How Old are You?

How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?

by Jonathan Hilton     

Why is it that we get all hung up on labeling our journey through life by the number of years we have simply existed.  I have to admit, when you are young, it is a great day to be the center of attention and get some great gifts, but that changes as you age.  From being kind of a neat day to becoming another discriminating notch on the journey of life.

Since I like life, publicly admitting I am one year closer to the end of this existance, is not a fun exercise.  Yet even if we don’t acknowledge it in public and hide from it, we still age.  If I had suddenly lost count somewhere around 22 and had no idea what my label should be, what would I guess my age to be?  That is the reason for the disection of the aging process.

How old are You?
I am proudly 16850 days old

You Look Marvelous!

As you look at the physical self, you have to be careful because there are two ways to look at yourself. One is through what the mirror tells you, and that can be depressing if you rely on that.

Gray hair, or no hair can be a clue as to the aging process, but as I often say, (the more gray I get, the more I say it), just because there is snow on the rooftop doesn’t mean the fire isn’t burning inside.

Many people including myself, have invested so much into relating to our physical beings that we sometimes don’t think we look quite like we do.  In fact, we have an image of ourselves that is quite a bit dated.

If you want a reality check sometime, take a moment, and really look into the mirror. Don’t thing about what you would change, just observe how you look.  You do not look the same as you did even last year much less ten or fifteen years ago.

Accept the person that you see, enjoy what you do have and send a little love your own way.  You have earned it.

That leads to the next part of this equation for me, to look at how you feel. I personally do not feel a bit different from I did 25 years ago. I don’t have the same speed, stamina, or resiliency physically, but other than that I feel exactly the same. OK so I am not 21 physically, but I am not in the retirement home, I would put my physical age at 35.

I Can’t Be As Old As I Think

Mentally I am glad that I am not back in my earlier development, because the quality of thoughts that I entertained were neither deep nor were they

how old are you?
Not me yet.

all that positive. Fortunately I was not an overly negative person, but I was also clueless in my thoughts.

I was young and somewhat self-centered, so I am glad that those days are over. I would like to think that I have found a nice balance at this point in life around not only the quality of thoughts I entertain but in my acceptance and care for the rest of the world. My mental age would be 55 at least.

It is one of the trade offs you get with an older body, an older, wiser mentality. There is more understanding and a broader view of things.  I can only hope the depth of thought and acceptance of others continues to grow, as the number label of age rises.

Spiritual Age

Spiritually there is no way to calculate this age because the older you get the more you understand that there is very little that we understand about life and God and spirituality.  There was a time I thought I knew

spiritual age
I meant Ten

what life was all about, and how we all fit in, I was sure of that.

Today as I look at those thoughts, I can see them only as steps up a winding staircase that keeps the answer hidden from me.

The more I climb the closer I feel I am to understanding, but I still can’t see what is at the top of the stairs.  So I would give myself a spiritual age of 10, knowing nothing. However I am hopeful that by climbing the stairs, my intellect will increase with the experience. One can only hope.

If you average those out and divide by three you come up with an age of 33.33333333 and I guess that works for me.  It is a lot younger than I actually am so it makes me feel good about this post.

By the way I am exactly 16850 days old today.

Age is just a number

In the end, the time you have been living in your life is just a number and it is up to you to decide for yourself what you think is the appropriate level of activity and amount of thought.  How you treat and accept others will probably stem from this reality. All of us are facing battles each day. With the experience of age, generally comes an understanding of others.

I would encourage us to label our journey in a more relevant way, the number of kind things we do, or the positive impact we have on the world.  You could be 111,000 acts of kindness, or perhaps you have been accepting of others 289,324 times.  Or any other more worthwhile measure than age.

How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?

I will get by, I will bet by, I will get by, I will survive.

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The Year I Learned to Write

 What can you do today that you were not capable of a few years ago?


When I think back to where exactly I was 365 days ago, it never ceases to amaze me the jagged artwork that change has woven into the tapestry of my life.  Each seemingly unconnected event has worked to put me exactly where I am supposed to be.

Many philosophies support the idea of a preconceived plan for everyone. I am not sure about that yet, but sometimes it seems like things fall into place in ways that you would never believe. So here are some of the things that I can do today that I was not capable of a few years ago.


blog-cartoonThe first and most obvious is blogging. I had heard of it a year ago but had no conception of what a community stood behind WordPress.

 It was really an accident I ever found out about it at all. Or was it?  I had written a bit on my website but never participated in blogging.

 I was too busy or too afraid or both to write on a regular basis and then kind of call attention to it.  Reading other people’s thoughts and commenting on them.

 It is like reading a book and being able to initiate conversation with the author as you move through it.  I love that type of interaction. I encourage it and try hard to be grateful for each comment I get.  This has been a life changer and 365 days ago I was incapable of doing this.

Writing What I Think

For those who don't know this is a typewriter, it is a keyboard with no computer.
For those who don’t know this is a typewriter, it is a keyboard with no computer.

There was a time not that long ago when I wouldn’t dare to write something that I really thought down anywhere, let alone on a public blog.  I had many negative voices in my head telling me: Nobody cares what you think.  That makes no sense. You are the only one in the world who believes that.  Nobody could possibly understand that.   As you can see, I was a bundle of confidence when it came to writing.  It was as if the Universe were conspiring to push me into writing about my thoughts.  It started with freelance writing, which forced me to write a large quantity of posts last summer in a relatively short amount of time.  This forced me to publish many things anonymously which I found to be quite liberating. It removed the negative voices completely and I could look at my writing from a pretty unemotional and detached view.  Then after the summer I moved to a newer phase of writing at the urging of a friend I started to write about the things I thought about.   Like taking the smallest snowball and rolling it through the snow, I took my ideas and started to craft my thoughts into posts for my website.  It started with a project and ended with me becoming involved in the world of WordPress. A year ago I was incapable of writing this post it has been an expressive year.

Being a Coffee Shop Author

Any old coffee shop will do I hope I see you there!!
Any old coffee shop will do I hope I see you there!!

One of the best parts of writing for me is that some of the best thoughts I have are written in coffee shops and I was fortunate through fate to visit a number of them all over New England over that past year.

A year ago I might have felt awkward, and self-conscious about sitting and writing in a nice coffee shop. Today, all I need is electricity and the internet and I can write quite easily and comfortably.

This transformation was by necessity so I started to get used to going into new cities and towns and finding a place that offered free wi-fi and then writing my mind out.  It made me a bit of money but more importantly it allowed me to improve my writing and gave me many great ideas about topics I should be writing about.

I have my favorite chains of coffee shop to write in and it would be difficult to choose just one.  Coffee shop chains are designed to handle the writing kind.  Individually owned coffee shops are too worried about the space you are consuming to cater to you.  A year ago I never would have known this or cared. I can write in almost any Tim Horton’s, Starbucks, or Dunkin Donuts in the world.


Enjoying the Moment and Going with the Flow

marjorie-ray-hinckley-quote-about-enjoying-lifeI have been working on this for several years, but in the last year I have put it into practice as often as I can.  I have a good friend to thank for this because hanging around with them you never knew from one day to the next what was going to happen.  It allowed me to enjoy the moment that was happening right now.  The moment may be gone in an instant.  There was also an acceptance of whatever came and enjoying it no matter what. Or at least appreciating the experience even if it wasn’t the greatest and most fun.   Most things however can be enjoyed, and a year ago I wouldn’t have been capable of enjoying them.  The difference was that I learned to let go of what I thought should be happening and accept what was happening.   This was definitely not an easy process and I still work on it today, but a year ago, I was not even close to this.


Gratitude is the Attitude

gratitude-journa&#1I have written about this before but it is true, that adopting an attitude of gratitude and experiencing heart-felt gratitude for what you do have, rather than focusing and feeling bad about what you don’t have is a pathway to not only enjoying life but to having more of the things you like in it.

I have been true to my gratitude journal since I first wrote about it and there have been things happening that I never would have thought of.  I believe that positive energy we create translates to others and makes all experiences better.  This begins for me with gratitude for all that is happening in my life.  I never would have tried to keep a journal about it a year ago, or to share that I did this as well.  You can be critical all that you want, but if you are that way, you probably are more worried about what you don’t have than what you do.  I am glad I am not in that frame of mind anymore, this year has allowed that to disappear.


I could continue to write a small book about this topic and I am sure that I am not uniques in this.  A year is a long period of time for some and a short period of time for others but we all experience changes every year of our lives.  I hope that I notice and enjoy all of the changes that come my way in the year to come.

 What can you do today that you were not capable of a year ago?

Day 10

Who knows what this next trip around the sun will bring.