Imagination- the faculty or action of forming new ideas or images or concepts of external objects not present to the senses.
The human mind is a powerful tool. It can recall information and perform intricate calculations while still managing to keep a physical body functioning appropriately. A mind can create imaginary situations and scenarios that allow us to create new things and unique events in our lives.
The mind has an imagination that can go to places that have never existed or might only exist in the future. Unfortunately, this creative imagination can sometimes work against us. Fear creeps into our lives and starts to use our imaginations against us. You are creating worst-case scenarios that raise our anxiety levels about things that never have and probably never will happen. If you are experiencing this misuse of imagination, it is time to control your thoughts and use the power of your vision for you and not against you. It is all up to the ideas you choose to entertain, the corresponding emotions you will deal with because of your choice—the words you use to describe things. And the actions you take to enhance or diminish the power of your imagination.
What Can Go Right?
Too often, we spend our thoughts worrying about what might go wrong. This fear is a thing that develops over time. As we experience suffering in life, we try to create a safety zone in our minds where nothing unexpected ever happens. The working theory is that if we can imagine the worst, it won’t take us by surprise, and we can handle it if it happens. So we weave tales of terror and woe and play out our imaginary reactions to the situations. Although they are in our minds, the stress they create is felt by us. It is hard to experience happiness if you only imagine the most painful things your life can bring.
Rather than spend your time worrying about what might go wrong, how about switching your focus to what can go right? One of the more powerful tools of creation we have is our imagination. Used to imagine a successful result, it can move you down the path to creating that very thing in your life. Think of a goal achieved and how that is going to feel for you. Put it aside and start taking action toward making that thing a reality. Your imagination can help keep you motivated and show you how good life can be when your goals come into existence. Also, there is the added benefit. When your mind is creating positive thoughts, the negative thought train shuts down. Focus on what can go right rather than what might go wrong.
Overcoming Anxiety
It seems like we feel we have to know all the answers. Well, nobody has this ability. Since our youngest days, we have been conditioned to be “smart” and never look “stupid” and always have the answer. This mindset is a fixed way of thinking where people seem to believe either we have a talent or not. Some lucky people start to realize that we are not born with all the answers or abilities. Those things are developed through the learning process and become whatever version of ourselves we want.
The larger group would rather pretend to know the answer rather than reveal a lack of knowledge. The fear that people might find out this “weakness” is one of the causes of anxiety. They fear that they will reveal as less of a person or a person of less value. It is an illusion of perfection our society demands, but it is just an illusion.
Nobody is perfect, and nobody knows everything. When we start to look at all situations as opportunities for growth, rather than tests our current knowledge and base our value on it, anxiety will lessen in our lives. So what if you don’t know everything? That is called learning. Having a growth mindset sets you free to learn, improve, and become your best at whatever you want to excel at in your life. Your only limits of accomplishment are then the limits of your imagination. Rather than using your imagination to conjure up how other people see you negatively, use it, creating a real-world, achieving what you want.
Only So Much Room
Finally, remember worry is a misuse of your imagination, and it will only fill your head with fear and anxiety. These are forces that can destroy your health and make you unhappy. Thoughts develop in patterns, and if you are in a mode of worry, it is all you can think of, and there isn’t any room in your head for anything else. It makes sense to take logical steps for your safety and well-being, but to obsess about negative things happening to you and those you love is a negative chute. It is hard to come out of and change direction. There is only so much room in your head, just like in your house. Why fill it with junk? It costs you the delight of space and positivity. Look at your thoughts and how they affect your imagination today. Use your imagination wisely.
“Worry is a misuse of your imagination.”- Dan Zadra
“Anxiety is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind. If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained.”- A.S. Roche
“The closer you come to knowing that you alone create the world of your experience, the more vital it becomes for you to discover just who is doing the creating.” ― Eric Micha’el Leventhal.
Responsibility for Your Past
When it comes to all that you experience in your life, it does no good to point to God, nature, or any other factor as the reason for your plight. Even though other forces will influence your life, it is your own subconscious and imagination which combine to deliver you into the situation you are currently living.
Many will argue, this cannot be. Some fate befell you by the choices of someone else, and you didn’t have a chance. Each of us has a primary responsibility to ourselves and our lives. We may not control all things that come our way, but we control our reactions to all things. If someone mistreats you, responsibility for their transgressions lies in their own consciousness. Your responsibility lies in how you let it affect you. There can always be a time of sadness and mourning. That is understandable and probably healthy. Letting something control your life, your behavior, and your happiness forever is a poor decision. You don’t have to be a martyr for your past. Forgive those who need to be forgiven, but most of all, believe yourself.
Use Your Productive Imagination
All of us have a gift of creativity, and it comes to us in the form of imagination. Where we can picture scenes from the future as if they are real. The thing is, we can imagine the very best, ideal things, or we can spend time dreaming up worst-case scenarios happening to us that we definitely don’t want. Take a moment and think of all the daydreams you spent. Let your mind fall on in your youth. The ones you really found a connection with, put your emotions into, and took action toward probably came true.
Everything is created twice, once in mind, and then that idea springs forth into reality. There are no examples of it happening any other way. Your imagination provides the blueprint for all your creations. The energy we send to our future in our imagination can bring it into creation.
You Are A Creator
You are doing the creating. All of it. The good, the bad, and the ugly. The thoughts you entertain are going to be dictating your reality. Once they are accepted as beliefs in the subconscious mind, they will become a part of your programming until they are removed or updated.
“The possibilities of creative effort connected with the subconscious mind are stupendous and imponderable. They inspire one with awe.” ~ Napoleon Hill
“You will be a failure until you impress the subconscious with the conviction you are a success. This is done by making an affirmation which ‘clicks.'” ~Florence Scovel Shinn
“The game of life is a game of boomerangs. Our thoughts, deeds, and words return to us sooner or later with astounding accuracy. ” ~Florence Scovel Shinn
It is difficult to stop your mind from thinking about bad things that might happen. When you look at what you are thinking, much of it is based on untamed, repetitive thoughts and based entirely on fear. If your mind is left to its own devices, continually spitting out random thought patterns with no conscious control from you, worry will most likely be the result. Fear-based thoughts about what might happen tomorrow will take something away from you of value, or that you will add something terrible to your life will dominate you. Unfortunately, this constant stream of negativity is occurring in most people’s minds. Worry will never help you, other than to make your life the most miserable experience it can be for you and all of those around you. But yet we worry on.
Negative thinking can have both short and long-term complications on the quality of your life, from physical issues to psychological problems of paranoia or obsessive-compulsive disorders of all kinds. Fear is the antagonistic force behind this, and a positive attitude and hope are the cure of all of this worry all the time.
I read an interesting article about worry that I want to share with my commentary. I hope it helps you. Dr. Walter Cavert contributed it.
Things We Worry About
– Things that never happen- 40%
Many times our minds can cook up precisely what we are scared of. What if a meteor hits my house?
What if my significant other is cheating on m? What if my children forget to look both ways before crossing the road and are arrested for jaywalking and sent to prison and never receive that baseball scholarship? North Korea may develop a weapon to destroy us.
The list of what-ifs and how comes is as endless as your imagination. You can spend unlimited time worrying about these types of things, but you are wasting a significant portion of your time.
The thing is that these events that are worrying you so much may never and most likely will never happen. I understand that they may happen, but will worry about them stop them even if they do? Will it allow you to protect your loved ones and yourself from these events? The answer is no. Even if they do happen, your worrying about them will not prevent them, and you will have to deal with them anyway.
How to defeat these worries, recognize these thoughts when they arise as things that may never happen. Understand that excessive worry does not lead to control because we can never have complete control over life and the things that will happen, no matter what we do.
Life is never about what happens to you. It is all about how you deal with these things. You can control what thoughts you allow to influence your moods and behaviors. As a famous philosopher once said, “Stuff Happens, deal with it.” That is how it is, and you will be much healthier if you eliminate your worries about things that will never happen.
-Things over and done with that can’t be changed- 30%
So True!
How much time do we spend thinking about our past? Whether it is about choices we have made our choices we didn’t make, people often look back with a healthy sense of fantasy that if they had done something differently, or if they had made a different decision at a critical point in their life, then now life would be so much better.
The danger with these types of thoughts is that they are so addictive and believable. It is comforting to visit thought about our past. They are safe, and whether you admit it or not, you have the ultimate control of how the particular situation you are thinking about actually occurred.
You can only remember snapshots of events anyway because remembering every detail would take the same real-time it took when the event originally happened. So that means your mind is just picking and choosing the parts it wants you to remember.
Almost always idealized. Almost always positive towards you and serving whatever purpose you want your memory to fill. Also, as human beings, our minds will see what we want them to see and remember.
This is emphasized by any five individuals who witness something. If you separate them and look at their memory of that event, you will get five different versions. They will be similar but rarely precisely the same.
As time passes, the more different these stories will become, and that is how our memories work. Then, finally, an event happens, and we immediately let our imaginations run wild about it. The point is that worrying about how things worked out in the past is a waste of time because you can NOT change the past.
It happened, and what you remember about it may not be entirely accurate anyway. The past is gone, and you can’t get it back, make a different decision, or change the way things worked out at all. Those events, good or bad, are gone forever and won’t ever be returning.
It seems to be the only intelligent thing to do is to remember the past as much as is advantageous to us. For example, life is a great teacher, and you learn new things every day of life. You would be a fool not to take those lessons and not make the same mistakes again another time. So any worry, angst, heartbreak, denial, nostalgia, thought about the past is a waste of time because once it’s gone, you can’t change it, and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. So accept it, learn from it, and move on because life is continuing, with or without you.
-Needless worries about our health- 12%
This is a difficult one because I think that everyone should be interested in being healthy physically and mentally. But, still, there is a difference between being healthy and worrying about our health needlessly.
To mean needless worrying relates to the previous two worries but specifically about our health. Worrying about every ache and pain is the beginning of some significant injury or illness.
You may, in fact, at some point contract an illness, but worrying about it is probably not going to stop it. You can take great care of yourself for your entire life and drop dead from a heart attack because of a defective aorta.
You can eat right and exercise every day and still contract cancer. The point is not that bad things might happen to your health, but worrying continually about them is only going to shorten your quality of life and make you miserable.
It seems the logical thing to do, is to take care of yourself as best you can and live your life. I don’t think you should stop working out or eating right, but not spend a significant amount of time worrying about what might happen to your health in the future.
What will happen is going to happen. Being in shape will only help you deal with things physically and mentally.
– Petty miscellaneous worries- 10%
These are the things that we worry about that are inconsequential to life. For example, worrying about what someone is saying about you, what they are making up about you, or being well-liked by coworkers, or if your physical appearance is appealing to everyone you meet.
Any of these types of worries are a foolish waste of time. Some people will like you, some are not, some will think you are attractive, and some will not, no matter what you do. You can spend hours worrying about how you look and what others you come in contact with think about you as a person, but do they know you in any natural way? Does their opinion matter? What you feel about yourself is what counts. You know what type of person you are. Are you honest? Do you talk about others? Do you spread rumors? Would you steal?
All of these questions and more are totally up to you to answer. And if you don’t like the honest answer you give yourself, you can make a choice to change that. It is never too late, and nobody is set in stone. We are all a victim of our experience, and we can choose to let those things dictate our character or not.
-Real legitimate worries-8%
Now, you should worry about some things, like if you have a place to live and food to eat. Suppose your basic needs are being met for you and your family. However, I still have an issue with the word worry, even in this capacity.
Because being concerned or responsible is not worrying. It is being concerned about the well-being of your family and loved ones and being responsible for them getting what they need. Worrying has never fed a child or ended any trouble. As humans, worry is one of the defense mechanisms that help us deal with the misfortunes that life will inevitably send our way.
This situation leaves 92% of all worry we do as totally useless and unhealthy!
“And this too shall pass.”
Quotes About Worry!
Worry is a misuse of imagination. ~Dan Zadra
If I had my life to live over, I would perhaps have more actual troubles, but I’d have fewer imaginary ones. ~Don Herold
Drag your thoughts away from your troubles… by the ears, by the heels, or any other way you can manage it. ~Mark Twain
Today is the tomorrow we worried about yesterday. ~Author Unknown
Let us be of good cheer, remembering that the misfortunes hardest to bear are those which will never happen. ~James Russel Lowell
If things go wrong, don’t go with them. ~Roger Babson
Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow. It only saps today of its joy. ~Leo Buscaglia
Do not anticipate trouble or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight. ~Benjamin Franklin
If you can’t sleep, then get up and do something instead of lying there worrying. It’s the worry that gets you, not the lack of sleep. ~Dale Carnegie
I’ve developed a new philosophy… I only dread one day at a time. ~Charlie Brown (Charles Schulz)
Troubles are a lot like people – they grow bigger if you nurse them. ~Author Unknown
If you want to test your memory, try to recall what you were worrying about one year ago today. ~E. Joseph Cossman
Nerves and butterflies are fine – they’re a physical sign that you’re mentally ready and eager. You have to get the butterflies to fly in formation, that’s the trick. ~Steve Bull
I keep the telephone of my mind open to peace, harmony, health, love and abundance. Then, whenever doubt, anxiety or fear try to call me, they keep getting a busy signal – and soon they’ll forget my number. ~Edith Armstrong
Nerves provide me with energy. They work for me. It’s when I don’t have them, when I feel at ease, that I get worried. ~Mike Nichols
I come into the peace of wild things who do not tax their lives with forethought of grief…. For a time I rest in the grace of the world, and am free. ~Wendell Berry, “The Peace of Wild Things”
People gather bundles of sticks to build bridges they never cross. ~Author Unknown
You can’t wring your hands and roll up your sleeves at the same time. ~Pat Schroeder
The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one. ~Elbert Hubbard, The Note Book, 1927
Worrying is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do, but it gets you nowhere. ~Glenn Turner
People become attached to their burdens sometimes more than the burdens are attached to them. ~George Bernard Shaw, “Family Affection,” Parents and Children, 1914
Panic is a sudden desertion of us, and a going over to the enemy of our imagination. ~Christian Nevell Bovee
Somehow our devils are never quite what we expect when we meet them face to face. ~Nelson DeMille
For peace of mind, resign as general manager of the universe. ~Author Unknown
We experience moments absolutely free from worry. These brief respites are called panic. ~Cullen Hightower
If you treat every situation as a life and death matter, you’ll die a lot of times. ~Dean Smith
It only seems as if you are doing something when you’re worrying. ~Lucy Maud Montgomery
That the birds of worry and care fly over you head, you cannot change, but that they build nests in your hair, which you can prevent. ~Chinese Proverb
We can easily manage if we will only take, each day, the burden appointed to it. But the load will be too heavy for us if we carry yesterday’s burden over again today and then add the burden of the morrow before we are required to bear it. ~John Newton
Worry ducks when purpose flies overhead. ~Terri Guillemets
It is the little bits of things that fret and worry us; we can dodge an elephant but can’t a fly. ~Josh Billings
Worry, doubt, fear, and despair are the enemies which slowly bring us down to the ground and turn us to dust before we die. ~Attributed to Douglas MacArthur
Worry is an addiction that interferes with compassion. ~Deng Ming-Dao
You can never worry your way to enlightenment. ~Terri Guillemets
When you suffer an attack of nerves, you’re being attacked by the nervous system. What chance has a man got against a system? ~Russell Hoban
[A]ny concern too small to be turned into a prayer is too small to be made into a burden. ~Corrie Ten Boom, Clippings from My Notebook
I am reminded of the advice of my neighbor. “Never worry about your heart till it stops beating.” ~E.B. White
There are two days in the week about which and upon which I never worry… Yesterday and Tomorrow. ~Robert Jones Burdette
A day of worry is more exhausting than a day of work. ~John Lubbock
As a rule, what is out of sight disturbs men’s minds more seriously than what they see. ~Julius Caesar
If worrying were an Olympic sport, you’d get the gold for sure. ~Stephenie Geist
I refuse to be burdened by vague worries. If something wants to worry me, it will have to make itself clear. ~Robert Brault,
Worry is rust upon the blade. ~Henry Ward Hughes
Anxiety is a deep conscious breath away from dissolving. ~Mike Dolan,
Heavy thoughts bring on physical maladies; when the soul is oppressed so is the body. ~Martin Luther
I have learned to live each day as it comes and not to borrow trouble by dreading tomorrow. It is the dark menace of the future that makes cowards of us. ~Dorothy Day
Worry is a complete cycle of inefficient thought revolving around a pivot of fear. ~Author Unknown
Loneliness, insomnia, and change: the fear of these is even worse than the reality. ~Mignon McLaughlin, The Second Neurotic’s Notebook, 1966
It is not the cares of today, but the considerations of tomorrow, that weigh a man down. ~George MacDonald
Oh, the nerves, the nerves; the mysteries of this machine called man! Oh the little that unhinges it, poor creatures that we are! ~Charles Dickens
Some patients I see are actually draining into their bodies the diseased thoughts of their minds. ~Zacharty Bercovitz
Some of your hurts you have cured, And the sharpest you still have survived, But what torments of grief you endured From the evil which never arrived. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
I am an old man and have known a great many troubles, but most of them never happened. ~Mark Twain
I highly recommend worrying. It is much more effective than dieting. ~William Powell
My life has been full of terrible misfortunes, most of which never happened. ~Michel de Montaigne
If you see ten troubles coming down the road, you can be sure that nine will run into the ditch before they reach you. ~Calvin Coolidge
When one has too great a dread of what is impending, one feels some relief when the trouble has come. ~Joseph Joubert
Some men storm imaginary Alps all their lives, and die in the foothills cursing difficulties which do not exist. ~Edgar Watson Howe
How much pain they have cost us, the evils which have never happened. ~Thomas Jefferson
When I really worry about something, I don’t just fool around. I even have to go to the bathroom when I worry about something. Only, I don’t go. I’m too worried to go. I don’t want to interrupt my worrying to go. ~J.D. Salinger,Catcher in the Rye
Anxiety is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind. If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained. ~Arthur Somers Roche
We have to fight them daily, like fleas, those many small worries about the morrow, for they sap our energies. ~Etty Hillesum
There are people who are always anticipating trouble, and in this way they manage to enjoy many sorrows that never really happen to them. ~Josh Billings
Only man clogs his happiness with care, destroying what is with thoughts of what may be. ~John Dryden
Love looks forward, hate looks back, anxiety has eyes all over its head. ~Mignon McLaughlin, The Neurotic’s Notebook, 1960
Worry is interest paid on trouble before it comes due. ~William Ralph Inge
There are more things, Lucilius, that frighten us than injure us, and we suffer more in imagination than in reality. ~Seneca
We are more disturbed by a calamity which threatens us than by one which has befallen us. ~John Lancaster Spalding
We are, perhaps, uniquely among the earth’s creatures, the worrying animal. We worry away our lives. ~Lewis Thomas, The Medusa and the Snail, 1979
A hundred load of worry will not pay an ounce of debt. ~George Herbert
As a cure for worrying, work is better than whiskey. ~Thomas A. Edison
Worry often gives a small thing a big shadow. ~Swedish Proverb
Never bear more than one kind of trouble at a time. Some people bear three – all they have had, all they have now, and all they expect to have. ~Edward Everett Hale
As our society has evolved to produce more and more entertainment for people to enjoy, the moments available for actual individual, creative thought have become few and far between.
I know that personally, there were times where I was entertained during every moment of my free time. It was common to turn the television on immediately when I got home to add noise to a quiet house, to having music playing all night long to, “help me sleep”, it was a non-stop bombardment of my senses that was actually distracting me from engaging in any original thought at all.
When you look at how our young people choose to live life, it is even worse, between Ipods, computers, video games and television, there is very little left for the imagination to do for them. They are living an amusement park ride of the senses, allowing for outside influences to supply the entertainment, not developing their individual thoughts or imagination. This is not everybody, but a large portion of the youth today.
Finding Your Thoughts In The Quiet
Solitude is not a dirty word. As we are developing as people, it seems like you are constantly judged by how many friends you have and that if you are ever by yourself then you must have a problem.
That is not true, what you need to develop is an ability to be by yourself and to use that time not as a sign of social dissatisfaction, but to use it as a time to develop your individual creativity and thoughts.
It is in this time alone that you will be able to find your original thoughts and understand the many experiences that you have. If you find a quiet time without any distraction and allow your mind to work unfettered by any outside influence, you will experience original thoughts, no matter how intelligent you feel you are.
You will find your own thoughts in the quiet times. You will be surprised what you will be able to create and understand in that time all by yourself. You will find many of the things that you are passionate about as well as being able to glean wisdom and understanding from the experiences you have had throughout your life. You will also start to really notice all of the rich details in the things around you that previously you were oblivious to.
Knowing Yourself is The Ultimate Reward For Solitude
Probably the best thing that finding a little solitude will give you is a much deeper understanding of yourself. What makes you happy? What makes you sad? You will find the things that make you smile, and the things that break your heart.
There are many things that people like to do with others and you need to have contact with many people to be a well rounded individual. But I also think that it is important to find moments of pure solitude so that you understand what parts of yourself you have to offer to others.
So challenge yourself to find some moments of solitude, and to think original thoughts that are yours and yours alone. All of those in your life will appreciate you and your unique thoughts more than you can imagine. Give it a try.
Quotes on Solitude:
“Solitude is as needful to the imagination as society is wholesome for the character.” ~James Russell Lowell
” Arranging a bowl of flowers in the morning can give a sense of quiet in a quiet in a crowded day—-like writing a poem or saying a prayer. What matters is that one be for a time inwardly attentive.” ~ Anne Morrow Lindbergh
“Learn to get in touch with the silence within yourself and know that everything in this life has a purpose.” ~Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
“In solitude we give passionate attention to our lives, to our memories, to the details around us.” ~ Virginia Woolf
‘In meditation it is possible to dive deeper into the mind to a place where there is no disturbance and there is absolute solitude. It is at this point in the profound stillness that the sound of the mind can be heard.” ~A.E.I. Falconar
“O Solitude, the soul’s best friend, That man acquainted with himself dost make.” ~Charles Cotton
“Solitude is the nurse of enthusiasm, and enthusiasm is the true parent of genius.” ~ Isaac D’Israeli
“One of the pleasantest things in the world is going on a journey; but I like to go by myself.” ~William Hazlitt
“I am sure of this, that by going much alone a man will get more of a noble courage in thought and word than from all the wisdom that is in books.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
It had been years since I had ventured into that attic As I climbed the rickety pull down ladder my face was greeted with a musty, dusty smell and the cold air that stabbed my cheeks reminding me of the winter weather outside. As my body became fully engulfed by the cold I tried to make it a quick visit. I was looking for my copy of To Kill a Mockingbird, when something caught my eye.
It was a box. There was nothing about the box that separated it or made it seem that much different from the rest of the boxes in the attic, but the feeling I had was definitely not normal or routine. I picked it up almost subconsciously and maneuvered my way back down to the warmth of the house below with the box still closed in my hands.
There was a Christmas excitement that I was feeling as I started to pull the top of the box open to see what treasure was held inside. I am not sure if the contents glowed but there was a light that emanated from the container as I peeked inside. It could have been real light for all I know or remember because inside were memories that hadn’t been disturbed in years and they were being resurrected today.
The Book
Mike Mulligan and his Steam Shovel. Beat modernization but became a furnace in the end!
The first thing I pulled out of the box was a book. It was a children’s book and a pretty ordinary one at that, but it brought to life, experiences that occurred long ago.
It was called Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel. The contents of the book didn’t matter as much as the words. As I flipped through each page, the voices of those who read those pages to me in my youth came back. Most of them from the grave.
I was awash in nostalgia and even the love a kid feels when someone takes the time to read a story to you. Parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and even some teachers voices rose from the page.
When I was child the best time of day was just before I went to sleep when my mother or father would read a story to us. It was a ritual that lit my imagination on fire.
I dreamed of castles, monsters and being a hero. Those images crept back into my mind as I remembered my imaginary adventures from long ago. I wondered how many kids today get to experience this now.
The Scrapbook
Phones looked like this. You dialed the numbers. It was slower yet better. Unless you dialed wrong.
Anxiously I moved on, the next item was a scrapbook I had made in junior high of all of the pictures I could find with me in them. As most young people are, I suppose I was a bit self-centered at the time.
It hit me as I remembered teams I had played on or my seventh grade class picture, just how much life had changed. Not one of the kids including me in those pictures had ever heard of a cell phone or a personal computer for that part.
Yet we managed to live our lives, make friends, go places, and have fun anyway. I remembered how awkward it was to call someone’s house (from the phone attached to the wall) and have to talk to their mom to see if they were home.
Each of these pictures made me wonder how kids can manage to
This is Paddleball. Not much too it thank God.
pay attention at all today. They always have an electronic distraction within arm’s length.
I had a hard enough time concentrating when there was only a paddle ball to distract me. If you are not sure what that is, see the image, but the point is I was easily distracted.
I looked at the kid I was and was happy for him that he had never dreamed of Facebook. It was much more fun to talk to girls in person I think.
My Former Friend
The most painful feeling of looking for your friend and seeing only an enemy
The next item was not filled with pleasant memories. It was filled with pain and sadness. It was a homemade award that one of my best friends had given me.
It represented some joke between us. We used to work together and I thought we were very good friends. It struck me that I had not seen nor heard from this person in over five years.
Something in my heart sunk as I thought about the temporary nature of all things in life and particularly the fleeting ideas of friendship. Why weren’t we friends anymore? What had happened?
It all seems so silly now. There was this award, a joke shared long ago that now only echos in hollow silence. They say that everything happens for a reason and some day perhaps I will understand the reason friendship ends, but it won’t be today.
The Game Changer
I was out of time and had to run, but I reached in the box one more time and this time I came out with a total shock. My collectors edition of thoughts by William George Jordan! The book I think is only significant to me as my reading of it changed my life from one of a taker to one of a giver.
Reading opened doors in my mind I never knew were there.
That book was the gateway for me into a world of wonder and wisdom. It planted the seed of an idea, that every thought you form affected your experience in life was a concept that I had never conceived of, much less ever heard of before.
I recalled how as one book turned into another that philosophies started to make sense in my mind. I remember not only feeling more positive about life but more hopeful about the fate of the world.
There were greater powers available to mankind than simply watching tiny plays acted out on a television screen. Learning is a lifelong thing and how much you want to learn is controlled only by your own personal desire and ability to put away your phone, turn off your television or computer and allow words to seep into your mind. The reward is knowledge of anything you want. Aladdin had a lamp, you have a book, each can make any wish you have come true.
The End
I closed the box and placed it in a very safe place and hurried off to my pressing appointment with work. Even though I left the room physically, my mind was still stretching back to what was inside that box.