Forgive-stop feeling angry or resentful toward (someone) for an offense, flaw, or mistake.
Who hasn’t been wronged, betrayed, let down, hurt, or disappointed by the behavior, attitude, or actions? Each person you pass on the street or see in your life has felt the pain caused by another. Some are big, and some are small, but that anger about the pain and the fear of it happening again makes us plot our revenge. But the true power is to forgive. Forgive them, forgive her, forgive him, and forgive yourself. To do anything else is to give away your power. Be conscious of your thoughts and emotions that lead to your words and actions. Forgive.
Why It’s Hard to Forgive
Events occur in life, and some events bring permanent change. Change can be difficult and painful. The end of a relationship, modification of a job, or loss of a loved one or friend you once relied on. The pain of loss, change, or loss of trust changes you forever. Anger is the emotion people use to protect themselves. It tells people that something is wrong and provides a false feeling of power in a situation you are powerless to change. It is a symptom that something is wrong, and you need help.
Forgiveness is problematic because it feels like what you experienced was wrong. Perhaps you were a victim of abuse, a violent act, or just a thoughtless act of emotional coldness. Many feel forgiveness lets a person off the hook, but that is not the case. A person’s actions are karma, and your reactions and consequent actions are yours. When you forgive, you take power away from what others did to you and return it to yourself. No offense is forgotten or justified, but you are no longer carrying the burden of acts others committed against you.
It is like holding onto a hot coal and thinking of someone who harmed you when you don’t forgive. The only guarantee in the situation is that you will be hurt. Not a good bargain and nobody else even knows of your suffering. You are choosing to carry the hot coal of pain around. Let it go!
Forgive Yourself
The most difficult person to forgive is always ourselves. People always feel they should have known better, been wiser, more robust, less trusting, kinder, more caring, less mean, or just plain luckier. The reality is that you weren’t, and what happened, happened. What is, is. Accepting that and forgiving yourself for it is the path to moving forward positively. Mistakes, misjudgments, and negative situations are a part of life. Let them ruin you or allow them to make you the most vital person possible. To forgive is the key to your power over everything that ever hurt you.
You will know you forgive someone when all anger feelings are missing when you think about them and the situation you were involved in. A searing feeling in your gut comes up when you harbor anger or resentment. When that is lacking, then you have indeed chosen to forgive.
Final Thoughts on Forgiveness
Bringing the concept of forgiveness into your conscious decision-making is essential for your overall health. If you are spending energy harboring anger toward someone, it is time to let it go. No matter how long you have been carrying your anger, each new day is a chance to let it go and take power back into your life. Let forgiveness become a part of your conscious thoughts, words, and actions today. Changing the thoughts you entertain about a bad experience will allow you the change the emotions surrounding it, and if you can do that, you are free.
The person who gets the benefits of your forgiveness is you!
Regret- feel sad, repentant, or disappointed over (something that has happened or been done, especially a loss or missed opportunity).
One of the most popular places people leave their attention is in regret for past actions. No matter how old you are, there are situations in our past that cause us to feel sad, repentant, or disappointed. I should have done this, or I shouldn’t have done that. All these thoughts are a waste of time because the past is over and gone.
No matter what part you have played, it is also over and gone. To spend valuable time today reliving painful, uncomfortable experiences or certainly didn’t display yourself in your best light will only make you feel bad about yourself and rob you of your power. Take some time to focus on the present and bring your awareness into this moment, which is the only one you are guaranteed to have. Bring awareness to your thoughts of regret and realize they need to be released. It starts with noticing your thoughts about the past, the emotions these thoughts bring up, the words they cause you to speak, and the actions you are prompted to take because of them.
Learn the Lesson and Let it Go
All experiences have value. That is not an easy thing to believe because bad things often happen. These “bad” experiences can shape much of our perspective in life. Still, all unpleasant, complex, unfair, laborious, demanding, or exhausting experiences is a lesson that can help you if you look for them. And it can be hard to look for these valuable lessons. Life would be easy if there were no challenges, but if they didn’t push you, you would never reach your potential. It is the push that gets you to the next level. Or to even realize that there is a higher level of understanding, growth, and achievement.
Nobody will seek out difficult situations, and we spend most of our lives trying to put ourselves into situations where life will be easy. There is plenty of money and security, and worry is a thing of the past. But is it? Hard times allow us to develop our talents and confidence that if that awful thing didn’t break me, what can? We all have a strength that can enable us to overcome obstacles and leap over difficult times. Learn the lessons of the hard times and move forward.
Forgive Everyone and Wish Them Well
Forgiveness can be challenging to grant to those who have done something to hurt us in the past. But it would help if you moved on. Many people get hung up on forgiving because they feel that you are letting someone off the hook for hurtful actions in the past. That is not the case. All you are doing is putting whatever occurred in the past. Forgiveness doesn’t excuse anyone but gives you peace and freedom. Today is for living your life the best you can. If your mind, feelings, words, and actions are caused by experience, you are not doing that.
The most important person to forgive is yourself. No person has made it through the trials of life without making a mistake. Those mistakes can be small, but sometimes they are seemingly impossible. But you have to forgive yourself to move forward. You can not go back and change the past. All you can do is make today as positive an experience for everyone in your life that you can. Forgive yourself, and be conscious of why you think what you do. Move forward with the hope that the best today can bring you. That is a choice that only you can make for yourself.
You Can’t Trust Your Memory.
One of the difficult things about owning a human perception is that we remember things the way we want. Events do not necessarily happen the way we think they did. We have a perception of our memories that comes to us clouded with our thoughts, the words of others over time, and an idealization of things that happened long ago. People tend to forget the bad and remember the good situations over time. Sometimes people hold on to complex problems because they have become a part of their identity. Defining yourself through tragedy and loss is not a very healthy way to go.
Three people watch the same event happen. They all have a different story about what happened. This is because everyone has a different perception of things. Look at your tragic events of the past. How accurate are your memories? Even if they are accurate, the fear of being powerless or hurt affects us now. We don’t want anything like that to happen again. Memory and fear are just thoughts that you entertain and give power to. Change what you think about and how you think about things, and you will find freedom and growth. Those tragedies become strengths, and you reach places you never thought possible.
Focus Your Attention on Today
We are all placed in this world as works in progress. We have the potential to accomplish things, and nothing we are now is a finality. We can learn new things, develop our skills, and become better at everything we can think of doing. Focus your mind on what you can do today to become better, and you will make the world just a little bit better.
Don’t spend energy regretting your life’s traumatic, embarrassing, or tragic moments. They are just that, moments in your experience. It starts with a conscious awareness of the thoughts you pay attention to, the emotions that correspond, the words you speak to others and yourself, and the actions it leads you to take in your life. The past is gone, and we can’t get it back no matter how much we might like to. No regrets today, as we take it one day at a time.
“At the end of the day, let there be no excuses, no explanations, no regrets.” ― Steve Maraboli,
“Never regret anything that has happened in your life; it cannot be changed, undone, or forgotten. So take it as a lesson learned and move on” – Anonymous.
“No more regrets. No turning back. I’m moving on”-Anonymous.
`Those we think the most are often the most difficult to forgive, BUT we must forgive to move forward at last.
Forgiveness has been a difficult thing for me at times. Realizing learning to forgive is one of the most important lessons a person can learn. I am continually analyzing why I have difficulty letting some things go and moving forward with life in a more positive way.
For most people who I carried low expectations, forgiveness comes more naturally. We are all learning life lessons when someone I expect more from fails me. I find it extremely difficult to forgive.
The things that other people do or have done hurt you and cause you to experience fear in your life. Fear that you will be harmed in some way or don’t measure up, or worry about what others might think of us. Part of the human condition is to experience pain; it teaches lessons and pushes us in directions that may not be easy to go. But there is a point where we have suffered enough and learned all we can. That is a time to forgive those we perceive to have harmed us. That is when we stop feeling angry or resentful toward someone for an offense, flaw, or mistake. The act of forgiveness will bring you many benefits.
Loss of Faith
The most devastating of these come from someone you trust. You never see it coming.
You come to depend on certain people to be on your side and support you, no matter what. It is a cold lesson to find them acting differently from what you have seen over years of experience. Their hypocrisy is one of the most painful hurts because it is so unexpected, like a sucker punch from the Pope. It hurts twice and is more difficult to forgive because a deeply personal trust has been violated. Someone that you could always count on was now gone. Who or what can you trust if you can no longer trust them?
I forgive all and carry no grudges about anything.
Forgiveness of the ones you cared about the most is most challenging to grant, but it is essential in the end. Your heart will never fully heal until you give this forgiveness, deserved or not, because your life needs to move forward, and casting off all of the anchors of wrongdoing, actual and perceived, is a must. Forgive and move forward; all people act the way they do because of their individual needs. Those we care about are special for a reason, and even though it is hard, forgiving them is a vital step in living a happy life.
Forgiving Others
We have all had people enter our lives who seem to be there to hurt us. These people have hurt us, taken from us, or caused general suffering in our lives. That is their problem and their karma in life. When we hold onto the act that hurts us, it eats away at our present moment happiness. If you are mad at the thought of that person and what they did to you, it is time to let it go. Time to forgive the people that have hurt you and move forward.
It is difficult to forgive because, in many ways, it feels like you are condoning the behavior that caused you any suffering. That is not the case, you do not accept the inadequate response from another, but forgiveness allows you to put the pain of the situation behind you and take away its control over you. Without the emotional charge you provide, an experience becomes something you can learn from and choose some value from. If only that, it can enhance your current life. Choosing to forgive also gives you power over all people and things in your past. You determine exactly how you feel about them and the emotions you attach to them.
Forgive You
One of the most challenging people to forgive is often ourselves. In life, we are going to make mistakes and misjudgments. We are going through this human experience for the first time, and it will have lessons for you to learn. Too many times, we take the lessons personally and allow them to become a part of our identity. This thought is never the case. A mistake is a mistake. Poor judgment is poor judgment. The wisest person in the world has made hundreds of errors. The difference between you and them is that they have learned the lesson and discarded the vehicle it came in.
You are a unique human being and have nearly unlimited potential to do what you dream of if you get out of your way. The way we talk to ourselves has a lot to do with our energy and the confidence developed in life. Only allow yourself to speak of yourself in the kindest ways. Don’t let your mind entertain thoughts that are derogatory to you in any way. Forgiveness of your past mistakes will make this possible and allow you to be confident in your current actions and build the most positive future possible.
Forgive It All
Whatever it is in life you think has caused your suffering and pain, forgive it. There are going to be things that cause us pain in life. Recognize that most of the pain we have allowed has been self-inflicted. Either we have had expectations of too rigid things, leaving a significant gap between what we expect to happen and reality. All of these gaps are going to be painful things. Forgive the situations and recognize that how we choose to think is the cause of much of our suffering. Changing how we feel about things is something all people can do at this very moment, and changing the way you think about an event will change the emotional attachment you have to it. Freedom from all of your past emotional messes is waiting for you with the simple act of heartfelt forgiveness. There is a power in forgiveness that will enliven your soul.
“Forgiveness says you are given another chance to make a new beginning.” Desmond Tutu
“There is no love without forgiveness, and there is no forgiveness without love.” Bryant H. McGill
“When you forgive, you in no way change the past – but you sure do change the future.” Bernard Meltzer
“Mistakes are always forgivable if one dares to admit them.” Bruce Lee
All of us are looking for happiness. When you look at the result, we would like to experience all of our choices, and we hope to find satisfaction. However, it seems like many people let other things get in the way of their happiness. Anger, jealousy, worry, or just plain fear grab ahold of your mind and stop you from reaching the ultimate goal of being happy in life. The attachments we build to relationships, events, jobs, or anything else prevent us from enjoying the experiences we have every day.
Let it Go
It starts with the things we are attached to in thought. The attachments we make stem from the beliefs that we learned as children and never questioned. Thoughts about security, happiness, survival, success, we believe all these things in our lives are necessary to be happy. Most of these things we hold on to are not the path to happiness but obstacles to it.
We are taught a narrative from a young age about what a successful education, career, and family life should look like in your life. People spend years cultivating this perceived image of success. We attach tightly to it, even though it may not make us happy. Letting go is difficult because our jobs have become a part of our identity. Changing the narrative can be difficult because we worry about being accepted and what others, even those closest to us, think. Let go of your attachments and see what happens.
Paradise and Hell
Inside each of us is the potential for heaven and the potential for hell. We decide which one shows up in our life. However, much of what happens to us is out of our control. How we react to everything is 100% of our choice. We have the potential to build favorable circumstances or negative ones. Our selection of focus will determine what manifests in your life and how you affect the world.
If our choice is to wallow in the suffering of past hurts and sorrows, then this is a choice that will lead to a negative experience in your life. You are deciding to allow those negative feelings to grow inside you, and what we nurture inside will show up on the outside.
The good news is that no matter how negative you are currently or have been in the past, change can happen right now at this very moment. The opposite thoughts are available to you right now. If you are experiencing fear, choose feelings of love. If you are bitter, focus on thoughts of acceptance. By concentrating and focusing on the positive, the seeds grown will choke out the negative in all aspects of life.
Be Mindful
This attitude leads to the practice of mindfulness. It means to plant your focus squarely on today and what is happening in your life right now—not allowing yourself to get lost in the memories of the past or trapped by thoughts of the future. Practicing mindfulness can provide positive energy throughout the day, and that positive wave is available to you at all times.
Focused breathing is a simple way to bring your mind into the moment and to choke out random thoughts of the past or future. Happiness is at the moment. Not all moments are great to experience, but each moment of life has the potential for the experience of joy. You will miss this if your mind is lost in the past or floating around in the future.
Manage your Focus
A focus of thought is the next step, and it works with mindfulness. Once you can center your thoughts on what is happening today, then weeding out the ones that negatively affect you is easy to do. Concentrating will not allow thoughts of potential suffering or fear of the future to stop you from living a vital and happy life right now. Life is a test, and there will be moments that test you. Real growth would be painful without them.
Notice Your Thoughts
Clarity is the result of all of this. Seeing the world as it truly is and finding happiness in that experience. We are not worrying about what MIGHT come tomorrow or regret or be fretting over the past. This realization will set you free from the suffering thoughts of anger, jealousy, and fear. The result will be feelings of true happiness. We all can use this insight, but it seems few take advantage of it to increase our level of satisfaction. That choice, as in all things, is yours.
“Be ever happy inside. You can’t change things outside of you, but you can change yourself.”
“There are no obstacles: There are only opportunities!”
“There is no greater power than to smile at failure, no more beautiful an ornament to your being than a genuine smile, and no beauty greater than the smile of peace and wisdom glowing on your face.”
“Live quietly in the moment and see the beauty of all before you. The future will take care of itself.”
“Forget the past, for it is gone from your domain! Forget the future, for it is beyond your reach! Control the present! Live supremely well now! This is the way of the wise.”
“Accept change as life’s only constant. Life is change.”
Creating a shortlist of beliefs on which I think my life is hopefully based is a difficult task but one I am continually polishing and evaluating as life teaches me the lessons I need to learn. People come into your life, situations change, we learn, we lose, we grow, and the lessons are what we are left with and the beliefs are the constants that strain out of the mess that is left of our lives after all experiences happen. So this product is ever-evolving, and I am editing it as I see fit, but I stick with what I say at this moment. At least for today, until they have been proven false tomorrow, and then I will adjust.
All People are Connected
Call it God, the Universe, or whatever your religion dictates, but we are all connected through a divine order to me. All people are fundamentally the same and contain the same abilities for great good and equal power to commit great evil. That is just a part of this crazy game called life. Just as everyone is the same, each person is a unique creation as well. There has never been another person exactly like you, and there will never be another one again. There is something extraordinary about that. We are all bound together in the experience of life and the story evolving out of it.
All of us have a connection on the soul level. The human ego has been developed to make us feel like we are all alone and isolated. But the truth is that it is just an illusion and breaking that can change your life. When people look to their similarities, and away from what separates them, anything is possible. We are all connected, and that should be the hope of your life. When you look at someone else, don’t judge anyone too harshly. You are only a few circumstances away from being the same.
Your Actions Define Who YOU Are
Talk is cheap. What you do is the definition of your character. I have heard the soft and sympathetic words that were worth absolutely nothing but have been blessed by the actions of many great people. Saying you are something means nothing. Being that thing means everything. Each day all people are faced with a large number of choices, be positive or negative. Loving or fearful. Kind or judgmental. Etc. It is these choices that lead to action and define us to the world. Make your choices carefully.
How do you want to be seen in the world? Think about that when you make a thousand decisions making up your day. I have heard people speak about the virtues of kindness globally and then treat people in their day-to-day life in a very mean and judgmental fashion. What type of person are they? Kind or mean? Words say kind things, but actions are callous and cold to human understanding. Your actions are mean, selfish, and insensitive, then that is what you are. The good news is anyone can change at any moment and become a better version of themselves. Let your actions be a ringing endorsement of your character, not a condemnation.
Thinking Positively Leads to Positive Results
Bad stuff happens to everyone at some point in life. How you deal with it is essential to the quality of your life and those around you. Life is full of things that you define subjectively as good or bad. Our attitude about these events is what will determine our lives. Look at the good in all situations. You may not be able to see it at first but ask yourself, “How can this make me better?” or “What is this situation trying to teach me?” The truth is no situation is positive or negative. There is a little of both in everything. It is up to you to find it. How well you make these choices defined how happy you are in life.
Defining things as positives allows you to enjoy life more, be healthier, and support those you love. At the same time, negative thinking is defeatist and will supply you with the exact opposite. As I mentioned above, you choose every day to be positive or negative in this world. Positive thinking will lead to positive results in your life. How much positivism do you prefer?
All People Have Value
This is difficult to remember sometimes when I am angry or someone has hurt me, but that doesn’t change the fact that I believe this is true. People live differently, make poor decisions, and look differently, but inside they all have value. All that separates any of us from the circumstances of another is mere chance. At our core, we are all beings of love. Therefore, understand and giving love is the most important thing.
Every person is a teacher and a learner. You can learn something from everyone. A valuable lesson can come from a simple conversation or just in observation of someone living their life. I don’t look in judgment but in understanding and appreciation of what their experience brings. For example, Victor Frankel was a Holocaust survivor who didn’t let the worst experience of his life dim his hope for humanity. I take that lesson and apply it to my life all the time. If he could remain positive, what excuse do I have to feel bad? We can learn those lessons from all sorts of people every day.
Action Is Mandatory for Success
Every person that has ever been born has had a dream of some kind. There are no exceptions. When a person takes action, they can make their dream come true. Even if that action doesn’t work out, then you have gained valuable information that you can use to try again. Many people carry a lot of fear around inside them, of many different things. Action kills fear because it removes all doubt. Either something is going to work, or it isn’t. There is no need to worry or fret because you have all the information right in front of you. Taking action is the reality check and a powerful ally to all people. Take action and see what you can accomplish in your life today.
Start your business, ask for the date, apply for the job, say what you mean. All of your actions will lead to repercussions for which you will be responsible, but that is a great way to live life. Embrace all of the ripples of your existence and never apologize for them. If you are honest and trustworthy and explain why you did what you did to those who matter, you have nothing to be ashamed of or worried about. Let your action do the talking, and it will create a life of consequence.
Forgiveness is Necessary
To forgive someone for something they did that harmed you is very difficult. It can’t just be lip service of saying that they are forgiven. It has to be inside your heart. The only one who can give forgiveness is you, and the sooner you give it, the sooner you can move on. Letting go of pain, sadness, anger, or any other negative emotion is key to enjoying life. I read somewhere that you know that someone is forgiven when you think of them, and there is no subtle searing inside your heart.
It can take a conscious effort, but with forgiveness comes freedom, strength, and love. Choices that are made from love are generally good choices. To hold on to anger or pain is to give power to someone else over your life, and clearly, they don’t deserve to be a part of your life if they hurt you or treated you with disregard. Forgive them and learn never to treat anyone inadequately again. Let your ripples be of kindness and joy. Forgive everyone, including yourself, and move forward with the best intentions to be the best version of yourself possible.
Embrace Love, Avoid Fear
All people carry this inside of them, and the one you pay attention to will determine how much you enjoy this ride we call life. Focus on the love-based emotions like kindness, understanding, generosity, acceptance, patience, and love while avoiding the fear-based feelings and thoughts of anger, hate, separation, jealousy, stereotyping, and judgment. It can be harder to do than it sounds, but the effort is well worth it. Love is a powerful way to think that will allow you to become the best version of yourself spiritually, physically, and mentally. Love leads to kindness and personal growth. Fear is the opposite of love, and it will lead to isolation and a negative life experience. Not many people are happy with their fear-based thoughts, and living through love makes it impossible not to be satisfied.
There it is, some simple things to help you think about ways to move better through your day and your life. The song below is one of my all-time favorites; it reminds me of how life changes and moves. We do move like water, and you never know when life will end, and all we have is this moment. Love much and believe in yourself ultimately!! Be the most extraordinary person you can be, and make sure your beliefs allow you to shine fully.
I was thinking about honesty today and wondering why we do the things we do and speak certain words. Am I sincere? Is that really what I think? Most people go through an entire day and never consider the honesty or value that their terms contain. Do you?
“I Love the way you look!”
Thoughts come to us all the time, and we can’t control when they go and what they say. The statement above, “I love the way you look,” is one that I just had. It brings to mind the Law of Mirrors in karma. It states that the things you can observe in others exist in you. If it doesn’t live in you, then noticing that it exists in others is impossible, and it won’t jump out at you. How often do we find fault with others, and upon introspection, realize the same thing lives inside us? That is because they do.
Try a Little Honesty Inside
I challenge you to give this phenomenon a try in an honest manner, and I think you will be stunned by the accuracy of the Law of Mirrors in your life. Notice all of your thoughts about other people you come in contact with during a day. Evaluate them as they come. Some will be positive, and some will be negative, don’t judge, notice. Then look at yourself, and see if that thing exists inside you.
Sometimes the thoughts I produce each day are not helpful and can be overly mean and critical of someone else’s physical appearance, job, or family life. I think that it is instinctual to judge others. That is how our ancient ancestors assessed danger and survived. What we choose to pay attention to is vital to the quality of the life we live and, in this case, in understanding ourselves.
When you look at the people you see from this perspective, it becomes increasingly difficult to be critical of others, and it becomes a lot easier to look for the good in all people. This law is not negative or positive; it just is. Just as the mirror you peer in to check your hair, the mirror has no choice about the reflection it sends back. The same is right about your soul.
Try to notice all of your thoughts and recognize the things within yourself that need to be improved or, more importantly, the great things about you that exist. There are only two ways to go in life, and they are getting better or getting worse. I know which way I want to travel.
Notice your critical or positive thoughts of others.
Understand that whatever you notice exists in you.
Accept it, change it, or let it go.
What annoys you or makes you happy exists inside of you!