Tag Archives: history always repeats


forget your historyA limiting belief many people carry around in their minds is “History always repeats.”  As a former history teacher, I know that general themes in history do repeat themselves in the broad scheme of life. However, this is not a given, and it takes a combination of circumstances and choices for any event to occur. This is particularly true in your life, don’t be limited by the concern or fear that events from your past are simply going to play again in your mind. Forget your history.

Live for the possibility you have right now in front of you. The past is over, and history can’t change it. Did you make a mistake? Accept it. You can’t change it now anyway. Understand that if you could have done better at that moment, you would have. Now you have grown and developed more maturity and tools to help you cope and deal with situations life throws at you.

Forget your history of Fear and Worry.

The real problem with this belief is that it causes constant fear of the bad regret2things we have experienced. They hurt and were painful, and who would want to go through that again? Yet, we spend a lot of our time worrying and preparing, just if that situation rears its ugly head in our lives. If you sincerely believe that bad things are going to come, then they most likely will.

Patterns do happen in life, but how many of them occur because we allow them to. By spending so much time worrying about them and fearing certain things, we actually create the circumstances that create them. Not one worry or fear ever added anything positive to your life, certainly not as hope and love will. Where your focus lies has a lot more to do with the events of your life today, much more than your history ever will. Forget your history. Focus on the potential of today. It is as great as you want to make it.

Nothing is Guaranteed; forget your history.

There are no guarantees in life that anything is going to happen, which is forget your historytrue about difficult things and positive, easy things. History always repeats robs a person of some freedom to make choices in their lives. We have choices in every second of life to have this experience or that one.

Should I work or watch Netflix? Write something or create nothing? Move or stay? All of these are choices that come in all moments of the day. You are the driver of this vehicle called life, and it doesn’t matter what has happened in the past. All roads are open to you. Your past is history, and history is in the rearview mirror life is not moving that way. Don’t let the limiting belief of history always repeats dim your future.  Forget your history. Focus on your future.

Make Your Future Great

The time that you see that the options for you are wide open. A few alterations here or there, and you can see what might happen. Your choices will determine how much happiness and personal fulfillment is in your future. Only you and your thoughts can make history repeat. Choose not to. You choose your life, and your past has very little to do with it unless you allow it to. Forget your history.

Today may be the day that you achieve that dream, meet that person, accomplish that goal, your life changes for the better in radical ways. Forget history and live.