Picture This in Your Mind

Creating an image of what you want to find at the end is a simple idea. Whether it is a job, relationship, sporting event, or business venture, having a clear picture of the desired outcome is the best bet for anyone to find success in their pursuits. I implore this must be more in-depth than a vision of what you might want or the flawless finish you might dream of in your life. No, it should be more than that.

A person who wants to achieve the desired result must create more than just a dream of the impact they are after. They need to create a mission. And all significant assignments begin and are guided by a mission statement that clearly defines the desired outcomes of your efforts and the morals and principles driving you on the way. Through these character factors, we give our achievements value and long-lasting enjoyment.

Creating the Mission Plan

My experience makes it clear that the ending of something depends on the mission statement you have for that endeavor. If you move along with the flow of what feels good and accept what fate brings you, you are often blindsided by the results outside of what is suitable for you or desired. But how can you be angry when you created no shared vision in a mission statement between the parties at hand. In relationships, it is impossible to move in lockstep toward a mutually influential final destination if you never state it together; there is no way to move to a satisfactory

Mission at Work

Most people have been a part of a workforce and participated in the daily grind of working to produce a result that provides some service to the world. How many of these days have been guided by mission statements? I know that very few of my days were governed by a consistent guiding principle in my case. I would have some great days and be pretty successful, but with no end goal in mind, day-to-day managing behavior can be inconsistent at best and wrong.

To develop a successful career, you can rely on the luck of fate or create a mission statement around the results you want to see in the end. The information should list the desired effect and the morals, actions, and emotions you want to live by on the way to that goal. What do you want your days to be like? These thoughts will guide you when the days are complex and it is easy to lose your way. A focused mission plan will allow you to keep to your road, maintain your moral compass, and treat people in the manner you represent. The power is to write it down and have the courage and diligence to review and revise the mission regularly. This can be more difficult than you might imagine. Only in this way can your mission statement take on the learning and experience you gain in your life.

Mission Accomplished

I hope to implement mission statements into all facets of my life. To give me an end goal to follow and react towards as things change and shift as they inevitably will. The principles you establish in your mission will remain constant as you experience the change around you. If honesty, integrity, and service are essential to you, then include these things in your mission statement and live up to them to fulfill your desired result.

I challenge you to write a mission statement within a short window to see how this process will work for you. Take tomorrow, for example. Write a mission statement about how you want the day to go and the results you want to see at the end of that day. What morals and ideals do you want to be attached to you throughout the day? What negatives do you want to avoid? Keep the mission statement in mind as you make choices throughout your day. You can see that writing this down in a place will keep your mission fresh in your mind. The things you are conscious of are going to guide you. See what you can accomplish by doing this, evaluate the results, and then do it again.

Let’s get these missions started. Follow them in your work, home, and relationships, and see what type of life you can consciously create by being aware of the ending you want to know as you work toward it. The life you create is exactly the one you set your mission to accomplish, or it can be the result of someone else’s mission if you are not careful. You can consciously create things in and with your life or be a pawn of fate and circumstances. No more excellent choice of power exists between people.

“I’ve always believed the mission is greater than the man.” Rick Perry

“My mission in life is not merely to survive but to thrive.” Maya Angelou

“To succeed in your mission, you must have single-minded devotion to your goal.” Abdul Kalam

“Surround yourself with those on the same mission as you.” Anonymous

“A warrior’s mission is to foster the success of others.” Morihei Ueshiba

“The bigger your mission becomes, the greater inspiration you will be given.” Ryuho Okawa

“Creating and integrating an empowering personal mission statement is one of the most important investments we can make.” Stephen Covey

“Greatness is a life mission. Being the best is not about being better than anyone else but striving to be the best you can and bringing out the best in others.” Dominick Cruz

“The most extraordinary people in the world today don’t have a career. They have a mission.” Vishen Lakhiani

“As a leader, you can get sidetracked, but you must complete your mission.” Mike Krzyzewski


Leave Your Past Alone

Regret- feel sad, repentant, or disappointed over (something that has happened or been done, especially a loss or missed opportunity).

One of the most popular places people leave their attention is in regret for past actions. No matter how old you are, there are situations in our past that cause us to feel sad, repentant, or disappointed. I should have done this, or I shouldn’t have done that. All these thoughts are a waste of time because the past is over and gone.

No matter what part you have played, it is also over and gone. To spend valuable time today reliving painful, uncomfortable experiences or certainly didn’t display yourself in your best light will only make you feel bad about yourself and rob you of your power. Take some time to focus on the present and bring your awareness into this moment, which is the only one you are guaranteed to have. Bring awareness to your thoughts of regret and realize they need to be released. It starts with noticing your thoughts about the past, the emotions these thoughts bring up, the words they cause you to speak, and the actions you are prompted to take because of them.

Learn the Lesson and Let it Go

All experiences have value. That is not an easy thing to believe because bad things often happen. These “bad” experiences can shape much of our perspective in life. Still, all unpleasant, complex, unfair, laborious, demanding, or exhausting experiences is a lesson that can help you if you look for them. And it can be hard to look for these valuable lessons. Life would be easy if there were no challenges, but if they didn’t push you, you would never reach your potential. It is the push that gets you to the next level. Or to even realize that there is a higher level of understanding, growth, and achievement.

Nobody will seek out difficult situations, and we spend most of our lives trying to put ourselves into situations where life will be easy. There is plenty of money and security, and worry is a thing of the past. But is it? Hard times allow us to develop our talents and confidence that if that awful thing didn’t break me, what can? We all have a strength that can enable us to overcome obstacles and leap over difficult times. Learn the lessons of the hard times and move forward.

Forgive Everyone and Wish Them Well

Forgiveness can be challenging to grant to those who have done something to hurt us in the past. But it would help if you moved on. Many people get hung up on forgiving because they feel that you are letting someone off the hook for hurtful actions in the past. That is not the case. All you are doing is putting whatever occurred in the past. Forgiveness doesn’t excuse anyone but gives you peace and freedom. Today is for living your life the best you can. If your mind, feelings, words, and actions are caused by experience, you are not doing that.

The most important person to forgive is yourself. No person has made it through the trials of life without making a mistake. Those mistakes can be small, but sometimes they are seemingly impossible. But you have to forgive yourself to move forward. You can not go back and change the past. All you can do is make today as positive an experience for everyone in your life that you can. Forgive yourself, and be conscious of why you think what you do. Move forward with the hope that the best today can bring you. That is a choice that only you can make for yourself.

You Can’t Trust Your Memory.

One of the difficult things about owning a human perception is that we remember things the way we want. Events do not necessarily happen the way we think they did. We have a perception of our memories that comes to us clouded with our thoughts, the words of others over time, and an idealization of things that happened long ago. People tend to forget the bad and remember the good situations over time. Sometimes people hold on to complex problems because they have become a part of their identity. Defining yourself through tragedy and loss is not a very healthy way to go.

Three people watch the same event happen. They all have a different story about what happened. This is because everyone has a different perception of things. Look at your tragic events of the past. How accurate are your memories? Even if they are accurate, the fear of being powerless or hurt affects us now. We don’t want anything like that to happen again. Memory and fear are just thoughts that you entertain and give power to. Change what you think about and how you think about things, and you will find freedom and growth. Those tragedies become strengths, and you reach places you never thought possible.

Focus Your Attention on Today

We are all placed in this world as works in progress. We have the potential to accomplish things, and nothing we are now is a finality. We can learn new things, develop our skills, and become better at everything we can think of doing. Focus your mind on what you can do today to become better, and you will make the world just a little bit better.

Don’t spend energy regretting your life’s traumatic, embarrassing, or tragic moments. They are just that, moments in your experience. It starts with a conscious awareness of the thoughts you pay attention to, the emotions that correspond, the words you speak to others and yourself, and the actions it leads you to take in your life. The past is gone, and we can’t get it back no matter how much we might like to. No regrets today, as we take it one day at a time.

“At the end of the day, let there be no excuses, no explanations, no regrets.” ― Steve Maraboli, 

“Never regret anything that has happened in your life; it cannot be changed, undone, or forgotten. So take it as a lesson learned and move on” – Anonymous.

“No more regrets. No turning back. I’m moving on”-Anonymous.


Have Faith and Move On

What Appears to Be the End is Only a New Beginning

It is hard to let go of things that have ended, one of the most difficult lessons you can learn is all things have a shelf life, and when it is time to what appears to be the end may only be a new beginningmove on, you need to be able to do this with faith. Understanding what you are moving toward is a piece of the puzzle you will need to achieve dreams and have positive things happen for you.

Relationships end, jobs are lost, people relocate, loss occurs, and even though there will be a natural pain coming with these experiences, it is a normal part of the grieving process. It isn’t easy, but it is part of being human.

Many people, including myself, have had issues moving on when a loss occurs. Even though it is obvious the time is ripe for change, new and exciting things are on the horizon. It is human nature to look back at the idealized safety we created in the past instead of moving with courage into a future, allowing you to chase and realize all of your dreams.

Moving led to new beginnings

Moving can be a traumatic experience for anyone, especially when you are a kid. I moved when I was 1, and at the time, I thought it was the biggest tragedy a person could experience. I had a great group of friends I had known all my life, and I knew where I fit in. I was comfortable and happy. Moving was traumatic. I had to deal with people who didn’t know me, and

beautiful reflection
Let Go And Begin Anew

might not like me. There was a lot of initial trauma, and I spent a lot of time worrying about what I was missing out on in life. Still, eventually, as I pushed through the new situation, I made some new friends and had experiences that I would never have had, both positive and negative, that led to growth.

Left to my own choices, I would have taken the most accessible road and missed some great things I have found. Everything in my life has led to growth, allowing me to evolve, and I learned valuable lessons. There was a lot of Idealizing of the past, but there is no way you can argue with your current reality.

Death and Dying

Experiencing a loss of a loved one is difficult to deal with, and nobody would ever characterize it as a good thing. Still, it’s my experience that you can gain something positive from this experience. Perhaps a better appreciation of the relationships you still have in your life or a greater awareness of the world around you. If you think of those who have passed with love, they are always with you. If they are inside your heart, mind, and spirit, a part of them is still alive.

Maybe the lessons that the loved one passed on left with you are lasting things. For myself, everyone whom I have lost has left a positive impact on my life. I am eternally grateful for the gifts they gave me. There were examples of how to live or how to treat other people guiding me through my life. I miss them all. I appreciate them all, they didn’t want to go, but it was their time. Cherish all who matter to you and treat everyone with kindness and dignity.

Losing a Job

When it comes to losing jobs, many have come and gone in my life. Some I liked and was sorry to see them go. Others not so much. In some cases it

starting over not the end
Starting Over Is OK

seemed like the end of the world when the job ended. In retrospect, I can always see the positive that came out of a seemingly negative situation. It could be that it was personal growth or a better experience that allowed me to be happier as a person.

It can be devastating as you get older to start over, but what a great gift it can be to allow you to grow and find what will make you happy. My experience is that the real problems come when you spend your time worrying about the past instead of addressing today. As traumatic as losing a job can be, a job does not define who you are, and your life isn’t ended because you lost a job. Change is life. I have always chosen life.

Relationships Ending

Relationships, unfortunately, end at some point (sometimes). People move, things change, priorities differ, and unexplained cruelness. These lessons are hard to deal with, and these can be with friends, coworkers, or in intimate relationships. All relationships have a cycle, and it is just some are larger and longer than others. If you look at the entire board of life, all relationships eventually end—even the most reliable end with one of the participants’ death.

Every person who comes into your life is there for a reason and often teaches you something. There are friendships I have had that have been lifelong. Some relationships lasted for a few years or even a shorter time. I appreciate them because I have learned a lot from everybody I have ever met. Even those I wish never happened because of the pain they caused brought learning experiences to me. Although sorrow was the teacher, they have made me stronger and hopefully a bit wiser.

Sometimes the lesson was how not to behave or what not to do, but most often, the experience is about how you can grow as a person. Letting go and appreciating the lessons you learned becomes more complicated when emotions are involved. Love is one of the world’s best feelings, but the fear of losing love has led to many personal tragedies. Time is the only cure for love because eventually, everyone gets the lesson and appreciates the great things that love has given them. Ultimately, you have only two choices, learn something or be miserable. Which is a better way to go through life?

The next time you face an apparent ending, take a moment and attempt to add some perspective to the situation. Once you get past the fear of losing something, you may find a silver lining if you allow it to work in your life. Look at what you learned and gained in wisdom and experience. Take that lesson with you into the future, and appreciate those giving you something positive daily. Value the experiences of life, and don’t be afraid of the changes inevitably coming your way. You have changed, life has changed, and everything will change again before you finish with this ride. Embrace all the good moments you have and the people you spend them with.

“You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing that we call ‘failure’ is not the falling, but the staying down.” —Mary Pickford

“Nothing in the universe can stop you from letting go and starting over.” —Guy Finley

“The beginning is always today.” —Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley

“It is never too late to be what you might have been.” —George Eliot


Standing At the Crossroads

I Went Down to the Crossroads

We all face many crossroads in life, but making decisions never gets easier.
We all face many crossroads in life, but making decisions never gets easier.

I have been mulling over a lot of choices lately. Which way should I be going? What move will take me down the road that I am supposed to move down to find success, happiness, love, or destiny?

Life has a way of putting you into positions of choice. Some are minor, and we make them without much fanfare and move on with our day. Then others seem to be huge decisions that will affect the path of your life forever.

These are the times that you can feel that you are at a crossroads, one direction, and your life will be this, the other, and your life will be that, straight ahead, another thing, and of course, there is the option to return the way you came. The choice may seem easy, but you know it will affect everything about your life, personally, financially, and your happiness level. There is no simple way to make this choice.

Magic of Choices

It takes little research to find mythological stories about

Sam and Dean are not going to be able to help you make your own crossroads choices. Unfortunately it is all up to you.
Sam and Dean will not be able to help you make your own crossroads choices. Unfortunately, it is all up to you.

Crossroads and what they actually may represent in your life. Symbolically they can represent the location where two realms come together and touch so that it is representative of a place that allows a more precise vision into two worlds at once. The problem is that you are neither in one nor another, and the only way to move forward is to choose.

It is believed in many cultures that the location between worlds is a prime location for magical happenings and visits from spirits. There are many different stories and songs in modern Western Culture about meeting with a crossroads demon and selling your soul to make your choice have a positive outcome. One quick viewing of a Supernatural season will teach you all you need to know about crossroads demons.

Unfortunately, the magic of being at a mental crossroads will not last forever, and you must make a choice. Perhaps it is because it is so difficult to choose that societies and cultures have created stories about magic. Because the choice will ultimately end up either exceptionally good or bad, those decisions on the outside might seem like they are controlled by forces other than simple life.

Unfortunately, there will be no supernatural assistance in making a choice, and you have to do the best that you can all by yourself. That is the real magic of these moments, the option to move one way or another.

Make Your Choice, Take your Chances, Accept Results

Finally, there will be a moment when the choice is made, moving forward onto the unknown or untested ground every day. Some will work out great, and others will teach you something about yourself that you need to know. The one thing that is paramount to remember is that a choice will

Make your choices, pay your money, take your ride and see where it takes you.
Make your choices, pay your money, take your ride, and see where it takes you.

be made each day about the path you are going down.

If you do nothing, that is a choice, and the resulting experience will come your way. Sometimes that is the best thing to do. However, standing still most often will not get you anywhere positive, and it will stop you from reaching for what you want. There are only so many moments for peering down each option and weighing the apparent pros and cons.

In reality, we know nothing about the long-term experiences that each road has to offer. So make your best guess and start moving down it, and the experiences will come, most often the ones you need at the time, and it is vital to stay strong and realize that there will be learning experiences in all of them.

Sometimes there are seemingly opposing things that are very positive for you. Life is about choices each moment, finding the courage to accept love over fear, and meeting your daily challenge head-on. Strikeout down that road and let life happen, good, bad, or indifferent, you will be the owner of that destiny, and like it or not, it belongs to you anyway.

A song about Choices by Boo Ray— a Sea of lights a gentle breeze, take me to Los Angeles. ——All your choices.

One of my favorite Don McLean songs from a long time ago reminds me of traveling down these roads.



The Roads I Travelled

Roads-a broad way leading from one place to another

No matter who you are or where you have been, the roads you have ridden brought you to where you are and created the person you have become. When I look back at the journey of life, I have been fortunate to have gone down many different roads to get to the place I am now. Was it a good or lousy journey is up to interpretation.

Sometimes, walking was easy as I moved seamlessly from one place to another, meeting some friendly people, seeing interesting things,  and learning valuable lessons. Other roads are more challenging and initially don’t seem like a perfect place to travel. Still, in the end, when the roads converge and change once again, the lessons I learned on each road are carried with me, and if I am honest with myself, each one has provided a value and substance I would not have chosen to pass on if I could have. Raise your awareness of how your roads have affected you. It all starts with noticing your thoughts about things. The emotions arising from them. The words you speak about your history and the actions you take due to your experience on the roads of life. Our roads are continually changing who we are.

The Easy Road

This is a great road to be on, as it is perfect traveling, not much difficulty, and a lot of folks along the route are more than willing to participate in your journey. As you walk along this easy road, all wanting a part of the trip, wishing to share a memory with you.

There would be no need for growth if we could stay on this road our whole lives. Everything would come to us with minimal effort, and some have been blessed to travel just this path. (Although I haven’t met one) I imagine it must be quite a pleasant trip. Enjoy the times when you are on this road because they may be memories that help light your way when you come to a road that is not so nice. And at some point, the road will not be pleasant.

The Lonely Road

You will find yourself on this tricky road at some point in your life. Nobody knows how they get onto it; they only notice that they are there and wonder where everyone else has gone. All those “friends” and followers from the easy road are long gone and nowhere to be found.

There can be others traveling this road simultaneously, but it won’t matter to you. No company will make you feel better if you are on a lonely road, and people around you try to lend support and comfort to your journey. It won’t matter because the lonely road is meant to be traveled alone or have another name.

Perhaps the people you meet don’t understand your journey or want something from you that you don’t have to give. You do not have to be afraid and experience despair because the secret of the lonely road is that you can leave its path and onto a much more enjoyable journey as soon as you decide to. Regrets about the past and a fear of the future keep you traveling this path. No amount of worry or guilt will make you feel better.

Loneliness is, unfortunately, a result of our choices in life, and once we are done punishing ourselves for these unfortunate incidences, we can move on to better things. But there is no easy way to do this. Only one person you know can help, and they want nothing to do with you. It is painful. Some people will choose to travel this road for the rest of their lives.

The Expected Road

As we start, we have a path in our minds where our lives will most often take us. To school, to work, to a family, to riches, fame, fortune, and whatever we have expected to find.

As you start the road of expectation, it will appear like you are headed just where you want to go. However, life doesn’t usually like to supply us with direct routes to our destinations. There is always something we should see and an experience we have to deal with, a loss that comes unexpectedly.

It is effortless to get detoured off this road, and you don’t even realize that it happened until you are miles down some new highway you don’t want to be on. These detours are usually OK because you can return to the expected road with a little effort if you want to. Remember, you will have many exciting experiences along the way. Sometimes they are so interesting that you never want to return, but most often, you end up back on the expected road but don’t worry. Before you know it, there will be another detour—another adventure to add spice to your life.

The Road of Judgment

After traveling down the road for a while, you will start to think that you know everything about traveling, and you will inevitably feel that you must tell others how to travel, what to see, and the safest path from one place to another.

You will look at their path and want to warn them of potential danger on the road ahead. It is great to look out for your fellow man, but too often, we overstep our bounds as travelers and judge people because of the roads they have traveled in the past.

Everyone at some point finds the road difficult and travels to places they know they probably shouldn’t, but the judgment of others is only a judgment of our poor decisions. If you look carefully at the criticism that you place on others, it is always a reflection of some part of ourselves that we don’t like so much.

So when you travel down the road of judgment, we often judge someone else’s journey so that people might not pay attention to all of the paths we have walked in our lifetimes. This is never a good path, and enjoying this road is impossible. It makes you wonder why so many travel the road of judgment for a long time? I avoid this one.

The Dark Road

the dark road
Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark Road; Many Valuable Lessons Can Be Learned Here.

We all want to avoid this road, but we all travel to one degree or another.

There are times in life when it seems there is no direction, you aren’t sure where the road is going, and you can’t see the other side of this road. You can try to run and get down the road quickly, but that often leads to falling off the road into a ditch, which will inevitably force you to stay on the road longer.

There aren’t many people who will travel down the dark road with you because the potential dangers are everywhere, and it doesn’t look like a lot of fun, and it is not. Often you don’t want anyone to go with you because it is your road, and asking seems a bit selfish no matter how much you would like the company.

So you trudge on down this dangerous, dark path into the unknown. The good news is that there will be people willing to resume the journey with you once you pass the dark road, and the strength you develop inside you will be yours for the rest of your trip, regardless of your path. Anyone willing to travel the dark road with you should be cherished. They are not fair-weather friends but must genuinely care about you and you’re well-being. These are the people you keep in your life.

Once you survive this, what road could scare or intimidate you? The lessons learned on the dark highway are complex, but much like a blade is made sharp by the grindstone’s friction, so is your character built here. Be prepared for this path, but don’t fear it. Survive it, learn the valuable lessons it offers, and carry them into the light. The light will be much more enjoyable in contrast to this journey. Enjoy those days.

The Final Road

It is impossible to describe all the roads you will travel down because we will find different routes on our journeys, but two things are definite and are the same for every human being on the face of the Earth. Our trips start at the same place as birth, and the road will end at the same place as death.

Although this road is inevitable, we all want to put this journey off as long as we possibly can, and with good reason, we are afraid. Some people are more fearful than others, but all of us, to some degree, fear death greatly because it is impossible to know what is coming next on this trip.

Is this the end? Is it just the beginning? Nobody can solve this mystery for you. Many look to religion for comfort at the end of the journey. Others ignore this inevitable destination, like the elephant in the room, pay no attention to it, and deal with it when it becomes a problem.

We all picture this road coming far down the line, but we never know for sure. The best thing you can do is enjoy the roads you are traveling down today as much as possible and love life and the people you meet. The final road will take care of itself, and it always has.

The Journey

There are many roads that life will lead you down, some you will like, some you will not like at all, but in the end, all of these roads make up for the experience of whom you are and why you think and feel like you do. It would be nice if we were born with all we needed to change.

You are the only one in history who has had the same experience that your roads have shown you. The only thing you can do, as I see it, is enjoying the trip. Your lessons always come from the journey, not the destination. Face your lessons with a focus on being aware of your thoughts, words, and actions today.

An old road always looks richer and more beautiful than a new road because old roads have memories!” Mehmet Murat ildan

The road before us is shorter than the road behind.” Lucy Stone


Following My Path In Life

follow your passion
Follow your passion for the path of life.

Life has a plan for our lives. That is something that is becoming clearly factual to me. Our experiences are brought into our consciousness for a reason, and our job is to glean the lesson, understand the content, and grow onto the next adventure. The challenge is getting the lesson, not being overwhelmed, and losing your way. I am sure there is a path for all of us. Follow your passion for discovering where your course will be leading you. Your passion is something existing in your very soul. It has been there since you were a small child. It may not have been nurtured or developed. It has probably been covered up with the weeds of expectations and everything you did to be respectable. Finding your passion is not a complicated process, but getting back to that place can be challenging. But following your passion will lead you there.

Dreams Gone With Childhood

The journey starts when we are young. People are not complicated at that point, and we like to play and do the things that naturally make us happy. Then society takes over by placing its expectations on us and making judgments about the activities that make us happy. This judgment usually comes in the measure of career prospects of your interest. “You won’t be able to make a living doing that!”

So we put those things away and think about “realistic” careers we can make money at. So we look for the most obscure connection to anything there is an interest in. I like animals. Perhaps I should be a veterinarian? Do I enjoy athletics, maybe an athletic trainer? Those are fine career choices if your passion is really in that area, but often these are goals that we are simply settling for because our real passion is

follow your passion
If you don’t, nobody else will

deemed unrealistic. Our life’s passion is buried under the weight of expectation and realism until we forget it even existed. It is gone with our childhood.

We Remember

Eventually, though, we will start to remember. There will be a situation in life that brings up memory and reminds you of your passion. It is a subtle hint at first, a distant reminder of the dreamer you used to be. Do you recall? It most likely is when you look at your life and feel something is missing. I found what was missing was this dream I had when being young. My gifts have been in the area of creativity and the encouragement of others.

We are all brainwashed at some point to forget our “silly” dreams and interests to become solid citizens with unlimited earning potential as a lawyer or a doctor, regardless of whether there is any real passion for the profession. You can make a living at it, which seems to be our society’s most significant goal: create a decent living. If you are listening to this story of what the world wants, it is impossible to pursue and remember what you want and the happiness you bring.

You, Will, Be You

follow your passion
Sometimes the path looks uncertain but follows it anyway. You have no natural choice!

At the end, when the journey is over, regardless of your path and the experiences you have along the way, you will be you. All of the adjectives of your accomplishments will be cast aside, and it will be you at the end of your life, and you will see exactly who you are. At that point, you are going to remember exactly who you are. Were you true to yourself in life? Do you remember in time? Did you take a chance and act on your passions?

I don’t think we have a choice. If you look deeply at yourself, you will remember your passion, and regardless of how far you believe you are from it, it is always seeking you. Life will put you in a position to remember what you love. Your part is to pay attention and take action in that direction, and the rest will take care of itself.

I know we are taught to do everything to create the lives that will make us happy. But in my experience, we only need to do our part, and energy will help with the rest. It may not look exactly like you envisioned, but you almost always end up on the path you belong to if you allow it to happen. There is a path made just for you. All you have to do in the end is take the responsibility to follow it. The song below is a path for me. It reminds me of being very young and always seeking my home at the end of Maine’s country roads during all seasons. The home was where my family lived and the feeling in my soul of where I belonged in the world. You have that too.


Asking The Right Questions

Question-  a sentence worded or expressed to elicit information.

questionOne of the most extraordinary powers is to create questions because our minds have no choice but to answer. It will keep working on a problem in the background, even when doing something else. Most people don’t realize the power this gives them because asking yourself the right questions will lead you to the answers that will enhance or limit your life.

So it would help if you learned to ask the right questions to receive the results you want to see in your life. This takes practice and an awareness of the types of questions you are already asking yourself daily. Evaluate if they are helpful or harmful questions and make changes accordingly. Your mind will help you find the answers, and it starts with being conscious of your words, thoughts, and actions when it comes to the questions you ask yourself and how you ask them.

What Can Questions Do For Me?

Let’s not waste our time. The questions to ask will bring something to your life, and it will be positive or negative for you, so make sure you ask yourself the right questions. More intelligent people than me have stated it, and if questionyou have a “why” that is big enough, the hows take care of themselves. This is another way of saying, ask a question about something you want, then focus on the actions you can take to bring the answer into reality.

So if you want to gain riches, fame, or love, it will all start with a question. Why do you want what you want? How do I get it? Why don’t I have it already? All of these will get you moving toward the answers. People suggest you ask questions before you go to sleep at night, and your mind will work on answering them for you in the morning. Be careful with the questions because you have to be willing to accept the answers. If you never ask the question, you will never get an answer, and that is what questions can do for you, give you the power to find all the answers.

 Good Questions

There are many questions people will ask themselves, and they will questionbe as individual as the people themselves. Here are a few to get you started if you need them.

What experiences do I want to have in the world?    How do I want to grow? What is a list of ways I will contribute to the world? What is it that I want? What is holding me back? How can I best improve myself? Answer all of these honestly and in detail, and it will give you a path toward the place you need to be. All of this questioning should lead to a life that makes you happy. If you are not currently satisfied and happy with your life, you need to start asking yourself some different questions.

Your Power

Remember, your power is always to ask questions, gain answers, and questiongrow from these experiences. Asking questions should never stop and continue throughout your journey. It is happening, even if you are unconsciously doing it. Take control of your questions today, and provide your life with the existence you want. It begins with a conscious awareness of how questions affect your life right now and starts by looking at your thoughts, words, and actions.

Without a good question, you can’t get a good answer. 

“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?” ~Martin Luther King, Jr.

“It is not enough to be busy. So are the ants. The question is: What are we busy about?” ~Henry David Thoreau


Find Quality People in Life

No matter who you are, the quality of the people you choose to share your life with will dictate the caliber of the experiences you can collect each day. Sometimes we choose the people through friendship and developing relationships, and sometimes they are chosen for us in the form of family members or through circumstances. Either way, I encourage a continual evaluation of people and to see the value they bring to your life by arriving and, in some cases, the value they provide by moving out of your life. It is a trick of maturity and wisdom to do this constructively and meaningfully. But look at your life and the people in it and ask the simple question, do they make you better? Or do they make you worse?

The Ins

If we are lucky, our lives will experience a constant influx of new individuals who will bring a backpack full of positive and negative into your life. If nothing else, they will get an opportunity for you to grow and become a wiser person. Because each person, regardless of age or background, will bring their lessons of experience to you. You must be willing to look past your judgments to see the value in their cargo and to listen for the nuggets of matter. People enter your life for a reason, and most often, it is to teach you something. Are you paying attention to the lesson?

Some are long-term teachers and will remain in your life for the whole journey, and others are just entering for a second, so you have to pay attention to glean the wonder of their words and actions. Allowing people to get their message to you is a talent we all have to work on, and it isn’t one we might see or notice in a simple moment. It is easy to think sometimes we have it all figured out and don’t need to learn anything new and not listen to someone different from us. But these messages can teach you, and there is no need to fear a word or thought because it is one you don’t believe. The more knowledge and varied experience we can gather, the wiser we will be and the greater our understanding. People make our lives either good or bad, depending on how we choose to allow them in our lives.

The Outs

There is a maturity of life people develop to understand how people also move out of our lives. I don’t think this happens without us feeling pain about it because to allow people in means we will love and cherish folks, but sometimes they have to leave for their reasons and motives, which have nothing to do with you. Looking at the broad picture of life, people go through our lives for many reasons, and the change can be challenging to understand, but it is a part of allowing us to let things flow as they must. You can’t change the flow of these things any more than you can stop an ocean wave or from darkness invading the sky every night. It is the way of things.

Maturity understands this. Change is never good, and in relationships, it can feel devastating. You should cherish each moment you have with someone because you never know when things will change and become something else entirely. People get sick, people move, people change, people die, accidents happen, and life is never a static thing. It is constantly changing and evolving. We do not have to like it, and most people don’t. They sometimes let a person leave your life if the best thing for all involved, but it is tricky. It can be the hardest thing to let someone go because it is best for them. Painful to you but needed for their growth. Life is full of lessons like this, which we will either learn from or continually experience again. Unfortunately, the classes aren’t all about our own needs.

Living and Appreciating

It is always important to remember that life is a very short ride. One in which nobody is sure about when the inevitable end will come or how it will happen. We can only be sure that it will. As people come in and move out of your life each day, you must find a way to take lessons, grow, appreciate, and continue to move forward in life. The value of what you contribute to people whose lives you move into will depend on it. Are you a positive or a negative teacher?

The thoughts we choose to take from those we encounter will play a significant role in answering this question. Are we judgmental and close-minded in dealing with the ideas of others? Or are we more open and understanding of the path others have walked? Choosing the latter over the former allows you to gain from their experiences, good or bad, without experiencing them yourself. Also, in understanding someone, you provide them with a piece of acceptance that is truly human.

Look at the ins and outs in your life today, the past week, and the past month. Try to develop the skill of letting them come and go like water in a river. Wisdom is to allow things to move as they must, nothing ever stays the same, and the rate of change is often out of your control. Accept the good things and move forward with the knowledge that life supplies you with all the opportunities you can want. It is up to you to understand how the ins and outs can improve you.

“Throughout life, people will make you mad, disrespect you, and treat you badly. Let God deal with the things they do, cause hate in your heart will consume you too.” Will Smith

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Maya Angelou

“It’s really important to have those people in your life who push you to be better, different.” Jesse Peyronel

Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.” Marcel Proust



Find Your Different

You Are Different

Unlike in nature, form, or quality, different- not the same as another or each other.

Don’t be afraid to stand out.

One of the most challenging things to be in life is different. ut it is in our differences that our true strength lies. We live in a society that bombards us with messages of conformity. It’s what we wear, what we eat, what we buy. In all things, we get the message to fit in, be a part of the system, and don’t stand out! Although there is safety in following along, there is a joy that being different brings. Never be afraid to be different from everyone else; that is where your gold is hidden. Be conscious today of your unique thoughts, words, and actions. Look at your inundated messages telling you to conform to the group and improve.

Beauty of Different

There are billions of people in the world, yet no one is exactly like you. You are unique and one of a kind. It is incredible when you think about it. Of all these people, nobody has the same thoughts, ideas, physical Differentappearance, or abilities that you do. It s important to remember that you are unique because so many people want you to be unoriginal and just a “normal” member of the world. Ple e do NOT believe it. There is beauty in being different. The value of a diamond is the rarity; the value in you is the same.

Life sometimes brings challenges that make you feel like you are just a tiny and ordinary pebble on a beach covered in small and ordinary stones. That s a time of challenge. All c challenges life gives you come with the opportunity for personal growth. Remember that you are a unique and one-of-a-kind treasure when you feel unremarkable or not special. Your thoughts, words, and actions are unique to you, and nobody else can contribute them. Don’t let the unique treasure inside you die on the vine of fear. There s beauty in being different. When w  celebrate the difference in others, we see the difference in ourselves.

Those Who Mind Don’t Matter.

When it comes to being yourself, always notice those attacking your differences. It may e an overt attack that states a general mocking of your unique qualities. But more often, it is a covert operation. Occurring in different subtle, passive-aggressive moments. Quick, direct statements and actions from people you encounter can profoundly affect how different you dare to be. Understand that when you are different, you can pose a threat to some people. Some people e are so unhappy with themselves that they spend a lot of time making sure everyone else feels bad.

Recognize them for what they are, damaged and afraid. Let their words roll off your back. Just because they aren’t happy, don’t let them take your happiness in creating what only you can create. Find the people who are going to encourage your unique self. Those who s e the uniqueness only you possess and spend time with them. Understand that being different is a gift and must be protected and nurtured. Be, do, and pursue the goals you feel in your heart that you should, regardless of how the world labels these things. This is the place in yourself where you will find the treasure you possess.

The World Needs Different

The most important thing to remember is the world needs you to be yourself and unique. There is no need to seek ways to differentiate yourself from the pack. Just by being uniquely you, this will happen. When it makes your contribution to the world will be made. There is a collective story that many of us are taught to believe in our developing years. Go to school, get good grades, graduate, get a job, work for 30 years, retire, and then wait to die. More and more, some people are choosing a different path.

Just because this path would be best to create a society of mindless consumers, it isn’t great for allowing you to be your true unique self. You can see the fear others have whenever a person varies from this path. They are looked on almost as if they are in danger, and they aren’t. In fact, the o ly danger is not following the path that allows them to be different from that collective expectation. Follow your own path, have the courage, and what you create and contribute will make the world better.

What makes you different?

Have you ever not done what you wanted to fit in? When?

Where ha e you let your differences show recently?

What power comes to you for being different?

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is an accomplishment.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson.

“One of the greatest regrets in life is being what others would want you to be, rather than being yourself.” ― Shannon L. Alder.

Our differences are revealed to each other as time passes on……………….


The Challenges That Lead to Growth

Everyone has challenges to face, allowing the ability for them to find a strength within. 

We are all looking for quiet moments in life. No matter what challenges life throws our way, we handle them effortlessly and efficiently. It’s nice when this happens, but there will be times when we suffer.

Challenges will arise, and these are not so nice to face sometimes. Through these challenges, people get the opportunity to grow, prosper, and evolve toward being the best version of themselves possible. The path of growth can be an uncomfortable journey to take. That is how life pushes you. Hurdles will force you to grow financially, personally, and even in relationships. This interaction is apparent in the natural world, as creatures small and large in the wild become more robust by facing difficult things in their lives. Changes happen as challenges arise, which forces us to improve the reactions and behaviors one decides upon. Those who meet the difficulties with resolve most often are not the ones who fade into mediocrity. Each person has the same opportunity for growth through this type of development, and the most significant gains in personal growth can come into your life. The choices and decisions are all up to you.

We Evolve Through Challenges

If there were no challenges in life, we would be looking at a much different landscape. There would be no need for growth, and things that are not growing are usually not around for very long. There has never been a time in the history of man where challenges didn’t arise. A potential invasion from a neighboring country, a plague, changes in markets, trade, drought, war, or many other things have presented unique challenges over the world’s history. Each time, the problems have been faced, met, and overcome. Problems lead to people reaching deeper and looking for new solutions that didn’t exist before.

Evolution is a natural growth pattern that grows out of necessity for change. It allows new inventions to come into being and new ways of thinking to be recognized and entertained. Challenges promote adaptation, evolution, growth, and just plain old learning. We must ask ourselves tough questions from each challenge to see what exists inside us. There can be a strength in all of us that we can tap into when facing challenges. This strength will allow you to keep trying and moving forward when all you want to do is a retreat from the difficulties encountered.

Relativity and Spirituality

Why are we here? That is the most profound spiritual question that most thinking people ponder at some point in life. What is the purpose of this experience? Are we here just to be born, go to school, work, and then die? Probably not. The challenges we face provide growth in life and a purpose for what we do. Overcoming an obstacle provides urgency to our lives and forces us to look within to find that inner strength. We may not conquer our challenges all at once, but if we are diligent, we will come out on top.

Challenges in life force us to look at our complete selves and find peace with that. Spiritually we look for a meaning behind it all, a force that guides us all. Some call it God, some the Universe, whatever you choose to call this force, challenges in life show us something bigger is there. What that is exactly is up to the individual to define for himself. Religion is what someone else tells you about this force. Spirituality is what you know and learn for yourself. At some point, we all choose how we view that power. Or want to ignore it altogether. To me, there are no wrong choices. Whatever helps you get through the day and evolve into your best self is perfect for you.

Finding Meaning

Being challenged allows us to look at life, grow, and find things in the world that matter to us. The alternative is to see no meaning, which seems to be a popular course for many people. People seek to find meaning in material things, providing temporary satisfaction. False satisfaction can be confused with fulfillment, but it doesn’t last long. Then you are looking for other material things to accumulate to gain that feeling again. Material obsession seems to challenge society as we collect ever-growing piles of things.

The challenge is okay, though, because eventually, the emptiness that remains after accumulating more and more stuff will lead to questioning how we can find fulfillment. Through these challenges, you will start to look for what things make you happy. What do you create? Who do you create it with? These mysteries will reveal a particular meaning to life that is unique to all of us. That is the power of the law of relativity. If you survive all the challenges, a better version of yourself is the result. We become a more pliable version of ourselves that might be reforged throughout our life experiences.

Challenges are a part of life, and they are here to allow us to become our best selves. They will reveal our strengths and weaknesses but will enable us to experience fast growth and understanding. They are overcoming the fear of losing yesterday to embrace a better today and the unknown of tomorrow.

“The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it.” -Molière

“It is not in the still calm of life or the repose of a pacific station, those great characters are formed. The habits of a vigorous mind are formed in contending with difficulties.” -Abigail Adams.

“If you aren’t in over your head, how do you know how tall you are?” -T.S. Eliot


Personal Growth, Self Improvement, Positive Thinking