Water can be frightening; you only see the surface, and there is no way to know the depth underneath. There is also no way to know what is lurking under the surface, so water can be challenging to deal with for those who choose fear. Yet it is in the deep water that more significant movement to be yourself exists, a better chance to find out what you are made of, what is important to you—the opportunity to overcome fear and swim on your own and in your most natural and productive way. Life will continually offer you the chance to explore the deep waters around you. All you have to do is be brave enough to jump in and see what is there waiting. It could be great, and it could be terrifying. You will apply the labels of your discovery at a later time. Be afraid to jump but jump anyway. It is only in this way your authentic story will be discovered. What is waiting for you in the deep water of your adventure?
All people have dreams of what they want to do with their life. Sometimes life gets busy, and those dreams worsen with thoughts, making them appear foggy and unclear. We think we must do in our lives, pushing the goals underneath the deep water and leaving us not remembering or recognizing these dreams anymore. It would help if you had a career to be successful. There is money to be made and roles for you to play, which are expected, often leaving no room for you to be your authentic self.
When I was a boy, I was afraid to swim. Like many people in my generation, a simple solution was employed to teach me. One day I was thrown into the deep water by a well-meaning uncle. I remember being frightened when I first went under, but then there was a calming realization that I was OK, and in that split second, I was no longer afraid. I also realized that I could swim as well. And swim, I did. The deepwater became a place I loved.
That is how it is with dreams, I think. Jump in the water and see what you can do. There is no guarantee that you will be able to swim in all deep waters, but you will no longer fear them. Knowledge is the light that shines on fear and eliminates those second-guessing, unproductive thoughts that you have in your head. Knowing what is there, lurking below the surface, provides a person with power. The only way to gain this knowledge is to experience it. Jump at your dreams. Feet first, head, sideways, or belly flop, but jump. The world needs your gifts.
In relationships, it is the same thing. Some people find the person perfect for them right away in life, which is excellent, but the water can still get deep for all people as they grow. There will be issues of trust, acceptance, growth, and continual love that will rise. I experience that eventually, you are standing on the dock of life, looking into the deep waters of that relationship, and you are afraid of jumping in. Those waters are more profound and darker than ever if you are looking for that special connection in life and haven’t found it yet.
Sitting on the comfortable dock is easy and reassuring yourself how safe you are there. Maybe you dip your feet in the water and splash around a bit. That will tell you nothing valuable. The only way to find out is to jump in. Be prepared for the full spectrum of what you will learn. Not everyone is for you. Understanding what the deepwater others are swimming in will reveal this to you. Some people like to dive deep and see what they can find. Others want to swim along the surface. Find a partner you can love just as they are and who loves you exactly the way you swim. Deep waters reveal the truth in all things. There is no place left to hide.
Living any aspect of your life will involve finding this out, to some degree: work, relationships, personal growth, and spiritual growth. The only way to clearly understand something is to experience it consciously and personally. Only then can you decide if that person, place, or thing resonates with you, your goals, and your dreams. Don’t fear the deep waters. Explore them. Hold your breath and dive deep into them. Open your eyes to see the wonders and dangers below the surface.
Learning about life only really takes place this way. You can try to read about it and listen to other people’s experiences. But the only way you know what you will enjoy is to give it a go and explore the deep waters in front of you. There are risks involved in every moment of every day. Not letting fear limit our explorations is one of the essential talents in life to master. It will lead you exactly where you need to go.