All people capable of the art of speech let loose with thousands of words every day, but individuals rarely take the time to listen to what they are saying and the impact those words have on their lives. Each person is dictating the events they are capable of achieving through the use of their words. Both on the outside and, more importantly, on the inside. Is your life moving in the direction you desire or not? Check your words, and dictate if you are happy and prosperous in your endeavors or failing to achieve anything relevant.
Inside Job
Words are the expression of ideas we carry around in our minds. We don’t necessarily share everything we think with the rest of the world, but we can’t help noticing the thoughts in our minds. That is being human. If every time you think of goals you want to achieve, you are met with a barrage of discouraging thoughts, ready to stop achievement, and bold action before it collects any momentum.
These thoughts are often programmed into us by parents, relatives, education systems, pop culture, and peers. We have learned which ideas to share and which will brand us as strange or weird. So conditioned, we become that our conditioned thoughts run continuously and without conscious direction. They harm our self-worth, limiting our abilities to become what we are destined to be. Suppose we can get out of our way. Words are the things that either stop us cold or propel us into our best selves.
Outside Words
All people are contracted to the words they speak and bring into the world. What you talk about and focus on is what will show up in your reality. If you accept negative comments about your ability, character, or looks as accurate, then you are allowing the words of another to control your life. Too often, individuals allow the words spoken with malice or no thought to destroying their ability to do something good.
If you allow someone else’s words to dictate how you feel about yourself, you give up your most basic, powerful, and complete form of power. Astonishingly, most people are unconsciously moving through life. Each of you
Remove all doubt and destructive aspects of the words in how you think and speak to yourself. The terms thought or spoken will provide the direction and accomplishments of your life.
The Universe is listening to you and will bring back what it hears. We tell ourselves often and loudly what we are not capable of doing, and the Universe will ensure that is what happens to us.
Words You Speak Determine Your Path
Endeavor to set an intention in your life to be conscious of the words you put into the Universe internally and externally. If you are not where you desire to be, then perhaps your language is one of the reasons. All you think and say guides the forces of creation to bring you just what you are looking for. It is just as easy to create good things as to cause unwanted, complicated items. It would be best to consciously make what you want, starting with how you think and speaking about yourself and your abilities.
When your mind speaks negatively, notice and switch it over to a positive machine, helping you create your best life rather than a negative deterrent to success.
Outliers- a person or thing differing from all other members of a particular group or set.
You were born an original, don’t be a copy.
I have always been an outlier in my life, a person who is different from everyone else. This observation isn’t to say I am any better or worse than anyone else, I just am myself, and that person seems to not quite fit into the molds others so quickly pour themselves into. I have felt something wrong with me for a long time, a shortcoming of intellect or the things I enjoy. Some people look at my differences and see a weakness that needs to be fixed so I can fit into their ideas of “normal” and find their version of happiness and safety. That would be a crime. My greatest strength and most valuable commodity are that I am an outlier, and I see the world differently than everybody else. I don’t ask anyone to think like me, speak like me or act like me. I ask only for my true self to be on full display, which differentiates me from others and is my value.
Thoughts of an Outlier
The older I get, the more I learn, and the more I understand, the less I know. But there are a few nuggets of knowledge this outlier has found to be accurate and helpful. We are all in control of a large part of the reality we experience, and it is done through the beliefs we carry around in our subconscious minds. What we believe about ourselves and life tells us precisely what types of things we will accept from others and what we expect from the experience. The level of success you will reach and the value you see in yourself are all dictated inside of you.
You can change your programming through a consistent effort of conscious thought and action in your life. It begins by examining how you talk to yourself and noticing what you say to yourself. If you are critical, cruel, judgmental, or unaccepting of who you are on the inside, what chance do you have in the outside world of finding success? Reworking the inner dialogues, you listen to and your beliefs about yourself will take work but will lead to a version of yourself that can accomplish almost any goal. This outlier believes we are in total control of what we ultimately experience. If it doesn’t make any sense, you have to accept responsibility for whatever it is and change your thoughts and expectations about who you are.
Actions of an Outlier
Actions are the things we do. I have developed a list of things I like to do and experience. I enjoy time by myself, writing, learning, and thinking about life. But I have found my favorite thing is to have an honest conversation with someone about the things in life, I guess. Not a debate but a discussion about the validity of my thoughts, where they are weak, where they are stable, and where they are in between. Finding a partner as an intellectual equal is a gold mine of creative juice and thought provocation.
I also think as an outlier. I enjoy creating adventures in close-by places and spending time with another who wants the small things in life. A good meal, a beautiful natural spot, a movie, a concert, time spent just quietly together talking about our hopes and dreams. Finding these adventures in life has been a great find and one I think is unique to me. It seems like people are looking for other things that are more complicated or refuse to see the joy that can come from sharing small thoughts, a stop for ice cream, or hiking a mountain. I know people who look at me, the outlier, as if I am crazy because I am not like them. I look at them and feel sorry for them, understanding they are limited by their vision and expectation.
Company for an Outlier
Just being an outlier, by definition, is going to involve some lonely moments. You are not like the whole group, and although I am OK with the way it is, there are moments when you wish there were more companies. When a company comes, it is delightful and painful to realize the potential fellow outlier was a fake—just stopping by to see how you lived because it looked interesting. But then they retreat into the comfort of society.
You have no choice here because you are what you are, even if the person judging you is someone you care about. The judgment is like all others, a reflection of themselves, not of you. They must live with that, and you have to be true to yourself and be the best person you can be. This outlier believes in honest and open communication. If I do something, I am going to explain why. That is the responsible thing to do if you care about someone. Anything else reveals a character flaw that will negatively affect your life until you rectify it. I have carried many mistakes out into the edges of my existence, allowing them to change me.
Become an Outlier
I will encourage you to find your path in the world that is different from those walked by any others. I know people who pay verbal homage to this idea but in action don’t follow through; their lives are empty and lost. They wish they had the strength to become a real outlier, but the leash of their programming has them caught entirely in their little lives. No matter how big their dreams are, they will never take the steps necessary to achieve them because, deep down, they think being an outlier is too dangerous and wrong.
But it doesn’t have to be that way. Thinking differently, and acting uniquely like yourself is the most critical decision you can make. Finding your style can be hard to do and open you up to the judgment of others, but that is where greatness comes from and a real contribution to the world. Become an outlier today and be yourself; you are the only person you can be. It will start with being more conscious of the thoughts you think, the words you speak, and your actions. Look around and see just how far from the group you have strayed and know that it is precisely where you need to be, an outlier. I am the outlier.
“Achievement is talent plus preparation. The problem with this view is that the closer psychologists look at the careers of the gifted, the smaller the role innate talent seems to play, and the bigger the role preparation seems to play.”
“Hard work is a prison sentence only if it does not have meaning. Once it does, it becomes the kind of thing that makes you grab your wife around the waist and dance a jig.”
“Hard work is only a prison sentence when you lack motivation.”
“Practice isn’t the thing you do once you’re good. It’s the thing you do that makes you good.”
Programming- a: the process of instructing or learning utilizing an instructional program. b: the process of preparing an instructional program for a device (such as your mind)
Everything seems to run and be limited by the programming it has received. As people, we obtain our programming from society and those influential in our lives from the moment we are born. We get instructed on how to think, what actions are acceptable and where our value lies in constructing the situation we are experiencing. These factors are the programming of our lives, and it determines what we can create, the amount of wealth we accumulate, and the types of relationships we accept for ourselves. It is all programming from outside sources, and we take it all as truth. But it isn’t, and that is one of the biggest lies of life. It all starts with looking at your thoughts and being aware of the origin of their source. Is it original, or have you been taught to think that way? Ideas have corresponding emotions attached, which color how you feel about things. Then there are the words you use to express those thoughts to the world and their power validating your programming or contributing to the programming of others. Of course, it all results in the actions you take. Every choice will determine your impact on the world with all of those you interact with daily. Your power comes from your programming.
We Believe our Programs
It is our programming that sets up our beliefs, and the chain reaction begins. Most of the results we have experienced in our lives result from the type of programming we have received throughout. Each interaction and experience provides an input of information we internalize. Either we choose to accept it as a part of who we are, or we reject it. The scary part is that much of what we get as accurate is faulty, cynical, and just plain untrue. So the system, our life, is running on information with no factual or healthy basis. Our programs take each choice, decision, thought, feeling, word, and action. We believe what we are programmed to think, and our programs run our lives.
If your programming tells you that you are no good, overweight, ugly, and unworthy, then that is what your reality is going to be. What is the significant difference between someone who achieves easily and someone who doesn’t? Programming is the answer and the way they see themselves and their place in the world. This programming left unaddressed will continue to run in the background of your mind, influencing all attempts you make to change your situation in any way. They are not permanent, but these programs are persistent and will not change by magic or wishful thinking. Real change starts with looking at your thoughts, which will tell you the current plan you have running.
How Thoughts Reveal Programming
Your thoughts are running all day long, and sometimes we are conscious of the ideas we accept, so we pay attention to them. But most times, we allow our thoughts to run in the background of our subconscious mind. How does your subconscious know what opinions are critical and which ones to discard? Programming, of course. Where you have traditionally placed your emotional attachments and beliefs before determining this, you may consciously think about losing weight, but when your guard is down, and your subconscious programming takes over and will sabotage a lot of good work you might have done.
Look at your thoughts and notice how they speak about you. There is a constant dialogue in your brain, revealing everything you think and feel. Most importantly, look at your thoughts about your value in any area you think is lacking. Finances, relationships, or health, your current condition is mainly due to your programming. Listen to your thoughts and notice the negative beliefs you accept without question. This truth is your programming, and it is NOT permanent, but it is pervasive in everything you do. Change involves focus and learning how to change your programming.
Change the Programs Change Your World
Changes in programming happen on the inside. We start to notice the negative programming and seek to replace it with something more positive. Know what you want in life and create a clear picture of it. Notice the thoughts you have when you think about that thing. They will reveal your programming in that area of life. If you want to change the outcome, then replace the negative programming. One of the best ways I have found to do this is through positive self-talk. Our programming controls the way we talk to ourselves in our minds. Much of this is negative words and thoughts that result in negative results. You may have success for a day, a week, or a month but in the end, we will all default to our programming.
To change your programming for good is not all that complicated, but it isn’t easy either. Replace the negative things which are stopping you from being healthy, wealthy, and happy in life with positive programming, which will allow you to grow as a better person. Being better is done by the talk you allow in your mind. If you support programming that limits you, like: I am not good at that. I have no balance. I am clumsy. I am not good at math. I am not intelligent. I am not attractive. Things never work out for me. I am just not good with money or any other harmful program, and you will be limited. A person can replace all of those thoughts with something positive. It takes a little persistence in action and positive thinking.
A Willingness to Change
Our programming in our lives is what it is. The natural choice is to see an area of lack and to have a desire to change. Then you will be looking for the faulty programming stopping your progress and replacing it with new programs that are more beneficial to producing the results you are seeking. A willingness to try something new and realize your programming can be changed to bring a different result will succeed. What if everything you ever wanted is right there for you on the other end of better programming? Of course, you have to be willing to change your situation. Look honestly at your thoughts when you think of a job, which is your programming. If you like what you hear, reinforce it. If you don’t, then seek to replace it.
The thoughts we accept will lead to the emotions we experience, the words we speak about that situation, and our actions. Of course, the steps will lead to results. If you think you are unattractive and overweight, you will subconsciously do things living up to that programming. The encouraging part is it is all up to you what kind of programming you accept in your life.
“Successful weight loss takes programming, not willpower.” Phil McGraw
“In philosophy, they talk a lot about humans being actual organic machines, and the idea of free will is something that we’ve made up. We don’t have free will. We’re acting according to our programming as organic mechanisms.”– Joel Kinnaman
“The secret of living a life of excellence is merely a matter of thinking thoughts of excellence. It’s a matter of programming our minds with the kind of information that will set us free.” –Charles R. Swindoll
Thought is a constant companion in your life. From the moment you wake up in the morning, the mind is spewing a continuous stream of ideas from the spigot of dialogue. I have heard it estimates the human brain can produce 60-70 thousand thoughts per day. Most of our thoughts, around 95%, are repeats from the day before and the day before that. Left working on an unconscious level, you will think and experience the same thing you did the day before and the week before, and possibly the year before that. It will be hard to change your life if new thoughts aren’t being cultivated and chosen continuously. The great news is that you ultimately have control over the ideas which have value to you. What thoughts are you choosing this day?
Old Programming Power
Our minds are not working against us, we have a valuable tool to use, and most of us are just not aware we have the power to control it. Our experiences in life have programmed our subconscious mind to perform in a certain way. How to talk, walk, ride a bike, shuffle cards, we store in our subconscious mind. It wouldn’t be very efficient if we had to relearn how to chew food before every meal. The valuable information stored here is also stored beliefs we have gathered about how life works, how we fit in it, and our value as human beings. We build most of these opinions in the concrete setting of your mind by the time you are 7-10 years old.
So many of the beliefs about yourself are the beliefs of a seven-year-old. Most of us let these beliefs dictate our ability to do something and the value we bring to life. For example, if you had an experience in early life where you tried a new math problem and failed, all it takes is for someone to say something that hooks your mind, and a belief is born. ” You are just not good at math.” That belief will live unchecked in your mind and will only grow as your mind will seek examples to support and define the perceived truth. What you believe has then become a reality. Often we have long forgotten the initial instance the belief took hold, but the result of the thought has taken on a life of its own.
Change is Possible
Look at yourself honestly and what you see yourself being able to accomplish. What is limiting you? It is often the thoughts we accept as accurate about life and our place in it based on the ideas of the people fate put in our lives as children. Their fears, shortcomings, and lousy programming became a part of our experience without our consent or acceptance. There is no sinister plot here, just people doing the best they can, but reading this at this moment, now it is up to you to continue to accept these beliefs or not. Change is simple, but it isn’t easy. A belief system or paradigm has allowed us to survive and navigate a sometimes harsh world. There is a part of your mind loving these beliefs because there is a known factor to these limiting thoughts. That part of your mind is the ego.
The ego exists as a survival mechanism. It is the voice in your head that is often on the opposing side. Get a great idea you want to try, wait five minutes, and your ego will weigh in with all the limiting thoughts it can create. “What will people think?” “That will never work.” “You are not creative like that.” “Nobody will like anything you do.” “You will never make money at that.” “You will be poor forever.” On and on, they will go if you let them. It is easy to paint the Ego as the villain in your life, but it is just a mechanism in your mind that you allow to stop you. Don’t listen and see what happens.
Changing a Belief
The most challenging thing about changing a belief is to identify the limiting thought in the first place. Next, pay attention to the thoughts and feelings you get when you are pursuing something you want to do. Then you have to apply a process of change to it. There are many different theories on the best methods to change a belief because most of them have profound roots. But don’t give up because changing your paradigm and the landscape of your life will allow you to grow into the person you are capable of being.
I have heard affirmations or short positive statements to change a belief, but the declaration alone is not enough to change a long-standing idea. You need to combine a positive comment using your imagination to visualize what you want along with powerful positive emotion, and your subconscious will start to accept your new belief. So, 1. create a positive statement about what you want to see in your life. 2. visualize this thing happening. How will it look? Imagine all aspects of it? 3. Attach positive feelings to the images you create. Then do this consistently.
The Choice is Yours
Either you will look at your life and evaluate where you are and where you want to go, or you will accept things in the status quo. The choice is up to you and only you. We are all responsible for the results of our lives and how we are living them. The most significant part of the human condition is that we can change everything with a simple thought. We can become what we want to become. Our mind is a valuable tool, but it is only as helpful as choosing to make it. Otherwise, it is just a machine running our lives with no meaning.
Choose today to start the pursuit of where you want to go. Practice a visualization. I dare you. See what ideas will come to you. Taking action will reveal answers to you. The path will unfold the only way it can. Then have the courage to nurture those ideas, take those actions, and follow those paths. Our true selves are found when we use our courage.
“You begin to fly when you let go of self-limiting beliefs and allow your mind and aspirations to rise to greater heights.” ―Brian Tracy.
“Don’t limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve.” ―Mary Kay Ash.
“Do the uncomfortable. Become comfortable with these acts. Prove to yourself that your limiting beliefs die a quick death if you will do what you feel uncomfortable doing.” ―Darren Rowse.
“If you accept a limiting belief, then it will become a truth for you.” ―Louise Hay.
Chances are you can do whatever it is you dream of……… have to believe you can do it.