Tag Archives: choice of thoughts

Things Falling Into Place

If You Correct Your Mind, the Rest of Your Life Will Fall into Place – Lao Tzu

correct-your-mindIt can be a very daunting task to correct your mind sometimes.  Each moment our awareness allows thoughts to occur, and what we pay attention to will bring a specific type of energy into our life, either positive, negative, or neutral. If you don’t like the current point in your life, you have the choice to start thinking about other things, which will lead to you doing other things and having a different experience in your life.

Do you spend your thoughts on supportive, kind, accepting thoughts, or are you focused on selfish things, others’ judgments, or jealousy? Once your mind is focused on positive things, positive actions will follow, and the results and experience of life will also be positive. So correct your mind by choosing thoughts and energies you would like in your life, and the rest of your life will fall into place. 

The Right Mind

So that begs the question, how to build the right mind? This is where the choice of your thoughts comes into play. Like all things in our lives, we have self-determination about our life experiences. We decide to pay attention to the thoughts we vocalize and act upon. Sometimes we get into trends of thought which result from life circumstances or the people we choose to associate with. A recent relationship, job, or location change can affect how you think about things.

These actions lead to our life experiences and mean that making the right choices of the thought or mind level is key to moving positively or negatively. So if you are thinking positive thoughts, you will see that all other things will fall into place. If you choose negative reviews, your life will operate from the negative side. You need to know the value you bring to life and bring it out as a part of your life.

Choices and Responsibility

Every moment of our lives involves this choice between the positive and the negative, right and wrong, or the light or the dark. We are each a master of our will and so must accept responsibility for what happens in our lives. You are the architect of your experience solely. Get your mind right, and the rest will fall into place. Some will claim that you have no choice, but that is untrue. All of your life is a choice you make and the thought that you are entertaining.

Your decisions are yours, accept responsibility
Your decisions are yours; accept responsibility.

Most daily choices are not complicated; they are subtle and consistent with your energy. In all interactions, including those with yourself, are you choosing:

Love or Hate?    Laugh or Cry? Create or Destroy? Persevere or Quit? Praise or Gossip?  Heal or Wound?  Give or Steal?  Act or Procrastinate? Grow or Rot?  Pray or Curse? Live or Die?

These are choices we make each day, and the choice will color your life and determine the direction it will go. The easy option is not always the right one, but our lives will follow the path of our decisions.  Nobody else is to blame for decisions other than ourselves; therefore, our lives are entirely in our hands.

If you correct your mind’s negative thoughts and make more positive choices, the result can’t help but be optimistic. Will it be precisely what you desire? We shall see. Perhaps it will become something better than you ever could have imagined. Every person can find a place to improve their mental game in life.  What things bring on thoughts of negativity? Why do we react negatively? Is it fear?  Usually, it is. Faith in life is the greatest thing we can face.

“Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.”— Willie Nelson

“Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose.” — Lyndon B. Johnson

“To carry a positive action we must develop here a positive vision.” -Dalai Lama

“Pessimism leads to weakness, optimism to power.”— William James

If You Correct Your Mind, the Rest of Your Life Will Fall into Place – Lao Tzu