I think that the Grinch might have had it right. If we took away the ribbons, tags, packages, boxes or bags, I don’t think that Christmas would actually come at all.
We would not find people singing in a circle being positive and loving. There would be chaos. People would be in fear for the economy, (by the way, holiday buying should not be an indicator of the health of the economy), angry about their loss of new gadgets, and I think it might lead to a national emergency. The media would have a field day, proclaiming the end of the world or blaming it all on a terrorist plot to end the United States as we know it.
When I was a kid I always felt bad for the Who’s down in Whoville, but now I am not so sure that I was rooting for the wrong side. The Grinch might have had the right idea all the time.
“Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn’t before! What if Christmas, he thought, doesn’t come from a store. What if Christmas…perhaps…means a little bit more!”
It is my observation that this simply isn’t true in our society. I would love to believe that we ,as a people, are more capable of love than we are of being greedy and judgmental, but the facts do not favor this.
People get depressed, angry and upset far more than they give, love and understand others. If you want to be brave and spend some time in any retail store this year you will find far more faces of worry, anger and crying. There are a lot of reasons people feel badly. If people can’t buy all of the things that they feel they want to, they feel bad. If they don’t get enough useless stuff, they feel bad. Here is what we should be happy about this time of year.
You are healthy
You are loved
You are able to grow and work toward goals
Your loved ones are healthy and happy
We are relatively free to live our lives
Each new day is filled with possibility and promise, that it is up to you to fulfill.
None of these things costs a cent and all people can be happy about them. Wrap that up and put it under a tree this year. I think that if we removed the stores from Christmas, people would protest in the street.
Christmas Doesn’t Come From A Store
In the end, the feeling surrounding Christmas can not be bought, and it is simply valuing people over material things. If that were popular more people would have a merrier Christmas.
No matter how much money we spend, or material things we receive, it will
Magic in your Heart
not make you a better person in any way. Giving should be our motto, accepting the love from others, and being grateful for all that we have in our lives will make the Christmas Season special. Give the gift of your time, your humor, your intellect or your kindness to someone and that will build a cheer that will last all year long.
So even if I decide to root for the Grinch and take away Christmas, I know that should not really happen because somewhere, there is a child who feels the magic that this season can bring. Christmas is for children and I wish there was a way to keep the magic and get rid of the commercialism. That would truly be a Christmas miracle. Neither the Grinch or myself could be upset about that.
Christmas should be a time of wonder, and if it isn’t, look within yourself.
It is easy to see the problems with the world today, life’s issues seem to force themselves into our consciousness. There are those without enough to eat, no family, no home and no hope of anything any better. This is impossible to fix completely but Christmas gives us our best opportunity to make changes in the quality of life for all people. How come we so often miss the mark? Why is it that so many people are not really happy on Christmas?
Commercialism Robs Gratitude
Too often it seems Christmas lists look like this. Greed is not good.
The increase in commercialism around this time has made Christmas the season of expectations not of gift giving and gratitude. People, especially young people, spend the holiday wrapped up in what is being wrapped up for them. Rather than being concerned with the feeling of Christmas which has always been love, they are worried about what is in this for them.
I feel old when I say I remember a different time, but I do. There were small gifts that were really appreciated by those receiving them. I remember not only receiving gifts that were thoughtful, and just what I wanted, and I remember searching for just that perfect gift that cost under five dollars for my parents or siblings. It was a simpler time, even though Christmas was commercialized then, it was nowhere near the media advertising blitz it is today.
It is no wonder people are so messed up around Christmas, if your intake of expensive electronic gizmos and gadgets doesn’t equal the price of a small import car, the holiday is a failure. Where did we go wrong?
The Magic of Christmas
Try some of these thoughts and emotions this year.
It doesn’t have to be that way, and it is simple to reclaim. If you are Christian then remember the actual meaning of the holiday. The message is one of love, power, and wonder. If you aren’t Christian but like the holiday, simply remember that the act of giving is a good thing, and has the power to transcend culture, distance, and differences of all kinds. Giving is a two-part transaction, which should never be forgotten. On the one hand, there is the giving of a gift. It simply has to be given with an open heart, to make someone else happy. That is it.
The second part of the transaction is receiving, with gratitude, and appreciation, that someone else in the world cares enough about you to take the time to find you a gift. There was a time in life, that I took gifts for granted myself, but age and time have made receiving gifts of any kind a wonder. I appreciate the thought, even more than the gift itself, because that is the real treasure anyway.
This is the magic that comes with this season each year and seems to be lost in the commercialism and greed that pervades the holiday. The act of giving is powerful, but the feeling of gratitude for the gifts and love of another can carry you to new heights. Having a gratitude in your heart can allow you to find the strength to make it through tough times because it is not really how much crap you accumulate in this life, it is how much others care about you and your presence in their lives that matters in the end.
It Will All Be OK
So when you start to feel overwhelmed with the season and find that you are getting frustrated with the commercialism and greed that seems to be all around you, then you need to look inside yourself and find the spirit of giving and the gratitude for all that you have. If that is your focus you will have a much more pleasant holiday season and life.
It had been years since I had ventured into that attic As I climbed the rickety pull down ladder my face was greeted with a musty, dusty smell and the cold air that stabbed my cheeks reminding me of the winter weather outside. As my body became fully engulfed by the cold I tried to make it a quick visit. I was looking for my copy of To Kill a Mockingbird, when something caught my eye.
It was a box. There was nothing about the box that separated it or made it seem that much different from the rest of the boxes in the attic, but the feeling I had was definitely not normal or routine. I picked it up almost subconsciously and maneuvered my way back down to the warmth of the house below with the box still closed in my hands.
There was a Christmas excitement that I was feeling as I started to pull the top of the box open to see what treasure was held inside. I am not sure if the contents glowed but there was a light that emanated from the container as I peeked inside. It could have been real light for all I know or remember because inside were memories that hadn’t been disturbed in years and they were being resurrected today.
The Book
Mike Mulligan and his Steam Shovel. Beat modernization but became a furnace in the end!
The first thing I pulled out of the box was a book. It was a children’s book and a pretty ordinary one at that, but it brought to life, experiences that occurred long ago.
It was called Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel. The contents of the book didn’t matter as much as the words. As I flipped through each page, the voices of those who read those pages to me in my youth came back. Most of them from the grave.
I was awash in nostalgia and even the love a kid feels when someone takes the time to read a story to you. Parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and even some teachers voices rose from the page.
When I was child the best time of day was just before I went to sleep when my mother or father would read a story to us. It was a ritual that lit my imagination on fire.
I dreamed of castles, monsters and being a hero. Those images crept back into my mind as I remembered my imaginary adventures from long ago. I wondered how many kids today get to experience this now.
The Scrapbook
Phones looked like this. You dialed the numbers. It was slower yet better. Unless you dialed wrong.
Anxiously I moved on, the next item was a scrapbook I had made in junior high of all of the pictures I could find with me in them. As most young people are, I suppose I was a bit self-centered at the time.
It hit me as I remembered teams I had played on or my seventh grade class picture, just how much life had changed. Not one of the kids including me in those pictures had ever heard of a cell phone or a personal computer for that part.
Yet we managed to live our lives, make friends, go places, and have fun anyway. I remembered how awkward it was to call someone’s house (from the phone attached to the wall) and have to talk to their mom to see if they were home.
Each of these pictures made me wonder how kids can manage to
This is Paddleball. Not much too it thank God.
pay attention at all today. They always have an electronic distraction within arm’s length.
I had a hard enough time concentrating when there was only a paddle ball to distract me. If you are not sure what that is, see the image, but the point is I was easily distracted.
I looked at the kid I was and was happy for him that he had never dreamed of Facebook. It was much more fun to talk to girls in person I think.
My Former Friend
The most painful feeling of looking for your friend and seeing only an enemy
The next item was not filled with pleasant memories. It was filled with pain and sadness. It was a homemade award that one of my best friends had given me.
It represented some joke between us. We used to work together and I thought we were very good friends. It struck me that I had not seen nor heard from this person in over five years.
Something in my heart sunk as I thought about the temporary nature of all things in life and particularly the fleeting ideas of friendship. Why weren’t we friends anymore? What had happened?
It all seems so silly now. There was this award, a joke shared long ago that now only echos in hollow silence. They say that everything happens for a reason and some day perhaps I will understand the reason friendship ends, but it won’t be today.
The Game Changer
I was out of time and had to run, but I reached in the box one more time and this time I came out with a total shock. My collectors edition of thoughts by William George Jordan! The book I think is only significant to me as my reading of it changed my life from one of a taker to one of a giver.
Reading opened doors in my mind I never knew were there.
That book was the gateway for me into a world of wonder and wisdom. It planted the seed of an idea, that every thought you form affected your experience in life was a concept that I had never conceived of, much less ever heard of before.
I recalled how as one book turned into another that philosophies started to make sense in my mind. I remember not only feeling more positive about life but more hopeful about the fate of the world.
There were greater powers available to mankind than simply watching tiny plays acted out on a television screen. Learning is a lifelong thing and how much you want to learn is controlled only by your own personal desire and ability to put away your phone, turn off your television or computer and allow words to seep into your mind. The reward is knowledge of anything you want. Aladdin had a lamp, you have a book, each can make any wish you have come true.
The End
I closed the box and placed it in a very safe place and hurried off to my pressing appointment with work. Even though I left the room physically, my mind was still stretching back to what was inside that box.
So here it is Valentine’s Day. I initially was going to rant about how this day is not about love and only about how much money a person has to spend to adequately show their love to another. That this isn’t actually a holiday at all, but a manufactured event of greeting card companies to sell more greeting cards between Christmas and Easter. But that is just being miserable for the sake of being miserable so I decided to focus on what the focus should be on this day, LOVE.
Love Has Everything to Do With It
When I heard the word love, for much of my life I thought about the romantic emotion of love. However love is more than just an emotion that you feel when you are around someone you care about, it is a force that can help make your life and those of others better each and every day. Love is the fertile soil from which kindness, charity, acceptance, understand all grow out of.
Kindness Counts Today
Best Valentine EVER!
Kindness seems to me to be one of the things that we should be focusing on every Valentine’s Day. There are opportunities in each of our lives to just show a little kindness to another person. It doesn’t cost a dime to be kind to anyone. So the next time you interact with someone, be it, someone, you have known your whole life or a complete stranger, just approach them with kindness and not only will they feel better about the world and themselves but you will too.
Patience is definitely a Virtue
Another branch of the plant of love is patience. When you get frustrated it is usually because you are not focused on the here and now but because you are thinking about what might not happen in the future if something goes wrong. Being patient is simply recognizing any moment for what it is. A line is long because it is long, not for the sole purpose of messing up your day. A person who makes a mistake that you think could have been avoided is more than likely doing their best, and a little guidance from someone else might be all they need to be more productive and to have a better day. The point is that it doesn’t matter if you’re dealing with a teller at a bank, your kids or your spouse, practice patience and understanding over being impatient and mean and you and those around you will see the world in a much brighter light.
It’s What You Give That You Get
The rules of life are mysterious and nobody knows them for sure, we take guesses based on experience but there is no rule book to guide you. One thing that I have found to be true is that what you give in life, most often you get back. If your focus is on solely meeting your needs, then you are probably going to be surrounded by people who are solely focused on their needs. The same is true for love if you are focused on making sure those you care about are having their needs met, then you are going to find that others are looking out for yours. It is what you give that you get, for the most part in my experience.
Love Stinks When You Lose Your Focus
If you have ever been in love, you know that it is the greatest feeling in all of the world. To care about someone so much and know they care about you. It is so great that often times we lose our focus on the love and focus on the fear of losing it.
This is what happens when jealousy enters the picture. Jealousy is a powerful manifestation of fear and can work to not only destroy a loving relationship but rob you of any enjoyment that relationship might bring you. Fear of losing the love that means so much to you is a recipe to lose everything you have. That is my experience that fear is the destroyer of relationships and needs to be discarded on a regular basis. Focus on the things that you love and they will be accentuated.
So I hope that all of you people who love this day have a great time today. Those of you who dislike this day because of the fact that it is over commercialized foolishness, trying to make money off of the purest emotion in the world, I wish you the biggest and best Valentine’s Day you have ever had. You deserve it.
There are few things which clearly demonstrate the failure of our modern society more than Black Friday. Traditionally this day after Thanksgiving has become the largest shopping day of the year. I have nothing against shopping or the ability to businesses to make money, in fact I am all for capitalism and the right of individuals to run their businesses. I believe that the problem is the ever increasing commercialization of Christmas and the inability of some people to put their family above saving a few dollars.
The Greed Factor
This about says it all. Enjoy your crumbs.
To see this greed factor in action, you don’t have to look any further than the fact that all of the big businesses have extended their Black Friday sales into Thanksgiving day. If you show up at Walmart at 8 PM on Thanksgiving night, you will get a great deal on a great flat screen. This is the price of integrity and family time, an inexpensive television. Sad that there isn’t just one day that you can ignore all of the corporate chatter and pursue some sort of family time and interpersonal connections that don’t cost a thing.
Shoppers or Sheep?
It seems that all people today are just like sheep, being herded to the stores by the herders that run the big stores. Once one store does it, all of them feel
What Black Friday crowds look like to Chain Stores.
the need to open up, because they might miss out on some sales. Forget the fact that the people who are working for you have to be there regardless of whether or not anyone shows up. I can’t imagine the money that is going to be made in those short hours of Thanksgiving night are going to make or break Walmart’s bottom line, and you and I both know they won’t. The additional sales, might help increase their take for the season, but that will be a surplus on top of what they would have made anyway. In fact, I would wager this is a very small percentage of their holiday marketing deluge. It is not Walmart’s, or Kmarts, or Sears’ fault for this, it is the consumer who is willing to show up to spend money.
How much commercialization is too much? Enjoy your sales.
This extension of the marketing of Christmas and the attack on the little family time we have left can be stopped really easily by simply not showing up. If there is nobody there, then the corporations that run Christmas will not pursue it, their advertising schemes will find a more natural outlet. Maybe they will see that there is money to be made in common sense, but that will never happen as long as the sheep, that is the American consumer continues to participate in this foolishness. Everyone seems to forget that this should be a season about love and not about buying more crap that nobody really needs. What is the point? What do you need?
A Dark Forecast for Christmas
Scrooge isn’t the only one in trouble
The future looks dark for those who participate in this type of marketing, because before long the sales will creep up through the week, Black Friday will begin on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. There will be promotions that give you savings for visiting their stores on consecutive days during the week. Or the inevitable heavy barrage of the commercialism of Christmas will move into October, because some marketer realizes that all consumers do exactly what the advertisers tell them to. Sad. But what can we expect when the message people get every day is that more is better and even more stuff is better than that.
Boycott Black Friday
I would add, all corporate retail outlets to this boycott, stay home spend time with your family, or read a book.
The only way to end this foolishness is to stop participation and boycott the whole mess. Stay away from the stores and ignore the marketing. The argument that you will never get that kind of deal again is foolishness, they will still give you the deals later in the season. I am not sure you know, but stores are still competing for your money right up until Christmas, there will be other sales. This will not hurt the bottom line of any business, because you will still shop and buy whatever you were going to buy anyway. The corporate world would have you believe that the entire economy is coming unpinned if the sales on Black Friday aren’t up to expectation. Don’t believe it, that is all media driven foolishness, designed to get you to buy, buy, and buy some more.
Use Your Brain and Think, Make your own Decision
If you have a brain in your head, and you can make your own decisions, then don’t participate in Black Friday in any form or fashion. For the many who will sell their integrity and in effect their soul for a cheap television at Walmart, there is really no hope for you at this time. Stuff doesn’t make you happy, it only gives you more stuff. No matter how much stuff you accumulate, it will not fill the void and emptiness you have inside.
I hope you all experience safe travel and have a happy day eating turkey, watching football and spending time with your family, I think that is what this time of year should be all about.
Whenever it gets to this time of year, there are many things that allow me to think pleasant thoughts about the Christmas season. Sometimes a gentle snow fall, or the sight of a well planned out display of lights, or the memory of past kindness that I have experienced. The thing that really makes the spirit of Christmas rise to the forefront of my soul are the Christmas shows and movies I remember from my youth. Even though I have seen them all at least 45 times, every time I see them they move my heart a little. Especially today, with everyone wanting more stuff, and more commercialization, it is hard to remember that at the core of this holiday is the thoughts of love and caring. To me, even though I experienced the religious aspect of Christmas, it still seems to mean more than that to me. The idea that hearts can change, love can come, miracles can happen are the real feelings behind the holiday. Even if you were a strict practicing Christian it would be hard to argue that the teachings of Jesus, attempted to provide all of these very things. So I wanted to compile a list of Christmas shows and Christmas movies that I think are a must for this season.
This classic movie has all of the charm and hope that you want in a Christmas Movie. George Bailey doesn’t appreciate what he has, and is continually looking outside of Bedford Falls to look for happiness. When he finds out , with his guardian angel, Clarence, what would have happened to everyone without him. And none of it was good. The moral is appreciate what you have, and what you’ve experienced, you are the only one who could have. It’s easy to relate to a character who realizes in the end that he is the richest man in town. I hate to admit this but if I allow myself to feel emotional at the end of It’s a Wonderful Life, it will lead to a few unabashed tears. This movie is guaranteed to put you in the mood.
This was always my favorite of the claymation specials of my childhood. The story of Santa Claus, well I believe every word of this one. He comes from the North Pole, he was an orphan raised by elves, and a toy maker to boot. He had a pet penguin, and was hunted by the Burger Meister, Meister Burger. This was kind of a twisted story when you think about them burning all of the children’s toys in the town square. Something autocratic about all of that. And the fact that there was an evil warlock tooling about, there seems to be a plethora of opportunities for nightmares and childhood trauma here, but in the end, we get Santa and Jessica becomes Mrs. Clause and we all got presents and lived happily ever after. I think the fact that I look at it with the warmth that I do shows that they got it right.
A Christmas Carol-
The Latest Version?
The great thing about this movie is that it has been made so many times and in so many ways that you are bound to be able to find one that will tickle your fancy. From the classic black and white film, to a musical, to Bill Murray performing Scrooged, to the Muppet Christmas Carol, it doesn’t matter which one you like you will still get the feeling of hope, rebirth and change the story brings with it. Here’s why, no matter how nice a person you may be, there is a part of each of us that is just like Ebenezer Scrooge, tired of Christmas and everything to do with it. We all build walls around us, but they just aren’t as visible as those built by Scrooge. We all have regrets, whether it’s working to much or caring too little, or letting love slip away. The great part of the story is that profound change can come to everyone’s life, quickly and with power. When you see the change in Scrooge, you can recognize that just a little bit of yourself has changed as well. The idea that if you have faith, all things from Tiny Tim’s sickness to the ills of society will fade away into an unhappy memory. “God bless us, every one.”
charlie brown and snoopy
This classic was made in 1965 which is a year before I was born. So by the time I was aware, it was already a classic. People were already complaining that they didn’t feel like they were supposed to feel. It was one of the must watch events for the season. I remember my very creative teachers, dressing us up as Peanuts characters for the annual Christmas Show at school. (I was Linus) The story for Charlie Brown gets more real every year. What is the real meaning of Christmas. Linus gives the key speech about what Christmas is all about. The great thing about this timeless classic, is that they talked about how commercial Christmas had become back then, what would they think today in this “I’ve gotta have everything and I gotta have it right now, world!” All I can tell poor old Charlie Brown is that it hasn’t gotten much better. People seem to be more superficial and greedier than ever. The hope is that even though many people act this way, perhaps their hearts will change and grasp that it’s all about peace on earth, goodwill toward men. Also it would be remiss not to mention that every crappy Christmas Tree in the world is now known as a Charlie Brown Christmas Tree, thanks Charlie Brown, you’re not such a blockhead after all.
A Christmas Story
You’ll Shoot Your Eye Out!
This 1983 classic has been a favorite of many, I think because of the iconic Christmas messages it sends. We all to some degree remember our fathers a little like Ralphie’s Dad in this movie. But mostly it captures what I remember I liked about Christmas as a kid. I don’t think I ever wanted a Red Rider BB Gun or not, but I am sure that I had the same kind of all encompassing dreams about receiving some sports related gifts. There are a hundred little moments in this movie that can be directly transported to my own youth as a kid growing up in Greenville, Maine. From Randy being so bundled up in winter clothes that he can’t put his arms down, falls over and can’t get up off of the ground, to sticking your tongue to a flag pole in cold weather. Yes I believe I had seen that done in person, on more than one occasion. I am happy to report that I was not foolish enough to try it myself. Like all kids we had to face up to bully’s, with yellow eyes. You were either a bully, a toadie or one of the nameless rabble of victims. Until Ralphie snaps and kicks the ever lovin’ crap out of Scott Farkus, we all wish that we had the courage to kick the snot out of our own Scott Farkus’. Again all classic moments, from having Santa kick him down the slide to shooting your eye out with the BB gun you have lusted after for so long. I triple dog dare you not to watch and like this Christmas Classic.
How The Grinch Stole Christmas
Stink, Stank, Stunk
This Dr. Seuss classic from 1966 has stood the test of time, it has been a staple of Christmas my entire life and it really tells a story that I think a lot of people feel, that the real meaning of Christmas is often overlooked by all of the material goods we have. The Grinch hates Christmas because of all of the noise that comes from people being happy. He sees the material gifts as the culprit and figures that if he steals every present, then he will in effect stop Christmas from coming. In the end of course he realizes that Christmas is more than presents, which many, many people could stand to realize today. “He puzzled and puzzed till his puzzler was sore. Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn’t before. Maybe Christmas, he thought… doesn’t come from a store. Maybe Christmas, perhaps… means a little bit more!” When you analyze a lot of the material from the Grinch it is pretty funny stuff, I mean in the song they say, “You’re a monster, Mr. Grinch / Your heart’s an empty hole / Your brain is full of spiders, you have garlic in your soul / Mr. Grinch / I wouldn’t touch you with a thirty-nine-and-a-half foot pole.” And of course: “Your soul is an appalling dump-heap, overflowing with the most disgraceful assortment of rubbish imaginable, mangled up in tangled up knots!” There is not a lot of gray area here, The Grinch is a bad person who doesn’t do much good. He represents all of those out there that do not like Christmas for whatever reason. Many people feel exactly as the Grinch does that it is all a marketing maze of foolish greed, and if you took all of that away you would be left with nothing. I think that the truth is that inside all of us, somewhere, sometimes very deep inside where no one sees, there is a belief that the spirit of Christmas is just a little more. That we can be the best that we are to all people, at least on this day. That our own individual material needs are not as important as being kind to someone else. That the act of giving is more than a requirement, it is a choice that spreads throughout all of the people involved. I think at some point in life everyone has felt their heart grow three sizes after doing something kind for someone else. If you haven’t you should give it a try. It’s more powerful than any marketing campaign and will create a need to do it more and more. So look for the Grinchs in your life and try to do something nice for them. They will more that likely surprise you with their own human capacity to give back.
Christmas Vacation
That’s an RV Clark
National Lampoon’s classic tale about Clark Griswald and his quest for the classic family Christmas that he remembered from his youth. The problem is that his family came and got in the way. From the ginormous Christmas tree, to the super light display on his house, Clark is acting like every person who remembers Christmas fondly and wants to share that feeling with his own kids and everybody else for that matter. Bring in all the drama from no Christmas bonus to his cousin’s RV parked in the driveway. All Clark wants is an old fashioned family Christmas. Christmas with the Griswalds has become a staple of holiday entertainment because it is funny and connects adults with their past. Following are some quotes from the movie:
Clark: Can I refill your eggnog for you? Get you something to eat? Drive you out to the middle of nowhere and leave you for dead? Eddie: Naw, I’m doing just fine, Clark.
Ellen: What are you looking at? Clark: Oh, the silent majesty of a winter’s morn… the clean, cool chill of the holiday air… an asshole in his bathrobe, emptying a chemical toilet into my sewer…
[Eddie, in the driveway, is draining the RV’s toilet] Eddie: Shitter was full. Clark: Ah, yeah. You checked our shitters, honey? Ellen: Clark, please. He doesn’t know any better. Clark: He oughta know it’s illegal. That’s a storm sewer. If it fills with gas, I pity the person who lights a match within ten yards of it.
Clark: We’re kicking off our fun old fashion family Christmas by heading out into the country in the old front-wheel drive sleigh to embrace the frosty majesty of the winter landscape and select that most important of Christmas symbols. Audrey: We’re not coming all the way out here just to get one of those stupid ties with Santa Clauses on it are we? Clark: No, I have one of those at home.
Eddie: You surprised to see us, Clark? Clark: Oh, Eddie… If I woke up tomorrow with my head sewn to the carpet, I wouldn’t be more surprised than I am now.
There is no wonder that people have been enjoying this one since it’s release in 1989. It’s a good laugh anytime the Christmas Season is getting you down. To quote Clark: “Where do you think you’re going? Nobody’s leaving. Nobody’s walking out on this fun, old-fashioned family Christmas. No, no. We’re all in this together. This is a full-blown, four-alarm holiday emergency here. We’re gonna press on, and we’re gonna have the hap, hap, happiest Christmas since Bing Crosby tap-danced with Danny fucking Kaye. And when Santa squeezes his fat white ass down that chimney tonight, he’s gonna find the jolliest bunch of assholes this side of the nuthouse. “
Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer
Ready Santa
One of the best of the claymation contributions to Christmas that was released in 1964. Not only does this story tell you about Rudolph, but it also tells you that it’s OK to be different and that everybody, no matter what their flaws are unique, contributing members of the world. From Rudolph’s “deformity”, To the Island of Misfit Toys, where trains with square wheels wait for Santa to connect them with a child that loves them. The scary part of the movie is the Abominable Snowman, who apparently being left to his druthers, likes to eat reindeer. A scary dude for children who are really small to deal with. But in the end even he has a purpose, putting the star on the Christmas Tree without the use of a ladder. Great characters here, Yukon Cornelius, Herbie the Dentist, all misfits that run away looking for the place in the world where they fit in. Realizing that the place where they fit in is where they started out from. It also teaches people not to pick on someone just because they are different, because that difference makes them unique and valuable. Conformity stinks and you shouldn’t be bound by that, be yourself and your talent will shine through. A classic that you should watch every year. Have a Holly Jolly Christmas, my friends! Burl Ives says so.