Change is an inevitable and vital part of life. Change is happening to everyone each day. Some of the differences are imperceptible as to be invisible, but they are their none the less. It is human nature to hold tightly to the past and the things we are comfortable with, like a child with a blanket. These ideas and possessions present a form of comfort, even if they no longer serve us in any meaningful way.
We each have a certain amount of space in our lives for the people and possessions that matter most to us. Space in our lives is an important entity. There is only so much in our consciousness, and for new things to come into our lives, we must let go of some older things. To be healthy, all people must grow, and space helps us evolve into a better version of ourselves.
Cleaning Out The Closet
Creating space in your life is the same as creating space in a closet. Your life has collected experiences, thoughts, and ideas about everything from the designated hitter’s value in baseball to where honesty fits into your life. As we develop as people, the number of items we collect can become bulky and hard to handle. Our “closets” are getting full, and it is time to weed out our thoughts and find the ones that will provide the most value in your life.
As you look at the new thoughts and information coming into your existence through a change, you can remove older ideas and ideas that are simply taking up space. Some clothes once were relevant in your closets at home, which are not of value anymore. Finally, giving them away to charity and getting them out of your life creates space for new things that will have relevance in your world today.
The same can be said about thoughts, ideas, and beliefs we carry throughout our lives. How many are ready to be recycled? What new ideas and experiences can take their place?
Growth is the Result
The benefit of letting go of the old and creating space for the new is the unstoppable force of growth that will come with it. I have found that growth is a constant journey in my life, and at times, when we slow down and resist growing, life will urge us on. Sometimes that guidance will come in the form of a challenge, which, as unsavory as it seems, moves us toward becoming a better self. We will change anyway, get older, wiser, or become less intelligent and accepting of things. It is up to us what types of change we institute in our lives. Creating space allows new things and people to come into our lives more easily.
Letting Go of Mistakes and Misfortune
This also means that the more we hold onto the past’s mistakes and misfortunes, the less space we have available for forgiveness, learning, and all kinds of positive new things. If you are still holding onto the pain and disappointment of a past relationship, the less room there is for someone new who can bring some healing, joy, and happiness into your life. You will cling to old emotions and disappointments while new possibilities move past you because there is no space for them to enter your life. Make the space.
If you feel crowded and slow in your life and desire new things, a great place to start is to let go of the past and allow the latest to come into the spaces you created. You will never know what will come. Your life will be changed one way or another, and each day provides a blank canvas for you to create your life on. You decide if the painting will be of the possibilities in front of you or the misfortune and mistakes behind you.
Look at your life today and see what space can be created. To move forward, you have to put the past behind you. Letting go of the things that no longer serve us allows room for new experiences, people, and something that makes our lives more enjoyable. Relationships, jobs, artistic expression, etc. Accept it, embrace it, and move forward.
Beliefs are the ideas we have chosen to provide a particular attachment to. These are thoughts we have been told during our lives that have been backed up by experience and our emotional reactions to them. It is essential to recognize our beliefs because they will form the paradigms of our lives. These rules will determine the reality we experience in our lives, so identifying the limiting beliefs and actively working to change them can make your life much more positive.
The Birth of Beliefs
Our fundamental beliefs come to us early on in life. One’s parent’s attitudes about life builds our own belief system, and we will create our reality and ideas about almost everything out of this. From money to personal relationships. They are all created and imprinted on our subconscious by our parents and family. These beliefs will be either positive or negative, empowering or enslaving, depending 0n experience. If you get messages “like, can’t possibly accomplish”that ” or arena aren’t smart enough to do” that” or isn’t realistic, you will never be able to make a living ” it.” The reality of your life is going to be limited by those beliefs.
If, on the other hand, the messages received were more supportive and encouraging, these beliefs will propel you into success much more accessible. The things we believe and the paradigms of our lives dictate our reality. It goes deeper than what you say in words and includes the example you set. If there are general mistrust and unhappiness in your life, you are building a belief that the world is full of peoplcan’t can’t trust. Although some can’t be charged, many are very trustworthy and kind. Your belief will carry over to the next generation, embedding itself and creating the reality that exists.
How to Change a Belief
Once a belief is embedded, and you accept it as true, it won’t change until new evidence strongly refutes it and causes the old paradigm to be discarded, and the new belief takes its place. This process will be different for everyone, depending on your ideas and how open you are to change.
If you are set in your ways and look at change as a danger, it will be challenging to change your belief. Simply put, you will not seek change until it becomes apparent there is a problem with what you are thinking and believing right now. Wanting to change and, in fact, seeing the need to change is the first step. Then it is a matter of deciding what you want to believe about money, relationships, charity, work, friends, family, or any other area affecting your life.
Then it is a matter of reprogramming your subconscious, and there are many ways to do this. Some involve changing your belief bit by bit, and others involve rapid and immediate change. The best way to change a limiting belief is to recognize the idea, where it came from, and how it is hurting your life now. Constructing a new belief will involve using your imagination and introducing images that connect to emotion about what you want to believe.
Changing A Limiting Belief is Simple but Not Easy
Some information I have read on this topic has stressed the difficulty of creating changes that last in your belief system, but most people who purport this message want to sell you something. My experience is that most beliefs can be changed quickly, which can last.
Simple method: 1. identify the problem in writing 2. write down the change you want to see in your beliefs. 3. Create positive thoughts (affirmations) that support those thoughts 4. Read them, say them, and repeat them with emotion until the positive thought replaces the limiting belief. You will know it has happened in your experiences as thoughts change, life changes.
You may think that nothing is that simple, but it is a choice to keep letting the beliefs that limit you control your reality or move on to something better.
“Thoroughly unprepared, we take the step into the afternoon of life. Worse still, we take this step with the false presupposition that our truths and our ideals will serve us as hitherto. But we cannot live the afternoon of life according to the progrlife’slife’s morning, for what was great in the morning will be little at evening and what in the morning was true, at evening will have become a lie.” ~C.G. Jung
“You begin to fly when you let go of self-limiting beliefs and allow your mind and aspirations to rise to greater he gets.” ―Brian T
“Don’t limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do, and you can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve.”
“Do just once what others can’t do, and you will never pay attention to their limitations again.”
“Learning too soon our limitations, we never learn our powers.” —Mignon McLaughlin.
“Every person takes the limits of their field of vision for the limits of the world.” —Arthur Schopenhauer.
Our minds work overtime sometimes, and we must establish a clear representation of our thoughts, goals, and perspectives on life to find our direction based on the things we truly believe. All knowledge will change you and move your consciousness one way or another and leave you with a final set of core beliefs representing your experiences and how you choose to interact with the world. Looking at my experiences over the last year, I needed to revamp my collection of what I think and look at other people.
So here is the current version of MY Mission Statement. Presented in no particular order, here are a few things I hold as truths in my life.
We Are All Connected
Call it God, the Universe, or whatever your religion dictates, but to me, we are all connected through a divine order. All people have the same abilities for great love and equal power to commit evil, which is just a part of this crazy game called life. We are given individual gifts at birth to make our unique mark on the world if we choose to do so. When you look at all things, events, and people in your life, you can see the thread that connects everything.
This connection runs through the hearts of all people. There is an illusion that our experiences are seperate events; a universal force is running between us all, connecting all of our stories. Remember this the next time judgment of others and separation’s effects enter your life. There but for the good fortune of your circumstances, go you. There is no difference between you and anyone else but choices and details. We are all connected.
Our Beliefs Control Our Lives
Each of us has developed throughout our lives a core belief system. We established most of these beliefs early on in life. These are limiting beliefs that delay or even stop our development completely. Our expectations were built by our parents, grandparents, siblings, teachers, religion, and peers. Most were developed before age ten and have remained with us to this day. Our beliefs have to power to achieve goals or stop us from becoming what we should be.
The great thing is that all beliefs can change at any point in life when we look and find irrefutable evidence that contradicts them. All of the “you can’t,” “no’s,” “you’re not good enough’s,” “You can’t make a living doing that’s,” or any other limiting statement from your youth making you feel like you are not good enough can be eliminated — the processing and acceptance of new information about you and your abilities.
Here is a secret; you are powerful and can do anything you set your mind to accomplish. You have the chance to try anything. Look honestly at the barriers stopping you; most often, you will find insecurities and limits that we place on ourselves because of limiting beliefs we choose to accept. Accept new ideas to guide you.
Your Actions Define YOU
Talk is cheap; what you do is the definition of your character. I have heard the soft and sympathetic words that were worth nothing but have been blessed by the actions of many great people. Saying you are something means nothing, and being that thing means everything.
Each day is a new opportunity to take action toward a goal or a dream that you have. Take a step, mail a letter, make a call, or do whatever small thing you can that will lead you toward your goal. Action is the power source for people’s dreams and will cancel out fear.
Every person that has ever been born has had a dream of some kind, and there are no exceptions. When a person takes action, they can make their dream come true. If that action leads to failure, then at least you know, and a direction more suitable to you may show itself from the effort.
Thinking Positively Leads to Positive Results
Bad stuff happens to everyone at some point in life; how you deal with it is crucial. Life is full of things that we define as good or bad. Positive thinking is not about ignoring the “bad” in life and always looking on the bright side, although those factors result. Positive thinking is bringing the focus of love, understanding, kindness, acceptance, and peace to all you experience—ignoring your counterpart’s hate, judgment, separation, meanness, and conflict.
All experiences have the power to bring the positive or negative inside a person to the surface, and what emotions and thoughts you let dominate your behavior will decide what actions come from you and what feelings are happening inside you. All things are just things until we assign a value to them and determine how we look at them.
All People Have Value
A person’s value is difficult to remember when I am angry or someone has hurt me, but that doesn’t change the fact that I believe this is true. People live differently, make poor decisions, and look differently, but they are all valuable and unique individuals. All that separates us from the circumstances of another is mere chance. At our core, we are all beings of love, and understanding and are looking for acceptance in the world.
We are all born with a unique gift that can contribute to the world’s good. It is the meaning of life to find out what that gift is and how to use it. Some people lose their way through the experience of life and bury their talents too profoundly to be retrieved, but the reward is still there. With the right nurturing, perhaps it could resurface.
Gratitude is the Gateway to Abundance
How often do you appreciate all the positive things in your life? Moving through life each day is easy; let events and people swirl past you without absolute acknowledgment. Stop for a moment and give thanks for each experience. Even when the lessons are not what you are looking for, they will provide clues as to the direction you should be moving in.
Being grateful and putting yourself in that mindset each day creates an energy of acceptance around you, and that energy attracts more into your life. What you focus on multiplies; if you are grateful for what you have, you will have more things to be thankful for having in your life. Take time and reflect a bit each day on the blessings in your life. Breathing in and out and having an experience is a blessing many lose daily.
Forgiveness is Necessary to Move Forward
To forgive someone for something they did that harmed you is very difficult. It can’t just be lip service of saying you forgive; it has to be inside your heart. The only one who can give forgiveness is you, and the sooner you give it, the sooner you can move on. Letting go of pain, sadness, anger, or any other negative emotion is key to enjoying life. I read somewhere that you know forgiveness occurs when you think of that person, and there is no subtle searing inside your heart. It can take a conscious effort, but with forgiveness comes freedom and strength.
Embrace Love, Avoid Fear
All people carry this inside of them, and the one you pay attention to will determine how much you enjoy this ride we call life. Focus on the love-based emotions like kindness, understanding, generosity, acceptance, patience, and love while avoiding the fear-based feelings and thoughts of anger, hate, separation, jealousy, stereotyping, and judgment. It can be harder to do than it sounds, but the effort is well worth it.
Remember that fear will be a continual battle for you throughout your life. It will attack you both outwardly with dangers real and imagined. It will also subtly invade your life through indirect methods, invading your thoughts and being powered by your emotions. All things will work out if you let them. Some powers exist which are far wiser than you. Learn to trust them.
Our beliefs are essential to the type of life that we live. If you do not work to control them, they will direct you. We all have to live with the results.
These walls are built when we are young and live in our minds as limiting beliefs.
Look around and see what is there to stop you from achieving personal growth. As I examine the life that I am living, I see things that limit what I can accomplish. There are walls, both literally and figuratively, around me, making taking some actions seem difficult to nearly impossible.
The excuses of life are used, one on top of another, each with their own fear. Unfortunately, it appears that once you start to accept limits in one area of life, they will creep into all parts of your life and stop you from being your best and accomplishing your worthwhile goals and dreams. Don’t be discouraged. The exciting thing is that if you look inside, there is an answer. It is the strength and courage to accomplish great things. You have to believe in yourself, and doing this is the best kind of personal growth.
Beliefs Lead to Personal Growth
I believe that all of us are born with the ability.
Escape to the greatness of your potential. Look deep inside of yourself and see what is there.
And the potential to be great and to accomplish fantastic things. The barriers we have built for ourselves often hold us back from achieving success in our pursuits. The simple belief that “I am simply not good enough.” Or “I don’t deserve it.” can stop almost any endeavor before they have a chance to get off the ground. These barriers are some of the most significant factors forcing us to act in a small way when more meaningful, dynamic actions are required. If we operate with a slight intention, we can’t be too surprised when the results are negligible. Only through a concentration on personal growth will we see a bigger target and act more significantly.
Understand Limits Honestly for Personal Growth
So it comes down to learning to look at your limitations with honest thought and recognition, understanding what is in your way and what is an excuse. All of us have built walls called beliefs that
It can be frightening and painful, but action is the only way to find what you can do.
have been ingrained into us since we were very young. Some served us well and helped to keep us safe. Yet it is my recent experience that safe isn’t going to lead to growth, and only through growth and change can new things come into your life. If you never do anything differently, your life will never change, and you will never meet the goals you dream about. They will remain wisps of thought, floating out in front of you like a movie on a screen. It is just imagination, and it isn’t real. By making a plan for personal development and taking action, they can become real and tangible parts of your life.
Positive Choice for Personal Growth
The choice is to start to look for a boulder answer. To stop limiting ourselves and move forward toward our dreams with an understanding that success, in one form or another, is out there and only through action and belief in ourselves is it attainable. There is greatness in each person, and it is time to knock down the walls that limit you, which are merely the creation of your thoughts and experiences. Your
Only escaping the walls of your limiting beliefs can make others see your contribution.
The ego will be pleased to keep you in a safe place without challenges, safe and sound. That is because safe and sound provide an illusion that looks like an excellent way to live. Ask yourself: are you satisfied? Have you reached your potential? Have you found the gold that lies inside you? Perhaps you are one of the lucky ones that have, but if you haven’t, then I urge you to reach for your goals and find the board that you were meant to play your game on and by all means, PLAY IT BIG! Escape from the walls of your perceived limitations, pick a dream, and chase it for personal growth.
With personal growth, you may even reach the Hall of Fame…………………….
“Income seldom exceeds personal development.” ―Jim Rohn
“Every moment of one’s existence, one is growing into more or retreating into less.” ―Norman Mailer
“You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge yourself one.” ―Henry David Thoreau
“Life is growth. If we stop growing, technically and spiritually, we are as good as dead.” ―Morihei Ueshiba
It can be fantastic to think we spend so much time and effort in our lives looking for things that are outside of our existence to make us happy. We seek riches, fame, love, and acceptance from others out there……somewhere.
The place we should be looking for is much easier to locate and closer to us. It is situated in the confines of our being. The thoughts, beliefs, and actions we take in pursuit or because of these things are all contributing factors to what we have and do not have in our lives. We are always looking for gold and treasure outside. We undertake a journey because we feel compelled to seek our fame and fortune. But the hidden gem is not buried under and X on an island in the Pacific Ocean. Our greatest treasure is hiding in the last place we think to look. But like pirates of old legends, we search the world over with a flourish. We look at our job, relationships, or even our family, but we never seem to be looking in the right place. Your treasure exists. You need to know where to start looking for it.
Why We Look In the Wrong Place
People are continually looking for a break that will allow their greatness to be shown to the world and bring the success they dream will make them happy and free. That break we are looking for has to come through the minefield of issues that we have developed over a lifetime.
Some blocks stop us from achieving the goals that we dream of. All blocks come from unresolved issues within ourselves, so if we can resolve these things and arrive at a place of acceptance, we are on the right path. This power is in yourself and nowhere else, and it is up to you to tap into this reservoir of energy. Reading books and learning can help show you the way, but that will never change until the individual takes the initiative. All things you want to accomplish, big or small, all begin with how you think. Get your mind in order, come to grips with your limits, overcome them, and see what is there. Limiting thoughts and beliefs are built on our experiences, and we can change them any time we choose by changing how we think about our experiences.
Look Inside of You
Take a moment and take that honest look inside yourself and decide how you feel about what you see. Do you know the power that you have? Or do you see all the excuses your beliefs tell you? Ask yourself, why not? Your mind will answer you with the programming you have built over the years. Could you write it down? Once you see your limiting beliefs in writing, you can eliminate them and create a more positive perspective on the action. Your thoughts will become your beliefs, and your views will dictate the reality that you experience. If you feel you are not suitable or not worthy of love or afraid of putting yourself out there, then it can’t be a surprise when that is your reality.
Focus on what you can do, the actions you can take, lead the gold inside you, or nothing, depending on your attitude and actions. Do this, and the world outside of you will fall into place. It will not be easy or automatic, but the thoughts inside you will dictate your world, and it is your choice which thoughts you give acceptance to and which you do not. If most people saw the beauty and power they possess and ignored everything they don’t like, we would see many more dreams come true.
Our Purpose
All of us share the wealth inside of us that the world is looking for. There is a wealth of talent, kindness, and caringwaiting there and in many.
This wealth lies within each of us, waiting to be used.
cases, it’s dormant. You are seeking the opportunity to come out and see its fate in the world. It never will if we don’t give it a chance. That chance can come when outside forces convince you or you to convince yourself. There is no value that you can find outside of you that doesn’t exist inside of you first. To create a treasure in your mind and take action toward making it a reality. The only person who can make this wealth evident is you by honestly looking at the things holding you back and replacing limiting beliefs with more positive ideas. Let your kindness and quest for service push you in the right direction.
‘Learning too soon our limitations, we never learn our powers.’-Lydia Sweatt.
“You begin to fly when you let go of self-limiting beliefs and allow your mind and aspirations to rise to greater heights.” ―Brian Tracy.
“Don’t limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do, and you can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve.” ―Mary Kay Ash.
“Do just once what others say you can’t do, and you will never notice their limitations again.” ―James Cook.
Every moment of the day, we are all experiencing our version of life, and through that, we see and understand what reality is. But the strange thing is that our understanding of truth in the same situation as someone else can be different. People do not respond to reality, and they respond tho their perceptions of that reality showing up in their life. Think about how some situations are so tricky they cause a person to break down and be destroyed. Another person in the same position turns the pain and suffering into positive action and becomes better and stronger because of their reality. The same situation, different perceptions, and very different results. How is your perception of your reality affecting your view of life?
Beliefs and Paradigms
All of us have a structure of rules that allow us to comprehend the world and understand its place. That structure is a paradigm. Your beliefs drive your paradigm. And our belief system was developed very early in life, usually before the age of 10. These beliefs are things we picked up from observation and direct lessons from our family, schools, organizations, peer groups, and society in general. Our experience has programmed us. Some of these beliefs are positive and helpful, and some are limiting and harmful. It is up to us to evaluate each idea and construct our paradigms of life.
The paradigm you see the world through determines how you react to any situation. The first choice we all make is whether the world is a hostile place or a wonderful and caring place. That is the basis for all of the beliefs which follow. If you think everyone is out for themselves, are mean-spirited and selfish, you will have a much different reaction to someone cutting you off in traffic than someone who believes people are inherently good and life will work out for the best. These two fundamental views drive the reality of all people. How do you see the world? What paradigm have you constructed, and are you willing to evaluate where you are wrong? That is the beginning of growth, and positive change and life are about development.
Helping Others See
Once you get a little experience looking at your view of reality, when you encounter a person in a place you have previously been, it is natural to want to help them. Unfortunately, many life lessons are meant to be learned through the cold, unforgiving hand of experience. You can’t help someone else unless they want your help and, in most cases, ask for it. That isn’t easy when you care about the person and see the path you think they should or could follow to achieve their goals. If they can’t see it, or it contradicts their paradigm, then fear will stop, which is a battle each of us has to fight individually. Just because you can see success for someone doesn’t mean they want it or are ready to receive it.
Please make sure someone wants your help.
To help someone, they need to be open to receiving your help and willing to listen to what you say and think about what they are doing. It helps a person also needs to be receptive to new ideas, thoughts, and potential growth coming their way. Leaving old beliefs, even clearly limiting one behind, is uncomfortable and painful. But it is a necessary part of life. Finally, a person needs to appreciate the opportunity to change and grow. Otherwise, it will be too easy to fall back into old habits or never take the necessary steps to reach their goals and become the person they want to become. You can offer your help to someone who is not appreciative but be prepared for painful and ineffective results. It is all up to the person and how they view reality.
Looking Ahead
Finally, look at the vision a person has about themselves and their future, and you will see how we all shape our reality every day through the decisions we make every day. A clear, inspiring vision of a positive future and understanding of some changes that need to be made to get there will help you shift your paradigm and vision of reality to bring that vision into being. If you lack a clear, inspiring vision, you tend to move around in the present moment or cling hopelessly to the past. Neither of these things will propel you forward, they will just be wasting your time, and unless you change, your vision will never come into your reality.
Having a vision and seeing what you want in your mind before you ever have it come into your life is one of the real joys of being human. Look at the things you envision for yourself in the future. Are these things you want? Or are they ideas others want for you? Your happiness and fulfillment in life will be determined by how much you allow the creation of your visions. There is nothing worse than creating something you think you want, getting to the end, and experiencing an empty feeling of “this is it?” Real vision doesn’t have that feeling in the future because your reality matches up with your goals and what you want to see in your life. False ideas can come in pursuing a career, doing what you think you should, rather than doing what you want.
Look at your reality today, take an inventory of your paradigm, goals, and vision, and see if your reality matches what you want to see as a part of your life. If it is, then keep doing what you are doing. If things don’t match up, then be willing to shift your paradigm into something you desire to have in your life. How can you move your life in the direction of your vision today? Who in your life can help you, if you ask?
People do not respond to reality, and they react to their perceptions of that reality showing up in their life.
“Perception is reality. If you are perceived to be something, you might as well be it because that’s the truth in people’s minds.”- Steve Young
“Our understanding is correlative to our perception.” Robert Delaunay
“Perception is created and twisted so quickly.” Louis C.K.
“One has not only an ability to perceive the world but an ability to alter one’s perception of it; more simply, one can change things by the manner in which one looks at them.” Tom Robbins
Sometimes you reach the point where things are just not working in your life. There needs to be a change. The path you follow is dictated at this moment. Good, bad, propitious, right, or wrong, all of these adjectives will be applied to you and your journey depending on the tenor of your choices when change comes knocking. Some people will look at their circumstances and see no choices at all. But there are always choices, and they usually are triggered by the questions we ask ourselves about moving forward. There has to be a fundamental belief that life can be different from what you are experiencing now.
Believe Change is Possible
The first step to initiating change is to believe that it is possible. Many people have been told so many limiting things in their lives, and change seems like a fairytale located in the far reaches of reality. We hear, “You can’t do that.”, “You are wrong for thinking that way.”, “You can’t make a living doing that.”, “Your dreams are unrealistic or impractical.”, or “That is not normal.”.
All of these ideas that we have chosen throughout our lives have provided us with limiting beliefs that have led to painting us into the corner of life we are currently living in. If you are unhappy, it is time to change, and it is going to start with your limiting beliefs. All of them will have as much power as you give them. It may not be easy, but it can be done, and it can be done now, today, here this very second. Change the way you pay attention to your thoughts.
It Can Be Hard To Let Go
One of the funny things about being human is that even though things may be wrong, not enjoyable, unhappy, or even downright depressing. We seem to be wired to resist change, to avoid it at all costs. Change is the only real option. The road to change is right in front of us, and we either standstill, refusing to take it, or worse, retreat from it. It exists, and we are moving down that road, like it or not. Change is inevitable and constant.
The devil you know is better than the one you don’t know, and even an attractive change can seem covered in peril. Our beliefs have been guiding us for a long time, and yes, change might be better, but what if…………..they get worse. This feeling is a fear that keeps many people away from changing behaviors that are not making them happy or even causing them harm.
Letting go of these comfortable, all be it, limiting beliefs always seems to start with a question. How can this be better? What can I do to make this better? If I was happy right now, what would it look like?
What Changes am I looking for?
Any journey needs two things, a starting point, and a destination. The starting point is where you are, and the target will change as your understanding, life experiences, and knowledge grows through time.
Hit your target by being clear about your desires.
But it all begins with having the guts to create a goal to reach that destination you want to arrive at. What is it that you want? If you don’t have it right now, something is blocking you from having it. If you are looking for the right relationship and don’t have it, look inside yourself and see what you believe about relationships. Find the opposing points of view you have about love and relationships and recognize them as simply thoughts. They only have the power that you give them. Ask yourself, how can I change this? Why do I think this? LET IT GO!
It is like being in a prison where the doors are unlocked, and all you have to do to leave is push open the doors and walk out. Many stay, though, because it is safe and secure, and you always have the prison to blame for the things you aren’t happy about. It would be costly, and I would be satisfied. I would be in love if it weren’t for these prison walls around me. You are the warden of your prison, and you can walk out. Just choose to follow that change. Some people find all those walls, cells, and bars too safe to leave. Don’t be one of them.
A Time For Action
All things of power need power to fuel them. Your power comes from taking action. Action will eliminate fear. Answers to many questions will rise to the surface of your consciousness. Action will take you from where you are to the described destination. Sitting around, wishing will get you another day living exactly where you are. No house gets built without the action of putting up a frame, pounding nails into boards, and putting on the roof. The blueprints are great, but the act of putting them all together will give you the result you want. Taking action can be difficult, and taking the first action toward a dream can be intimidating. But there is a time for action, and this is it for you.
Make a plan, decide what you want, ask for it, take action to get there, and have confidence that you deserve what will happen. Get rid of limiting beliefs and weak points of view and move forward into a future that is made up of things you want and steps away from the situation that you are currently unhappy with. You are the master of your journey. It is time to start changing, and it is inevitable and constant.
“Do you want to know who you are? Don’t ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you.” ―Thomas Jefferson
“The path to success is to take massive, determined actions.” ―Tony Robbins
“An idea not coupled with action will never get any bigger than the brain cell it occupied.” ―Arnold Glasow
“God provides the wind, but man must raise the sails.” ―St. Augustine
“People may doubt what you say, but they will believe what you do.” ―Lewis Cass
What do you truly believe in? Where did these beliefs come from? Our lives are run on the things we are sure are true, and for the most part, those truths were taught to us a long time ago by our parents, adults, school, peers, relatives, society, religion, or just on our own observational experience.
Once accepted, these thoughts are put in the category of absolutely true, never to be examined or questioned again. You were programmed early in life about the things “good” and “bad” people do and how you fit into those scenarios. We accept these beliefs as valid and rarely do we challenge or adjust them. I am urging you today to take some time and evaluate your opinions. Are they empowering or disempowering? Are they true? Or are they faulty programming that needs to be rebooted? Let’s look honestly at your programming.
Know Your Programming
What we believe about ourselves, our abilities, and the world is a choice, and that choice dictates much of our experience and how we perceive it. Some people were taught to believe the religion they follow is the only “right” belief at the exclusion of all others. There are many reasons for this, but most importantly, it was taught to them. Other people believe one’s racial background has a bearing on the quality of an individual a person is. These are both examples of beliefs people are taught, and if they are never placed in a situation that disproves them, they will never expand their lives to be more inclusive.
Looking at the beliefs, we are programmed with is difficult because our lives are pinned together by the ideas we carry in our minds. We believe that most of what we think is an indisputable truth, Not just a strong opinion we were taught. This truth can be a little frightening. But it is also liberating. A great place to start is to look at what you believe and see what separates you from others. Separation is an illusion created by humans to control other humans. Religion, race, nationality, regionalism, or anything that separates us probably has limited programming behind it.
Change Your Programming
This change can happen and should be sought continually throughout life. The learning process should never end. Start by looking at yourself and understanding the things that limit you. Is it money? Relationships? Or something else? Whatever it is that you have trouble succeeding at, look deeply at what you believe, and there is a belief there that is holding you back. It could have been something someone said or the general prevailing attitude your family had about what is limiting you. We accept the thoughts as accurate without question, and they are adopted into our subconscious thoughts. We never question them. Live life like they were right. The problem is that even when you want to change, nothing is going to change unless you address this programming. Change is always tricky, but knowing where you want to go is a start. If you’re going to be more financially successful, look at what you think about money and those who have it. Often the programming is subtle, and we picked it up before we were seven years old. You are finding it, understanding it, and recognizing the differences between where you are and where you want to be. There are excellent resources on how to change your beliefs, which do a much better job than I can in this short post. Read this resource here.
When you Question a Belief
If you genuinely believe that one religion is superior to another in moral code or rewards in the afterlife, meet with many other faiths rather than try to convert everyone to your train of thought. Learn about their traditions and beliefs. Many people speak of their faith as the final word on salvation. Rather than understand other religions, they dismiss them and chastise them as wrong. This intolerance is an excellent example of separation, and being separate is negative. We choose to stay apart because it is safe in our minds, but to expand our thoughts will never be a bad thing.
It is tough to understand all of the many beliefs we carry around in the matrix that is our minds. But you can do it with a little consistent effort. First, you have to become conscious of what you think and how it makes you feel. All thoughts lead to corresponding emotions. It doesn’t matter what it is, and the feeling will always rise because of what you are thinking. Ask yourself what about that thought provides that particular emotion. If you do not like your feelings around any idea, you can choose to change them.
Why It’s Important
I believe we are all born with a purpose to achieve in life, and our programming often moves that purpose into the background. The further we are from our mission, the less we enjoy the circumstances of our lives. Many people live a large portion of their life under false programming, only to realize later that it was a lie and we were meant for something else. That is a painful realization, but it can help change you and bring your soul’s purpose that you were born with closer to your focus.
To find this purpose will be something that feels good to you, and to move further away from it is painful. It is that simple, to be who you indeed are. It is not a job, or something you own, your age, ethnicity, or anything else. It is who you are. I always wish that it was clearly labeled on our forearms so we could quickly seek it, but part of life’s journey is to remember exactly who you are and become that person again, regardless of the many obstacles that life puts in your way. Change your thoughts, and you will change your programming and move closer to your original self.
“You begin to fly when you let go of self-limiting beliefs and allow your mind and aspirations to rise to greater heights.” ―Brian Tracy
“Don’t limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve.” ―Mary Kay Ash
“Do just once what others say you can’t do, and you will never pay attention to their limitations again.” ―James Cook
“Learning too soon our limitations, we never learn our powers.” —Mignon McLaughlin
“Every person takes the limits of their own field of vision for the limits of the world.” —Arthur Schopenhauer
Fear– an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.
It is often believed that hate is the opposite of love, but that isn’t true. Fear is the opposite of love. Fear is an emotion that stems from beliefs that a situation will cause pain. All things are a choice between love and Fear. To try something you have a passion for, or not give it a go because you are afraid of failure or looking silly or not perfect. The most significant blocks to achievement are the thoughts of Fear, and the purpose of this post is to raise your consciousness about your fears and what they are stopping you from enjoying, accomplishing, or believing.
It all begins by being aware of your thoughts of Fear. They stem from beliefs you have accepted in your mind as undeniably true. They lead to emotions of Fear, words of Fear, and actions based on Fear. You can turn all of it around because Fear is just a thought that you can disregard as quickly as it can be accepted. That is our challenge today. Please find what you are afraid of and then learn how to overcome it. Simple task, right? Afraid not!!
Kinder Self-Talk is the First Step
There is a voice in our minds that talks to us continually. It suggests judges, states, encourages, or discourages us in all situations we face in life. The tenor of that voice has a lot to do with the level of self-esteem we enjoy. If that voice is kind, encouraging, and supportive, then your confidence will be higher, and Fear will be less of a problem. If that voice is negative, discouraging, worried, or judgmental, Fear will have an easy time controlling you. But it can all change.
Our ways don’t exist in stone. Changing the tone of our inner dialogue can happen just by becoming aware of the sound and choosing to change it. Notice how you speak to yourself when you see yourself in a mirror, when you face a challenge or when you think of those you care about. If that voice is negative, recognize it, and refuse to accept it. If you don’t expect yourself to be kind to yourself, it isn’t easy to assume that treatment from others. You are a unique human being with a wellspring of potential to do all sorts of things. See it, make a choice, and pursue it. The self-esteem you accept from yourself will determine your success more often than not. Don’t fear yourself.
Face Your Fear
As children, many are afraid of darkness at night. It is a thought of what might be hiding in the dark that scared us. Once we turned on the light, those fears were eventually let go. There was no monster under the bed, but there is always one in your head. That monster is Fear. That monster is there to tell you: “You can’t do that!” “You will look stupid!” “You have no talent in that area.”, “You will fail!” or any other negative comment you can think of. This hurdle is the monster of Fear in your head, and it is all just a thought.
The cure for Fear is to turn the light of experience on it. Once you shine a light on that Fear, it will lose its power, and you can move past it. So facing Fear is decisive for your confidence and self-esteem. Understanding the difference between danger and anxiety is essential. Danger can hurt you, and it is natural, tangible, and needs to be taken with precaution. Fear is the thought of things that might or might not happen ever. Shine a light on your Fear by facing them. Understanding that this can be very difficult to do, confidence rises inside that will help you meet and overcome more significant fears once it is done. Once the mindset is created that Fear is just a thought, and you can overcome it, what can stop you from doing anything?
Never Fear Mistakes
I have learned in life that people will make choices that lead to pain and suffering of one sort or another. These are viewed as mistakes in hindsight. But are they? All options cause actions, and these actions lead to results. How you weigh them is a point of view. Good, bad, tremendous, or horrible. It is the value you assign to the experience that gives it its value. As a society, we have been conditioned to fear making a mistake.
In school, we were graced by the number of mistakes we made and labeled by our school because of them. If a person never tried anything new and only stuck to what they mastered, they would never make mistakes, and they would never evolve or grow either. To truly learn, a person has to throw their whole self into the process. Create a theory, try it out, evaluate your results, adjust your opinion until you find success. Mistakes are a part of learning, and to fear them is unnatural. The more you shine a light on errors, the more you will see them for what they are, opportunities.
Nothing to Fear But Fear Itself
One of the most powerful, simple, and actual lines Franklin Roosevelt ever spoke. Fear is the only thing we have to fear in life. It was expressed at the time of the great depression when people were panicking in Fear that the country would collapse. It wasn’t what was happening that scared everybody, and it was the thought about what might happen that hurt them.
This practice is the way it is in life. If you are in a situation, you deal with it. You handle it. It may not be pleasant, but you will live. Then the thought about that thing happening again is the thing that haunts you. Your imagination is excellent at making up dark fantasies about bad things happening. The idea is these are not real, and the Fear of them is being afraid of a thought. It is fearful of Fear itself. Don’t let the fear of what might happen run your life and make decisions for you.
Fear Factor
Take a moment today, look at what scares you, and ask yourself why? Is it the danger of the situation, or are you letting an irrational thought get the best of you? Evaluate all of your dreams on their fear factor. Is there a real danger here, or is it a fear of what might happen? Look at your physical reaction to this emotionally. Look at the things that you want to say because of it. Observe how your actions are affected by it. This is becoming conscious of how Fear affects you and is, in effect, shining your light on the monsters under your bed. Taking action is always the cure for Fear.
“If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to your estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment.”- Marcus Aurelius
“Fear is the main source of superstition, and one of the main sources of cruelty. To Conquer Fear is the beginning of wisdom.”-Bertrand Russell
“Fears are educated into us, and can if we wish, be educated out.”-Karl Augustus Menninger
Belief- an acceptance that a statement is true or that something exists.
It is essential to understand what a belief is and how it affects our lives. A belief is a thought that we supply an attachment to and accept as true and accurate in our lives. What you choose to believe will determine the foundation of your life, and that is a significant thing because it will lead to your reality. If you have an attachment to a belief limiting your potential, you may never be able to create all you are capable of. Be aware today of all of the expectations we have chosen to accept and how they influence your life. Analyze where they come from and what evidence is there to back them up. This vision begins with a focus on your thoughts, words, and actions around your beliefs and how they influence your behavior and control what accomplishments you will experience. (see video)
Don’t Limit You
All people should value themselves and the gifts they bring to the world. You have a gift to get into the world, and the pursuit of life is to find that gift and allow it to come into the world. It will let you light up and, in turn, brighten the world as well. Too often, we have made beliefs that dim our lights limit our efforts and expectations of what we can accomplish and achieve. These beliefs have as much power to restrict us as we allow them to have. It is always up to you which ideas you actively accept and let slide past. How we feel about our values and abilities is probably the most crucial factor in developing our self-esteem and confidence. Too often, our lights are turned off before we even get a chance to see what we can do because we have decided to accept a limiting belief as accurate, and it isn’t.
People who have chosen to be limited feel the need to limit others and are not fulfilled. Misery loves company, and they consciously or subconsciously deter all others from pursuing theirs. First, because misery loves company, but more importantly, I think if someone else succeeds around them, develops their talents, and finds success, it makes the folly of their limiting belief apparent. That is a scary thing for them. YOU build your self-worth based on how you feel about your abilities, skills, and choices in life. Choose to look at yourself in the best light. It is not arrogant to love yourself, and it is common sense. We should all understand this is the only life you have. Don’t waste your opportunity living the limiting beliefs of others. Change them, forget them, and see how great a person you can be and what great things you can accomplish.
You Can Do It
It is credited to Henry Ford, but I think anyone who has ever endeavored to achieve anything could also say it. “If you believe you can, your right. If you believe you can’t, you are also right.” No more accurate evaluation of our beliefs has ever been made. It doesn’t mean that you will never fail; it means that the “failure” is merely a lesson or a necessary step along the path to ultimate success and fulfillment. If you let a setback destroy your belief in yourself, then you will indeed be limited your whole life. You can choose the path of limit or keep going and see what happens next. Learn and grow.
Make a goal, create a dream, and keep on talking nonstop action toward it. This is the path to success in all areas of history. Very few things will come “easy.” They take effort and work. But isn’t that a pretty simple formula? Cut out the harmful noise of others and keep to your task. If you know that you can become whatever you want, why do we let our beliefs stop us?
Creating Positive Beliefs
You only have a relatively short amount of time in this life. You can choose if you spend it being small because someone else thinks you are unrealistic…….. or you can make an effort and take your chances. People are afraid of those who achieve because they see what they could have achieved if they had believed in their faith and abilities a little more.
Be true to yourself and recognize your beliefs, limiting you and causing you to be modified in your pursuits of fame, money, charity, kindness, or whatever you are looking to create. Recognizing a limiting belief is the first step to changing it and replacing it with one that serves you and your life. You are a great soul seeking expression, and anything or anyone who tells you something that takes away from that limits you.
It is a scary proposition to be responsible for your life, but you are, and if you are not where you wish you were, then take steps to start moving in that direction. It is totally up to you. Create awareness around your thoughts, words, and actions today and see what beliefs dictate your reality and if you are limiting others with your own limiting beliefs.
Quotes on Belief
“The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease for ever to be able to do it.” ― J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan
“Tell people there’s an invisible man in the sky who created the universe, and the vast majority will believe you. Tell them the paint is wet, and they have to touch it to be sure.” ― George Carlin
“Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember, all things are possible for those who believe.”– Gail Devers
“Another belief of mine; that everyone else my age is an adult, whereas I am merely in disguise.” Margaret Atwood