Tag Archives: circle of influence

The Mindset

Mindset      ~ the established set of attitudes held by someone.

mindsetTo fully take advantage of our talents, time, and actions, it is essential to know that our mindset will provide an attitude leading to the results we see in life. Once something is set in your mind, you have no choice but to make that thing happen. Look at your mindset when it comes to finances, relationships, or life in general. This evaluation will reveal why your life is the way it is. The way you think about yourself and your abilities is the most significant boost or barrier to accomplishing anything.  It all begins with a conscious awareness of your thoughts, words, and actions based on your current mindset.  (Video)

Mindset Challenges

In all things, we choose positive or negative, and our mindset is the attitude and default behavior we will fall to naturally in life.  Evaluate which of these characteristics you honestly participate in and how they are a part of your mindset—worrying about the future, putting yourself down, gossiping, holding a grudge, jealousy, lying, feeling sorry for yourself, mindsetgeneral negativity about people, or regrets about the past. These things are mindset anchors to misery, failure, and unhappiness. It will be challenging to achieve success and impossible to enjoy it with this mindset.

The great thing is all of these things provide the opposite action available to you with the simple change of mindset. You can choose to be confident about the future, value yourself, not talk about others when they are not present, forgive, appreciate what you have, be honest, accept responsibility for your place in life, general positivity about people, and get the past.  It is all a matter of mindset.  When you face challenges, remember your mood will determine the outcome for you.  We can’t control many things that happen to us, but we have 100% control over how we deal with them.  Avoid the negative mindset and pursue a positive alternative. This direction makes your success right from the beginning.

Find Mindset People

The people you choose to associate with daily will affect your mindset one way or another. Surround yourself with people who have the mindset you would like to have, and it will be easier to achieve.  If mindsetyour circle is full of people who follow the negative characteristics described earlier, then it is time to change your ring.  It isn’t a condemnation of others but taking responsibility for your own life and the experience you want to have.

Some people embody every characteristic you admire and want more of in your life. Find them, and get them in your circle.  Too often, people settle for less than this because of comfort or fear. You can do this also, but understand the cost is your happiness and ability to achieve your best self. It is hard to fly as high as possible when tied to a massive and negative anchor.  Surround yourself with the people who allow you to operate your most senior and be your best. Let the others go. Building a positive mindset will be much more comfortable, surrounded by people who enjoy life and see the good in you and the things you are doing.

Mindset Today

What is your mindset today? Is it going to be the same old thing? Or are you looking for the opportunity that each day provides?  Every day gives us a new chance to write a chapter in the book of our lives the way we want.  A trip I want to take? A relationship I want to build? Whatever I want to accomplish can start right now today, and it will begin with my mindset. Do I believe that it is possible? Let’s start there.  If you think of a goal and immediately list all of the reasons it can’t happen, you need to change your mindset.

Changing your mindset is a simple process of changing your thoughts to focus and relevance. It isn’t easy to do because we are set in our ways, but anyone can do it.  It starts by looking honestly at your thoughts, words, and actions and seeing where you are, and moving them toward where you want to be in your daily consciousness.

“Once your mindset changes, everything on the outside will change along with it.” ― Steve Maraboli

“The mind is a powerful thing. It can take you through walls.” ― Denis Avey



Each person that I have ever met has, in one way or We are all connectedanother, basking in the glow of their individuality—the certain perks and character traits that made them uniquely them. I have also clung to these traits to separate myself from the crowd and show my unique value. Yet, I look at society today and see that I am participating in a world that is manipulating all of us into a prison of isolation.  This is a restriction that keeps us from learning about ourselves and our own thoughts. Because we worry so much about fitting into the roles we are pressured to create from the programming and manipulation of our lives.  It makes me wonder what I am missing in all of the people I meet. I think we are all connected. All we have to do is look for it and be willing to see it. Our similarities are far greater than our differences.

The Grand Manipulation

The education system has been ingeniously designed

Brainwash education system
This is how I was educated. Follow the rules, accept authority, consume

to build our sense of isolation over the years. We are told what to think, how to look, how to display affection, what is important, and even how to feel. When we don’t follow in lock-step with the expectations, we are failed, left behind, or ridiculed.  We all learn to find acceptance in our society, and we follow the rules. We believe what we are told, without question. It is the building of isolation and separateness.

I think the truth is when we are born, we do not worry about following rules, and we live for the enjoyment of simply being alive. As long as our basic needs are provided for, we develop on a path of kindness. It is the programming of society that changes this. People are bombarded with expectations, advertising, and “education” to stand in line, sit up straight, and don’t make waves.  Children should be seen and not heard. Tough to ask meaningful questions, or give thoughtful feedback if you are silent.

Adult Cells

So once we have been conditioned to accept

all alone together
All alone together. The story of adulthood in 2019.

individuality as we grow, the cell door is slammed shut in adulthood, and we seemingly willingly throw away the key. Working a large portion of the week, exchanging our time for money, we spend our free time staring at electronic devices (television, computers, tablets, smartphones, etc.) Each of these devices draws our consciousness into a world of make-believe and keeps us from actually interacting with others.

The sad part is that we feel we have free will, but each moment we interact with technology, we are drawn away from who we are and more into a land of make-believe. Our minds are further brainwashed into looking for material possessions that will make us “happy.”

So we sit alone together watching the world happen on a television screen through a game or a story. It isn’t real, and we are decidedly alone. That isn’t how it should be.

We Are All Connected, Choose to See It

All living things are connected if we choose to see them.

personal connections
Try a little personal connection and see what happens.

We are all a collective drop of water in the ocean of humanity.  Each person contains within them the spark of wonder. Many people start to remember this as they get older. They don’t feel like things are quite “right.” That what they have been taught is filled with faulty feelings and lies. People collect all of the material possessions they will ever need, yet they still are unhappy.  “Is this it?” often occurs to you, and you realize your experience can’t be all that there is.  So you begin to search for the connections.

A great way to escape is to consciously look to widen your sphere of personal influence by having positive human interaction. Look for opportunities to connect with other people in meaningful ways. Enjoying things mutually in life, a common purpose or an experience of life that we can share, enjoy and remember together.

Look for a chance to connect through the day with those you come in contact with randomly, or even more importantly, with those you care about.  How many meals do you eat as you are watching television, in isolation? Look for chances to expand your reality to include others so that your life will become richer.  Leave the prison of modern life and accept the freedom that we all yearn for, even if we have forgotten it exists.

Hold hands, have a conversation about love or life, send a note of encouragement, compliment someone sincerely, be kind to a stranger, help someone in simple ways, share something, play a game, go for a walk with someone, start a project, discuss how to make the world a better place, provide hope.  Or any of a million other things that we know are good and will bring connections between people. 

 “A human being is a part of a whole, called by us a universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts, and feelings as something separated from the rest … a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.”  ~ Albert Einstein