Tag Archives: appreciation and gratitude

Value of Appreciation

It should come as no surprise that feeling appreciated in any situation is important to people. Appreciation allows a person to feel valued in a situation and that their presence and contribution matter to the overall experience of things. This is true in all areas of life and should be a part of your conscious focus. Having our positive points recognized and valued by someone else is the essence of being a well-functioning human being.  Appreciation also gives people the confidence to perform at a higher level in all things they undertake.  Look for ways to show appreciation to all those in All areas of life today.

Appreciate Those You Work With

It is not difficult to be appreciative.  Look for those who are doing all the things they should be doing at a high level and then tell them how awesome they are doing there.  Criticism is easily dispersed when a crisis arises or to just make yourself feel better.  All people should be held accountable for their actions, and let the chips fall where they may for deeds of dishonesty or deceit. These things take care of themselves.

Far more common are people performing at a high level for a company and not being recognized for it.  In fact, people see the good work, know it is there, but nothing is ever said until something goes wrong.  Then criticism and reactions are the norms. This destroys morale and any positive momentum a workplace has accumulated is gone. Taking the time to appreciate those who are working for you or your company, will pay you back in loyalty and a lack of turnover in staff.

Appreciate those in your life

There are people in your life that provide a positive spin on things and are there for you when you need them.  Each person brings a special presence to your life and you should always take the time to tell them that you appreciate them and all they contribute to your life.  It doesn’t take a lot of effort to do this and if you mean it, all involved should feel better about all of your interactions.  Everybody wants to be appreciated and know that they are important to the fabric of your life.

How many relationships fail because there is little to no appreciation for the things that couples do for each other every day?  I would bet quite a few.  Tell those who are doing something for you that you appreciate them as often as you think of it.  Be specific in the praise and accept the appreciation you get in return.  All of your relationships hopefully will grow in a positive direction that you show appreciation for.  Who wouldn’t want to be reminded of their good qualities on a consistent basis?  Don’t make them wait, appreciate!!

Appreciate Yourself

Each of us needs to take a moment and just appreciate all the things we do well and what our “good” qualities are.  Too often people spend way too much time focusing on their shortcomings and faults.  Who knows your faults better than you? Nobody.  That is the problem because we are so used to having a negative inner dialogue about our problems that we forget to appreciate any of the things we do well or the talent we contain within.

Take time today and focus on enjoying all of the positive qualities that you possess. Each of these skills is there shining for the world to see. Your sense of humor, your skill with people, your ability to sing in the shower.  All of these things are there for you to enjoy and celebrate.  Appreciate all the things that many take for granted.  The gift of vision, hearing, sound, thought all are amazing gifts and should be appreciated.  When you look at yourself this way there is a happier soul inside of you.

Appreciation is the challenge today, appreciate all of the people in your life, at work, at home, and in the mirror.  They all deserve it and it will make the world a much happier place.

“Make it a habit to tell people thank you. To express your appreciation, sincerely and without the expectation of anything in return. Truly appreciate those around you, and you’ll soon find many others around you. Truly appreciate life, and you’ll find that you have more of it.”- Ralph Marston

“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.”- John F. Kennedy