Tag Archives: Fear Of Success

Don’t Be Afraid of Success

success 1Many are looking for success and financial freedom, and it seems like a difficult journey, but there are some simple things that you can do which might help you get where you want to go. They are simple, but they are not accessible. Like all things, we are at the center of our choices, and our decisions will determine not only what we achieve but also the style and manner in which we achieve it. Success is a choice you make every day with how you treat yourself, the people you know, and the opportunities you are presented with. Take some time and consider some of these ideas and how they might apply to your journey toward your personal achievement.

Don’t Be Afraid of Success.

Don’t let fear run your life; you will experience more freedom. Safety successand security are not what life is about. It is adventure and experience. All things in life bring with them a degree of risk. Being born brings a chance. Getting married brings a risk. Having children has a risk attached. Caring about someone brings a risk. All of them are risky because they can lead to you being hurt, and the alternative to all of this is to hide and do nothing because you are scared of the pain.

You will not be hurt, but what kind of life is this? Take the risk of love, family, living life, and caring about all the people you can because the reward is a life to remember. Don’t let fear make your decisions for you. That is a coward’s way out. I know I have been burned by people who were not what they appeared to be, and it hurt. But at least I had the guts to put my chips on the table and see what happens. You can do it too, and for a rewarding life, there is no other way to win.

Be More Optimistic about Success

The pessimist looks for what is wrong, never seeing the good or successknowing the problem. The Optimist sees the possibility that a challenge can bring to your awareness. All things depend on how we look at them, and what we think about them is a significant factor in determining what we experience in this life. Is the glass half empty or half full? What you perceive and hold in your thoughts for your attitude will go a long way in determining your reality.

Think hard, and whatever you think about all day long builds your life’s financial, economic, and social fabric. You decide the life you live because of your attitude about the challenges you face. Look for opportunities. Success can’t help but follow. What you think about all day, you become. Simple as that. Again there is nobody else responsible for what you think other than you. You are in charge of your mind and the actions or nonaction you take. In this way, your life is a complete and direct representation of how you think.

Read Positive Things Success Will Follow.

You can tell a lot about a person and where their mind is by looking at successthe books they read. Reading provides significant input into your thoughts and can help either expand them toward success or shrink them toward mediocrity and failure. You can’t create something fantastic like cooking a meal using cheap and unhealthy ingredients.

A virtually unlimited number of books can contribute to your success. Read books about success and growth; you will succeed and grow as a person. It is impossible to do anything else. Read trash, and you will end up with ideas only worth throwing away. Read well and reap gold, and experience success.

Observe Your thoughts

Much like reading, what you consciously think about will determine your 61152e3261043b2ff61ae5efbe86654breality and your ability to succeed. Spend your time thinking about the bad things in life, the worries, the difficulties, and your problems, and you will find that moving forward to success is virtually impossible.

Choose to entertain the thoughts of success, gratitude, understanding, and love; your life will reflect on this. We control all ideas that we pay attention to. If you think small and petty, you will be small and insignificant. If you feel significant and unlimited, your life will be full of potential, growth, and achievement. Is this easy? No, it isn’t easy, but persistence in thinking positively will allow you to achieve your goals and experience success.

Complaining and Feeling Sorry for Yourself won’t bring success.

Finally, successful people don’t complain about things in their lives. This is a fact. Suppose you spend time complaining about what you don’t have or what has gone wrong. That is an attitude that is sure to get you don't complainstuck in failure.

Instead, look forward when challenges occur as they will in life, accept them, and look for ways to overcome them. Each challenge brings with it the opportunity for personal growth and building your skills. The most healthy mindset for success is to welcome challenges and see what change you can gain from them. You become what you think about.

Nobody in their right mind wants difficulty, but life is a constant stream of choices and decisions. The ones you make will determine if you are hiding in the corner, afraid of challenges, or facing them bravely, growing into the best person you can be. Success is sure to find the brave soul seeking their best self.


Just Taking Some Action

Taking action
Taking Action can be scary, but it is the one thing you can do right now to move toward your goals.

An individual’s most significant power is to analyze a situation, determine if it benefits them, and then take Action to enhance the current situation or move in a new direction. Taking Action is a necessary factor in any success story.

The difference between those who are successful and those who are not is the Action they take each day to move toward their goals. Want to write a book? Start writing. Want to build a car? Start building. Want to have love in your life? Start loving others. Making the conscious choice to take Action is the most empowering thing you can do. Here are five benefits that taking Action will bring into your life.

Taking Action Eliminates Fear

fear 33Human beings are always dreaming. We can accomplish who we want to be, and fear is the most significant thing stopping us. Fear of failure, if we don’t find success, then what? I don’t want to look foolish. Failure is the first step to achieving anything.

Reevaluate, re-plan, and try again, fearlessly through Action. Fear of success, if you become successful in your dream, what? Action eliminates fear and will allow you to become what you dream of. Without Action, nothing will ever happen. Taking Action will eliminate fear, which is the only thing that can.

You Know Where You Stand by Taking Action

Until you test an idea or theory with Action, you never know if it will work or not. So you can sit there where is standwith great dreams and plans, thinking about how much money you will make or how famous you will be when this great “thing” is done. Take Action and see if that book will sell, that invention will make millions, or that business can’t fail. The move will allow you to evaluate where you are and what work your dreams need to be great. Without Action, the greatest ideas will be castles in the air.

If you want to have a relationship with a particular person, you will never know what might happen if you never take Action to ask them out. Activity will display a measuring stick; if the relationship is not going to happen, you can stop wasting your time and move on to something more productive. Taking specific Action toward your goal will reveal the reality of the situation and the distance required to travel.

Taking Action Calls for Help

One of the great benefits of taking Action is that your intentions are displayed to the world, and through Action, you help to achieve what you want as that avenue arrives. By actually taking steps to begin and starting toward your goal, people of similar interests may be drawn to you. Someone else may have the missing piece to your puzzle of success. If you have an open mind and accept others’ ideas, success may be just on the other side of a simple action.

Energetically, I believe that what you seek is also seeking you. Setting your intention into fact through Action will attract similar people to you. Take Action and draw the assistance you need, or take no action and sit in quiet, unsuccessful anonymity.

Taking Action shows Commitment to Your Success.

commitmentOnce you take Action toward a goal, it becomes real, and once a dream starts to become real, our commitment to its ultimate success increases. Until this point, it was just an idea on a planning board, but now that you have taken Action, your vision has started to come to life. Becoming committed to a tangible thing is much easier than an idea. Thoughts are powerful, but thoughts can change and be easily discarded. The reality is much more persistent. Once the first domino is pushed, it is natural to follow the string. It is taking the next Action and the one needed after that.

Memories of the Journey

So there you are, looking for success, planning your wildest dreams, and all it needs to become a reality is taking actionfor you to have the courage to take Action. Make a call, start a website, publish that, arrange that article, sell that, pitch the idea, and be brave and unafraid to fail. Sitting still is safe but will never allow you to finish a race.

The path to success in anything will be a journey from planning through Action to evaluating your efforts. The journey along the way will supply the stories you remember fondly and the relationships forged in the accomplishment. It all begins with taking Action.

  • An idea not coupled with Action will never get bigger than its occupied brain cell.
    Arnold Glasow
  • You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.
    Joe Sabah
  • Don’t be afraid to take a big step. You can’t cross a chasm in two small jumps.~ David Lloyd George
  • We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.~ Aristotle
  • The superior man acts before and afterward and speaks according to his Action.
  • The superior man is modest in his speech but exceeds in his actions.  ~ Confucius


The Liar

Fear Lies

Fear is a Liar
Don’t Listen to fear

In all that we do and all that we try to accomplish, a person must learn to deal with fear.  Fear comes to you through a voice in your head, warning you to be careful how far you stretch yourself, or to watch out for the things you do, the thoughts you think, and the ideas you express.  This voice in your head discourages you and minimizes your efforts and talents, all in the name of safety and comfort.  One of the most freeing things I have learned is that fear is a liar. It lies to you about almost everything, and choosing fear will lessen your experience and stop you from achieving anything of consequence.

Nothing Great without some Risk

Was anything great ever accomplished without some form of risk? Would a man have walked on the moon if they listened to fear? On a personal level, it is no different. When you are considering a new endeavor, hobby, new job, or even thought, there will always be some level of fear to overcome.

What if you fail?   What if you look bad trying? What if people don’t accept what you are doing? What if?  What if???

Is there a more limiting question that fear provides than what if? It is designed solely to limit our willingness to try and to create doubt about our abilities. The lie that fear tells you is that things will go bad if you pursue a dream or a goal. There will be a risk in anything, but taking action is the most important thing we can do. Fear deters action. Fear of failure, fear of success, fear of the acceptance of others is all just limits on your potential. Fear is a liar.

Fear is a Liar to Stop you from Taking Action

Fear is a Liar
Face your fears, and they will disappear

If you make an effort to achieve something, can there really be any failure? Taking action is going to create something. There are no guarantees as to what will be created, but something will result from your action. Taking no action will result in absolutely nothing.

Even if the results are not what you had envisioned initially, the result will belong to you, and the results are a known entity.  When you don’t try, you never know what might have happened, and then the question of “What if…..” takes on a haunting meaning. Once you try something, you know of its validity and viability. There is a chance to adjust your sails and make your action more efficient in whatever you are trying to accomplish. Fear of failure will stop you from taking action and stop your success before getting off the ground.

Take Action Above All Else

So when you hear the voices of fear speaking to you, limiting your actions, learn to ignore it and take action anyway. Each action that you decide to take will lead to creating something that didn’t exist before.

Even if your action results in an initial setback, it still provides you with valuable information that you can use to take a more focused action next. As I see it, the only way a well-focused, thought-out action can be a negative is if you choose never to take action at all.

Fear is a liar whose goal is to limit your potential and lessen the experience you have in life. When you hear the voice of fear in your head, tighten your resolve, push ahead and take action anyway. Greatness will never be found by cowering to fear.


Moving past our fears
Everyone Experiences Fear

So you have a goal in mind, and you feel it just might be your passion. It is right there in front of you like the low-hanging fruit on a tree. All you have to do is reach out and pluck it, and it is yours.

Yet you don’t reach. You stand or sit and watch the fruit as it hangs there, tantalizing your senses.  It is often fear that stops us from following our passions, and for me, I have often found fear to be a huge barrier to doing what I want.  What is it that I am afraid of?

What If I Fail?

I think that we all have this fear in our minds to some degree.  Being successful is ingrained into our consciousness from the first days we begin school.  So failure is looked at as something undesirable. Our education system teaches this as a rote fact.

Yet when you analyze it, really, it is just one of the many possible outcomes of trying.  All great discoveries and people became geniuses to the world as they stood on the heap that was Moving Past the Feartheir previous failure.  Failure is not fatal; it isn’t even detrimental to accomplishment.  So often, we need one more piece of the puzzle to reach a new height, and you can often learn what that is through the experience of failure.

Sometimes we fail, but the choice of how you deal with that is always up to you.  You can quit, roll up in the fetal position, and rock slowly, asking yourself: Why? Or you can analyze the failure and see the shortcomings of whatever you have done, correct them, and try again and again if necessary.

I have been paralyzed by fear before, and in hindsight, it always makes you feel foolish.  Find the encouragement you need to keep going, your friends, your family in the books you read, or whatever you come in contact with daily.  Don’t let this fear stop you. Fear is nothing but a thought. You don’t have to pay attention to it.

What If I Succeed?

As strange as it sounds, I have been hurt by a fear of success.  How can I be afraid of

moving past failure
Moving past failure

succeeding?  Well, surely you have not met me.  The human mind seems to be great at creating problems where none really exist.  My mind is an expert at this.

Perhaps it is the egoic ramblings of my conscious mind that worries that if things go too well for me, something bad will clearly be followed soon.  This fear of Karmic retribution can sometimes make you want to keep things as “even Stephen” as possible.  Never reaching too high to avoid falling to a scary low that perhaps you might not want to experience.

This is the worst of all fear because it is stopping you from reaching your limits.  All of us will have experiences in life, and one of them should be reaching our potential in any given area of interest, especially if it is doing something that we are passionate about.

Put this fear to bed by understanding that life is full of ups and downs, and no matter what you do, no matter how even-keeled you try to stay, there will still be setbacks.  Being great at something will not result in a punishment later unless you choose to create one. Fear is only a thought in your mind that you choose to pay attention to.

What Will Everyone Say?

For me, this is the biggest fear there is.  Perhaps it was a childhood weakness, or maybe it was high school trauma, but for whatever reason, I have been deathly afraid of what other.

Moving Past the Fear
What do they think about me?

People might think of my actions.

The foolishness of this fear really jumps out at me as I write these words because the only person who is hurt by this type of phobia is definitely me.  Let me share my anti-fear recipe here.  First of all, what other people think is their problem, not mine.

Secondly, any bad thoughts that someone has about you are often due to their own inadequacies and fear, not yours. Other people are always mirroring into your soul. What you see in others often exists within you.

Thirdly, what you think they think is most often not accurate anyway.  This is because it is most often my ego that produces these thoughts of someone else.  Really they are your own perceived weaknesses projected onto someone else.  When you think about it that way, you can see it makes no sense to be afraid.  Fear is a thought in your mind.

Escaping Fear

In the end, the scary thing is that we all are going to face fear, and it is most likely going to happen every day, whether we like it or not.  It is in how we deal with the presence of fear that our lives will be defined.  Will I shrink from the negative thoughts that fear creates? Or will I rise above it and start to pay attention to more positive forces in life.

I think most people who can achieve their dreams can look fear in the eye, recognize it for what it is, and move on with their actions anyway, which take them to the finish line.  Fear is nothing more than a thought, and that is it.

Fear is not a real tangible thing unless we allow it to become that through our inaction.