Tag Archives: Consciousness

As Strong As Your Mind

Do you know your mind? How much time do you spend consciously

subconscious mind
subconscious mind

exploring the origins of your thought? Although we like to believe our conscious mind is making all our daily decisions, the truth is that our subconscious mind rules many choices and actions. Programmed from birth to this day by the experiences of our life, the people in it, and the organizations we are members of.

Shockingly, so many people seem to live with a blissful lack of awareness about the source of most of their behavior and reality. So let’s get to know your mind. It is the entity running our life, and we are only as strong as our minds.

The Creator of Thought-Conscious Mind

conscious mindThe conscious mind is the part of the mind that produces thought. It is used to set goals, and it judges all results. It revels in new ideas and creative activities. The goals in the future are determined here, and often the path chosen is based on experience. According to Bruce Lipton of The Biology of Belief, it can process, on average, 2,000 bits of information per second. The conscious mind can only handle a few tasks at a time. We think this mind is in control. It will come up with ideas and allow us to thrive and be successful in the world. Learning to use this tool and not allow it to use us is the natural talent of the subconscious mind’s power.

Our dreams and goals are created here, and it determines the areas our focus is centered. Where our guide goes, our energy flows. Directing your thoughts toward your goals and dreams allows you to put all of your energetic flow behind them, and we can take steps to create them and make them a part of our reality.

The Man Behind the Curtain- Subconscious

The real power in our lives is the subconscious mind. It continually works on our behalf, running its programs in the background like a computer. It has a remarkable capacity. It is believed this mind can handle 4 billion bits of information per second and take care of thousands of tasks at once. It is responsible for regulating most bodily functions without a problem. The subconscious predominantly focuses on the present moment but uses past experiences to solve today’s problems efficiently.

Anyone who drives has witnessed the Subconscious mind in action. When you go down the road, and your mind is distracted by conversation or thought, and your conscious mind “drifts away,” you still drive down the street without really paying attention. You snap out of it and don’t remember how you got where you are. Thank you, subconscious mind. When the thoughts we direct with our conscious thoughts react with the subconscious mind, our world moves to make them all a reality. There are several theories and beliefs about the power of the subconscious mind. But it is undisputed that there is power here, and using it can change your life.

Minds Working Together

The real power of the subconscious mind is that many believe it dictates what we experience in reality. The experiences we have had led to the programming of the mind. This programming forms beliefs based on the_power_of_your_subconscious_mindour interactions at an early age with parents, family members, teachers, the media, or any other significant force in life. These beliefs can be positive or negative, depending on your experiences, and your thoughts lead to perceptions and how you view the world.

Your perceptions dictate your reality, success, understanding, and ultimately your happiness with your life. The subconscious responds to life through this programming, and the conscious mind can be used to create your life. Changing the way you think makes it possible to change the reality you experience daily.

So all beliefs can be affected by conscious choice, which changes the subconscious mind’s programming, where 90% of our actions come from. This process is the key to creating your life as you desire.

Much of what we believe to be accurate results from faulty programming that we built based on others’ inaccurate beliefs. Consciously evaluate your beliefs, and decide the truth in them and where they came from. Change them if they do not serve you or provide a positive life experience.

“Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become a reality.” Earl Nightingale

“If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought.” Anonymous

“You affect your subconscious mind by verbal repetition.” W Clement Stone

“There is only one process of healing, and that is faith. There is only one healing power. Namely. Your subconscious mind.” Joseph Murphy

“Once the subconscious mind accepts an idea, it begins to execute it.” Joseph Murphy

Skipping Stones

Each rock makes a unique ripple in the water, as you do in the world.
Each rock makes a unique ripple in the water, as you do in the world.

Moving around through a day, most people never stop and consider their mere presence’s influence on the things and people around them. Your mood and the way interact with whom you encounter on your daily journey will affect all in your path, but more significantly, it will influence those you interact with even more. Each day our thoughts, words, and actions are like a stone thrown into a calm pond with ripples flowing out in all directions. Imagine the energy you are sending to the world out of yourself each day. Where your attention goes, your electricity will flow. Which way does your attitude turn the lives of others? 

Throwing Rocks

When I was young, I would often throw stones into the lake we lived on for no reason at all. My brother and I would see who could throw the farthest or make the biggest splash or the most skips. As you watched

The ripple formed tells the story of the rock, as your ripples tell the story of you.
The ripple formed tells the story of the rock, as your waves say to the level of you.

All of the rocks hit the surface of the water and disappear to their murky destination, each left behind an expanding ring of ripples that carried with them the details of the size of the rock, its impact on the world, and the force with which it was discharged. Its energetic pattern remained for a brief and fleeting moment.

When I watched the ripples intersect and merge, I noticed a lot of different patterns. Some would join together and branch out and start a whole new wave. Others would override smaller ripples and completely dominate those smaller waves around them. Some would simply shine in the dwindling.

When ripples meet they combine to make unique experiences.
When ripples meet, they combine to make unique experiences.

Twilight radiates a signal all their own until they gently and almost imperceptibly disappear completely, either outside of my sight or splashing softly on the rocks of the shore at our feet.

Choose Your Energy

Today I can see that people and their attitudes are precisely like those rocks from long ago. Only the waves of energy they create can’t be seen. You can only feel them. Notice the next time you meet anyone the feeling or vibe you feel from someone. This vibration is unique to each person, and just like the stones from long ago, exudes information about that person.

That vibrational ripple is determined by each person’s thoughts and beliefs to pay attention to each day. The choices are between love, kindness, understanding, acceptance, gratitude, fear, hate, being mean, judgemental, angry, and ungrateful. These ripples will affect everyone you meet and everything you are involved in. Just as the waves on the water interact and change each other.

The key is that each of us has the choice each day, not each moment, to remake these choices and change the vibration that our energetic ripples exude. The challenge is to look at your thoughts and beliefs and decide how you want your energy to be perceived by others, and it is a simple matter of choice and noticing.

“The energy of the mind is the essence of life.” Aristotle

It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan.” Eleanor Roosevelt

Be a positive energy trampoline – absorb what you need and rebound more back. ” Dave Carolan

Life gets easier if you choose only to think, act, and speak positive energy. Choose to be the light in somebody else’s darkness.” 

“I believe that positive energy and optimism help us to take up any challenge in life and to succeed in even the most difficult tasks. I also believe that positive energy is contagious: we can transmit it to others.”- Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum


The Ocean Connection

Ocean- a vast expanse of sea, in particular, each of the main areas into which the sea is divided geographically.

The Ocean is home.

The Ocean must be a strange concept to those who have never visited its shores and seen its vast waters. A sea is a place that draws people toward it and provides solace, advice, and comfort than most other sites. Why is the Ocean such a magnet for peaceful feelings? I think that if you have a history near one, it is in your essence, and you are continually connected to it.

There is something magical there connecting in us that knows our inside thoughts. Powerful thoughts are realized looking into the waves, and somehow they don’t seem so distant or unattainable. Whatever your attraction, the Ocean is a big part of many lives, and being conscious of its pull and power can allow a person’s consciousness to rise. It all starts with paying attention to your thoughts, words, and actions when you visit this expanse of nature. 

Ocean, The Counselor

When the worst happens, and there are no answers another person can give you, the Ocean has a way of providing reliable counsel to those who come to its side. Ocean therapy calms you down with the soft, continuous pounding of the waves, the sea breeze in your face. The faint call of gulls in the distance carries your worries away with them as they dive for a meal. Then float confidently on the water. Challenges are a part of life, but looking at something more significant than any problem we will ever face builds special confidence in people. We may just have a hidden power underneath our surface, and tapping into that power will allow you to grow.

There is a comfort that comes from visiting the Ocean in the smell of the salt in the air,  and the experience seems to take all the negativity in life away with its ever-rising and falling tides. You feel as if you can toss all of your problems in the churning water, and they will disappear beneath the waves and be lost in the mass of ocean depth. If you seek the peace of mind, look for it in the Ocean.

Ocean the Connector

The Ocean connects all things in the world. When you look out on the vast, seemingly never-ending sea in front of you, it encompasses everything. But you know that out there somewhere, all of life is happening. Boats are sailing, fish are swimming, and on the other side, someone is more than likely looking back at you. Wondering how it is all connected, just like you.

You can connect with someone who has left your life and moved on, only living in your memory. I have been able to find those who have passed away, but still, their voices and a connection can be found by looking into the sea. The link is there as you contemplate its depths, all of those voices of the oceans of people you have known speak to you. All you have to do is listen. That is one of the many magical qualities of the mighty waters. What or whom you seek,  there you will often find. Our thoughts seem to be carried throughout the range of the Ocean to other places. There is reassurance in that.

Ocean the  Energy Source

With such an extensive collection of moving water, there will be energy produced that draws people. It is a natural flow that you can feel by being near, on, or in the water. There is nothing negative about this natural energy, and that is why it feels good to visit. You may not understand it, but you know the Ocean is a place of rejuvenation, and it can transfer its power into your soul.

Even if you don’t believe this, it doesn’t matter. The irrefutable fact is that the Ocean changes you. It gets in your soul, and if you contemplate the meaning in life, the sea is one of nature’s most exceptional assistants. If it is hot and sunny, the Ocean cools you down and makes you calm. If it is cold, the sea is still there rolling along, offering its advice for all people to take advantage of in their lives. There are few places so positively charged. It stuns me how often people live near this authoritative source of wonder and pay no attention at all.

So raising your consciousness today, look at the natural wonders around you. If you live near the Ocean, visit that old friend. Be one of the people in the world who notices the power and change that can come from this vast expanse of sea. And it all starts with your thoughts about the magnificence of the Ocean. The emotions attached to your ideas. The words you speak of and around it. And the actions you take in your life because of it. The shore is the waiting room for peace and wonder, and you don’t even have to make an appointment.

“We are tied to the Ocean. And when we go back to the sea, whether it is to sail or to watch – we are going back from whence we came.”
John F. Kennedy

“The ocean stirs the heart, inspires the imagination, and brings eternal joy to the soul.”
Robert Wyland

“The cure for anything is saltwater: sweat, tears, or the sea.”
Isak Dinesen


My Awareness

Awareness- knowledge or perception of a situation or fact.

We are all required to become more aware of everything in these incredible times. Awareness is vital to your consciousness. Your perception of people, information, and events will determine just how conscious you are. What we are aware of and aware of determines our core belief system.  Things exist all around us, and unless we pay attention to them and understand how they react to our lives, we are not in control.  Once we do develop an awareness of forces influencing us, we are then able to control our thoughts, emotions, words, and actions resulting from them.  A toxic relationship, a negative attitude, low vibration entertainment, limiting beliefs you carry from your past, or even negative self-talk are examples of places awareness can change your life positively.  It all starts with noticing your thoughts, words, and actions in your life.

 Awareness  Building

Our subconscious can take in a large quantity of information, and our conscious mind can only interpret a small portion of that at any one time.  Awareness is what we choose to understand.  Choosing to exit a negative relationship or to direct your thoughts toward something more positive is understanding awareness and using it to make your life a more positive experience.  Each realization we have, brought on by greater awareness, is a building block toward self-evolvement.  A higher level of wisdom and freedom is waiting for you to understand better all factors influencing your life.

To increase your awareness, there are active things you can do. First, practice compassion toward other people and yourself.  A general concern for the suffering in life and how you can alleviate it will raise your awareness.  Second, spend some time understanding and respecting different points of view. Rather than judge and dismiss them. You don’t have to agree but spend time understanding them. Awareness of the world and others grows, so does your consciousness.  Third, seek out moments for honest reflection and solitude.  Away from the noise of life, determine for yourself why you think and feel the way you do about things. Shine the light of awareness on your thoughts and honestly assess if they push you forward or hold you back.  Finally, spend time with people who will sell your attention ahead—supportive, understanding people who will enhance your appreciation of positive things.

With each new realization, your power to be a positive force in the world increases because your beliefs will change for the better, and once that happens, what can limit you?

Beliefs Are the Thing

The result of what we are aware of is our beliefs. Our ideas about life, other people, the world, in general, will dictate what we are capable of achieving and experiencing.  They result from our experiences, observations, or deliberately influenced, but they are not permanent and can be adjusted and changed as new information comes to us.  Awareness is that further information will allow you to either grow to your capability or shrink from it.

Deliberate indoctrination is the formation of beliefs we want to ourselves. When an organization or society forces a conclusion onto you, it lacks awareness and should be scrutinized and questioned.  Blindly the following anything is a loss of control.  If you are not going to use your mind, someone else will.  The question is, is this true? Moral? Ethical? Or even better, who benefits the most from me accepting this belief?  Answering these questions will build your awareness, and then you can decide for yourself whether a view honors you or not. Making more influential ideas that carry a positive message about your abilities, worth, and life will enhance your experience and accomplish more.

Finally, Be Yourself

The ultimate goal of life is to be your true self.  This honesty will happen when your awareness of what makes you feel happy and satisfied is a part of your life.  Look at the fundamental positive aspects of your nature. What has always made you feel joy?  Do that more.  What makes you happy? Do that more. What makes the world better? Do that more.  They will all fall from the tree that is you and who you are.  We are all born with a passion for life and have a gift to bring to the world. Life is spent remembering what that is and bringing it into the world.  Awareness is a tool to do this.  The things we are supposed to follow and create feel right to us. Follow them.   It all starts with being aware of your thoughts, words, and actions in each moment of the day.

Are you aware of how great you are?

“Awareness is like the sun. When it shines on things, they are transformed.” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

“The day you decide you are more interested in being aware of the thoughts than you are in the thoughts themselves, that is the day you find your way out.”~Micheal Singer


Joyous- a good, affirmative, or constructive quality or attribute.

positive thoughtToday can be a good day, or this can be a bad day. Positive thinking will make sure it is a good day. The decision is yours to make. A pretty simple choice, isn’t it? You have total control over what kind of experiences you will have only by how you look at the circumstances you find yourself in at the moment. Positive thinking allows you to be hopeful through all sorts of situations. It sees the long game of benefits in a short set of experiences. It is choosing to be a force that helps others in the world. Positive thinking is a chance to be a positive change in the world. It starts with a conscious awareness of how your thoughts move you today toward the positive or the negative and how your corresponding emotions, words, and actions stem from that. I have experienced many images over the past year, betrayal, loss, lies, and selfishness. My conscious choice is to look ahead and leave the past in the past. That is what I was supposed to do all along.

Positive Thinking Determines What you Will Accomplish

It is said that “your attitude will determine your altitude in life.” What this implies is that what you get from life is what you put into it. When it comes to your career, if you expect to find the work you love and develop the knowledge and skillsets required, you are well on your way to achieving that goal. The next step is action. It would help if you took action; without it, you would not reach your destination.Positive Thinking

I was once told that life is 10 percent what happens to you and 90 percent of how you react to it. The ratio may be wrong, but the general idea is correct in its meaning. Many things in life happen to us that we have no control over, but we always do have control over how we react to them. Positive thinking allows those reactions to be helpful and productive rather than unhelpful and destructive.

How do you put this into practice? Well, it is as simple as making a decision. It can be anything from losing a job to getting a flat tire. There can often be things in our lives that are not pleasant to experience. Still, they allow us challenges that would enable growth and increased self-awareness that we would never have had if these unfortunate events had never occurred. If you can manage your anger and the urge to indulge in self-pity, you will be able to find a bit of good in anything. That is positive thinking.

This is How Positive Thinking Works

How can the loss of a job possibly be a good thing? Because when the injury occurred, you were forced to branch out and explore options you would never have explored or looked at had you never lost the previous job. You positive thinkingwould never know if you have the strength or will to survive something until you do. That is positive. All of life is a constant movement of change. It is difficult to see the long-term benefits until you are looking backward. But they are there. Your choice is to be optimistic about the future or be cynical about past experiences. One will lead to growth, and one will not.

How can getting a flat tire be a good thing? You never know what is waiting for you down the road. You might have gotten into a horrible accident if an annoying flat tire hadn’t waylaid you. It could have saved you from destroying your vehicle or even protected you from significant bodily harm. It is all a matter of perspective and outlook. Often we see the problem and focus on that because of the stress of the immediate situation. How you deal with issues in life determines the experience you have in life.

Being Positive doesn’t Ignore the Negative

I hear many people look at the prospect of being positive and seeing the bright side as being unrealistic. All events happen, death, crime, accidents, and they can happen at any time. Each brings with it a set of challenges to every human that faces them. Our thoughts and emotions are intertwined. So we need to grieve, and that is not a “good” thing, but it is a necessary part of living and enjoying life. No matter what or who has left your life, life is still moving forward. What will you do with your time remaining?

Some will choose to sit and look at what is lost and never move past it. Others will see the loss as a change in life, but life still has a lot of good things to give to your experience. Many times it is up to our consciousness to notice the good things that are remaining. We only have a finite amount of time to have this human experience. Each of us decides for ourselves if it is spent in fear of what life may bring or in love with what life is giving us. Always your choice and nobody else’s.

Positive Challenge

So I challenge you to put this into practice and choose to make today the best day that you possibly can. Enjoy the good things in your life, from the cup of coffee at the beginning of the day to the caring thoughts that others send your way throughout the day. This day you have a thousand choices of what you think, feel, and do. Be conscious of your positive protonreaction to all things. Is it positive or negative? Why is it that way? Then take it into the next day.

Make someone else’s day a little better, compliment them, or be kind. It’s free! Practice positive thinking and make your reality a little bit sweeter and gentler today. If you are thinking in a positive direction, don’t let someone else’s negative thoughts influence you toward the negative. Use them as a springboard to become more positive. Only a positive frame of mind will allow you to enjoy life and all it has to offer. A negative mindset will let you fear life. It is your choice, and it starts with a greater awareness of the thoughts you entertain. The emotions they bring to the surface. The words you speak to others because of your dreams—your actions because of your positive or negative mentality.

“Each day, I come in with a positive attitude, trying to get better.”- Stefon Diggs

“Your positive action, combined with positive thinking, results in success.” Shiv Khera

“Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson.


Fight the Dark Side

Focus On the Force

Each of us has a power that we either use to help move us toward our goals or provide an excuse for not achieving what we want.  I think it is much more similar to life in the Star Wars franchise than we would probably admit. All people contain within themselves a duality. These two sides have a high potential to do things perceived as an excellent good or something representing evil.

All people contain this power within them, and that is the force of life.  It is not by magic that people end up living an authentic life. It is by conscious decision.  The choices we make in every moment dictate the nature of the force within us.  These choices are a refreshing combination of how we think about ourselves, the world, and everything in it.  Focus honestly on how you feel about things and your conscious thoughts today.  Notice the emotions that arise in you because of an idea. Then see the words and actions that come from that.  This process determines the power and nature of the force in you.  It all starts with thoughts.

Operating on the Light Side

We would all like to think of ourselves as being the hero and doing what is right always. That is not a human experience. It is a constant struggle between our two sides. Here is the simple formula for working with the forces of light.  Put others before yourself, be kind in thought and deed, accept the differences of others, feel joy, peace, serenity, love, hope, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith.  All of these exist within us, and it is our choice to practice them or not.

What a world we would have if all people were able to function in this part of themselves.  If you look at how you like to be treated, all of these things are probably on the list. Choosing these things and meaning allows the force within you to help others. It isn’t always easy to think this way when you see someone doing something say to someone else or you. It is human nature to want to fight back and take an eye for an eye. When we are hurt, we want to cut back. To put that instinct aside and treat a situation with love will allow the force in you to do great good in the world.

Welcome to The Dark Side

Welcome to the dark side, which needs no introduction, I am sure because we all have one of these.  Our darkness exists by our insecurities, pains, and fears of our lives.  Anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, superiority, and ego contribute to our dark side. These are thoughts that lead to words and actions that will directly or indirectly harm others somehow.  But the person who is hurt the most is you. The dark side of the force does contain the power, but it is corrupting, painful and takes away the good in the world for selfish gain.

Many people I have known can harm someone by directly consciously speaking words that exploit the insecurity of someone.  Then fear is generated, or selfishness, and that person has been infected.  Look at the people in your life and how they speak to you and others. Where on the scale of the force does their intention come from in each moment?  The allure of the dark side is that you will not have to suffer again. But the truth is, of course, your actions are causing you to experience. These thoughts and emotions wear you down and hurt you. To feel these things is the dark side.

Your Force is Always there.

Inside of each of us, this force I am trying to define is always available to you.  It is there to call on when you need strength to face a challenge.  Even in the most desperate times in life, remember the force in you will be there to push back the adversity and allow you to thrive if you let it.  You may have to make a course adjustment, learn a new skill, create a new goal, or start over.  Whatever the task ahead of you, the power to move toward it every day is the force inside you.

Be conscious of how you can help yourself and help others see the good in the world through you.  Take advantage of opportunities to show this. Consciously practice kindness even when there is no apparent gain for you.  Create hope for someone in the world.  Don’t let mindless anger brought on by fear control you. It solves nothing but creates pain in the world. Pain and suffering are the calling cards of the dark side of the force within you.

Where does your force lie?

Every day, you have a choice to cause pain and suffering to others or create joy and kindness.  These choices develop in the thoughts you choose to entertain.  Are they from the dark side, or are they from the light?  The force in you will always be there working on the side that you choose.  So choose your thoughts wisely.  The world depends on it.  And it all starts with your thoughts, the corresponding emotions they lead to, the tenor of the words you speak, and the actions you take.  All things will affect the force in you and the effect that energy has on the world.  Which side of the line do you fall on here?

“We must wake.” -Yoda

“Always pass on what you have learned.”- Yoda

“The dark side clouds everything. Impossible to see the future is.”- Yoda




The Right Things

How often do people take action without really thinking about the consequences? I am sure that I am called on to take action, speak, or make some other behavioral choice thousands of times in my daily life.  It would be challenging to be fully conscious of all choices. From what to wear to how you get to work, our subconscious handles many decisions.  But too often, we allow interactions with others to occur without our conscious participation.  These actions can come off without any caring or concern for the feelings of others.  For us to be present in these interactions, we can follow a few points of focus to make sure we are entirely present in the moment and with people that matter.

Honoring Actions

Each action we take involving others is going to affect them. It doesn’t matter the scope and scale of your activity. It will have a positive or negative effect on those that you interact with. More importantly, each step you choose to take will affect you as well.  If you treat somebody poorly, for any reason, it resonates with you and will determine your energy and experience.

The focus of your conscious thought should be on honoring yourself.  In all that you do and think during the day, make the first choice to accept yourself.  Even if you believe someone else deserves your scorn or ridicule, it doesn’t do you any good to participate in this. Let it go and focus on the positive things in your life.  Putting others down puts you down.  Make choices honoring you, and the world will acknowledge you.  That is the benefit of focusing on creating honoring actions.

Release Judgment

It is a simple choice. The judgment of other’s personal lives, heritage, clothing, physical appearance, or any other thing is never going to end well for you.  Our instincts have developed over thousands of years, and we identify with people similar to ourselves because it is safe to do so. In our ancestral past, our survival depended on it.  But that is not the case today. We find others’ judgment is addictive to us and allow us to prop ourselves up in self-esteem in some way, on the backs of others.

Release judgment from your mind and learn to accept all of those who are different from you. Letting others live how they feel comfortable will allow you to live as you feel comfortable with yourself.  Make the conscious choice to respect others and live with a sense of compassion toward them.  Your actions will come back to you in the end. To live in judgment is to bring judgment upon you. Respect and kindness will also come back to you.  It is your choice which energy you release into the world and receives back from it.


The more you choose love for and the approval of others and their situations, the better energy your life will experience. By accepting this path, you are deciding against fear and all of its negative energies.  Whoever you hold negative feelings about, let them go.  Those from another region of the world practice a different religion, are economically challenged, addicted to drugs, or just making poor decisions. Let go of your judgment.

Choose to be more conscious of your thoughts and the right actions you can take daily to make the world a better place.  Let go of the vision that you are in competition with everyone else and choose to see the positive benefits of cooperation between all people. You can make all interactions a blessing to yourself with your attitude.  Acceptance of yourself and others as they are on the path to doing this.

Work for Today

So focus on your thoughts and actions today and see where they are going to lead you.  Are they taking you down a negative path or a positive one?  Are your choices making the world better or worse for someone else?  Are your options honoring yourself? This action is the beginning of being more conscious about your effect on the planet and taking responsibility for that experience.