Christmas Should Be the Cure

Why Christmas should cure people.

christmas wonder
Christmas should be a time of wonder, and if it isn’t, look within yourself.

It is easy to see the problems with the world today, life’s issues seem to force themselves into our consciousness.  There are those without enough to eat, no family, no home and no hope of anything any better.  This is impossible to fix completely but Christmas gives us our best opportunity to make changes in the quality of life for all people.  How come we so often miss the mark?  Why is it that so many people are not really happy on Christmas?

Commercialism Robs Gratitude

Too often it seems Christmas lists look like this. Greed is not good.

The increase in commercialism around this time has made Christmas the season of expectations not of gift giving and gratitude.  People, especially young people, spend the holiday wrapped up in what is being wrapped up for them.  Rather than being concerned with the feeling of Christmas which has always been love, they are worried about what is in this for them.

I feel old when I say I remember a different time, but I do.  There were small gifts that were really appreciated by those receiving them.  I remember not only receiving gifts that were thoughtful, and just what I wanted, and I remember searching for just that perfect gift that cost under five dollars for my parents or siblings.  It was a simpler time, even though Christmas was commercialized then, it was nowhere near the media advertising blitz it is today.

It is no wonder people are so messed up around Christmas, if your intake of expensive electronic gizmos and gadgets doesn’t equal the price of a small import car, the holiday is a failure.  Where did we go wrong?

The Magic of Christmas

gratitude of Christmas
Try some of these thoughts and emotions this year.

It doesn’t have to be that way, and it is simple to reclaim.  If you are Christian then remember the actual meaning of the holiday.  The message is one of love, power, and wonder.  If you aren’t Christian but like the holiday, simply remember that the act of giving is a good thing, and has the power to transcend culture, distance, and differences of all kinds.  Giving is a two-part transaction, which should never be forgotten.  On the one hand, there is the giving of a gift.  It simply has to be given with an open heart, to make someone else happy.  That is it.

The second part of the transaction is receiving, with gratitude, and appreciation, that someone else in the world cares enough about you to take the time to find you a gift. There was a time in life, that I took gifts for granted myself, but age and time have made receiving gifts of any kind a wonder.  I appreciate the thought, even more than the gift itself, because that is the real treasure anyway.

This is the magic that comes with this season each year and seems to be lost in the commercialism and greed that pervades the holiday.  The act of giving is powerful, but the feeling of gratitude for the gifts and love of another can carry you to new heights.  Having a gratitude in your heart can allow you to find the strength to make it through tough times because it is not really how much crap you accumulate in this life, it is how much others care about you and your presence in their lives that matters in the end.

It Will All Be OK

So when you start to feel overwhelmed with the season and find that you are getting frustrated with the commercialism and greed that seems to be all around you, then you need to look inside yourself and find the spirit of giving and the gratitude for all that you have.  If that is your focus you will have a much more pleasant holiday season and life.


Value of Appreciation

It should come as no surprise that feeling appreciated in any situation is important to people. Appreciation allows a person to feel valued in a situation and that their presence and contribution matter to the overall experience of things. This is true in all areas of life and should be a part of your conscious focus. Having our positive points recognized and valued by someone else is the essence of being a well-functioning human being.  Appreciation also gives people the confidence to perform at a higher level in all things they undertake.  Look for ways to show appreciation to all those in All areas of life today.

Appreciate Those You Work With

It is not difficult to be appreciative.  Look for those who are doing all the things they should be doing at a high level and then tell them how awesome they are doing there.  Criticism is easily dispersed when a crisis arises or to just make yourself feel better.  All people should be held accountable for their actions, and let the chips fall where they may for deeds of dishonesty or deceit. These things take care of themselves.

Far more common are people performing at a high level for a company and not being recognized for it.  In fact, people see the good work, know it is there, but nothing is ever said until something goes wrong.  Then criticism and reactions are the norms. This destroys morale and any positive momentum a workplace has accumulated is gone. Taking the time to appreciate those who are working for you or your company, will pay you back in loyalty and a lack of turnover in staff.

Appreciate those in your life

There are people in your life that provide a positive spin on things and are there for you when you need them.  Each person brings a special presence to your life and you should always take the time to tell them that you appreciate them and all they contribute to your life.  It doesn’t take a lot of effort to do this and if you mean it, all involved should feel better about all of your interactions.  Everybody wants to be appreciated and know that they are important to the fabric of your life.

How many relationships fail because there is little to no appreciation for the things that couples do for each other every day?  I would bet quite a few.  Tell those who are doing something for you that you appreciate them as often as you think of it.  Be specific in the praise and accept the appreciation you get in return.  All of your relationships hopefully will grow in a positive direction that you show appreciation for.  Who wouldn’t want to be reminded of their good qualities on a consistent basis?  Don’t make them wait, appreciate!!

Appreciate Yourself

Each of us needs to take a moment and just appreciate all the things we do well and what our “good” qualities are.  Too often people spend way too much time focusing on their shortcomings and faults.  Who knows your faults better than you? Nobody.  That is the problem because we are so used to having a negative inner dialogue about our problems that we forget to appreciate any of the things we do well or the talent we contain within.

Take time today and focus on enjoying all of the positive qualities that you possess. Each of these skills is there shining for the world to see. Your sense of humor, your skill with people, your ability to sing in the shower.  All of these things are there for you to enjoy and celebrate.  Appreciate all the things that many take for granted.  The gift of vision, hearing, sound, thought all are amazing gifts and should be appreciated.  When you look at yourself this way there is a happier soul inside of you.

Appreciation is the challenge today, appreciate all of the people in your life, at work, at home, and in the mirror.  They all deserve it and it will make the world a much happier place.

“Make it a habit to tell people thank you. To express your appreciation, sincerely and without the expectation of anything in return. Truly appreciate those around you, and you’ll soon find many others around you. Truly appreciate life, and you’ll find that you have more of it.”- Ralph Marston

“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.”- John F. Kennedy

Random Act of Kindness

The Random Acts of Kindness Barnstar may be aw...
Random Act of Kindness

A Random Act of Kindness saves A Truly bad day

Some days are difficult to enjoy but a random act of kindness can change everything around for you.  It could be a forecast for the end of the world or the inconsiderate behavior of another that have you experiencing a bad day but it is definitely true that a random act of kindness can turn it all around.

It often happens when you need to be picked up the most that something or more directly someone takes it upon themselves to do something kind for you. It is our job to simply notice it and appreciate the effort!

Only a Cup of Coffee, Random act of Kindness

It was only a cup of coffee, but it could have been a large bar of gold because it was such a slap of niceness into an otherwise sour day.  I know I was feeling sorry for myself, and choosing to indulge myself in a river of self-pity. when out of nowhere someone randomly offered me a cup of coffee. A two dollar cup of kindness.

Today it seemed easy to get down, a cold, depressing rain has been falling all day that makes you want to just go back to bed and forget this day ever started.  But then one act of kindness allowed me to smile both outside and inside.  Suddenly the world didn’t  seem so bad and I less vengeful against it. Dare I say I started to feel happy.

A Random Act of Kindness can Change Everything

kindness inspires kindness
Remember this fact!

You never know what those random acts of kindness you perform will do for the world.  The small pebble of your kindness may ripple throughout the world for a long time indeed.  It may cause others to find their own hearts and give without looking for anything in return.

This just happened and I am able to focus a little more on the good things in my life.  Start to count my blessings, think about the positive things and know that the world isn’t a total cesspool of violence and uncaring people.

This simple touch of humanity really made my day. I am most often pretty positive and try to reciprocate in kind, but like everyone else, I have my days.  The act of purchasing my coffee on a cold and rainy afternoon restored my hope in all of humanity.

If you are in a position to do something kind for someone else today, then do it, even if it isn’t recognized it will make a difference to someone. Many small acts together can make a huge difference for somebody else.

My faith in humanity is restored and I am no longer mad at the world. A random act of kindness made sure of that.

The Boys are back in Water

Nostalgic Music Month Day 17

Water by Jon Hilton

A view of our favorite swimming spot through the trees on Dyer’s Pond

In all of my formative years, I was fortunate to be blessed, living within view of a lake or a pond in all places I lived.  My earliest memories are of these places. They are Moosehead Lake in Greenville, Maine and Dyers Long Pond in Jefferson, Maine. Each comes back to me in memories and it is clearly a part of my soul is in each. This is the story of how these two lakes contributed to my life and formed much of what I understand about the world today.  It is a fortunate thing to be raised in the woods of Maine, even though I often thought otherwise. There are lessons you learn about life and respect for nature many people seem to lack today.

  1. Water– Brad Paisley- To live in rural areas one of the first elements you need to master is water. Learning to swim in this scary, monstrous and mysterious lake is one of the first challenges we meet. I remember well
    This was camp, and that boat was my main source of travel, freedom, and entertainment.

    the day I learned to swim. I was standing on the dock at my grandfathers. Tentatively thinking about swimming but fear was in my way. What if I couldn’t do it? Suddenly I was picked up and was hurtling through the air and into that dark scary abyss.  After the initial fear and shock wore off, I realized that I was swimming, and there wasn’t anything to be afraid of at all. Life lesson learned. It is one I have to recall even today when something new comes along. Jump in, give it a go, you will never know if you don’t give it a try.  Yeah, when that summer sun starts to beatin’ down. And you don’t know what to do. Grab your swimming trunks. Ice up that old igloo. Drive until the map turns blue.

  2. Down to the Waterline– Dire Straits There was a path that ran from our camp on Dyers Pond through the woods, past four other camps with the final destination of my grandparents. I ran that path thousands of times in my youth, usually with no shoes on. I knew all of the camps and their inhabitants as well as family. The path was right next to the water. I was very fortunate to be set free almost all summer. I had to be polite when I was around people and was taught to be honest, kind and caring. But when it came to summer days, I was set free with my brothers to go and do whatever I could dream up that day. The woods and the waters were my playgrounds and my teachers.  Respect was the biggest lesson I learned running along the waterline. She can see him on the jetty where they used to go. She can feel him in the places where the sailors go. When she’s walking by the river and the railway line. She can still hear him whisper, “Let’s go down to the waterline.”
  3. All Summer Long– Kid Rock- Growing up and going to camp every summer of my life was a tough life. The lake was not only for fun but also for bathing. There was no shower at the camp. Why? Because you went swimming every day. Usually two or three times. We actually could go as many times as we wanted as long as we could find someone to watch us. Any adult would do.  Of course, we also had to wait 30 minutes after we ate before we could swim. It was based on the unfounded belief that if you swam before your food started to digest you would get cramps and drown. We followed this “science” without question.  Living at camp also meant, using an outhouse, and filling up jugs of drinking water and carrying them home. We definitely take a lot of simple things for granted today.  Splashing through the sandbar. Talking by the campfire. It’s the simple things in life, like when and where. We didn’t have no internet
    But man I never will forget.
    The way the moonlight shined upon her hair
  4. On the Border– Al Stewart- Wind was a constant companion on all lakes. In Greenville, the wind was a powerful and constant factor in life. It made a moderate day colder and a cold day frigid. It did develop a toughness, that if you can handle that cold wind, everything else is minor leagues. In Jefferson, the wind dictated what types of activities the day would bring. Wind out of the south meant warm happy days of sunshine. Wind out of the North meant colder days and maybe some indoor time.  In the village where I grew up. Nothing seems the same. Still you never see the change from day to day.No one notices the customs slip away.
  5. Sitting on the Dock of the Bay– Otis Redding- There are many subtle things about living on a lake you take for granted at the time, but remember as priceless memories. Seeing the movement of the water through the day, or the shadows as they move. Shouting to nobody so that you can hear the echo of emptiness roll off into the distance. Sometimes sitting, watching and thinking are the best adventures available. You just have to take the time to notice them. A lake is a living, breathing entity that provides a life for millions of creatures small and large. As a day drifted softly toward its conclusion, the shadows on the shore grew long and I knew it was time to find the warmth that was waiting at home.  So I’m just gonna sit on the dock of the bay. Watching the tide roll away. Ooo, I’m sittin’ on the dock of the bay. Wastin’ time. 

Thin Lizzy by Mike Martin

If I want to feel invincible, all I need to do is listen to The Boys Are Back in Town from the Irish hard rock band Thin Lizzy. The song was originally released in 1976, on their album sixth studio album, Jailbreak- a song that wasn’t even selected to be on the record until a couple of  Louisville, Kentucky DJs helped bring the song to prominence.

Guess who just got back today
Them wild-eyed boys that had been away
Haven’t changed that much to say
But man, I still think them cats are crazy

“It was 1976 and we were touring America,” recalled Scott Gorham (a California guitarist who contributed to the Thin Lzzy’s twin lead guitar signature style). “Jailbreak wasn’t shifting and we weren’t selling any tickets – but there we were, gigging around… The manager came in and told us, ‘Well guys, it looks like you have a hit record’… Our response was, ‘Wow! Which song are you talking about?’ When he replied, ‘The Boys Are Back in Town’, it was a case of “Really?” We’d demoed maybe 15 songs and ‘The Boys Are Back in Town’ wasn’t among the ten that we chose for the album, which in some ways made it a double surprise. We owe it all to two DJs in Louisville, Kentucky. They fell in love with the (x) song and played it incessantly until other stations in the surrounding area picked up on it… Had that song not kickstarted the sales of the

Boy trying to get back in town

album, then the band was over.”
Thin Lizzy formed in Dublin, Ireland in 1969. Phil Lynott’s was the band’s de facto leader. He was the composer or co-composer of almost all of the band’s songs, and the first black Irishman to achieve commercial success. He died from a condition induces from Heroin dependency in 1986.

Stay safe folks and please have a terrific Tuesday!

Please, have a great day, and if you have any questions, drop us a line and please partake in #OctoberNostalgicMusicMonth and while you are at it take a trip to Greenville, Maine-I understand the foliage is majestic this time of year! #visitGreenville

#OctoberNostalgicMusicMonth #visitGreenville

Positive Affirmations

Something Positive
Something Positive

Positive Thinking Video Below

Some days, when I am feeling negative, or just not as motivated as I should feel, I find positive thinking myself with something motivational, and positive.  I have learned that what you put into your mind will determine much of what you experience in life.

This is a quick video that contains quotes, and thoughts on positive thinking that I have seen on Facebook, and other sites.  They were posted to motivate people, but I need them all in one place so that I can experience total immersion. They will help you get your mind in the right frame of mind.

Positive Thinking Gets you Moving

I wanted to have something that would allow me to quickly get moving in a positive thinking direction, and this collection of sayings has worked for me and I think it will work for you.

Simply watch the video, or a part of it, or whatever you have time for and then try and accomplish something.  It will always go smoother afterward. Positive thinking helps make the day go by better.

This group of mini-affirmations will improve your mood and allow you to be more productive.  Give it a try and let me how it contributes to your positive thinking.

Build Your Adventure Pack

The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.”
― Eleanor Roosevelt

Why We Need Adventure Packs

My adventure Pack
My Adventure Pack

In a conversation with a friend, they mentioned that they always kept a pack of items in their vehicle, just in case there was a cause to go on an adventure that day.  It got me to thinking that each of us should create our own “Adventure Packs” for whatever each day might bring us.  There are many things that you could do every day to make your life more of an experience if you wanted to.  I figured that why not set the tone and expect something adventurous by carrying an adventure pack, just in case.  Think of all of the adventures you might be missing out on just by not having one. The pack doesn’t have to be fancy or anything, it can just be a bag with a few of the necessities an adventurer might need.   I think there are many different experiences that can qualify as adventures, here is a short list of adventures you might have.

Physical Adventures Are Good For You And Fun

physical adventure with an adventure pack
My pack is always ready.

These are the most prevalent kind of adventures, I think, the ones that take you somewhere, on a hike, or a walk, or around the bend to see what is there.  In your daily activities, you might see a road that you wanted to walk down, or even a park you wanted to visit, to see what was there.  What is stopping you? If you have an adventure pack with a bottle of water, sun screen, a light jacket, then you will be ready for this type of excursion.  The benefits of these types of activities are improved health which is good for your heart, your mind and your soul.  The difference between a thought and an experience is action, so don’t be afraid to take that action step. Make sure you keep a snack in your adventure pack so that you will always have the energy to carry out the adventure in front of you.

Social Adventures Good For Your Mind

adventure pack for fun
Adventure packs are light weight and make you smile

These are the ones that involve getting together with someone in a social situation, going for coffee or breakfast just for the sake of socialization.  Your adventure pack doesn’t even need to have much in it to carry on this type of excitement.  If you have a strong desire to connect then you really don’t need to do anything other than a little money to pay for whatever you eat.  Most often when you visit with old friends you will have revelations and memories about yourself and them that you had forgotten a long time ago. Life is a can be a long road and it is a much happier experience when you travel it with friends. So always keep a little extra cash in your adventure pack, just in case the opportunity to connect comes up.

Simple Things which are Great

There are a bunch of simple adventures that you can experience with just a little bit of energy and imagination.  On any clear night, you have access to one of the grandest adventures on earth, the night sky.  When you make the effort to get where the lights of civilization are not a factor you can view the stars and any time you do this, you can’t help but be swept up in the power and wonder of the vastness of space.  Each star billions of miles away has a story, and you are just a very small and insignificant spec to whatever story is happening there.  You can also have the same kind of adventures at any natural wonder, a river, a lake or the ocean.  You will have to travel with your adventure pack to get to these locations most likely, but keep a map in your adventure pack and you will never get lost on your journey.

Doing Something for Others

adventure pack for visiting
My pack usually has enough to share, if not we’ll make due.

Having an adventure pack handy should allow you the freedom to help someone else.  There are many people who don’t really need anything other than a visit and a kind word.  This adventure is very low-cost and will never be out of demand.  If you don’t know who needs this type of adventure from you, look around.  There are hospitals and nursing homes with people in them who would like nothing more than a friend to talk to and share their stories with.  This is why it is always important to keep a handy list of topics with you at all times.  Remember that any commonality is a conversation in and of itself.  A sport, a team, a performance or anything that you can relate to in any way can create a conversation that will pick up someone’s day.  This type of adventure is doubly good because it is good for the person you visit and it is good for you.

In the end, there is no shortage of ways that you can enjoy life more than you do right now.  If you are already filling your life with adventures, then perhaps it is time to add new people to them.  The more the merrier is a great theme to follow as you move through life.  It is true that the more people you share your life with, the richer you will feel.   So create your own adventure pack and hit the streets, life is nothing more than an adventure waiting to happen.

  • Adventures Based on Song Lyrics
  • Let’s go on an adventure today.
  • New adventure
  • Honeymoon Beauty, Part III: The Adventure Seekers

Living on a Prayer Monday

Nostalgic Music Month Day 16

Monday- by Jon Hilton

It is a Monday morning and I feel like most people do on this day. The angst of another week of responsibility and the end of any free time for five more days.  This is the day most people move from doing what you want to do into doing what you have to do.  All of my life, this day has a bittersweet feeling to it. I am grateful to have things to do, but I am a free bird that likes the ability to do whatever I want.  In honor of this strange day that makes people love coffee and long for a vacation, today I am choosing Monday Songs as my musical choice today. Remember that you always have a choice, regardless of your current circumstances, to make the day what you want.

  1. Monday, Monday– Mammas and the Papas- Monday is the worst day of the week. You can’t trust that day because as I remember from my school days, people still expect you to do all of your homework, even if you had a fantastic weekend. Nothing much has changed.  Apparently, the Mammas and the Pappas felt the same way because whenever Monday comes you can find them crying on the ground. I don’t hate Mondays that badly so that is a positive. Oh Monday mornin´ you gave me no warnin´ of what was to be. Oh Monday, Monday, how could you leave and not take me.
  2. I Don’t Like Mondays– The Boomtown Rats- It was sometime in 1983 I first heard this song. And I concurred completely that I did not like Mondays. I wanted to shoot the whole day down. I enjoyed high school because it had the two things I was passionate about, girls and sports. The learning part was far in the background for me. I did it because that allowed me to stay in a place with girls and sports. Oh, oh, oh and the silicon chip inside her head. Gets switched to overload. And nobody’s gonna go to school today. She’s going to make them stay at home.
  3. Manic Monday- The Bangles- I think we all have selected amnesia. We seem to forget that the week is going to be full of many of the things that it was full of last week and the week before. Yet, people still seem surprised that work is going to happen. School is going to happen. Just like it did last week. That leads to another Manic Monday.  I had to include the Bangles because I am a child of the 1980’s.  And it is another Manic Monday. Have to catch an early train. Got to be to work by nine. And if I had an air-o-plane, I still couldn’t make it on time. 
  4. Rainy Days and Mondays-The Carpenters- Often in adult life, I feel like I am in the movie Tommy Boy whenever I hear a song by the Carpenters. Deep down, I love it but I would never let anyone else know that. This song does explain how many people see Monday and let it get them down. We have all had the blues at some point, and this song allows you to sing about it if you want to feel better.  Secretly we all love The Carpenters and that is ok on Monday or any other day of the week. Talkin’ to myself and feelin’ old. Sometimes I’d like to quit. Nothin’ ever seems to fit. Hangin’ around, Nothin’ to do but frown. Rainy days and Mondays always get me down.
  5. Come Monday– Jimmy Buffett- I am sure that Jimmy Buffett will have his own day, but when it comes to Monday songs this is one of my favorites. Unlike the others, it is about looking forward to Monday. It reminds me of all the times that I have been away from the one I love and looking forward to seeing them again. Who hasn’t felt this way? I just can’t wait to see you again.  Monday is a day, just like any other that provides an opportunity to make choices. Whether those choices are positive or negative is up to you.   Come Monday It’ll be all right. Come Monday I’ll be holding you tight. I spent four lonely days in a brown L.A. haze, And I just want you back by my side.

Bon Jovi  by Mike Martin

Bon Jovi, a self-titled debut studio album by the American rock band Bon Jovi, was released on January 21, 1984. The album produced one hit, Runaway, the other songs from the album were rarely performed live after the release of Slippery When Wet in 1986.

I saw Bon Jovi open for the California metal band Ratt at the San Diego Sports Arena on New Year’s Eve 1985. Ratt was a popular headlining band at the time, but we all left thinking that, Bon Jovi, put on the more dynamic performance and that they had a great future.

Bon Jovi Concert

We were right. Thus far, Bon Jovi has released 13 studio albums, has sold more than 130 million records, and performed more than 2,700 concerts in over 50 countries for more than 34 million fans.

There is some confusion about Bon Jovi’s hit song from Slippery When WetYou Give Love a Bad Name. This is a very different song and should never be confused with a much different song from Bon Jovi self-titled album Bon Jovi –Shot Through The Heart

I like listening to Bon Jovi, but do not listen to them often, but after this Monday morning, I want my family to know that we are all just Livin’ On A Prayer

Take my hand, we’ll make it I swear
Woah, livin’ on a prayer

And, FYI-it’s a day to celebrate because

Woah, we’re half way there
Woah, livin’ on a prayer

Please, have a great day, and if you have any questions, drop us a line and please partake in #OctoberNostalgicMusicMonth and while you are at it take a trip to Greenville, Maine-I understand the foliage is majestic this time of year! #visitGreenville
#OctoberNostalgicMusicMonth #visitGreenville


Choosing Positive over Negative

positive thinking One of the peculiar aspects of this human experience is that the content of our thoughts dictates how we feel about our experiences.  When you focus thoughts on the positive then your feelings are generally positive and if negative things are in your thoughts when you feel anxiety, fear, other negative things. The thoughts we have about ourselves and others determine how happy we are in this moment, how fulfilling our relationships are and how we affect all those we come in contact with.

What you are thinking is caused by our environment. If something or someone in your life does something that moves you to the negative. Then you have a simple choice to make, deal with it honestly and then put it in the past.  Dwelling on the negative thoughts such as jealousy, envy, fear, or judgment will inject your life with anxiety. Whereas focusing on positive thoughts of acceptance, kindness, understanding and love the result will be emotions and feelings that are supportive and positive. Our thoughts are the direct cause of our emotional state. We are in control of the thoughts we entertain at any moment, completely and without question. Remembering this can be difficult, but you can get a more positive feeling by letting the negative move out of your life.

The Opposite is Always Available

So how do you control the thoughts that you pay attention to? For all of the emotions we experience, they are all brought on by the series of thoughts we are focusing our attention on. If you are constantly degrading positive thinking yourself and your abilities, it isn’t any wonder that you are depressed about your prospects and potential? It may be a subconscious choice, but you are choosing the thoughts that you are identifying with. The opposite thought and corresponding actions and emotions are always available to you. That is the power you always have available.

Think about the things that make a smile come to your face, and a smile will come. The mind has the ability to provide all that we need to feel happy, successful and complete. Or it can make you feel depressed, defeated and hopeless, there is only one person who decides which reality you are experiencing. You and your choice of thought. All directions are available in the carnival of life and you are the artist that chooses the colors that represent your interest and even the effect you have on your life and the lives of others.

Proactive Thought

Since our thoughts are such a big part of our lives, it would seem that we would guard them, protect positive thinking them and be proactive about the ones you pay attention to. It can be easy to let others choose them for you in life. The media, our friends, our families or those we meet in passing can choose what is desirable to us. If you don’t watch your thoughts someone else will be dictating how you feel about yourself and the talent that you possess.

We all have talents of one sort or another and they provide something the world has never seen or considered. We each create a unique portrait for the world, even though society is constantly trying to make us all the same. You were not born to be small and the same, so don’t think small. You were born to live your life in your own unique way, bring your talent to the table and let others see it. The biggest limiting factor you will face is the critic in your own head that causes you to focus on negative thoughts of yours and others.  If you choose to listen you will limit your experience and your consciousness. To expand these things and grow as a person, simply takes a change of focus.

The benefit of having a negative thought and emotional experience is that you can get a really clear picture of what you don’t want in your life, which will lead you to what you do want.  Become adept at recognizing the thoughts that put you in a negative situation and which thoughts will bring you out of it. All of this is a result of paying attention to what you think. I choose the positive over the negative.

“Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.”-  Willie Nelson


Wildfire on the Bayou

Day 15 Nostalgic Music Month

Creedence Clearwater Revival by Jon Hilton

Nostalgia is looking back at your life with fondness. Pulling out the memories you have and remembering the people, events, and things that mattered on your journey. Creedence Clearwater Revival and their music take me on a long visit to my past. Like most bands of significance, it is difficult to pick just a few songs because so many had an impact. From my childhood to my current life as a “middle-aged” person.  I go on a trip in every song, to the backwoods of Maine. To the college campus of the University of Maine at Farmington. To the memories of a young man doing his best to learn about life. The conclusion is still the same now as it was then, I still have a lot to learn.

  1. Born on the Bayou– Even though I was born hundreds of miles from the bayou, the backwoods of Maine bring the same sense of rural, family and wilderness. I can remember running through the backwood bare, chasing down the hoodoo there. This song makes me remember all of those days of my youth and the seemingly perfect circumstances of a life full of play and adventure.  Now when I was just a little boy standin’ to my Daddy’s knee. My Poppa said, “Son don’t let the man get you do what he done to me.”
  2. Fortunate Son–  If CCR released this song today, they would be a target of the people. They would be deemed unAmerican.  During the era of Vietnam, the draft system was one that favored the rich and put the poor and disadvantaged on the fast track to the jungle.  Today we live in an era of ultra sensitivity, where any disenting voice is attacked and demonized. Simpletons spouting simple thoughts. Free speech used to be a valued commodity in the United States, but today it is a luxury.  As long as you say what “the man” finds acceptable you have this right. Say something they don’t like and you don’t.    Some folks are born made to wave the flag
    Ooh, they’re red, white and blue. And when the band plays “Hail to the chief”.    Ooh, they point the cannon at you, Lord!!!
  3. Someday Never Comes–  In my search for knowledge, this advice was true, someday never comes. Too often we put things off until tomorrow and then to the next day. Eventually it is too late and the opportunity is gone forever. We are all given chances to achieve things in life. Sometimes we are too comfortable where we are or more often, too afraid of failing.  If you have a dream, today is the day. If you want to try something the time is now. Well, I’m here to tell you now, each and every mother’s son, That you better learn it fast, you better learn it young,’Cause someday never comes.
  4. Long as I Can See the Light– All of us have left people behind. Some deserved it, they were not in our best interest. But there are a precious few we leave behind that we should have kept with us. Those are the people we want to put a candle in the window to help guide us back to them. In life, there are times we need to go, to learn a lesson we need to learn. But you can always bring that lesson back with you, returning a better person able to give a better part of yourself. Look for the light.   Put a candle in the window ,’Cause I feel I’ve gotta move, Though I’m goin’, goin’ , I’ll be comin’ home soon. Long as I can see the light.
  5. The Midnight Special– This is a great sing along song.  It also shines a light on the inequalities that have existed in our society for decades. Apparantly when you look around, absolutely nothing has changed. The system is rigged against some and for others.  The prevailing strategy seems to be, make sure you are on the side that it is rigged for. Everyone else is on their own.  It leads me to believe that CCR would not be welcomed today into the music industry or conservative society. But you better not complain, boy, you get in trouble with the man.

HM-  Have you Ever seen the rain, bad moon rising, Proud Mary, Down on the Corner, Lookin’ Out My Back Door, Run Through the Jungle, Suzi Q., Lodi, I Heard it Through the Grapvine, Green River, Up around the bend, Travellin’ Band, I put a Spell on you, Hey Tonight, Sweet Hitch Hiker

Micheal Martin Murphey- by Mike Martin

What is a #OctoberNostalgicMusicMonth without celebrating an artist who shares your name?

Michael Martin Murphey is an American singer-songwriter born on March 14, 1945. He is best known for writing and performing Western music, country music and popular music. A multiple Grammy nominee, Murphey has six gold albums, including a song that helped a nine-year boy believe that there was an escape from the confines of a small, remote, isolated, Maine town—realizing that all I needed was a horse.

Wildfire reached #1 on the Adult Contemporary charts, and when I hear it,


this song instantly takes me back to 1975.

By the dark of the moon I planted
But there came an early snow
There’s been a hoot-owl howling by my window now
For six nights in a row
She’s coming for me, I know
And on Wildfire we’re both gonna go

With that said, I gotta go-to the Home Depot.

Please, have a great day, and if you have any questions, drop us a line and please partake in #OctoberNostalgicMusicMonth and while you are at it take a trip to Greenville, Maine-I understand the foliage is majestic this time of year!
#OctoberNostalgicMusicMonth #visitGreenville

Remember How to Play

Remember How To Play In Life

Playing Catch
Remembering the fun of play

Many years ago, I can remember being a kid and just wondering who was going to be available to play after school.  There were not many things that were more important to my elementary school self than what I would play, where I would play and who would be available to play with.  Growing up in the town of Greenville, Maine, Tuesdays were always a difficult day because the bulk of my colleagues were Catholic and they had to go to Catechism, which significantly cut into my options.  I often urged some of my friends to skip their religious instruction for a rousing game of kickball or football or anything outside that involved a game of some kind.

I was fortunate to have a built-in playmate in my brother who was only a bit more than a year younger than me, and we always had Joel Wortman.  I can remember us getting home from school watching a little TV, eating a snack and then playing until the call to dinner would end our fun.  If there was a game, we played it.  For whiffle ball, we arranged the back yard like a Fenway, with the house being the “green monster”, the rock in the ground was first base, the worn patch was second and we would throw something down for third.  There was never a complaint or a problem with the facilities.   It was the game that counted.

playing catch
Remember those days when there wasn’t an organized game to go to, people just played for the sake of having fun

Play was such an important part of our lives that I wonder how it ever faded away, but it definitely did. As you grow older it becomes less and less a part of your life as you move into the “fun” of adulthood, the games of youth are left behind.  As young adults the opportunities for play are plentiful, but most of us confuse competition with play.  See any adult softball league to see this factor in action, too worried about winning a game that should be enjoyed just for being played.  Like many things as adults we forget what is important and that is just playing.

I enjoy playing golf because it gives you the opportunity to get outside, move around, socialize with your friends and just play.  Golf is only hard when you worry about how well you are playing, and much like life, golf is a game that can’t be won, only played.

Many people have play in their heart, and when they have children of their own, the spirit comes back out and they now have the approval of society to play again, like they did when they were young.  Some of the best parents I have known didn’t forget how to play.

Without researching too very hard here are some of the benefits that you can gain right now from playing.

climbing a tree
I couldn’t stop laughing as I climbed a tree for the first time in many years. It was harder than I remember.

Play Provides Connections to Others

As you play any game with someone else there is a connection that is made. A shared memory or experience created through play will be carried with you through the laughter and joy that you share with someone else.  Play has also been shown to help develop compassion, trust, and the ability to connect with others.

Play Helps You Learn About People

There are many social skills that are keenly honed through play.  Creativity, acceptance, tolerance, risk-taking, social etiquette are just some of the lessons that playing has taught me, and I assume can teach anyone.


Play Makes You Happy

When you play you will find that it is difficult to be mad, sad or otherwise pissed off at anyone.  I am told that this is because endorphins are released into your bloodstream resulting from play.  I know that it is impossible not to smile when you are truly enjoying playing.

I wasn’t sure if I remembered correctly or not, and the only way that I could know for sure was to actually try to play.  It was harder than you might think to find a venue to play where you are allowed to be yourself and not interfere with anyone else.  Then I really focused on playing and having fun and surprise, surprise it was better than I remembered.  I played catch, ran around and climbed trees, which was not as easy as I remember, but really a lot more fun.  I mean it has been over 30 years since I tried to climb a tree.

My advice to you is that you take a moment or two and play with all your heart.  You will remember what it is like to have fun.