Tag Archives: Affirmations

Every Little Thing You Do Matters


everything you do matters
All of your actions and thoughts determine your experience.

Looking back on my life, it has become apparent a vast array of things exist that I was never taught. There were lessons I think needed to be passed on to me I missed out on. As a young man, I lived life without real consideration for the impact of my actions or thoughts on the big picture of my life and how my actions affected others’ lives. I had no idea of the value I could provide or the influence I might have in my unique life.

I had often wondered how things might have been different if someone had pulled me aside when I was 15 and told me that everything I did mattered, for good and evil. The fact that I was creating the energy of my life led directly to my experiences. How would my life have been different if I knew I had a much more significant impact on life than I thought? Some people make things happen, and others have things happen to them.   I probably wouldn’t have listened anyway, but it would have been good to have the option.

Why It All Matters

Simply put, the things you do in your life make up who you are. You are not

Positive thinking
Try this and reap the benefits

permanently marred by a wrong decision in most cases, but until you stop the negative actions, you will see a lot of negative results. Growing up and even in my adult life, I found the convenient way more appealing for short-term comfort,  rather than doing what I knew was the right thing. Although those things might be more difficult or uncomfortable.

If you believe in quantum physics basics, all thoughts react with your cellular makeup to produce a positive or negative vibration depending on the thoughts and emotions you predominantly experience. It is the idea that what you put out into the world, you receive back. I freely admit that I didn’t buy this in the past, but my observations over the past years have led me to believe this is more important to your happiness and enjoyment of life than any other factor. Your thoughts, beliefs, and actions create your existence. You are dictating the amount of joy you find.

The thoughts to choose and Not to choose

positive action
Be a positive force in your own life!

When you choose to be kind, friendly, forgiving, loving, and grateful, these experiences you manage to get back from others. I have seen this work in my own life, and this is an easy one to test out for yourself as well. Approach the day you experience, the people you meet, and the situations you encounter positively and see what you get back.

It never seems to fail that if I am having a “bad day,” I am entertaining thoughts on the negative side, being judgmental, critical, angry, or mean. The negative focus of these thoughts and emotions will bring them more energy. So your molehill of emotions will proliferate into a mountain if you let it. Once I realize the ideas are there and I let them go, things turn around. The great thing is that anyone can do this, and it doesn’t take any more talent than being conscious of your thoughts and the energy they contain. A change in focus can happen instantaneously.

Overcome the “Bad” in Life

People in the world do bad things all the time; you always have a choice to let that person affect you negatively or to forgive them and not allow them to affect your life. A hateful act can’t be negated with more hate. Just like violence only leads to more violence, hatred will only lead to more hostility. You always have the choice of what thoughts you entertain in your life. You give others power over you when you react to a hostile act negatively.

Where your focus goes, energy flows, and you can choose not to let negative people, events, and situations drag you into a flow of negative thought. We are programmed toward the negative. If you don’t believe that, look no further than the “news” programs offered. Negative stories are the norm and are designed to make you afraid of life. Pay attention because there are far more positive people and situations in the world than negative. Please focus on the positive, give them the power of your thought, and more of the same will enter your life.

Finally Thinking What We Want

The types of thoughts we entertain and give our attention to will determine the kind of life we experience each day, and we each have the conscious ability to decide what those thoughts will be. You decide if you choose the negative side of anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, dishonesty, fear, inferiority, or ego. Or you can choose positive thoughts of joy, peace, love, hope, humility, kindness, empathy, and truth to determine the kind of world you experience.

If only I had this realization when I was a young man, I would probably be a billionaire right now because I wouldn’t waste my time on trivial things that didn’t matter. I know from the people I deal with daily that if you want to be miserable, spend your time complaining and looking for problems. If you want to be happy in life, focus on the positive things you control. Be optimistic about your life and what the future holds.

It is all up to you.

Some Great Quotes

“Live life to the fullest, and focus on the positive.” – Matt Cameron.

“Start each day with a positive thought and a grateful heart.” – Roy T. Bennett.

“Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact.” – William James.

“Change may not always bring growth, but there is no growth without change.” – Roy T. Bennett.

“I think positive things will happen if you just look at life.” Jake Owen.


Most accomplishments in life revolve around the programming we receive in life. Your subconscious mind develops because of it.  From the moment we are born, we are trying to figure out the world, find a place we can feel safe, be with people we love, and where our value lies in ourselves and others.  Some lessons come directly from the words of others, and more often, we take the context clues of how someone behaves in their lives and toward us to create beliefs.  Our subconscious mind takes these experiences and creates our paradigm or model of how to live our lives. But we often made mistakes, misinterpreting things, adding significant meaning to things we shouldn’t. Negative messages can form limiting beliefs that will continue to exist until we change them. Stuff we heard, “You are no good at that.” or “You are not very graceful.” or  “You are not a very good student.” or “You’re not as pretty as others.”  or a million other things someone might have said in passing which for whatever reason you chose to accept as real.  The good news is that you can change any of these beliefs that limit you, and it can start today.

Real Affirmations

Affirmations are short positive statements that state the desired result you want to experience in life. Writing these messages down is the first step to creating something you want to see in your life.  Affirmations alone will do very little, but combined with visualization and intense emotion, it can provide a powerful effect.  Create a statement choosing clear and positive words.  You can bring almost anything into your life.  Change is a tricky thing, even in the best of circumstances. There is a real, volatile reaction to any change, even positive change. However, we successfully exist as we are, so any change is a threat to the all-important status quo.

But change is constant and continual in life, and if you make an effort to, you can guide how evolution works in your life. Remember, things will change one way or another, give change a path, and follow. It starts with a positive statement or affirmation to get things moving in that direction. Most people are afraid to write down what they want because they are afraid of what others will think. Feeling deep down, we don’t deserve to receive our dreams. Or they are worried if they try to get what they want and fall short, then what? All of these fears are just your mind fighting against change. Who cares what someone else thinks? You deserve to achieve things and have things. Fear of not getting what you want is a powerful one because we are afraid of disappointment, but trying is the only way to do anything.  The attachment we create to one particular result is the biggest weakness we have. So let things unfold as they should, and trust it will be a good thing for you.  Learning lessons will happen, accomplishments will pile up, and you will grow.  Only fear stops this.

Seeing It in Your Mind

Our minds are great machines. They create all kinds of images, and learning how to imagine the things we want and visualize our affirmations is the next step. Not only do you write and read them, but you envision them as being a part of your life.  Each day you read the affirmation about your life, then take a moment, close your eyes, and let the scenario of the affirmation play out in your mind.  In your vision, you can control what happens.  Use your wonderful imagination to create the things you want to see in your life.

As powerful as they are, our minds do not know the difference between something happening in the world and something happening in our imaginations. To the brain, it is all the same. If you inject powerful positive images about the things you want, your subconscious will start looking for more scenarios to bring into your life like that.  Many things I have read have stopped here, and this is not the place to stay and create anything. You are on the way, but there is more.

Emotion is the Thing

How does your mind know if something is desirable or not? By the feelings we attach to the experiences we have about the things we focus our thoughts on. You create your positive affirmation, take the time to visualize what it will be like, and then attach real powerful emotions to it.  What will it feel like to have that relationship, freedom, power, joy, or whatever you seek to make yourself happy today?  You will notice I didn’t say money. We all want more money because of what it represents, not for its own sake.  We want money for the freedom, power, or things it will allow us to experience.  It is better to focus on those things and enable them to come to you in the best way possible. Money is just energy.

Emotions are potent connectors between the mind, body, and spirit and tell the subconscious mind what is important to us. Develop your mental connection between thoughts and feelings, and your focus will drive your experience. Thus, helping you bring things you are focusing on into reality.

It Is, and It Isn’t

Some think this is like magic. Well, it is, and it isn’t. At some point, you are going to have to take action toward your dreams. If your goal is to be a musician, you need to learn an instrument, develop your voice, or develop some other skill. The creation process will drive you and bring things into your reality to help, but the real magic is your ability to develop and learn anything you want to experience.  Take your action toward what you state, visualize, and feel.  Taking steps in that direction will bring the reality you desire.

Many will tell you this is not true that creating your reality is impossible. Listening to that message is a choice, but remember, you have been manifesting your reality your entire life. The words you have chosen to believe have shaped everything about you. From the relationships you have or don’t have, the jobs you have held, and the talents you have shared. Your beliefs have brought these things into your life.  It is up to you to create what you want or accept the things society or someone else tells you to take. This choice is always and entirely up to you.


  1. Write affirmations and positive words.
  2. Visualize these things as a part of your life clearly and in detail.
  3. Create corresponding powerful feelings about the vision

These will create a swirl of energy around the idea you want to develop and provides a fertile garden to create what you desire.

“The life you want is a manifestation of self-realization.”     Bryant McGill

“When you have done your part, it’s time to release your work into the universe and let it do its part.”   Maria Erving

“Fully inhale your dream and completely exhale manifestation of it.”     T.F. Hodge

“You are the author of your life. If you don’t like how it goes, write it differently.”     Iva Kenaz