Tag Archives: good questions

Ask The Right Questions

questions One of the most valuable skills a person can develop is asking questions to clarify any situation. Often life brings situations designed to teach us something, and the right questions can get that valuable knowledge to the surface. The right question can change your focus, target your awareness, and get answers. In short, questions bring our thoughts into focus and bring us growth.

Questions Make Sense of Things

Questions can help make sense of things. By questioning a person’s motives or why an event affected us the way it did, we can start to find answers. How many times have we had an experience that was less than pleasant. A loss, a death, an questions 2accident, or something else that, on the surface, is a negative experience. And that could be all it is, but when you ask the right question, you know for sure. What is good about this situation that I don’t see at first? What are the benefits that I can’t see right now? How can my life benefit from this situation?

This is not trying to diminish the trauma and pain life brings you. How can the death and loss of a loved one possibly be good? All things have the possibility for good in some way. Perhaps you will appreciate those loved ones still in your life. Maybe you will take the time to let those still living to know that you care about how you feel. The relationships in your life may become more precious to you. Your experience may become more loving, rich, and deep because you looked honestly at the benefits of a loss.

Steer Clear of Self Pity

A question will change the focus of your consciousness in whatever direction your questions lead you. So if you are wallowing in self-pity with questions like ”


Why me?” or “How can this keep happening to me?” then those answers will be what you find. Self-pity is a damaging exercise that will not provide comfort or personal growth.

Focusing on positive questions and away from self-pity will allow you to maintain or develop your best. All experiences have some value. Even though the value is sometimes hidden, questions release these thoughts and allow for a real examination of a situation. All experiences have some value hidden in them, and asking a question and thinking about the answer will get you a solution at the worst, show the positive aspects of an experience, and, at best, enlighten you about the possibilities of life.

Maintain an Open Mind

The ability to ask, answer, and accept the information the right questions ask is the definition of having an open mind. It is easy to look at things from the short-sighted perception of your day-to-day existence. What benefits could come from this? Even though this isn’t nice to experience, what could come from good, positive, or even pleasurable? Once you open your mind to these possibilities, they can show up in your life. They have been there all along, but recognizing them allows you to understand them and enjoy their benefits in your life.

Questions Eliminate Resistant Thoughts

A good question will not only push your focus toward the desired knowledge or information. It will also empowering questionseliminate the ideas, thoughts, and preconceptions that are resistant or irrelevant to the challenge.
“What can I learn from this challenge so this never happens again?”  At the same time, a question can make all of your resources apparent to us.

Developing a consistent practice of asking real and relevant questions will allow us to meet challenges, focus our attention on solutions, and move past irrelevant information. This will more than likely make your life a bit more of an enjoyable experience.

Question Everything

questioneverythingThe ability to question things is one of the greatest gifts that people are given.  It is not a skill that I developed until recently in life, but I think it should be one that our society encourages in all people, everywhere, all the time.

Why We Don’t Question Anything

For much of my life, I was conditioned to accept what authority symbols in my life told me.  Our parents started us off by giving us the rules of how we were supposed to behave. They passed the baton of behavioral instruction to teachers and religious Philo albertorganizations, who managed to move me toward a fear-based existence.   “Do what we say, or you are wrong.”  That was the mantra of society.   

You learned young that if you questioned something, you would pay the price of being evaluated poorly, a knock to self-esteem, and it was apparent conditioning, find the answers and speak the ideas you were told were right.

That would be followed by praise and reward.  This is easily transferable to the media and popular culture.  We don’t question easily because we were taught that the repercussions of asking questions were most likely going to be painful and harmful to a young mind.  So it is natural that we never question anything.

Main Stream Media Brainwash

We were taught through this process to believe what our authority sources tell us. As adults, we transfer that quite easily into listening to what the government tells us or, even worse, into what the media tells us to think about the government.

Our ability to reason and judge things based on their merit seems to be gone the way of the eight-track tape player.  I hope I am I_have_just_as_much_authority_as_the_pope._George_Carlinwrong, but there seems to be a strict and consistent idea of what questions it is OK to ask and which ones it is not.

We have been involved in a military conflict for a decade, yet nobody questions why?  If they do, they have to face questions about their judgment, patriotism, political leanings, and character flaws. It is our right as human beings living on the earth to question everything.

Why Questions are So Important

Without the ability to question things, it will be very slow in coming when change is needed.  The history of humanity is littered with examples of practices that society told people were good for them, that weren’t or were just plain wrong. These practices needed to be changed for the health of a person or a society. People believed that regular bathing was unhealthy, the world was flat, and the Earth was the center of the universe.  Not to mention the accepted racial attitudes plaguing society of just fifty to a hundred years ago.  Question everything that comes into your life because simply taking something perpetuates unfair and unjust practices.

I am grateful today that I live in a world where you can ask questions.  With each question asked, the world moves closer to finding an answer to solve its problems.  I hope that more and more people will take the time to listen mindfully and honestly look at their own beliefs.