There is a power inside successful people, and that strength comes from the consistent practice of persistence. To be able to continue moving forward to a goal, despite hitting some obstacles along the way. Nothing takes the place of persistence when it comes to achieving your goals, financially, physically, or even spiritually. Many things that are worthwhile to our experience are not easy to get. In this lies their value. It is often the steps that one has to take to reach their ultimate goal that makes the goal a growth experience. Persistence is the ability to push past your perceived limits and find your abilities. Consciously look for persistence today in your thoughts, words, and actions. Where can you push through, keep moving forward and find success when it would be easier to pull over to the side of the road.
Never Give Up
Everyone faces moments of darkness in life. Times when challenges seem to be stacked against them. It can seem like there is no hope at all. But somewhere deep down inside, there is a voice, if you listen, that tells you to keep trying. Try again. One more time. It is the thing that gives you the power to give more effort, to begin again, to believe again, to hope you can achieve. This voice is persistence. Without this word, you will have difficulty achieving anything of value because things of value, by definition, have a cost and that cost is your effort, imagination, and ability. Too often, the easy road requires nothing and is worth that exact amount.
Remember that challenges are two-fold. They provide difficulties that are unforeseen and seem like problems. But on the other side, they also come with an opportunity to succeed. By being persistent, you can learn the lessons of the challenges, move forward, and apply them to your life. It reminds me of the poem my grandfather gave me once. They don’t quit poems. Challenges provide people with a chance to grow and become better. Most successful people faced challenges that allowed them to develop the strength to achieve their goals.
Persistence Grows Your Best
When you are persistent and keep moving forward, it can be the best personal development program there is. Skills you didn’t have must be developed, and talents unknown rise to the surface. These are treasures that would remain buried if there was no need for persistence in your actions to move toward your goals.
Look at your own story closely. Were there times you had to dig deep to get something accomplished? Where you tried and failed at first? But you kept going. Most people have been in these situations. The amazing thing is that most often, we can do things, that without the challenge, would never be realized. Having the gift to be persistent grows your best and allows you to share it with the world. The saddest people I have seen are those who shy away from challenges because they are afraid of failing. Never trying means accomplishing anything.
It’s All In Front of You
When you look at your life as if it is taking place on a game board, these are the spaces you have already moved. Some were easy, and some were difficult, but they all led to where you are now. Whatever goal or reward you have chosen that you haven’t achieved yet, is another thought, feeling, action, and step away. To find it, there is only one choice to keep moving forward because it is not behind you or with you currently. It is all in front of you. Persistence gives you the strength to take the next roll or spin and move along the board. Like a game of Chutes and Ladders, it may lead to a quick rise or a step back, but it is all the move you need to get to the next step in your development, persist.
So be persistent today in your thoughts, words, and actions. Keep moving forward to the next step of your goals, growth, and development as a human being. The only way to reach the finish line or win the game is to make the next move. No matter how scary it may seem. Persistence makes it all possible.
Ambition is the path to success. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in. ~ Bill Bradley
“My greatest point is my persistence. I never give up in a match. However down I am, I fight until the last ball.”- Bjorn Borg
“The most interesting thing about a postage stamp is the persistence with which it sticks to the job.”- Napoleon Hill
“In the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins – not through strength, but through persistence.” – Buddha
“You just can’t beat the person who never gives up.”- Babe Ruth