Every day, every person in the world, at one level or another, experiences fear in their lives. It is how we deal with our fears that go a long way in determining how we enjoy our lives or slog through them in a haze of day-to-day worry about things that might happen or what another person might think of us. Will we ever be happy? Will we ever be safe? Will we ever find love? What will tomorrow bring? All questions we ask on our way to the conclusion of our life generate fear about worry of what we will do if the answer to any of these questions is negative.
Fear can become a pervasive part of your life, but it doesn’t cover you like a blanket. Fear creeps into your life through any insecurity or bad experience. Once inside of you, it grows like a virus, and the more negative you become, the bigger your fear. There is only one way to defeat it: to recognize it and shine a light on it. Easy to say and difficult to do, but necessary to become the best version of yourself possible.
Fears Control Us
Fear is our brain warning us about the potential of pain or harm. Often it is based on

Experiences that we have had in the past. It is driven by your ego and determines your behavior and actions in all situations, from job performance to dating. Fear is there pushing you. From the time we are children, we have to deal with our fears. Monsters in the closet, the dark, or heights are examples. But fear is just a thought in your mind you are paying too much attention to.
Most fears are no more real than the tooth fairy, and the pain they can cause is all self-induced. Thoughts in the mind that are sending warnings to us that might be or might not be real. The danger is real, it can hurt you, but fear can’t; it is only the thought of the pain that may or may not ever occur. This fear stops you from putting yourself fully out there into life. Life is going to happen; if you spend your time in fear of the worst-case scenarios, then you will never act bravely, try something new or be your own unique self. Soon you will be overcoming fear.
Living Fearless Overcoming Fear
This is the part that is so difficult because, as humans, we are conditioned to avoid pain and seek pleasure. Yet to get the latter, we often have to endure some of the former. This is the way that life works. There will be a certain level of risk involved in attempting to achieve any goal. That is what makes it valuable. Assume the risk of being hurt to achieve greatness. If you should fail, the pain is the price of trying again, and as in all things, you are left with a choice. To move forward, try again, or stay still and let the fear of future pain discourage your efforts.
Every dream in the history of humanity was achieved with the risk of pain attached to it. Most involved some failure and doubt along the way until the goal was achieved. Only the perseverance of the individual involved allowed anything to be achieved. They were no different from you. You will be tested to think, experience, find, discover, and grow on your journey. Most great things aren’t going to be easy because the journey’s difficulty is what provides their value. Don’t let the fear of a temporary setback cause a permanent roadblock to your dreams.
“Life begins where fear ends.” Osho~Overcoming Fear