Tag Archives: energy

You Choose to be a Positive Force or Not

Let Your Thoughts Be a Positive Force

Positive forceAll things are made up of energy. That is a fact. You, me, and everyone we come in contact with throughout any day are made up of energy. All power comes with a specific charge, and energy will be transferred between people in any interaction they experience. All people are both receivers and transmitters of energy. How do you determine the kind of energy you are producing? The electrical vibrations a person transmits are based on the tone of their predominant thoughts. Simple as that. You might look at this and choose not to believe it, but look at any interaction you have ever had. What made the difference between a person’s positive and negative effects on us? It is nothing more than the tone and tenor of their thoughts that lead to their emotions, words, and actions. These have affected you your entire life, but it takes a little conscious effort in positive thinking to be a positive force in the world.

The Negative

Recognizing the negative is pretty easy because it makes you feel negative. The thoughts that bring up these things are based on fear. People who are angry, worried, mean, judgmental, selfish, or otherwise fear-based thinking will produce negative forcenegative energy in the world. These people are easy to spot if you pay attention because every word they speak is based on one of these emotions. They generally dwell on the negative and never have anything positive to say about anyone or anything. Being negative about something or someone is a way to build yourself by pointing out problems. These minimize you.

However, the cost of this type of thinking is that misery loves company. If you choose to spend time with people like this, you are in danger of being affected by this negative energy and falling into a negative pattern yourself. Once your energy has turned negative, turning it around cannot be easy. You can try to turn negative people around with positive answers to every negative comment, but the best way to avoid the negative is to stay clear of negative people. Spend your time in gossip and judgment, and you are producing plenty of negative energy that can destroy the joy in any room.

Creating Positive Energy

To create positive vibrations in yourself and your life, your predominant thoughts come from love. Kind, generous, accepting, joyful, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, truth, compassion, and faith. These qualities will raise your vibration and allow you to influence the world positively. It is difficult in our society because we are inundated with the negative. The “news” is a nightly horror show of society’s worst elements. You are designed to make you live a life of fear. If you live a life of fear, you will negatively impact the world, which is what most of us want to avoid.

Take some time today to look at your thoughts and the emotions, words, and actions they produce. Creating vivacious is easy and becomes easier the more you do it. Practice kindness, compliment, listen to someone with heartfelt sympathy, share something good, find something good in what you are doing, or find something positive in the world to focus your thought on. Once you start the process of being more positive, the easier it is to build and maintain. We are each responsible for the energy we create and its influence on the world.

Who Are You?

We all know people who bring you down just by talking to you. They make your day a little more complex and suck the enjoyment out of almost any situation. Some people are walking breath of fresh air. You are one of these two types of people to one degree or another. Either you suck the joy out of a room, or you supply it. Your decision is made in your mind by the thoughts you choose to entertain and pay attention to. So I ask you which person you are? We are all energy. Our thoughts and emotions provide this invisible power to the world. It can’t be seen, but you can feel it. It is never too late to change the type of broadcast you share with the world. If you don’t like the energy you are receiving, make new friends, visit new places, and leave negative influences behind. Choose to be a positive force by thinking and focusing on being kind, generous, accepting joyful, peaceful,  loving, hopeful,  serene, humble, kind, benevolent, empathic, helpful, truthful, compassionate faithful.

“Life has many ways of testing a person’s will, either by having nothing happen at all or by having everything happen all at once.” – Paulo Coelho.

“With everything that has happened to you, you can either feel sorry for yourself or treat what has happened as a gift. Everything is either an opportunity to grow or an obstacle to keep you from growing. You get to choose.” – Dr. Wayne W Dyer.

“Hate. It has caused a lot of problems in this world but has not solved one yet.” – Maya Angelou.

“An attitude of positive expectation is the mark of the superior personality.” Brian Tracy

“We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.” – Anais Nin.



Skipping Stones

Each rock makes a unique ripple in the water, as you do in the world.
Each rock makes a unique ripple in the water, as you do in the world.

Moving around through a day, most people never stop and consider their mere presence’s influence on the things and people around them. Your mood and the way interact with whom you encounter on your daily journey will affect all in your path, but more significantly, it will influence those you interact with even more. Each day our thoughts, words, and actions are like a stone thrown into a calm pond with ripples flowing out in all directions. Imagine the energy you are sending to the world out of yourself each day. Where your attention goes, your electricity will flow. Which way does your attitude turn the lives of others? 

Throwing Rocks

When I was young, I would often throw stones into the lake we lived on for no reason at all. My brother and I would see who could throw the farthest or make the biggest splash or the most skips. As you watched

The ripple formed tells the story of the rock, as your ripples tell the story of you.
The ripple formed tells the story of the rock, as your waves say to the level of you.

All of the rocks hit the surface of the water and disappear to their murky destination, each left behind an expanding ring of ripples that carried with them the details of the size of the rock, its impact on the world, and the force with which it was discharged. Its energetic pattern remained for a brief and fleeting moment.

When I watched the ripples intersect and merge, I noticed a lot of different patterns. Some would join together and branch out and start a whole new wave. Others would override smaller ripples and completely dominate those smaller waves around them. Some would simply shine in the dwindling.

When ripples meet they combine to make unique experiences.
When ripples meet, they combine to make unique experiences.

Twilight radiates a signal all their own until they gently and almost imperceptibly disappear completely, either outside of my sight or splashing softly on the rocks of the shore at our feet.

Choose Your Energy

Today I can see that people and their attitudes are precisely like those rocks from long ago. Only the waves of energy they create can’t be seen. You can only feel them. Notice the next time you meet anyone the feeling or vibe you feel from someone. This vibration is unique to each person, and just like the stones from long ago, exudes information about that person.

That vibrational ripple is determined by each person’s thoughts and beliefs to pay attention to each day. The choices are between love, kindness, understanding, acceptance, gratitude, fear, hate, being mean, judgemental, angry, and ungrateful. These ripples will affect everyone you meet and everything you are involved in. Just as the waves on the water interact and change each other.

The key is that each of us has the choice each day, not each moment, to remake these choices and change the vibration that our energetic ripples exude. The challenge is to look at your thoughts and beliefs and decide how you want your energy to be perceived by others, and it is a simple matter of choice and noticing.

“The energy of the mind is the essence of life.” Aristotle

It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan.” Eleanor Roosevelt

Be a positive energy trampoline – absorb what you need and rebound more back. ” Dave Carolan

Life gets easier if you choose only to think, act, and speak positive energy. Choose to be the light in somebody else’s darkness.” 

“I believe that positive energy and optimism help us to take up any challenge in life and to succeed in even the most difficult tasks. I also believe that positive energy is contagious: we can transmit it to others.”- Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum


All Connected

Oneness- Everything is connected. We are all one.

It is the strange experience of being a human being. We exist in the world, thinking we are all different, but basically, we are the same. Each person is made up of the same building blocks called atoms, and these atoms form our bodies. Everyone has an alive organization, even though they vary in looks and proportions.

Each person has an essence inside, which is unique in the world, but we are all connected in possession of such a thing. Our personalities and thoughts are ours alone, and we are all individuals. It is one of the biggest dualities we face in life,  being an individual but part of something. It is the energy of life that connects us. This energy is generated first by the thoughts we think, then the words we use to express our thoughts and our actions as a result. Oneness is all around, but you have to look for it to notice.

Each One Has Energy

All of our physical experiences, conscious and unconscious, are caused by an electrical reaction. Each thought is a firing synapse that sends a message to the body, to do or not to do something. We are driven by electricity, and that electricity flows between us all. Isn’t physical death the point when our energy can no longer flow through our body? Our powers are not unique, as all people have access to creating thought and energy. We are all the same through this energy, and we are all one.

We determine our energetic impact on the world through the tenor of our thoughts. Thoughts of love describe later on or the opinions of fear determine our active influence on the planet. It is the same for everyone. We are one. Focus on the fearful thoughts of anger, judgment, hate, jealousy, resentment, greed, lies, or ego. Your energy and the results you get in life are based almost solely on your energy. Each individual has the same opportunity to create positive thoughts and conclusions.

The Myth of Separation

We have all been conditioned to believe that we are all separate and alone in the world. This perceived separation can be used to manipulate people into behavior that isn’t in our best interest. That behavior is usually driven by fear. It starts when we are young and continues into adulthood. We are given a set of experiences and memories which belong to us alone. Society judges us on our accomplishments, education, relationships, possessions accumulated, and relative intelligence.

It makes you feel like you live in an isolated place. But there is a connection you can feel between people if you look for it. Some will call this force God, the Universe, or whatever makes you comfortable, but it is clear there is something that makes us all unique and together at that same time, and that energy is what makes everything work. No other person has ever existed who is exactly like you, and there never will be. That is the case for everyone, and we are all connected through that oneness.

Love is the connector.

Focusing on the positiveness of love is the road to seeing the oneness we all share. Love is a powerful, positive force that respects others, life, nature, and you. It comes in all its different levels and costumes to make us see that we are not alone in the world, and all people have basic humanity that connects us all. No one is better than another because of age, ethnicity, nationality, or religion. We are all equal, the same, and connected.

These connections can be seen when you practice love in your life by treating people with the thoughtfulness that love demands. Joy, peace, love, hope, humility, acceptance, understanding, kindness, empathy, and truth are all creators of positivity and allow people to realize that although there are minor differences between us, we are all the same underneath. Focus on the positive forces of life, and those connections with others become easy. Stray from them or ignore them, and isolation or poor company is inevitable. The choice is always yours. We all experience oneness in this.

Look for the Oneness 

Take a moment today and look at someone else. Maybe someone you know or someone you see in passing and look at them, we all have eyes to see, ears to hear, noses to smell, hands to touch, and voices to speak. Think about the miracle this is. We are all the same, and we are united at that moment. Life is an experience that we are all sharing—a one-of-a-kind set of circumstances unifying us if we let it. Seek the oneness in each person, and you will find it.

It will all start with a conscious awareness of your thoughts and their tone in your life. Positive will lead to growth, wellness, and enjoyment, and opposing will lead to less than enjoyable circumstances. Whether you are conscious of your thinking or not, it still belongs to you, and you will always reap the benefits or negatives of that effort. Look at your words and actions that result. The difference between positive and negative is evident for all people to understand.


“Wisdom is knowing we are all One. Love is what it feels like, and Compassion is what it acts like.” ~ Ethan Walker

“The sun shines down, and its image reflects in a thousand different pots filled with water. The reflections are many, but they are each reflecting the same sun. Similarly, when we come to know who we truly are, we will see ourselves in all people.” ~ Ammachi

“When I look inside and see that I am nothing, that is wisdom. When I look outside and see that I am everything, that is love. And between these two, my life turns.” ~ Nisargadatta Maharaj



Every action has a reaction and a consequence.

All you experience in life is a result of the actions that you have taken. It is a bad habit we develop excuses to justify unfortunate situations faced in our experience and the circumstances we are in. Apologies are only going to hold you back. Accepting responsibility is always the best answer.  Even if you honestly feel that things are out of your control, taking responsibility for where you are is the best mindset to adopt.

Otherwise, you are always looking to accept the mentality of the victim.  We all have choices every day, and each decision we make in thought, word, or action will affect our lives.  Better to be favorable than unfavorable. In a nutshell, it is essential to understand that all actions we take will affect our experience.  Always without exception.

The Energy of Life

All things are energy. Energy can’t be created nor destroyed; it is only transformed.  In your life, the actions you choose to take will influence the power around you.  All of the decisions that we make in our thoughts become our words and our actions.  The ability associated with these things is dictated by the tenor and tone of our dreams.  Positive reviews create positive words and actions. This process leads to positive energy. The same is true for negative energy as well. Your thoughts dictate it.

There is energy all around you all the time. If you want to test this cause and effect law on point, spend time with an intensely negative person.  Someone who spends their time complaining and gossiping about other people will bring an opposing force to their lives that will diffuse into yours if you spend a lot of time with them.   The same is true of someone positive in thought and action; they will create positive, good energy around you that you will take with you.  The moral of this cause and effect moment is to look for the positive people in life, choose to spend time with them and avoid negative people.

Leave Excuses Behind

As children, we face many situations where we are trying to avoid punishment for our actions.  Not doing homework, doing something a little dangerous, or doing anything against our parent’s wishes could lead to trouble and punishment. We learn to manipulate with excuses from an early age.  Once we find the most plausible explanation that everyone accepts, we use it again and again.  It could be about our health, a mental issue, or just a lack of talent.  Once you agree with an excuse, you have pushed responsibility off.  So as you might have gained the momentary reward of not being punished or manipulating a situation in your favor, the effect of that is you will start to create and accept excuses in all areas of your life.

The effects of excuse-making take away your power.  You will now be looking for reasons outside of yourself for everything that happens rather than looking at yourself and accepting responsibility for where you are and taking actions to get you where you want to be.  The effect of taking responsibility is a personal power that will help propel you toward whatever you want to accomplish. You can take actions that will affect your life and the world, which can happen every second of every day. Leave the excuses behind and accept responsibility whenever you can in life, and be empowered with what you can accomplish.

Be a Positive Effect

In your own choices in life, be a positive force in the world.  Focus on what you think, say, and do, in particular when it comes to how you deal with other people. Be accepting of those with different views and forgive those you have perceived to have wronged you. Give to those less fortunate than you.  Be a cause that has a positive effect on the world.  Be grateful for what you have and accepting of all good things entering your life. This, to me, is the best way to understand the law of cause and effect and make it a positive thing for your life and the world. 

“Shallow men believe in luck or circumstance. Strong men believe in cause and effect.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson.

“The sower may mistake and sow his peas crookedly: the peas make no mistake, but come up and show his line.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson.

“Nobody ever did, or ever will escape the consequences of his choices.” – Alfred A. Montapert.