if you believe what I am telling you or not.  Just contemplate what will happen if you do nothing different? Nothing different will happen. If you are lonely, sick, poor, or just generally unhappy, what the heck do you have to lose? Give it an honest attempt and see what an increased awareness of gratitude does in your life.


Look at the thoughts you believe and challenge them.  The worst thing that will happen is you will know there are some beliefs you want to hang on to. But the best thing will be that you will edit or remove faulty thinking from your reality.  Success, money, love or anything else are available for everyone and our thoughts are the place we need to start to take control of our own reality.  The alternative is to believe you are operating at the will of every other force in the world. You are not. Each of us has the ability to be a unique and powerful creator in this world. 


So as my enemy, frustrated and angry at not being able to raise my anger, silently questioned himself. I started to think about the only thing left, and that is this moment right now. Sitting here, typing this, right here and right now. Not even my greatest enemy can disturb the truth and wonder that this moment contains. As I breathe in and out and contemplate the moment, I realize that the enemy is gone.

For the day, you won the game, but there will be more struggles in the future because the most significant enemy lives, smugly, arrogantly, and entirely within me.  Waiting to remind me to: Accept the past, don’t worry about the future and to live in the moment. To do anything else seems like a losing battle.

The Message

It never ceases to amaze me the power that gratitude possesses.  We all want to achieve things and have things in our lives.  Money makes it easy to do anything we want. Yet many of us focus on the money that we don’t have and dream about that, rather than be thankful for the amount we do have that allows us to survive.

My Rules

The following writing contains my current Rules For Life, over the years I have tried to write down guidelines that I have found helpful in finding a balance in life and hopefully becoming a productive, happy person. They are not absolute, but I find that when I focus on them each day, it is easy to identify the good that is happening.

Haunted Thoughts

Leave the ghosts in the past where they belong.  You will never be that young again, you will never have a relationship like that again, you will never be in that situation again.  Accept this as a good thing, learn from the ghosts of your past, but do not give them any power over your feelings and thoughts today, because they are not real.

Look honestly at the experiences you have had. Allow yourself to feel whatever emotions come to the surface. Let them go. That is about all any of us can do. Once you let them go, room is created for new things.

The Choices that Define you

Daily positive Thought Project – The Choices that Define You Each thought we choose to focus on defines our life. Either subconscious or conscious our thoughts bring an energy to our life. If our thoughts are negative, judgmental, or fear based we  experience one thing If our thoughts are positive, accepting, kind and loving we … Continue reading The Choices that Define you