The practice of gratitude involves intentionally focusing on the good things in our lives and expressing appreciation for them. It can be as simple as thinking about the things we are thankful for or writing them down in a journal. While it may seem like a small and insignificant act, the benefits of practicing gratitude are numerous and far-reaching.
One of the gratitude’s most significant benefits is its effect on our mental and emotional well-being. Focusing on the things we are grateful for helps shift our perspective from a negative to a positive one. This can lead to increased happiness, contentment, and overall satisfaction. Gratitude can also help to reduce stress and anxiety, as it allows us to see the good in our lives rather than dwelling on the negative.
In addition to the psychological benefits, practicing gratitude can positively impact our physical health. Studies have shown that appreciation can improve sleep, a more robust immune system, and even lower blood pressure. It can also lead to increased energy and motivation, which can help us be more productive and achieve our goals.
Gratitude can also have a positive impact on our relationships. When we express appreciation for others and what they do for us, it can strengthen our bond with them. It can also make us more likable, as expressing gratitude is often seen as a sign of good manners and a positive attitude.
Finally, practicing gratitude can have a ripple effect, as it can inspire us to be more giving and compassionate toward others. Being thankful for what we have can inspire us to pay it forward and help those in need.
In conclusion, the benefits of practicing gratitude are numerous and far-reaching. It can improve our mental and emotional well-being, physical health, and relationships and inspire us to give more to others. We can significantly improve our overall well-being and happiness by simply focusing on the things we are grateful for each day.
Today, I am grateful that I have little regard for what anyone else thinks about my beliefs and actions. As we develop through childhood, it becomes more and more challenging to be who we are. We are programmed from our earliest days to fit into a particular form. Anything that doesn’t work exactly like that isn’t acceptable. Making people feel inadequate about who they are. It can become a lifelong affliction if you aren’t careful. Today, I am grateful that I don’t care what anyone else thinks about who I am and what I do.
Building Your Cage
You are worrying about what other people think is a full-time job. When you are younger, you worry about everything. How your hair looks, what you say, how you walk, the clothes you wear, and any other aspect of your existence can be judged. You begin building your cage when you start to construct those things to be the least offensive or give the least amount of fodder for others to pick on.
This cage doesn’t seem too harmful at first. The bars are constructed with every compromise you make with yourself about what you let the world see. An opinion you keep to yourself to avoid a conflict up goes a bar. Actions you take which go along with the crowd, even though you don’t believe it right, up goes another bar. Bars start to be constructed so quickly that you don’t have time to notice the cage you have placed yourself inside. One of the expectations of others is the worry you won’t fit in. The fear that your true self will be seen and then rejected. Over time living like that is who you think you are, but that isn’t true. You are not in a cage. You are free.
Breaking Free
Me, I lived in that cage for a lot of years, pretending not to notice the limitations of life. The worst part is that you forget the parts of yourself that you were hiding from the world in the first place.
Something started to happen in life, and events began to occur, reminding me of something I couldn’t remember. Who was I? Why didn’t I seem to have the correct answer to those questions? That is the beginning of breaking out of that cage.
Remembering who you are shouldn’t be as hard as it is, but you begin to see the cage disappear when you start to remember so quickly that you wonder why you let the cell encompass you in the first place.
Today I am Free
To be free is when what you think and how you behave is your true self, and I am living with that thought. I believe what I know in my heart is right, and I do what I know is right, and I don’t let the idea of what someone else might think to stop me.
The fear that my authentic self will be rejected is almost totally removed because I realize it isn’t my job to be liked and understood by everyone else. The thoughts and issues others have with me are none of my business.
The type of person I am in my heart is my business, and I take my business very seriously.
So hate me, love me, ignore me; it is your choice. I do give a flying fig, newton, what you think. And I mean that in the right way. I am grateful that I don’t care what others think of me. It’s time to break free.
I am grateful for the fact that I can be creative. The writing process is where I find my outlet for ideas, but it is not the only one I have tried. It may be the only one I care to share, but creativity in any medium can free up your mind and make you more productive, expressive, and even happy. Taking something that only exists in the recesses of your mind and turning it into a real thing is a fantastic human quality that allows the expression of our deepest selves. It is a procedure we should cherish and pursue in all circumstances and areas.
Finding My Creative Outlet
It doesn’t matter who you are, where you are from, or how old you are, and there is a need for you to be creative. You may recognize this in yourself and create it regularly. I believe that each of us is blessed with some creative talent. These talents may be used for us to enjoy alone and not put on display for everyone to see. Your talent exists still, even if nobody sees it. Some people write, some draw, some dance, and others sing and create music. It doesn’t matter how you make; it only matters that your talent is fully expressed.
When you seek an answer to something, one way to find it is to quiet your mind by occupying it with something. Once all of your focus is on that thing, it frees up space for your heart to speak to you and allows you to listen to that conversation’s emotions. Creativity makes this possible, and the great thing is anyone can do it. Rather than sit in confusion and wonder, take a moment and get creative. You will be amazed at all the things you can create. And the good that can come from it.
Why I Share
This creativity isn’t for anyone but yourself, but eventually, you want to know if what you are creating resonates with anyone else. So we venture out to share it. For me, it is easy to do. Publishing on this website is my playground of creativity. I am allowing myself the chance to share my thoughts and have all my imagination examined by others, for better or for worse. But I can put my style into my writing and work out my thoughts and emotions in my words. I almost always include a song expressing my feelings about a particular topic at the end. If you play the music while you read, it will make sense. But that is up to you. My part is to create.
I am sure that it needs some work, and none of my writing is perfect, but it does express something inside me that I feel has to come out. I think I hope that someone else will read it and say, “I get it. I feel just like that!” I was recently told that it is a cathartic experience to know that your existence is not isolated. We are not alone and not the only ones going through something. There is a feeling of joy in knowing you are not alone. How else will you find those who share what you have seen, felt, or heard in life unless you put it all out there? We are all connected, and through creativity, you can see how.
Try Something New
Even though you may have found your creative outlet. Keep on trying other forms of
A drawing I made once when I had writer’s block. Expressing yourself is always healthy and positive for you.
Creativity presents itself in your life. I have found that even though I have no talent for it, drawing can help me be more creative in writing. Something about the process is foreign to me, but so much fun. I do not have talent in this area, but I do have enjoyment, which is enough reason to pursue something. Perhaps it’s singing or playing an instrument. Whatever it is that you like, please give it a go. What is the worst that can happen? It is for you and not anyone else, so who cares if you are not the best at it?
I am grateful today for having creativity and the courage to share it for all to see and know. They may like or hate it, but it is still a natural part of me, and that should be enough. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks about your creations; what you think counts.
There is no reason to include this song today except that I wanted to. It is a great song, I love it, and I think there isn’t a reason you should be more creative in every way!! Enjoy.
One of the simple things in life that we all know we should practice gratitude for the things we have in our lives that bring happiness.
It is easy to look at the struggles and challenges of life and forget to see all of the things that make each day a positive experience. One of the best practices is setting aside a time of day to look at the past day and decide what you are grateful for.
Build Your Mindset
It is a great time to build your mindset of appreciation for whatever makes your life a little better. It is my practice to write ten things a day that I appreciate, and I try to make 2 or 3 new or original. This practice gets your mind looking for ideas that you might add to the list throughout the day. Seeking gratitude improves your focus to include good thoughts and moves you away from negative thinking and worry.
Open the Door for More
Being grateful and appreciating the positive things in your life opens the door for more of those things to come into your life. A gratitude journal is a reflective moment that will only make you happier and make you feel better about life and the things you experience in it.
The other choice is to complain about everything you don’t like about your experience. That only puts your focus more on those negative things, and of course, more of those things will come into your life. Nobody cares about your complaints; they are your issues. At best, anyone you are complaining to is just looking for an opportunity to share their grievances about why they are unhappy.
Like most things, it comes down to a simple choice that anyone can make. You don’t have to be intellectually superior to be grateful, but you must be smart. It will make your life better and bring more of what you want into your consciousness.
The Power of Thank You
There is a lot of power in using the words Thank You! It has been clinically proven that if you thank a new acquaintance for anything they do, it makes them more likely to seek to further your relationship. Gratitude makes you physically and mentally healthier, enhances empathy, reduces aggression, improves the quality of your sleep, improves self-esteem, and makes you think more efficiently.
Best of all, there is no downside to the practice at all. Have you ever heard of someone being harmed by being grateful and saying a simple thank you? Of course not. Those two little words make others feel appreciated and open the doorway for more positive creation in your life.
Appreciation Game
A high activity that I read about is the Appreciation Game. When you are feeling angry, upset, or just in a negative mindset, it is because of the thoughts you are choosing to entertain. Our minds are fantastic tools, but they are only tools to be used by us. They are capable of thinking one thought at a time, and you decide the content, tenor, and tone of that thought. So you choose to find things in your life that you appreciate and think about. I understand the weather. I enjoyed my coffee today. It makes life better. I appreciate my spouse. I know the kind thing my kids did. I appreciate my health. I appreciate having money. I appreciate my success. I appreciate my life, etc. It will flip your mindset to the positive side if you let it.
Of course, you can choose to stay mired in the negative for whatever reason you want. Anger, jealousy, and judgment are just different masks of fear. These have something to do with not meeting your needs and some pain coming your way.
The choice is yours, live in fear, or live in gratitude.
“I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.” —Gilbert K. Chesterton
“Gratitude is the healthiest of all human emotions. The more you express gratitude for what you have, the more likely you will have even more to express gratitude for.” —Zig Ziglar
“Learn to be thankful for what you already have while you pursue all that you want.” —Jim Rohn
“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.” —Oprah Winfrey
“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.” —William Arthur Ward
There are questions we ask ourselves all of our lives that can haunt us if we let them. What if that decision was wrong? What if I shouldn’t have done that? What if I had tried out for the chess team in high school? What if I said yes?
There are a million of these questions that can consume your time. Still, they don’t add up to anything in the end because the fact is whatever you are “what if-ing” about didn’t happen, will never happen, and so should concern you about as much as what the weather was in Borneo in the year 1656.
There are many other what-ifs you can worry about that could make a difference in the world, and I think I would instead focus on those.
What if ………..
One kind word from you could make someone else’s day or even save their life. You never know the storm that is brewing underneath the surface of anyone.
Their surface smile could be hiding a storm of emotions below. One kind word or gesture could be the human contact they needed to keep moving forward. There are many words we let slide with no thought or regard for their destination and potential impact. Speak as if your words could save a life. What if that were so?
What if………….
Instead of thinking about the things we don’t have, we spent time being grateful for the things we do have. I have seen people make gratitude lists, and it changes the way they look at the world. Gratitude has the power to transform the way you feel about things.
They do not have to be monumental, giant things, be thankful for the little things. Being alive, a peanut butter sandwich, coffee, or whatever little things bring you comfort and joy throughout your day. In most philosophies, gratitude is the key to abundance. What if we all were a bit more grateful?
What if………….
There were no separations between people. That means that nobody grouped anybody. Instead of being sectioned off because of your age, nationality, economic status, or color of your skin, recognize we are all members of one group, human beings.
When you look for differences among people, you find separation. Separation is the first step toward discrimination because it creates us vs. them mentality. The smaller the circle of us becomes, the more likely we are to have a problem.
This is true for any conflict of every size, including the race riots of the 1960s to economic conflicts of today. What if there were no separations between people, just people?
What if………….
The people who were elected to represent the people represented the well-being of the people. In the United States, the government and big business have become synonymous in a definition.
What if that wasn’t the case, and they were focused on helping people who live here as much as they are concerned about helping themselves.
Should any person in our country be hungry? Should any person have to fear suffering from domestic violence? Is there any good reason that the educational system is broken beyond repair? Children treated with kindness and hope would change the world. What if we had a representative government that represented the people and not big business?
What if………..
People spent more time using the most potent force in the universe, love. Instead of choosing to participate in activities like gossip, discrimination, judgments of others, or worrying about what is in it for me? Imagine spending their time focusing on understanding, kindness, acceptance, and what they can do for others.
How different would the lives of every person be if they spent all of their effort on spreading loving-kindness? Hatred can only be defeated by love, not more hate. What if people spent more time thinking and acting with respect?
What if it is a question that we can ask all of the time? Some inquiries can be used to hold us back or be used as a catalyst to find the best in ourselves and others.
I have often considered that truly practicing gratitude is an important step into bringing more of what you want in your life into your life. Every day, I am more and more convinced this is true. I had often talked a good game about being grateful, really taking a moment, and appreciating the things in my life, but my process was off. The past year has taught me many valuable lessons. One of the biggest is to be grateful for every day you have to live and every person who brings something positive into your life. You never know when people you count on will be gone, or the positives will be harder to find. List, think about and feel positive about the good things you have. They are always there; it is sometimes hard to notice them because our focus strays so far toward what we don’t have. Be grateful, enjoy those moments, accept your positive things.
What I used to do for Gratitude
I would take a moment and be thankful for things in my life, people I came across, and things that happened to me. I think this might be OK for others, but my problem was that it was inconsistent, and I might not recall something I had real gratitude for. I also spent inconsistent amounts of time thinking of the blessings in my life. I would try thinking of them on the way to work, but I am easily distracted, and one thing would drive out another. I was inconsistent and sloppy with my gratitude, and I met a lot of blocks in my life. Things that stopped me from achieving success or getting things I really wanted in my life.
It is difficult sometimes to maintain your gratitude when you have gone through a big shakeup in your life. Losing someone that matters to you, or having a job change, or just being put out of your “normal” routine, whatever that is. When the negative entered my life, I had little focus for what I was glad to have and a lot of anger about what I did not. That is a path to more frustration in life.
My New Process of Gratitude
It does not take a brain surgeon to figure out what to do differently. I was inconsistent, so I needed to add a complete gratitude practice in my life. To build that consistency and to make the topics of my gratitude consistent. I had to take a moment each day to write it down. I didn’t try to write down a million things, just three to focus on and get my energy of being grateful to flow through me.
I always try to have my gratitude notebook with me, so when I have a moment each morning, I jot down my list of things I am grateful for. I would suggest this for everyone for this reason. Even though it seems a simple thing, there is a contemplation moment that happens when you actually write down your gratitude. The thought has to travel from your mind through your arm to your hand and onto the paper. My lists are not all that elaborate because I am pretty grateful for the little things in life.
I am grateful for good cups of coffee, good conversation, something interesting I read on a blog, a book I read, having money in the bank, a text from a friend who made my day, or a long, verbose Facebook message was awesome to read. The list gets a bit long, but I have tried to keep it to what comes to mind. I can always look back to see what I wrote before.
The Blocks are Disappearing
It may just be a coincidence, and those who are negative will say that is all it is, yet I don’t believe that. After a short time, I mean a matter of days, blocks I was having in life was melting away. I could give specific examples, but they will only mean something to me. Making a gratitude list for me has become something real and powerful. I know how it sounds, but I can feel the difference.
Being grateful is the key to accepting more things into your life. Whatever it is. If you are lonely, look for when you don’t feel too lonely during the day and be thankful for those. If you are poor, be grateful for the things you do have. If you are not feeling well, find the moments you don’t feel as bad and be grateful for them. If you are particularly down, find the little things around you all the time, the weather, a smile from a stranger, flowers, and unexpected fortunate turning. Whatever you come in contact with, be grateful for it. A momentary contemplation of thanks is all it takes.
The worst thing that will happen is you will feel better about life. The best thing that will happen is that you will open yourself up to more of the same experiences. It doesn’t really matter if you believe what I am telling you or not. Just contemplate what will happen if you do nothing different? Nothing different will happen. If you are lonely, sick, poor, or just generally unhappy, what the heck do you have to lose? Give it an honest attempt and see what an increased awareness of gratitude does in your life.
“I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.” —Gilbert K. Chesterton
“Gratitude is the healthiest of all human emotions. The more you express gratitude for what you have, the more likely you will have even more to express gratitude for.” —Zig Ziglar
“Learn to be thankful for what you already have, while you pursue all that you want.” —Jim Rohn
“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.” —Oprah Winfrey
Daily Positive Thought Project- Get Your Gratitude Working
It is a natural feeling to let the focus of our thoughts run toward the negative in our lives and the world around us. We feel we have been wronged, we are suffering and that seems the most important thing in the world. What can you do? Practice gratitude.
When you list the things you are grateful for your mindset immediately shifts into an area of thought that is much more positive. There is always something to be grateful for, it can be your family, your car, your friends, your mind, the fact that you can see, hear, feel, and are alive to have this human experience are all things most of us can be grateful for.
It doesn’t matter what has been bothering you. Loss of a relationship didn’t get the job you wanted, lost a contest, had a bad day at work or school. Rather than spending your focus on that gratitude allows you to move your thought and awareness to what you do have rather than what you don’t.
Take a moment right now and write down three to five things that you are grateful for today. Hold a feeling of gratitude for each thing in your mind. It will switch your focus to positive and open the door for more of that and less of the suffering.
In life, we are generally just about as happy as we decide we want to be.
Daily Positive Thought: What are YOU grateful for?
Sometimes in life, things don’t go the way we think they should and it is easy to get discouraged or down at these moments. A relationship ends, a loved one passes, a job is lost, you are having a physical ailment, or even much more minor problems come into our focus and make us angry, fearful, anxious and our attitudes and feelings reflect on this. This is the energy we are bringing into our consciousness.
A human mind is a powerful tool that creates thoughts and can help us to solve complex problems. Our thoughts push us in a direction of achievement and if we are conscious we can control and direct this tool in a certain direction. One of the facts about the human mind is that we can only entertain one thought at a time. That is it. Our thoughts can come fast and furious but they arrive in our consciousness one at a time. They bring with them a corresponding set of emotions and this all combines to create our energy.
This is where thoughts of gratitude can bring their true power to you. When you are angry, fearful, or just worried. Take a moment and list the things in your life you are grateful for. First, it is easy to take things for granted, even great things. To spend a moment to focus on the positive things we do have is important. When your thoughts are focused on gratitude, your corresponding sets of emotions will be positive. That will lead to words and actions that are positive as well. All stemming from simple thoughts of gratitude.
Take a moment right now to honestly look at your life and make a quick list of the three things you are most grateful for. Keep these things in your mind and when you are feeling overwhelmed, angry, frustrated or fearful, take a moment and think of them. Really think of them. Spend your time with them in your mind. Think about what is good and your mood, perspective and attitude will change.
Being conscious of our gratitude also opens our mind up to receive more good things. Give it an honest, conscious try and see what happens to your mood. I think you will be pleasantly surprised.
What are three things you are grateful for right now??????
Quick list to help you find gratitude:
community, relationships, love, kindness, friends, family, earth, sun, health, job, money in your pocket, this moment, positive memories, special moments, rest, play, action, thoughts, acitivity, intelligence, learning, healing, experience, joyful times, kindness, food to eat, safety of being, freedom, your mind……….
Today I am expressing my gratitude for Growing up in Greenville, Maine. There have been few influences on my life greater than this. The foundation of who I am today was built on the streets, in the school, in my home and with the people I shared the experience with.
Winter is a long season in Greenville, it makes you tough and you really like spring! the Katahdin is an iconic boat that cruises Moosehead Lake, and of course an image of Mt. Kineo. All images of my youth and this wonderful place.
Small Town To Say the Least, Greenville, Maine
Greenville was and is a very small town, but it was the only town I knew as home as a child. There are two sides of the coin when you
My brother and I actually playing outside. That is what it looks like.
live in a small town. On one side people are supportive of you in all that you do. On the other side, it is difficult to live your life without having everyone know your business.
That is the fate of a small town, for me, those issues were never a factor because I loved living there and growing up with the people I grew up with. A small town gave me the foundation to think, create and write. In many ways, I have never felt as much like myself as when I was there.
Friends Forever
It is an odd thing about friendship that it often flows in and out of your life like the tides in the sea. The shared experience that you
The Indian Store, a non- PC name for a non-PC town. But a one of a kind shopping experience.
build your friendship around often determines the length of the friendship. Believe it or not, the people that I went to elementary school with in Greenville, Maine are still some of the dearest friends I have.
There was something about working our way through the growth of our youth that allowed us to bond. With very few exceptions, today when I see someone from that era, we can talk and carry on in a fashion like no time has passed. I believe this is true because we knew each other before life taught us hard lessons, and gave us difficult things to deal with. At the core of each of us is that person we were when we were young. I think I look at those friends with the eyes of understanding, that I know who they are, and they know me. There is no judgment on choices we have made, or what we have become, it is what each of us was that I remember.
When I hear from one of these people on Facebook, or should I see them in person, I am transported back to a time in the 1970’s before cell phones, computers, and video games, when we actually played outside, every day. These were my brothers and sisters and still are today. That is an experience I am extremely grateful for.
The Town Itself
If I took you on a tour of 1970’s Greenville, we would walk the mile
It was not a rare occurrence to see a moose, a bear or any other Maine wildlife. It was a small town in the middle of nowhere!
from the school to my house in the Junction, and on the way there, most every car that passed we would recognize. It seemed like I knew everyone. We would walk to Breton’s store which is still there today and buy the candy treat of our choice with the quarter I had squirreled away for just such an occasion. My parents never worried that I would be harmed or abducted. They told me to never talk to strangers and in Greenville, it was easy not to do, I knew everyone even as a kid.
If we went into the downtown area, there were a number of old haunts which still exist today at least enough to let you meet the ghost of my memories. It doesn’t matter if I went to Jamison’s Store or to Harris Drug Store, I always seemed to get what I was looking for. I was always with a friend or my brother and we were always on the go, heading to a pickup game of some sort.
Moving, The End of That Life
As I was finishing the 7th grade, I found out my family was moving. I didn’t tell anyone because I think I felt if I just ignored it then the move would never take place. I did not want to move. I loved my friends and my life there. After moving I picked up the pieces of my shattered reality and moved forward, but in my heart, I will always carry that place, the people, and our experiences there in Greenville, Maine. I am grateful for them all!
A picture I took at a random location of the fall foliage.
The lessons that nature teaches us are on display all around us each and every day. All we have to do is listen and being fortunate enough to live in an area the has a distinct four seasons, I am lucky to experience these changes and I am grateful for it.
For many years I am ashamed to say that I never really enjoyed or contemplated too much about it, but lately, I can’t help but be amazed and think about all that the changes of the season bring to the world. Right now it is autumn in Maine and that means that each and every day you will see a wide array of colors, red, yellow, orange and even brown. This change where once there was only green makes you think and often about gratitude.
On the Surface
Seeing the leaves change is a pretty miraculous thing. To think that nature knows exactly how to work itself for the trees to survive is amazing, and further than that there is the show they put on. I have been fortunate enough to see, bright-colored leaves reflecting on the still waters of a fall lake surface. It brings many thoughts to my mind as I look at the colors and understand them for what they are. Harbingers of what is to come and we merely need to listen to hear their warnings and to learn from them.
Change Is Constant
One of the best reminders of fall is that change is happening all around us all the time.
Leaves are falling all around, it’s time I was on my way.
You may not be able to see it visually, but everything is changing all the time. These variations are usually never as visual as the leaves but they are as real. Each relationship, job, and personal journey is changing all the time.
No matter what you do and no matter what you think of your current circumstances, it matters little because soon they will be different because things are always changing. Just like the fall will eventually give up its life to the oncoming winter, so must we learn to let go of our attachments to this life.
It is the values of these changes that make them appear good or bad. Yet aren’t they simply just experiences? The fall season helps me to contemplate and understand the changes that are happening in life all the time. I have a gratefulness inside for all of the changes that have happened in my life and that growth is not possible without change.
Endings Are Just Endings
Another great thought of fall is the twilight of the year, the ending of summer and how this season represents an ending in our lives. The phrase “The Autumn of our Lives”, captures this effectively.
I have a problem with this phrase because we simply do not know with any kind of certainty when this life is going to end. it may be over in five minutes or it may last another 30-40 years. Nobody knows.
When you look at the fall it will have an ending, just as all of our lives will, but there is a hidden promise in the fall. It is there in every nostalgic feeling and thought, that eventually, the spring and beautiful summer will come again. We just need to be patient. All things will eventually end, that is the way that the universe works. All things have a beginning, a middle and an ending.
This is not a bad thing, it is only a thing. So it teaches you to enjoy the summer, or the fall or the winter or whatever season you are experiencing right now because that is all you have right now. There may never be another summer to look forward to, so not completely enjoying today is a foolhardy choice.
The fall makes me grateful for each and every day and what it has to offer.