Positive Thought

positive thinking

What do you think? There are thousands of thoughts created by your mind every day, and the tenor of the ones you pay attention to will dictate what you become and experience in life. That means you have the ultimate ability to choose who you are, what you can accomplish, and the overall experience of your life, just by monitoring your thoughts and making a choice to pay attention to the ones you want to represent you.

Take Time To Notice What Happens

As you become aware of your thoughts, take the time to see their work in your life. The ideas that you entertain about yourself are going to become real. Often we don’t even realize what thoughts we are letting control us. They are happening in the background, and they have been there in our subconscious for a long, long time. All of the thoughts that you accepted as accurate are there continually playing in a loop. Many of these are of harmful variety.

QUOTES-1204They express through the negative “ego” voice in your head. Telling you that you are not good enough or things never work out for you, or you always miss the fun stuff, or whatever negative thoughts you allow living in your mind. Notice how they come to you in a particular situation and then realize what is happening. They are not valid or accurate. If you think you can’t, you are right; you are also suitable if you think you can. Your thoughts will determine what you become.

Positive Thinking

There are a lot of negative stereotypes about positive thinking in the world. It is not just looking at the bright side of a situation, although that is a byproduct of having a EmilysQuotes.Com-mind-powerful-power-positive-thoughts-thinking-life-change-amazing-great-inspirational-unknownmore positive frame of mind. Positive thinking is turning your focus and thoughts toward emotions and actions which are positive. For example choosing love over hate, giving over taking, kindness over meanness, acceptance over judgment, etc.

Your mind is right; You create everything in your reality. Watch your thoughts always and see what changes when you entertain the positive side of the behavioral coin. Instead of judging someone who does something that angers you, look at them with softer eyes and understand the challenges they have faced to get where they are. Their struggles are not yours, be grateful for that.

You Are What You Think

So the next time, your life is giving you a hefty dose of not-so-pleasant things instead of looking outside of yourself to blame someone else. Look at the thoughts you have been entertaining. Accept responsibility for them and the actions that have resulted from them. We are all given the power of choice, and it determines our destiny. This decision is excellent news because it means we are always in control of the things we experience in life.

The mind is everything. What you think you become. ~ Buddha


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