Category Archives: DPT

Being Persistent

Daily Positive Thought Project:  Practice Persistence!

We all have things we would like to accomplish in life. We set goals and we develop dreams about achieving this or that.  We make plans and then set out to make those dreams come true and those goals to be realized.  Then on the way to achievement,

Nothing can beat it

fame and fortune we hit a snag.  Failure happens. Setbacks happen. The once placid river is now a mass of white water and we think, “Maybe I should turn back?”

It is in these moments that you have to find your power of persistence.  Keep moving forward regardless of the obstacles or challenges you are facing. That is persistence.  To find the courage to keep moving forward despite the problems you face.

That is how skills long dormant inside us are brought to their greatness. Like a knife is sharpened on a stone so are your skills sharpened by persistence.

Follow your dreams and goals and don’t give up. Be persistent in your efforts and you will have a chance to achieve that success you are looking for.

Three Step Challenge Management

Daily Positive Thought Project- 3 steps to handle any problem

All of us face situations every day. We also have the capacity to handle them and here are three simple steps that each of us can use to assist us in dealing with the problems we face in life.

First we have to clearly identify the problem or obstacle we are facing.  it is pretty common to build a simple problem up into something that it isn’t. To let our imaginations run wild and soon we have built our problem into an insurmountable thing.  Be objective and write down the factors involved in the problem.   When you look at things as they really are, not what you think, or somebody else thinks they might be, we can handle them much easier.

Second, we have to determine what the right action is for us. An action is always the cure for fear. When you are doubting yourself or seeing something in front of you that maybe is intimidating you.  Determine the action you can take.  If you lost your job, evaluate where you can most easily make money now. If a relationship has ended, decide what if anything you can do or to just move on.  Whatever the obstacle, look for the action that will allow you to get around, through or over the problem.

The third is to endure the solution that results from the actions you took. It isn’t always easy, but if you learn to accept the results of the way things are, then you have the ability to learn from what has happened, become a wiser human and apply those lessons to your life in the future.

There you have it a simple plan to try to navigate the stream of life a little bit easier. Or at least in one piece. Some lessons in life hurt, some are not that bad, but all have just about as much value as you choose to give them.

Learning Something New Every Day

Daily Positive Thought Project-  Learn Something New Every Day

Each of us has a responsibility to make ourselves the best person we can be. Learning is one of the best ways all people can improve themselves and become better.

It doesn’t take a lot of time to expand your mind. Using the internet there is a nearly unlimited resource of knowledge at your disposal. You can take a class from almost any institution in the world and many of these are free.  You also have all of the books of the world at your fingertips. That is a lot of knowledge and understanding that you can download at any moment.

With such a vast store of knowledge, it not out of the realm of possibility that your perspective on life will change with each new thing you learn.  This should challenge old beliefs that no longer serve you and bring you a broader understanding of the world.  The fear that grips our society can be lessened somewhat with a better understanding of those different from us. Learning provides this.

Keep a journal of all that you learn so that you can revisit it later.  It will take more than one read, or visit a piece of knowledge to allow it to become a permanent part of your intelligence.  Write down key facts or moving quotes so that you can get power from them later.

A little learning is a dangerous thing.” —Alexander Pope 

“Never mistake a single mistake with a final mistake.”      F. Scott Fitzgerald 

“A man who asks is a fool for five minutes. A man who never asks is a fool for life.” Chinese Proverb 

Get Gratitude Working

Daily Positive Thought Project- Get Your Gratitude Working

It is a natural feeling to let the focus of our thoughts run toward the negative in our lives and the world around us. We feel we have been wronged, we are suffering and that seems the most important thing in the world. What can you do?   Practice gratitude.

When you list the things you are grateful for your mindset immediately shifts into an area of thought that is much more positive.  There is always something to be grateful for, it can be your family, your car, your friends, your mind, the fact that you can see, hear, feel, and are alive to have this human experience are all things most of us can be grateful for.

It doesn’t matter what has been bothering you. Loss of a relationship didn’t get the job you wanted, lost a contest, had a bad day at work or school.  Rather than spending your focus on that gratitude allows you to move your thought and awareness to what you do have rather than what you don’t.

Take a moment right now and write down three to five things that you are grateful for today.  Hold a feeling of gratitude for each thing in your mind.  It will switch your focus to positive and open the door for more of that and less of the suffering.

In life, we are generally just about as happy as we decide we want to be.

What are you grateful for today?

The Choices that Define you

Daily positive Thought Project –

The Choices that Define You

Each thought we choose to focus on defines our life. Either subconscious or conscious our thoughts bring an energy to our life. If our thoughts are negative, judgmental, or fear based we  experience one thing

If our thoughts are positive, accepting, kind and loving we experience another thing.  We make the choice every day what those are.

Are you a critic or creator- Someone who looks into themselves and creates something new and powerful or do you spend your time criticizing the efforts of others.  Your choice defines you.

Do you choose love or fear? The most basic choice we have in all things. We choose to be kind, understanding, compassionate and caring in all of our thoughts or

We choose to be judgmental, mean, critical, and hateful toward someone else.  This is the most rudimentary way we define our experience with the choice.

Which choice defines you today?


Do you choose to give or take?   Do you contribute to the positive experience that others have in life or are you more worried about what is in it for you.  This is a basic choice we make which brings the basic joy of life or lack thereof. Look for ways you can contribute to the happiness of others.


Who do you want to be in your life? What do you want people to remember about you? All of this is totally in the hands of the Choices  you make each day.


What choices are defining you today?

Stop Lying To Yourself

Daily Positive Thought Project:  Stop Lying to Yourself

It is often easy to look at our relationships, both personal and business and have feelings which are not so positive. In these, situations it can be easy to tell yourself little lies about things that will allow you to get through the day.

You can make excuses for someone else’s behavior, in order to make yourself feel better but in truth, you are lying to yourself.  There are a right and a wrong way to treat people. We can treat people with honesty and sincerity or we don’t.  That choice defines who we are as people.

When you are in a situation it can be difficult to be objective, when that is exactly what we need to have. So my advice is to take a step back and write down without emotion exactly what is happening, action by action. Are people telling you the truth? Are they telling you one thing, then acting another?  Are they being judgmental? Are you happy with the way things are going? Why not?

Making this objective list allows you to take the emotions out of it and then the challenge is to think about what advice you would be giving someone else in that situation. Then try to follow that advice.  It will not be easy because the emotions will inevitably creep back in.

Try to remember that you deserve to be treated with kindness and respect in all situations.  If you are not being treated that way then you should consider making changes in the treatment that you accept from others.

“Just be honest with yourself. That opens the door.”—-Vernon Howard

Forgiveness Sets You Free

Daily Positive Thought Project: Forgiveness Sets You Free


All of us have had “bad” things happen to us. Sometimes there are other people or circumstances we can blame for our misfortune. When you do this, you give away a little bit of your power.

When you carry this frustration, anger, and resentment around inside you, it is difficult to function in life as your best self.  You give your power and strength away to whatever or whomever you blame.

Simply by applying thoughts of forgiveness to each situation, you will be able to reclaim your personal power and result in personal freedom.  Forgiveness can set you free.

“Forgiveness is not always easy. At times, it feels more painful than the wound we suffered, to forgive the one that inflicted it. And yet, there is no peace without forgiveness.” Marianne Williamson

“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.”- Mahatma Gandhi

Daily Positive Thought Project: Confidence

Day 5 Daily Positive Thought Project— Confidence

Confidence is the way we view our ability to handle the challenges we face in life.  Either we are in a good place with high confidence, in a low place, letting the programming of our past catch up to us, or somewhere in between.

Our accomplishments and success will depend on our confidence. Everything from the job we can hold, how much money we make or the relationships we seek to maintain.

The best thing is that you can raise your level of confidence by being conscious of the message you are accepting in your mind about who you are and what you can do. Old programming messages of “you can’t” , “Be realistic”, or “Nobody can do that”  Are limiting beliefs you are choosing to follow.  You can stop it any time you decide that you want to.

Life challenges us so that we will have to develop our skills and know what we want in life.  If you look at the strength you can get from a challenge it can become a something that can sustain you in through other tough times.  The thing about challenges is there is usually a reward on the other side.  Maintain your pace and keep moving forward.

Daily Positive Thought Project: Encouragment

Daily Positive Thought Project: Day 4  –Encourage

It is an important part of life to look for situations to encourage ourselves and others to try new things, go for their goals and work to become the best versions of themselves possible.  A word of encouragement spoken or written can be the thing that propels someone toward accomplishing a goal or achieving a dream.

Seek opportunities today, where your encouragement can make a difference to someone in your life. It could be someone you know really well or someone that you meet in passing. Either way, a positive word of encouragement can go a long way in helping others achieve their goals.

Daily Positive Project Day 3

Improving the world one positive thought at a time!


Words are sounds we make or symbols we draw which offer information to the world. We use them to express ourselves and we do this without a lot of conscious thought.

It is important to watch the words you use because each word brings with it an energy that you are going to use to represent yourself, your thoughts and emotions and they can lead to the actions you take.  A positive word of encouragement can lead to something good for someone else and yourself and a negative can do the same.

Words are a part of your consciousness whether you know it or not. As you think thoughts feelings are linked to them and our words are a result of this process, displaying to the world what is going on inside you.  If you are having thoughts of joy, kindness, caring, or love then your words will naturally reflect that.  The same can be said if you are having thoughts of fear, anger, frustration, jealousy, or hate. Watch your words they are a weapon.

The challenge today is to be conscious of the words you use and the feelings and thoughts that are behind them.  Watch how your words affect the people around you. They are powerful things.

Positive Words to Focus on Peace, hope, love, kindness, empathy, generosity, success, and Empathy. 

Negative words to avoid: Anger, envy, sorrow, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, ego, and hate.