Karma is a concept that resonates with most people. The belief that actions lead to repercussions, either good or bad, depends on that action’s energy. However, it becomes clear that karma is a bit more in doing a small amount of research. Karma is a Sanskrit word for action. According to Newton’s law of motion, there is an equal and opposite reaction for every action.
Some see karma as a form of punishment, but that is short-sighted. Instead, I view karma as an educational tool. As we all develop in life, we take actions, and it has become abundantly clear to me that there is no escape a person can find from the consequences of their actions. So here are 12 laws of karma I was reading about recently. What are you attracting?
- The Great Law– The law of cause and effect. In life, you reap what you sow. Karma is the idea that whatever we put into the Universe is what comes back to us. If you want to experience happiness, peace, love, and friendship, then be happy, peaceful, loving, and a true friend in your daily life. What are you sowing today?
- The Law of Creation– The concept that nothing happens. All things are created with a thought and an action. Our participation is required. We are one with the world we live in, both inside and out. So our outer world gives a glimpse into our inner world. Changes inside will lead to changes on the outside. You have a hand in creating the things that happen in your life. What are you making today?
- The Law of Humility– Learning to see and accept our faults is complicated. Once we honestly look at our shortcomings, then change can happen. However, you can’t change something if you refuse to accept it. When you look at someone else, if you see their character faults and judge them harshly, understand that they are simply another version of you. A person can’t exist on a higher level of existence if we live a life of judgment of others. What changes would you like to see in your life?
- The Law of Growth– The changes you want to see in the world need to come from you and in you. You have little control over other people and events in the world, but your thoughts and actions you do control. When
you choose to change who you are on the inside, in your heart and mind. The outdoor life will have no choice but to change as well. Better thoughts=better actions=better life. Growth is vital to life; without it, life ends. How are you growing?
- Law of Responsibility-A person must take responsibility for what is in their life. When there is something wrong outside of us, there is something wrong inside us. We mirror what surrounds us and what surrounds us mirrors us. Responsibility is a universal truth. Do you accept responsibility for your circumstances?
- Law of Connection– Past, present, and future are all connected, and so is everything else. Your actions are going to have effects on the world in some way. You may not be able to see it, but it exists. Even if our activities seem inconsequential, the tasks we undertake must get completed. Each step leads to the next level. There is no way of knowing what the actual value of your actions and accomplishments will be. What connections are you making today?
- The Law of Focus– The human mind can only focus on one thought at a time. You can try to juggle those thoughts around in multitasking. Some are talented in this way. Still, we can only focus on one particular idea at any singular moment if your focus is on higher thoughts of love, kindness, understanding, and acceptance. They can’t be on lower thoughts
of greed, hate, judgment, anger, and fear. Where are your thoughts focused today?
- Law of Giving and Hospitality– You will be called upon at some point in your life to demonstrate all truths that you believe. If you believe kindness, giving, or acceptance to be good things, then life will give you opportunities to confirm this. What have you given today?
- Law of Here and Now– Much of our focus tends to be on the past and what has occurred. Or our thoughts are lost in the future and what might happen. When our focus is on these imaginary places, we are missing out on the here and now. That is the only moment that is ours. Old thoughts, dreams, and patterns of behavior prevent us from creating new ones. People make those choices in the here and now. Remember your experience but live in today. What trends do you need to revamp or create again?
- Law of Change– Life provides the same or similar experiences to us until we learn the lesson we need to change our path. Each of us is on a journey to our real purpose. Each course correction will lead us in that way. What lessons have you learned today?
- Law of Patience and Reward– It is the journey as much as the destination that provides happiness and joy. Anything of value that we achieve usually
takes some level of effort, commitment, and work to accomplish. The rewards will come in time. All awards require toil and struggle. It gives these accomplishments value. Patience and persistence are essential elements of successful endeavors. Patience is a difficult concept in a world that makes us want everything right now. Where are your patience and persistence focused today?
- Law of Significance and Inspiration– The actual value of anything is a direct result of the intent and energy. You get back from something precisely what you put into it. Your inspiration for something is usually to better your life or circumstance. This energy will provide a focus and determination to complete a task when the going is complex and the excitement of starting something new has worn off. What inspires you today?