Tag Archives: responsible for your location


responsibleI have failed to be responsible in many ways throughout my life. I have been selfish, short-sighted, greedy, and petty many times. These experiences have led me to the conclusion that I needed to become responsible for my actions in the world and the energy that surrounded my actions or lack of action.

I am Responsible for My Actions

There were too many times when I didn’t do anything productive in my life. responsibleI spent my time just entertaining myself to get through the day. Watch this, buy that, listen to another thing but ignore the actions you could take that actually provide value and contribute to a better world. As you get older, you start to understand that this game of life we are in does have a time limit, and all of the time you waste on selfish endeavors is permanently passing you by.

You have a responsibility to your life to act. There is a choice of what those actions will look like and what they will accomplish, but there is no choice that you are responsible for the results of your choices. You choose to gossip, understand the negative results that energy will bring to your life. When you choose to treat someone poorly in business, you are choosing to reap the cost of that action in your life.  You are responsible for all of the choices that you make.

Manage Your Time be Responsible

Manage your time wisely, and that means two things to me. First, you realize that time is finite, and every moment that passes is precious and provides an opportunity for you to do something great or do nothing at all. The responsi lepossibility exists for all things, and the person who decides what those things are is you.

Secondly, I think that the game could be over at any moment. One of the things that life doesn’t give you is an expiration date. The game of life could be over today, right now at this moment. Understanding this truly will make a person want to leave nothing undone. There is no guarantee that tomorrow will come, so get done today what you can contribute.  All you can manage really is the moment that you are in.

Don’t Look Back

don't look backThere is no way to go back in time and change the mistakes you have made. As much as you would like to, it isn’t possible. Accept responsibility for your actions by learning from your mistakes and moving forward with all of your experience, and try to make the world a little bit better by doing so. You are responsible for this in your life, and nobody else can help you.

“The price of greatness is responsibility.”- Winston Churchill

“Accepting complete responsibility for your life means that you refuse to make excuses or blame others for anything in your life that you’re not happy about.” – Brian Tracy

“Accept the terrible responsibility of life with eyes wide open.” – Jordan Peterson

“Find joy in everything you choose to do. Every job, relationship, home, it’s your responsibility to love it or change it.” – Chuck Palahniuk