Tag Archives: thoughtful choices


Positive thinkingPenny, for your thoughts? They are worth much more than that. Each moment we are inundated with a million thoughts from our mind. It isn’t easy to shut off the flowing river of mental messages that we are exclusively experiencing in our heads. We can have all types of thoughts, positive, negative, and neutral, and the ones that we decide to focus on will create our reality and our feelings about it. Positive thinking will lead to positive results in life.

You are in control of your thoughts’ quality and content and that decision that you make in each moment, so you are the one in control of the content of your thoughts and the level of happiness that you have found in your life.  It is all up to you.

Avoid the Negative Thought Spiral

positive thinking, good thoughts
Avoid this downward spiral of negative thinking.

Negative thoughts are around us each day. They are powerful and seductive and draw us closer to them. One of the most powerful is gossip. Gossip is thinking and expressing ideas about someone else behind their backs. This is usually about negative events, and it allows people to find common ground in their discussions and charges all people in the conversation with negative energy.

Once you have established this type of negative thinking of gossip, criticism, hate, jealousy, or anger, your pattern is created and you will feel less and less happy. It is a spiral that happens when you criticize others or entertain mean thoughts. They are something that reflects from you. You might simply feel inferior in some way or insecure, and knocking someone else down feels powerful, but it is only an illusion. You are feeling more and more unhappy at the moment. The only thing that can turn that around is to change the pattern of thought, speech, and action that you have been practicing into something more positive.

Changing to Positive Thinking

This is where your power of choice will come into practice in your life. You have a choice with each positive thinkingthought to be positive or negative. Your thoughts will lead to words, positive or negative, and then actions, positive or negative. But it all starts with choosing the positive thoughts to move the entire process in a direction that will lead to your happiness and enjoyment in life. It is all a choice. If you don’t believe me, then experiment, choose a negative thought, and focus your attention on the words that come from that and the actions that follow. See what results and how it feels to you. Then repeat the experiment using the other choice and compare and contrast the results.

The choices are easy to make love over hate, laughter over crying, creating over destroying, perseverance over quitting, praise over gossip, healing thoughts over those that wound, giving rather than stealing, action over procrastination, growing over rotting to live rather than die.  Each thought is as simple a choice like this, the words will follow the same light or darkness, and the actions cannot be any different. And it all begins with your thoughts and the ones you choose to pay attention to.  This will determine the quality of your life and the interactions that you have with it.

Pay close attention at all times to the ideas that creep into your mind. They are all your responsibility as much as your actions. You will be a force in the world for light or darkness based solely on your thoughts.  The experience you have and thoughts you think will define your life to the world.

The Happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts. ~ Marcus Aurelius