
no-normalThere is no such thing as normal.  Normal is a word that will bring a different vision to everyone’s mind, but to me, each vision is biased by the thinker’s experiences.  My normal may seem ludicrous to you, and what you do each day as a matter of life may seem out of this world to someone else. The point is that there is no need to appoint a value of “normal” to anybody or anybody’s life. We all do what makes us comfortable and happy. Do what makes you happy and be your best self, regardless of what labels the world tries to put on you.

Labeling and Judgement

It is important to avoid putting a label on people because along with that label comes a laundry list WHAT+IS+NORMAL....THERE+IS+NO+SUCH+THING_8bd8fd_4713614of expected behaviors and stereotypes that come with it.   These labels are just another way of packaging an individual up into a combination that you can easily understand.  When you place negative judgment on people, you rob them of their individuality and their potential contribution.

When I am at my best, I accept all people for what they are.  Each individual will think differently, act differently, like different things, and conform to their own idea of normal.   This individuality is the greatest spice of life.

Take a moment and read a few different blogs.  Without looking too hard, you will be able to find a wide range of ideas in a concise search.  You can stretch your own idea of what is normal and broaden your horizons a bit in that short time.

Many Colors Make Things Beautiful

The world would be incredibly boring and probably not all that healthy if everyone looked at the world with the normal define itsame understanding of normal.  There would be no variance in music, art, or interest of any kind.  All people would march to the same drummer. There would be no unique flavors, no differences whatsoever.

Some of the world’s greatest people are great because of their ability to look at the world and see a different reality than most others.

That is what makes up great art, wonderful creations, and scientific advances.  Thinking outside the box is not a “normal” activity, but the ability to do so can result in great understanding and, in some cases, wealth, fame, and great contributions to our world.

Glad To Be Me And Thankful for YOU!

I  have a great deal of gratitude for the fact that there is no normal.  This gives you the ability and licenses to be exactly who you are and to contribute your own unique talent to the world each day.  Don’t worry about what others think, do not concern yourself with how society looks at your ideas.  Concern yourself with finding what makes you the individual you are and be the best you possibly can.

I have learned the most from people who have very different thoughts than I do.  That doesn’t make them wrong. It makes them different and allows me to grow as a person and take the nuggets of knowledge from each of them. We are all on a journey and will be given different lessons to help us on our way. There is no singular right way to look at things. That is where many people seem to get off track with labels, stereotypes, and judgments.  Look at all points of view and try to understand them. This doesn’t mean that you agree with them. It simply means you understand them.

Today, I am grateful there is no normal and am thankful for all of the “Not Normal” people I know in the world.  I thank them all for the many things they have taught me and the enjoyment of seeing them shine!



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