What Do You Imagine?

When you start moving toward your desires, you must set a clear intention about what you want to achieve. It is one of the most important first steps you can take. No trip can reach a successful conclusion unless you know the destination. That is one of the problems we face in life. We want something better but are unsure what that looks like. Indecision in intention leads to a lack of action and little accomplishment because there is no clear direction for your thoughts, emotions, words, and activities. Setting a clear intention for what you want seems like a logical first step, but some obstacles block us every day. Hopefully, you will grow in understanding the power of your intention.

Law of Intention- Directing energy as the intention is the first step of accomplishment and achievement, which allows you to accomplish goals. 

Lack  of Clear Intentions

How often do we wish for something better but have no clear idea exactly what that would look like in reality? Hoping for generic things like more money or a better relationship is great, but there has to be a more specific intention to think about and then take actual physical action. This movement is where tools like visualizing and goal setting can help you. Visualizing is taking your intention and imagining what it will look and feel like when it arrives. This mental picture can help set the direction of your action toward your purpose.

A simple goal-setting process can also help clarify your intention. What is an intention but a goal? Sit down and write the steps and actions you need to take to allow this intention to come into your reality. If you want better relationships, then changes have to be made. If you want more money or a more satisfying career, then make a clear plan of action steps to put into practice. Things have to change for new things to come into your life.

Intention and Fear

Change is difficult for everyone; even if you are struggling, change can be frightening. Also, if things are bad, at least you are dealing with it. What if things get worse? Fear is a funny thing, it is nothing but a thought, but it comes with all sorts of complications for your life. It comes with many wild scenarios of disaster that may result if you pursue a new path. You may fail, people will talk, and you may end up in real danger. These are all fearful thoughts that stop people from following their intentions.

One of the things that separate those living their lives the way they want to and those just living life is the courage to create an intention and then take steps to pursue it. All great things come with a risk attached, making them valuable. Setting an intenta choices you want and then following it through conclusion is what life is all about. It is going to work, or it isn’t. Real courage is to keep going when your first attempt doesn’t work out. Sometimes you need to learn a skill or try a different path for intentions to come into reality. Fear stops the process.

Get Your Intentions In Gear

It is time to decide what it is that you want out of your life at this moment and set a firm intention to do it. Once you have a clear picture of what you want to accomplish, where you want to go, and who you want to spend time with each moment. Once you have this picture in your head, please write it down and continue focusing on it. See the steps you need to take and start to take them.  

Don’t be discouraged if things don’t go exactly as you plan; practice; practice and allow the item to come into your life in the best manner possible. Which they will if you allow them to. The key is to focus on what you want in your life and make sureensuretaking action to see if it can happen. It may and may not, but one thing is for sure, if you set no intention, nothing will happen.

“Creation’s gold mine is in you, and deliberate intention is key. Whatever your dream may be at this moment, identify it. If you cannot define your desire, it can never become a reality.”- Mary Manin Morrissey.

“No one researches physics to win a prize, and it is the joy of discovering something no one knew before.” -Stephen Hawking.

“The world is awaiting your gift – all you have to do is show up with the right intention!” -Lewis Howes.


Let’s Shine a Light

Overcoming toxic fear- brave
Dive Into Your Life……Fearlessly

All of us must know at a basic level that fear is bad. I am not thinking of the basic fear of heights, snakes, or public speaking. Even though the roots of those are located in one of the three fears, which cause us to think negatively and bring negative energy to our lives. To eliminate the toxicity of fear, it is essential to learn how to recognize it and the emotions attached to it and destroy it in our lives. It sounds straightforward, but you know it is anything but simple if you know fear as I do. Let’s look at these three fears, how they arise, and how to eliminate them. Imagine living a life free of fear. What could you accomplish that you haven’t? What things in life would flow better and more efficiently? I didn’t invent these fears, but I have had in-depth experience with them. Let’s shine a light on them.

Fear of the Future

If everyone is honest, they will admit to entertaining the thought of fear about tomorrow’s future. It is easy because we all have hopes and dreams for what will come. But we also have experienced pain because we have attachments to specific outcomes that didn’t happen. It is a constant game of what if and worries. What if the car breaks down? What if they leave? What if I get sick? The list of potential problems is nearly infinite, and your mind will play this game a lot because it is a trick to think if you consider all of the difficulties you might face, you will never be disappointed when tragedy does come your way.

The problem is you are creating anxiety where none needs to exist. Challenges will come your way, and you will deal with them as they come. The actions you will need to take will become apparent as required. To eliminate these fears, the best technique is to maintain a sense of mindfulness and be in the moment right now. Right now is the only moment you are guaranteed. Live there and let tomorrow bring its things. That doesn’t mean you don’t plan, we all do the best we can in this area, but it also means you don’t put all of your energy into fearing what might happen tomorrow or next week. Be grateful for the things you have in your life right now at this moment. Live today and dismiss the fear of tomorrow.

Fear of Rejection

This fear also exists in everyone; some people deal with it much better than others. We have all been in a situation we haven’t gotten what we wanted in life, had a relationship end, or lost a job or something else that mattered to us. This is rejection, and that can be a harrowing experience. It is so painful that we will create a life where we don’t put ourselves in that position again. We will limit ourselves and the people we are close to, ensuring we don’t find that pain again. But that is fear, and fear is toxic and will limit you in all ways.

To face these fears is to understand the pain inside will happen occasionally, and you don’t want to go out and seek it, but you can’t live a life of limit to avoid it either. I have spent years in limiting situations because I was afraid of rejection. It stems from your experience and the programming you have had in life. Something that happened when you were very young can hold a place in you, creating fear of being rejected by someone. Divorce often has this effect on children. We all rationally know it isn’t the child’s fault, but it feels like rejection for sure to the child. Face your fear of pain and jump back in with an open heart and a clear mind. It isn’t easy because there is always going to be a chance you will be hurt. And pain is still………..well, painful. But life is about living, and pain is a part of that. Fear stops you from living. Focus on today and not what has happened in the past and accept new things and people and be grateful for them.

Fear of Failure

We have been conditioned in our lives to fear failure. It is a word that has become synonymous with lessening your ability and a result to be avoided at all costs. Look at our educational system: you pass and are great or fail, and you are not so wonderful. If you have never done something and are trying to figure it out, you will not experience success right away, more than likely. But if you continue to work, take the lessons from your first attempt, and put them into your efforts the next time. You eventually will bring your goal into reality. But a fear of failure stops many from even attempting.

It would be quite a world to put the fear of failure behind us and try things we are interested in without being labeled. When a young person tries and doesn’t do things quite right, it is essential to encourage and not chastise them. See the effort and encourage them to try again. All great things are created through the action of experiencing “failure” and applying what you learn. If others discouraged you as a child, it is up to you now to choose how you respond to a challenge today. Some don’t step out of what they know they can do, and others jump into the challenge. Funny that once you face the fear of failure, you realize how valuable those experiences are to you and your learning. Try without attachment and be open to the feedback experience gives you; you can do anything.

Fear Not

Many fears branch off these three toxic fears, but you can overcome them by learning to recognize when you are afraid. Fear is a feeling of danger and exists to maintain your well-being. It moves you away from physical danger and keeps you safe. When this perception of risk is irrational and mental, you need to shine a light on it, and you will find the fear holding you back is nothing but a misguided thought. The thought you are supporting the things you believe about life. Change your thoughts, and you will find these three toxic fears can be lessened or even eliminated from your life. Start by consciously looking at how you approach things. Please point out the fear, and notice it in your mind. Understand it isn’t you. A simple change in thought can eliminate it. This is not an easy process, but it is simple, and anyone can do it. You can do it if you try, and the result will be a life of limitless possibility.

Quotes on Fear:

“Is it useful to feel fear because it prepares you for nasty events, or is it useless because nasty events will occur whether you are frightened or not?”– Lemony Snicket

“Many times, the thought of fear itself is greater than what it is we fear.”– Idowu Koyenikan

“Men go to far greater lengths to avoid what they fear than to obtain what they desire.”– Dan Brown

“Of all the liars in the world, sometimes the worst are our fears.” – Rudyard Kipling

“One great enemy we must all endeavor to fear, not conquer, is fear. Fear can cripple purpose and purposeful life. Fear asks questions we must fear. Fear makes vision a nightmare. One must always cross the barrier of fear to get to the great city of true purposefulness. A great number of us who are unable to live to accomplish the true reason for our existence on earth are unable to cross the barrier of fear in the first place.”– Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

“The enemy is fear. We think it is hate; but, it is fear.”– Gandhi


Living in the Moment

living in the momentLiving in the moment is a lost art. It is easy to get sucked into the thought patterns that take you into the past and allow a person to remember past triumphs, beautiful feelings, or pleasant times with those we love. Or conversely, people are lost in the worry about what might happen tomorrow, thinking up all kinds of disasters they might suffer but probably won’t. These two distractions regretting the past and worrying about the future, are the most significant factors causing suffering and unhappiness today. Learning to live, really live in the present, is the most powerful tool you can develop for a happy life. The only moment we are guaranteed in any life is this one; right here, don’t waste it by not being present.

Many live just by going through the motions, standing still, or worse yet, living in the glow of past events. There is nothing wrong with understanding and remembering your past, but allowing it to dominate your current life through nostalgia and thoughts of a romantic past will lessen the joy you can have today. Several others Living in the moment will provide happiness and satisfaction in each part of your day. In reality, it is all that you are guaranteed to have.

What is Past Is Prolog, Living in the Moment

All the events and experiences we have ever had are simply an introduction to what we will face today. Each experience, good, past is prolougebad, or neutral, is given to us as a gift to experience, understand, enjoy, feel, and learn from but then discard. You take the lesson from them and take it with you. But you leave the past behind you, which can do you no good. The weight of carrying who you were, where you were, and what you wished you had done is too much for the strongest person. The past is only an introduction and explanation for the person you have developed into today. Don’t let the past be the star. Fill that role yourself.

Most often, the lessons you learn will be vital in dealing with something in your future. There are many different opportunities to excel and grow because of the tasks that the past provides you with. Even a bad experience can bring an understanding or lesson you need to accomplish a goal or follow a dream. Don’t bother getting all wrapped up in a bad experience, as it will only weigh you down like an anchor. Take the lessons and values and move forward. In doing this, you can strive to become the best version of yourself.

Leave it ALL Behind Practice Living in the Moment.

Once you learn the lessons, those must be all you take. Pleasant and bad memories need to be placed aside because they take attention away from what you can get out of living in the momenttoday. Right now is a powerful place and the only place you can be right now. There is no yesterday, last hour, tomorrow, or an hour from now. None of these places are guaranteed to you in any way.

The past is often taken out of context in our minds, and we remember the past how we want it to rather than how it was. This is demonstrated in every event witnessed by a group of people. When you approach them separately, the story will never be the same. Rarely is the story even close to what it is in reality. The past is nothing to build a life on because the memories you bank on are most likely partially fabricated. The benefit is that if you don’t like what happened, you can change that story to something more positive and supportive. This moment is all that you have.

Living in the moment is the only reasonable choice for becoming your best in whatever you want to accomplish.


Use Your Power of Intention

There are two types of people, those who plan everything and those who plan nothing.  I believe spontaneity has its place in life, but when it comes down to accomplishment and actually getting something done, you need to have the end of your efforts in mind. It will help fuel your activities and guide you toward your desired result.  Without the guidance of a genuine intention, we are easily distracted from our path, and reaching our accomplishments will be difficult, but setting an intention is relatively easy. The little effort it takes will allow people to turn their goals into reality and live more fulfilling lives.

Plan Nothing

A wise friend once told me, “If you plan nothing, that is exactly what will happen.”  This is as true for your big goals in life as it is for how you spend your time on the weekend.  Creating a plan will focus on your actions and guide you in the time you can spend on each task to achieve everything you want.  In the short term, you will find your weekends much more productive if you create a list of intentions you will accomplish in that time.  That means committing your thoughts to paper and making a list of the intentions you are pursuing.  There will be things you want to do and things you have to do.  You will be shocked how just writing down something will hold you accountable when you just thought about your list in your mind. It is easy to “forget” your intentions.

With bigger goals, you need to write them down and continually review them.  Break down the ultimate accomplishment into smaller pieces, write them down, and move forward to make it happen.  Keeping the result in mind as you work through creation is vital to keep you working toward achieving what you want in life.  Without intention, long-term goals are virtually impossible. There must be a “fire” inside you to accomplish anything of substance and make it last.  People tend to move like a boat on the water with broken steering cables with no clear destination. They move very quickly in a circle, always in motion, but most energy is wasted because it isn’t taking you anywhere.  Keep your desired ending in mind and write down an intention to get there.

The Path

Once you set an intention and act for a purpose, the path you must take opens up in front of you. It isn’t by magic, and it is by necessity.  Each step you need to take will be there in front of you.  Will there be “missteps”? Yes, there will be an experience you need and the knowledge you have to obtain to reach your ultimate goal.  People without intention can lose their motivation after just one minor setback, whereas someone who desires to accomplish a thing will have no issue continuing their effort regardless of what is in their way. Your intention leads the way.

Keep moving ahead, even taking just a tiny step daily, and you will inevitably find the next available step.  The path to all outstanding accomplishments is easy to see from the endpoint of success. Looking back, you can see how all things are connected. Moving forward, you have to have faith in the Universe to cause all of the tumblers to fall just where they need to for your intention to become a reality.

Each day we begin a new chance to follow the goals we want, or we will unconsciously work toward someone else’s intention. Be conscious of what you want, write it down, revisit the statement often, and have faith you will accomplish what you seek.

“Every morning, you have two choices: continue to sleep with your dreams or wake up and chase them.”

“Intention is one of the most powerful forces there is. What you mean when you do a thing will always determine the outcome. The law creates the world.” — Brenna Yovanoff

“Every journey begins with the first step of articulating the intention, and then becoming the intention.” — Bryant McGill

“A gift consists not in what is done or given, but in the intention of the giver or doer.” — Seneca 


Getting Creative Every Day

Creativity-quotes141I am grateful for the fact that I can be creative. The writing process is where I find my outlet for ideas, but it is not the only one I have tried. It may be the only one I care to share, but creativity in any medium can free up your mind and make you more productive, expressive, and even happy. Taking something that only exists in the recesses of your mind and turning it into a real thing is a fantastic human quality that allows the expression of our deepest selves. It is a procedure we should cherish and pursue in all circumstances and areas.

Finding My Creative Outlet

It doesn’t matter who you are, where you are from, or how old you are, and there is a need for you to be creative. You may recognize this in yourself and create it regularly. I believe that each of us is blessed with some creative talent. These talents may be used for us to enjoy alone and not put on display for everyone to see. Your talent exists still, even if nobody sees it. Some people write, some draw, some dance, and others sing and create music. It doesn’t matter how you make; it only matters that your talent is fully expressed.

When you seek an answer to something, one way to find it is to quiet your mind by occupying it with something. Once all of your focus is on that thing, it frees up space for your heart to speak to you and allows you to listen to that conversation’s emotions. Creativity makes this possible, and the great thing is anyone can do it. Rather than sit in confusion and wonder, take a moment and get creative. You will be amazed at all the things you can create. And the good that can come from it.

Why I Share

This creativity isn’t for anyone but yourself, but eventually, you want creativity 555to know if what you are creating resonates with anyone else. So we venture out to share it. For me, it is easy to do. Publishing on this website is my playground of creativity. I am allowing myself the chance to share my thoughts and have all my imagination examined by others, for better or for worse. But I can put my style into my writing and work out my thoughts and emotions in my words. I almost always include a song expressing my feelings about a particular topic at the end. If you play the music while you read, it will make sense. But that is up to you. My part is to create.

I am sure that it needs some work, and none of my writing is perfect, but it does express something inside me that I feel has to come out. I think I hope that someone else will read it and say, “I get it. I feel just like that!”   I was recently told that it is a cathartic experience to know that your existence is not isolated. We are not alone and not the only ones going through something.   There is a feeling of joy in knowing you are not alone. How else will you find those who share what you have seen, felt, or heard in life unless you put it all out there?   We are all connected, and through creativity, you can see how.

Try Something New

Even though you may have found your creative outlet. Keep on trying other forms of

A drawing I made once when I had writer’s block. Expressing yourself is always healthy and positive for you.

Creativity presents itself in your life. I have found that even though I have no talent for it, drawing can help me be more creative in writing. Something about the process is foreign to me, but so much fun. I do not have talent in this area, but I do have enjoyment, which is enough reason to pursue something. Perhaps it’s singing or playing an instrument. Whatever it is that you like, please give it a go. What is the worst that can happen? It is for you and not anyone else, so who cares if you are not the best at it?

I am grateful today for having creativity and the courage to share it for all to see and know. They may like or hate it, but it is still a natural part of me, and that should be enough. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks about your creations; what you think counts.

There is no reason to include this song today except that I wanted to. It is a great song, I love it, and I think there isn’t a reason you should be more creative in every way!! Enjoy.

Don’t Be Afraid of Success

success 1Many are looking for success and financial freedom, and it seems like a difficult journey, but there are some simple things that you can do which might help you get where you want to go. They are simple, but they are not accessible. Like all things, we are at the center of our choices, and our decisions will determine not only what we achieve but also the style and manner in which we achieve it. Success is a choice you make every day with how you treat yourself, the people you know, and the opportunities you are presented with. Take some time and consider some of these ideas and how they might apply to your journey toward your personal achievement.

Don’t Be Afraid of Success.

Don’t let fear run your life; you will experience more freedom. Safety successand security are not what life is about. It is adventure and experience. All things in life bring with them a degree of risk. Being born brings a chance. Getting married brings a risk. Having children has a risk attached. Caring about someone brings a risk. All of them are risky because they can lead to you being hurt, and the alternative to all of this is to hide and do nothing because you are scared of the pain.

You will not be hurt, but what kind of life is this? Take the risk of love, family, living life, and caring about all the people you can because the reward is a life to remember. Don’t let fear make your decisions for you. That is a coward’s way out. I know I have been burned by people who were not what they appeared to be, and it hurt. But at least I had the guts to put my chips on the table and see what happens. You can do it too, and for a rewarding life, there is no other way to win.

Be More Optimistic about Success

The pessimist looks for what is wrong, never seeing the good or successknowing the problem. The Optimist sees the possibility that a challenge can bring to your awareness. All things depend on how we look at them, and what we think about them is a significant factor in determining what we experience in this life. Is the glass half empty or half full? What you perceive and hold in your thoughts for your attitude will go a long way in determining your reality.

Think hard, and whatever you think about all day long builds your life’s financial, economic, and social fabric. You decide the life you live because of your attitude about the challenges you face. Look for opportunities. Success can’t help but follow. What you think about all day, you become. Simple as that. Again there is nobody else responsible for what you think other than you. You are in charge of your mind and the actions or nonaction you take. In this way, your life is a complete and direct representation of how you think.

Read Positive Things Success Will Follow.

You can tell a lot about a person and where their mind is by looking at successthe books they read. Reading provides significant input into your thoughts and can help either expand them toward success or shrink them toward mediocrity and failure. You can’t create something fantastic like cooking a meal using cheap and unhealthy ingredients.

A virtually unlimited number of books can contribute to your success. Read books about success and growth; you will succeed and grow as a person. It is impossible to do anything else. Read trash, and you will end up with ideas only worth throwing away. Read well and reap gold, and experience success.

Observe Your thoughts

Much like reading, what you consciously think about will determine your 61152e3261043b2ff61ae5efbe86654breality and your ability to succeed. Spend your time thinking about the bad things in life, the worries, the difficulties, and your problems, and you will find that moving forward to success is virtually impossible.

Choose to entertain the thoughts of success, gratitude, understanding, and love; your life will reflect on this. We control all ideas that we pay attention to. If you think small and petty, you will be small and insignificant. If you feel significant and unlimited, your life will be full of potential, growth, and achievement. Is this easy? No, it isn’t easy, but persistence in thinking positively will allow you to achieve your goals and experience success.

Complaining and Feeling Sorry for Yourself won’t bring success.

Finally, successful people don’t complain about things in their lives. This is a fact. Suppose you spend time complaining about what you don’t have or what has gone wrong. That is an attitude that is sure to get you don't complainstuck in failure.

Instead, look forward when challenges occur as they will in life, accept them, and look for ways to overcome them. Each challenge brings with it the opportunity for personal growth and building your skills. The most healthy mindset for success is to welcome challenges and see what change you can gain from them. You become what you think about.

Nobody in their right mind wants difficulty, but life is a constant stream of choices and decisions. The ones you make will determine if you are hiding in the corner, afraid of challenges, or facing them bravely, growing into the best person you can be. Success is sure to find the brave soul seeking their best self.


How to Create a Good Decision

All successful people seem to do things to make the most of their time and produce valuable stuff they want in their lives. They are simple to understand but challenging to practice collectively consistently, but if you put them all together and allow your awareness to settle on them as you complete them, they will take you on the road to where you want to go. There are seven of these, and I encourage you to learn to make these decisions as I know to choose each one daily.

Take Responsibility

Decide to take responsibility for everything in your life. It is difficult to do when you can quickly look at circumstances, other people, and bad timing as convenient excuses for how things have played out. But once you accept a reason for something, you have given that thing, person, or situation your power. You are, in effect, stating you are helpless against that person, condition, or something. We are just about as weak as we decide to be. Take responsibility for everything, your past, present, and future. Because you are responsible for the situation you are in right now, good or bad. Own it. If things are going well, be accountable and keep working toward building more wonderful goodness. If things are going bad, on the things that put you there, make different choices, and own them. Always be responsible for everything in your life.

Look For More Wisdom

No matter how smart you think you are, there is more to learn. Be proactive and follow the path of knowledge to its completion. There will be things that make sense to learn for business and some you should know for your interest and development as a person. Learn through, find the people, books, classes, or whatever you can to give you the ideas you are looking for. Then as you develop as a person, look for ways to provide service to others.

Having a high level of intelligence or super skills in some areas does not good for society if you keep it to yourself. Let it out and help other people develop their skill set or improve their life experience by sharing what you know in the most practical way possible. Helping others helps the world and will help you develop as a person. Seek wisdom today in all you do, exercise thought, reading, writing, or any creation.

Take Action

Understand that you are a person of action and make those actions count. Today, there are actions you can take to help others and allow them to grow as people and overcome circumstances. We live in a predominantly negative-minded society, be the positive exception that flows against the grain and provides an excellent example for all who observe you and watch you work. Be an example that can’t be questioned. Actions always speak louder than words.

Have Faith

Every person will waver at some point in their life. They will start to question whether there is a purpose for life or if we are just dust in the wind—one of many pebbles on the beach. We are one of over 7 million, but each is unique. There has never been anyone like you, and there will never be another in people’s history. So embrace your special talent and ability. We all have different skills, physical abilities, and appearances. Have faith; things you set your heart on, with the intention of action and follow-through, will happen. It is a mindset of thought we are all capable of right now, in this very moment, to help you grow. Have faith in yourself and that life will work out for the best if you let it.

Choose Happiness

That’s right, choose happiness because it is always a choice. You can let things outside of you that are out of your control take away your joy. Or you can choose to look for the things you can control and be happy about them. In your day, there will be people who do things differently than you might like, or they may make mistakes, and it is up to you if you allow those situations to put you in a bad mood. You don’t have to identify with every problem you see and allow it to make you sad, angry, or anything else. You choose to enable the great spirit in you to shine a light on others or to dim that spirit and be a slave to the whims and larks of the world. That is up to you. Choose happiness.

Forgive Everything

Approach every day with a forgiving spirit because carrying a grudge will give you a heavy burden. Anger and fear are the negative emotions we usually can’t forgive, and when you have a grievance, you create an energy block in your life that will stop you from achieving all that you can be. Forgive the people who harmed you, not for them, but for you. And most importantly, forgive yourself for all of the shortcomings you may have had in life. Forgiveness is a powerful tool that frees up your energy and allows you to function at your best.


There is nothing in your life that can take the place of persistence. This is the ability to stay with something even when you hit a few roadblocks on the way. Those who persist toward their goals without exception will be the ones who find success in the end. It takes a person of great faith to continually move forward against a stream that is flowing against them, but it is the path to success and those who quit before finding the x on the map or the gold at the end of the rainbow. How many projects were not completed because someone lost motivation and quit? Don’t quit. Persist on your way. Carry great faith in your heart that you can achieve and will achieve. It is a mindset you need to discover.


There you have it, seven simple tips to help you find success in anything you do. Each of these attributes by themselves would be great but combine them, and there is nothing you can’t achieve in your life.


Some Brainy Thoughts

Getting to Know Your Brain

It is an irony of life that we spend so much time thinking but very little time examining the mechanism which allows these thoughts to enter our existence.

The brain has been your constant companion throughout life, and its abilities to allow you to comprehend the good or bad in a situation dictate your moods, words, and actions in all cases you are facing. The brain is in continual production of thought, and there are some things we can look at to understand how the brain’s function occurs for us. Our evolution as humans has left us with thought patterns that have encouraged survival but not happiness over thousands of years. Those two things do not have to be mutually exclusive. Evaluating your brain and the thoughts it creates about your life and its situations will lead to greater happiness. Look for the ideas of separations, stabilizing environments, and the practice of approaching opportunities and avoiding threats.


People look to maintain separation from the world and others because of the appearance of safety. To be reliant on only yourself leaves no room for another person to cause you any harm. We see ourselves as unique individuals separated from all others, but is that true? There is a multitude of ways that we are obviously.

There are lots of ways we separate ourselves and our identities. Sometimes we need fences, and sometimes we need our thoughts.

Connected to the world and dependent upon it for social interaction, food sources, more significant learning, growth, understanding, and goods/services. When you see this apparent contradiction, you may feel isolated, alienated, overwhelmed, or as if you are in a struggle against everything.

Accepting that we are indeed dependent and interconnected with the world around us and other people in the world is a frightening concept. Still, you live in a delusion when you deny this or choose not to think about it. From the simple dependency on oxygen to breathe, we are connected. Many of these types of connections exist, and they are honest and vital. To see separation as reality is the mind playing an uncomfortable and untruthful trick on you. It is the work of an out-of-control ego seeking to maintain your identity.

Seeking Stability

When you become unstable in your body, mind, or relationships, your brain will produce signals of threat and impending pain. Your mind works to bring you back to stability.   This happens whenever we experience any change because differences get the unknown. It may be better, but it may be worse. That is uncomfortable for the survival instinct and people because life is continual.

Seeking stability in a world that is constantly changing is a difficult challenge.

Changing and will be until the day it ends. Learning to see your connections to the world and reliance upon others will allow you to look at your thoughts and notice what they are causing you to feel. You can then start to understand your emotions and have a chance to control them rather than the other way around.

The balancing act is tricky to accomplish because all of the factors in our lives are constantly experiencing change. So nothing is ever the same for long. Physically, mentally, spiritually, economically, and intellectually we are changing. With each new experience, we have to adjust our previous thoughts and beliefs to the further information coming to us. This uncomfortable feeling of constant evaluation feels like a threat. Even though, in the long run, the changes may prove good for us.

Opportunities and Threats

All of us naturally look for areas of opportunity to embrace and threats to avoid. Neutral things we just let drift away. Your brain is responsible for your feelings for every experience and how it is painted, opportunity, threat, or neutral. Many believe the human mind has a negativity bias and pays far greater attention to the negative experience than they deserve. This will

Avoiding real threats is a smart move, but often we give too much power to threats that don’t deserve it.

Create apprehension and cynicism about the things we face in life.

Often it seems the brain builds up both pleasant and unpleasant experiences so that we are chasing very hard after things that bring minimal pleasure and hide away from painful things that are exaggerated in danger or not even real. Most worry is this way. Strict attachments to outcomes are examples of building things up on the positive, and worry results from building up the negative. Each will cause pain, and both are created inside your brain.

Your brain is your constant companion throughout life, and it is a powerful tool that can help you solve problems and even help create things in your life. But you have to understand that your brain, as powerful as it is, is not you. You are the person behind the brain. You can watch your thoughts like an old-fashioned stock ticker. Many believe that their brain is their identity when it is not. It is just a means to an end. Think about that for a minute.

I consider that a man’s brain originally is like a little empty attic, and you have to stock it with such furniture as you choose.—Arthur Conan Doyle

That’s your best friend and your worst enemy – your brain.–Fred Durst

Don’t let your brain interfere with your heart.    —Albert Einstein

The human brain is probably one of the most complex single objects on the face of the earth; I think it is, quite honestly. —Bill Viola

The emotional brain responds to an event more quickly than the thinking brain.-  Daniel Goleman

The brain is the organ of destiny. It holds within its humming mechanism secrets that will determine the future of the human race. —-Wilder Penfield


The Essential Lessons

What We Should Teach

There are many life lessons we will learn

Presented with the opportunity to teach anything I wanted, and assuming that anyone wanted to learn, there is no doubt that I would try to teach a few of the things I have learned from life that I think are important.

 There were many important things that I never considered early on in life, which have proven invaluable and nearly vital knowledge today.

 These lessons may not be mind-blowing, but I think they are essential for you to be all you want to be in life. Whether you believe they have a place in your life or not is up to you.

1. There is Greatness in You

No matter the circumstance of life, each of us has the potential for greatness inside. How that greatness shows itself is different for everyone, but it is nonetheless. The secret is to find your area of expertise and allow it to grow.

greatnessIgnore the limiting thoughts of others. DonDon’tt your own negative self-talk discourage you. Follow the feeling in your heart that tells you quietly and confidently what you should be doing. Know that you are great, and allow it to show. Some of us have hidden our talent for so long that we have forgotten what direction to look or what to look for.

The first step to finding out what your skill set might contain is to start to look for it. Once you do, I have found that things tend to fall together quite naturally to develop and present you with a path to follow.

Before any of that can happen, you have to accept that you have greatness in you with the potential to do whatever you dream of.

2. Love or Fear will rule you.

There are two forces inside each of us, and everything we do comes from them: love or fear. You can choose which one you pay attention to in any situation.

 Love is not just romantic love. That is a tiny part of the entirety of the emotion, and it includes all branches of this positive emotion. Kindness, acceptance, joy, peace, love, humility, empathy, and truth are all things that come from this positive force.

Fear or Love Frame the Phrase Adyashanti Fear is the opposite and leaves its calling cards behind, evil, anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, lies, inferiority, and ego. Following these feelings and thoughts will bring more situations to make the same choice. What you think is who you are.

With every situation you encounter throughout life, you will be faced with this simple choice of how you approach it, and your choices will determine what kind of life you experience.

It is important to remember this choice because sometimes you may be in a situation where someone elselse’soice will affect you.

How positive the impact you have in life will, in a nutshell, be boiled down to which of these two opposing forces you align yourself with.


3. Gratitude is the Attitude

I do not know if gratitude can be taught or not, but it is vitally important to have a good life. Often, we spend life looking at what we dondon’tve and wondering why.

This thought pattern will only bring more awareness to what you dondon’tve. Since you spend all of your thought on the lack in your life, that is precisely what you will continue to experience.

InspiringsFramedPrintGratitudeBestowsReverenceThe alternative is to focus on what you do have, and even if it isnisn’tch, being genuinely grateful for what you do have will open the door’ for more to come into your life. Since your thoughts are about gratitude and being thankful, the world will find a way to see that you experience more of these things.

Being grateful is recognizing what you have and experiencing some joy about it. Being grateful will allow you to enjoy that thing and experience a feeling of joy surrounding it.

 If you are experiencing joy, even on a small scale, it is hard not to be happy. If you are happy, well, isnisn’tat the purpose of this little game called life? I think it should be, and I am grateful to be able to tell you this.

4. Live in the Present Moment

Speaking of being happy, you must learn how to live in the moment. That means you are aware of and appreciate what is happening in your life. It would seem simple to do, yet very few people do it.

 Distractions take out minds to all sorts of places rather than where we are. You cancan’tjoy today if your mind is lost in yesterday or tomorrow. If you arearen’tesent, then your happiness will evade you.

33214115972027956_gojpenAi_f Look at people walking down the street today; most are focused on anything other than where they are. On the morning commute, almost every eye is looking at their phone or Apple Watch searching for something that is not with them.

The present moment and all that it has to offer is ignored for a fantasy of thought that takes you anywhere, but at the moment, you are actually in.

This is important because if you live your life half aware of what is going on right in front of you, it will be challenging to experience long-lasting happiness. Simply because if your joy is in the past or uncertain future, it is not with you right now.


I would include many other lessons in my lesson plans for life, but that will have to wait for another day. I am grateful to all of you who have read to this point! You just made my day! Remember that the end game of life is to be happy. So if you are making decisions or having thoughts and experiences that arearen’trking to that end, you need to change them. You have the power to do this anytime you want, and you have to like it.

 Reflections on the way things used to be…….. lead to knowledge

Your Valuable Learning Experiences

Familiar Territory

Everyone makes mistakes
It’s OK To Make Mistakes

An inevitable part of being human is that we all make mistakes in life. Nobody is perfect, no matter how hard we try to be.

That has always made us wonder: Why are we all so hard on ourselves when we make a mistake? When you analyze things, you see that failure can be a real problem. Nobody would choose an error and the trauma that comes along with it over the easy sailing of success, but that leads back to the point, no matter who you are, no matter how smart, funny, famous or talented, you are going to make mistakes and experience failure at some point in your life.

But I wanted to say that our lives are not the mistakes and failures that define us; how we react to those mistakes and failures determines who we are.

“In school, we learn that mistakes are bad, and we are punished for making them. Yet, we learn by making mistakes when we look at how humans are designed to learn. We learn to walk by falling; if we never fell, we would never walk.”
― Robert T. Kiyosaki, Rich Dad, Poor Dad

How a Mistake can Crush You

mistakes can crush you
Good Quote

When bad things happen in life, you have a choice in how to deal with them. You always have a choice. You can let the wrong something define you or let the unfortunate incident teach you how to be a better person.

Being human, I have made many life mistakes and bad decisions and experienced failure. There have been times when I was discouraged and felt sorry that life wasn’t fair, and it was easy to place all of the blame on others’ actions.

But if I wanted to grow and evolve into the kind of person I wanted to be, I had to look hard in the mirror and understand that if I let the bad things that have happened in my life crush me, then I am allowing my life and my destiny to be determined by someone else.

When you let your whole being be so controlled by not only the mistakes you make but, even more importantly, what you perceive others to think about your setbacks, you will slowly be crushed by your mistakes.

How a Failure can inspire You

Don't let Mistakes Define You
You Are Awesome

All great things have been accomplished for one of two reasons, inspiration or desperation. What may, on the surface, seem like a failure may be viewed as a victory in the broad scope of one’s life.

You may have discovered a talent you would never have found because you were forced to look for it. You may have traveled somewhere you would never have gone because your failure caused you to move. You may have met your soulmate only after a nasty breakup that allowed you to look inside yourself and discover what you need in a relationship. It is easy to quit in life, and it is easy to go into the fetal position and say, “Enough.”

But when you push yourself to continue pursuing a complete and happy life,  you will find that many of the low barriers we face in life are merely hurdles to hop over on our way to the finish line, not impenetrable walls that stop us from achieving greatness. Sometimes, our mistakes, failures, or setbacks can provide the momentum to push us toward making dreams a reality.

Don’t let the Fear of Failure Determine Your Future.

learning from mistakes
A Long Book!

Whatever the case, we can’t let the fear of failure determine how we live our life because we can fail at any time, and it can happen.

Learning how to deal with the loss and disappointment of having things not work out the way we plan may be the most valuable lesson we can learn in life. Life guarantees only one thing you will have experiences; that’s about it.

You are not assured that your life will be non-stop happiness without any sadness or disappointment. Those just come as a part of the package, but true greatness can be achieved by anyone who sees the risk of failure and disappointment but continues to see what happens.

Do not let the fear of what might happen to stop you from doing anything in life. You may fail, you may look foolish, some people may laugh, and you may be misunderstood, but all of that doesn’t matter if you have to courage to look your fear in the eye and try!

You will NEVER accomplish anything worthwhile unless you create a dream and have the courage to try to make it come true. If you make mistakes or fail along the way, understand that it is not a condemnation of your goals and dreams but a needed step to achieving them. Nobody said that doing anything worthwhile would be easy or quick to complete.

In fact, as in most things, the journey to achieving our goals needs to be appreciated as much as reaching the plan itself. You will always cherish the victory when you know it was hard-fought and won, which will have much more value.

Quotes On Mistakes

“Some of the best lessons we ever learn, we learn from our mistakes and failures. The error of the past is the success and wisdom of the future.” – Tyron Edwards.

“A failure is an event, never a person.” ~William D. Brown,

“I have learned more from my mistakes than from my successes.” – Sir Humphry Davy

“The only time you don’t fail is the last time you try anything – and it works.” ~William Strong

“Even a mistake may turn out to be the one thing necessary to a worthwhile achievement.” – Henry Ford

“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” ~Thomas Edison

“If you have made mistakes…there is always another chance for you. You may have a fresh start at any moment you choose, for this thing we call ‘failure’ is not the falling, but the staying down.” – Mary Pickford

“When we begin to take our failures non-seriously, it means we are ceasing to be afraid of them. It is of immense importance to learn to laugh at ourselves.” – Katherine Mansfield

“There is no failure except in no longer trying.” ~Elbert Hubbard

“Try again. Fail again. Fail better.” ~Samuel Beckett

“We learn wisdom from failure much more than success. We often discover what we WILL do by finding out what we will NOT do.” – Samuel Smiles

“If you’re doing your best, you won’t have time to worry about failure.”

“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.” – Albert Einstein.

“You know, by the time you’ve reached my age, you’ve made plenty of mistakes if you’ve lived your life properly.” – Ronald Reagan.

“Failure doesn’t mean you are a failure… it just means you haven’t succeeded yet.” ~Robert Schuller

“One fails forward toward success.”  ~Charles F. Kettering

“Nobody makes a greater mistake than he who does nothing because he could do so little.” – Edmund Burke

“One must be a god to be able to tell successes from failures without making mistakes.”  ~Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

“A man may fall many times, but he won’t be a failure until he says that someone pushed him.” ~Elmer G. Letterman

“Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat.” ~F. Scott Fitzgerald

“There are defeats more triumphant than victories.” ~Michel de Montaigne

“Notice the difference between what happens when a man says to himself, “I have failed three times,” and what happens when he says, “I am a failure.” “~S.I. Hayakawa

“A failure is a man who has blundered but cannot cash in the experience.” ~Elbert Hubbard