What are you sure of in life? What philosophy can you stand behind and not shy away from because you know its validity? We all have some non-negotiable items in this cache. The sun will rise; the sun will set. Life is fleeting. It would help if you worked hard to be successful. The government is looking out for your best interest. If it isn’t one thing, it’s another. Many points of view are considered by people constant, unshakable, and permanent fixtures in life and creators of our reality. Yet, they are only new points of view that you can choose to believe or discard as you see fit.
Our thoughts on things have power. How we perceive is essential to the reality that we experience every day. But let’s look at the interesting points of view, which are not factual in any way but held onto by people just as if they are. You probably have a few. There are two main areas we all stay strong emotional points of view, love and money. The majority of our time is spent dealing with these two issues. Getting enough money to experience the life we want and finding someone to love us for it.
Money Matters
When it comes to money, we are all carrying points of view developed when we are young. Our
How you look at things determines their reality
parent’s attitude toward money will go a long way in establishing our personal beliefs about money. Some believe it is hard to get; some believe it makes you greedy to have a lot. Some think that money is going to solve all their problems. It doesn’t matter what you think about it; all of these things are simply thoughts in your head and not reality. It is just as easy to believe that money is an energy that can be attracted to me quickly. Or Money comes easily, and I always have more than enough. What you choose to believe is going to determine the reality of your financial situation. Any point of view can be changed, at any time, instantly.
I Love You
Love is a topic that takes up a lot of time in life. We have even more points of view when it comes to experiences love in life. I think that it is because we all have experiences in this area, and the collective pain and pleasure of those experiences have combined to contribute to our feelings of love. Yet, it seems that most of us have thought wrong about what love is. We are looking for someone who fits our point of view of love. I don’t deserve love. Love is difficult to find. Love never lasts. Nobody could love me. On and on we go and put our points of view about love out there. A point of view is just a thought, and thoughts can be changed instantly, today, right now.
The actual definition of what it means to love will be different for everyone based on their experiences. When I say I love you, what does that mean? Does it mean a commitment for a lifetime or a week? It depends on the person. This understanding implies that clear explanations of your perspective about that emotion will lead to many fewer problems.
Since Point of View is a Choice, Choose a Good One
There are many different philosophies on beliefs and how to change them. Still, the bottom line is that if you are carrying a negative, limiting knowledge about anything, it affects your life. The first step is to recognize the shortcoming, and the second is to change that belief into an interesting point of view that will be more beneficial to your life and happiness.
Change is constant and continuous in life; we are all changing physically and mentally every day. You can move these changes in any direction that you choose. It all depends on which interesting points of view you decide to entertain. Since it is all a choice, decide to hold onto points of view that will make you happy and pursue those.
We think all the time! From the moment you wake up to the second your slip back into sleep at night, our minds are a thought creation machine. Smarter people than me estimate we are producing somewhere around 70,000 thoughts per day. The other shoe that must drop on this amazing statistic is that 95% of those thoughts are repeats and totally unoriginal footprints left from days before. That leaves about 5% of original powerful thoughts to create in your day. And there is more. The tenor of your predominant thought patterns, either positive or negative, will determine how things are playing out in your life for you. It is not what happens to you that matters but how you choose to think about them. Remember this as we delve into the ideas I am thinking about today. Think about it.
Thoughts Lead to Happiness or Not
We think so much that you would be more aware of the thoughts we create and how they affect our lives, but we don’t, and those thoughts control the enjoyment and even success in life we experience. Thoughts that are positive in nature lead to how much you choose to enjoy life. Those who are of a negative nature lead to the opposite of enjoyment. If you let your thoughts move unchecked through your existence, then your mood will change at the whim of random thoughts, which can easily be manipulated by someone else.
We live in a society that constantly bombards you with negative messages, so it is no wonder that the mind will produce a virtually nonstop stream of negativity left to its default state. About other people, situations, and of course yourself and how you don’t measure up. The greatest hope is that in all of our thoughts, we have a choice if we allow them to hook into our consciousness or not. We can even create our own positive thoughts to buy into if we choose to. Conscious creation of positive thoughts is the difference between the happy and the sad, and even the successful and unsuccessful in life.
All Things are Twice Created
Everything ever in existence was created twice. The first creation is in one’s mind as a thought. The second is when forces combine to make that imagined thing a reality. It is true for every building, car, road, or stick of furniture around you. All of them were once just a thought in the mind of someone, and only through action and pursuit of that dream were created in reality before you. Can it be that much of a stretch to think the same is true about your health? Your financial well being? Or any other aspect of your existence.
Look at your reality today, and then follow your thoughts about that area of your life. If you are not happy with your current financial situation or relationship situation, then it is time to examine and consider changing the way you think. Choosing the thoughts about the way you want things to be like is the first creation. The second will come as you pursue those things in your life. Of course, you have the choice to stay with the thoughts you have carried your whole life, but you can’t be surprised when those thoughts deposit you right back where you are now, in the same situations not making you happy. Choose to create the things that will make you happy with your thoughts.
It Can Change in an Instant
The great thing about refocusing your thoughts is it doesn’t require a long, drawn-out process to accomplish. You have to start to create a focus around the things you are thinking. What are the negative thoughts you believe about yourself? Money? Success? Love? Whatever? We predominantly think the thoughts are based on the programming we received when we were very young children, trying to figure out how to survive and thrive in this world. The things which were true for us then clearly, at the very least, are no longer applicable today. At the most, they are inaccurate and faulty programming we accept as true without question.
Look at the thoughts you believe in and challenge them. The worst thing that will happen is you will know some beliefs you want to hang on to. But the best thing will be that you will edit or remove faulty thinking from your reality. Success, money, love, or anything else are available for everyone, and our thoughts are the place we need to start to take control of our own reality. The alternative is to believe you are operating at the will of every other force in the world. You are not. Each of us has the ability to be a unique and powerful creator in this world.
“If you realized just how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought.” Anonymous
“Change your thoughts, and you change your world.” Norman Vincent Peale
“Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.” Willie Nelson
“Every thought we think is creating our future.” Louise Hay
“Begin to believe in the power of your thoughts.” Anonymous
“Thoughts have energy. Make sure your thoughts are positive and powerful.” Anonymous
As I was developing as a human being, the music of Pink Floyd entered my life. I was first influenced by the album the Dark Side of the Moon and the music was thought-provoking and resonated with my experiences in life. There wasn’t a lot of media that addressed the feelings facing the teenage mind. This music provided an explanation for the way I felt back then. The Wall was an experience that provided a visceral punch in the senses. It was so far removed from anything I had ever seen, it provided a paradigm shift in my thinking. I remember watching this movie in Brunswick, Maine and I remember the people I watched it with. D.H., E.C., and G.N.
Comfortably Numb– Suffering is a part of life. As young people, we aren’t quite sure of this. I think I was hoping the world would be a happy place all the time. But it isn’t and that is ok. Sometimes there is suffering to help you get to the next level of whatever you are experiencing in life. Sometimes the pain of suffering is too much for all people and we need to feel comfortably numb. Life ads experience and value is added by the hard times we face. Those are the valuable lessons of life. They are not learned in books but through experience and thoughtful reflection. Is there anybody in there? Just nod if you can hear me. Is there anyone at home Come on now. I hear you’re feeling down. Well, I can ease your pain. Get you on your feet again.
Another Brick in the Wall (part 2)– There is no more ironic song to the story of my life. This is about the brainwashing that takes place in western culture. Our system is designed to produce producers and consumers, not thinkers and creators. I was listening to this while being brainwashed in that system. And I didn’t have any idea. A young mind is impressionable and moves in a thousand directions. It is easily influenced and manipulated. The problem has and will arise as the obvious reality of the world doesn’t match the story we are/were taught. Beliefs change, personally and as a society. Accept the change. We don’t need no education . We don’t need no thought control. No dark sarcasm in the classroom. Teachers leave them kids alone. Hey! Teachers! Leave them kids alone. All in all, it’s just another brick in the wall. All in all, you’re just another brick in the wall.
Money– Iconic song which talks about greed which we all deal with to some degree. Our society labels us by how much money we make. In fact, when you meet someone, one of the first questions you ask is, what do you do for work? It allows them to be put into a box that you can understand and relate to. Yet, I would argue that has very little to do with who a person really is. There are very rich people who are terrible people and very poor people who possess the highest moral character. How much money you have has a lot to do with your beliefs surrounding it. You can have all the money in the world and it doesn’t guarantee you a thing. Money, it’s a crime. Share it fairly but don’t take a slice of my pie Money, so they say. Is the root of all evil today. But if you ask for a rise It’s no surprise that they’re giving none away.
Time – Where does it go? Time is a concept that humans have created to mark our activities. It allows us to organize and for some determines the compensation for work performed. In reality, we are only going to have so long in this experience of life. As you age, the uncomfortable truth that it is going to end becomes more and more of a reality. This physical body will give out and the ride will be over. We hope we will have freedom and stability of thought until the end. But that is not the case for thousands of people. Either their bodies or their minds give out before the end. Making the most of the time that we have should be the highest priority in life. Enjoy every second you have. Don’t waste your time bitching and complaining. The ride is going to end, why dislike the experience so much. Focus on the good that is present in every moment, because it could be gone before you know it. And you run and you run to catch up with the sun but it’s sinking. Racing around to come up behind you again. The sun is the same in a relative way but you’re older. Shorter of breath and one day closer to death Every year is getting shorter, never seem to find the time. Plans that either come to naught or half a page of scribbled lines. Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way. The time is gone, the song is over. Thought I’d something more to say.
Wish You Were Here– A sentiment that everyone can relate to. No matter where you are in life there are people that you wish were around you more and sharing experiences with. From all of our past histories and stories, there are characters we miss, for all the elements they provided to our stories. Some moments were extremely happy, some were sad, but the shared experience is the thing that binds people. It provides the meaning of everything. Life brings people into your life and whisks them away as well. All provide a lesson and a spice to your life. I have been blessed in life to have experienced a lot of spice. And to all the people who provided them over the years, I wish you were here. We’re just two lost souls Swimming in a fish bowl. Year after year. Running over the same old ground. And how we found. The same old fears, Wish you were here.
Spin Doctors by Mike Martin
October 29, 2017- Nostalgic Music Month: Spin DoctorsMy brother Kevin Canders told me that I had hit the “bottom of the barrel” when announced to the family that I had decided to take a job selling vacuums. He was wrong.
This is an abbreviate post. It’s Sunday, and thanks to an emergency brake job, a skylight repair, two hockey practices, and a Halloween skating party. I have all of 15 minutes to write this, I could use an entire day.
My most productive period as a door to door vacuum cleaner salesman was from the spring to the fall of 1993. I was a “Van Master” working for Dan Wallace (DW)-a Kirby Vacuum Company legend. We had spent the spring recruiting college kids, out of work construction workers, and one trust fund baby.
Frank Brophy was smart and could answer just every Jeopardy question correctly. Dependency issue got the best of him, and by the time I had met him 1992, he was a shell of his former self. He didn’t have a driver’s license and starting selling Kirby’s with help from the Bangor, Maine public transit.
I think Frank worked for six months before he sold first Kirby, but by the fall of 1993, he was a door knocking machine and a staple on my Kirby sales van. Although several people accompanied Frank and me on our van, Josh Enman and Shawn Towne (after we drove to Milo, got Shawn out of bed, and force him to sell a Kirby to his neighbor on his very first demonstration) were the core of our sales crew.
We sold several Kirby’s daily on the days that worked, but we also never passed up the chance to (Blank) Off as DW would say. One of those days when we decide that there were better things to do, we took the Kirby van to a Spin Doctors concert in Portland. Maine. I must say, it was well worth missing out on the money that I would have made otherwise.
The Spin Doctors are a rock band from the USA that was formed in New York City. They are best known for two hit songs.
Spin Doctors – Two Princes – YouTube
This one, got a princely racket
That’s what I said, now
Got some big seal upon his jacket
Ain’t in his head, now
You marry him, your father will condone you
How ’bout that, now
You marry me, your father will disown you
He’ll eat his hat, now
Marry him or marry me
I’m the one that loves you baby can’t you see?
I ain’t got no future or a family tree
But I know what a prince and lover ought to be
I know what a prince and lover ought to be
Spin Doctors – Little Miss Can’t Be Wrong – YouTube
Little miss, little miss little miss can’t be wrong
Ain’t no body gonna bow no more when you sound your gong
Little miss, little miss little miss can’t be wrong
Whatcha go’n do to get into another one of these here
Rock ‘n’ roll songs
Please, have a great day, and if you have any questions, drop us a line and please partake in #OctoberNostalgicMusicMonth and while you are at it take a trip to Greenville, Maine-I understand the foliage is majestic this time of year! #visitGreenville