Tag Archives: Intelligence

Seeking Positive Things


The things I seek are integrity, energy, and intelligence.

There are specific characteristics universally desired by people looking to create success in their life. When falling short of your goals and things are out of balance, look at yourself, and analyze where these three simple factors lie. Are they a high priority? Do they exist in your thoughts at all? If not, it is time to make sure you start incorporating them into your daily thoughts and actions. Also, look for these things in others you want to work with. You will not go wrong if you invest in these things. They are not the only factors you should look for in potential energy investments; they are an excellent place to start.

What You Do When Nobody is Watching

Integrity is a practice that can fade in and out of your existence and practice if you are not focused on looking for it. Good people will let things slide bit by bit because they start to forget about the power of having integrity in your life. What you always do matters, even if nobody else is paying attention. You create energy with every thought and every action, and that energy is attached to you. This is true of everybody in every moment of every single day.

Therefore, when you evaluate a situation, invest your time and effort into starting with the amount of integrity the person shows in their life. Do they let things slide when nobody is watching, or are they consistently stepping up with their actions? You can count on these people in all situations and the ones you want to surround yourself with. Find those with integrity, invest time with them, and avoid those who lack it. All of the people you choose to spend your time with are representative of you. Seek integrity.

How a Person Moves Through Life

The second factor to look for is energy. All people can produce and act energetically. Are they constantly taking sick days at work? Are they doing things in their lives to the best of their knowledge, or are they sliding by? You can give two people the same task, and the one with energy will produce find it easy to

What kind of energy do you bring to the things you do?

Accomplish, even if challenges arrive. The person with low energy will drift through the task. If all goes well, it may still turn out great, but if you face any challenges, it may take much longer or never get done at all.

Energy is subjective, but you will know it when you see it. People with power get things done more accessible and, of course, are much better to work with. They are the ones you want to invest your time with. All items are done to accomplish the goal, not only accomplishing what is in their best interest. Lack of sleep is a small challenge in my personal life, and all tasks are challenging. These are people to be avoided because they will make your life difficult and not provide a positive return on your investment. Find high-energy people and work with them.

Understanding Best Ways To Do Things

Intelligence is a skill that can be built and developed. Intelligence is not how well you learned in school or the grades you received. That might be a form of intellect but not the one you look for exclusively when looking for situations and people to invest in. It is the ability to understand the complexities of a task and get the job done most efficiently. You sometimes have to encourage this type of in

Being efficient is a skill it stems from intelligence. Look for the people striving to do things better, even if that is different from what you do now. Change in any form makes people uncomfortable because others may not work. But change is inevitable and constant, and it calls on the intelligence in all of us to strive to make things more efficient and produce more value in our efforts. There is a fine line between positive change and things that waste time.

These three things, integrity, positive energy, and common sense intelligence, are things to seek in people and situations you want to invest in. Also, keep in mind that you should look for ways to develop these things inside yourself. Find your suitable investments and become an excellent investment for everything you are involved in. Success is something we give ourselves the best chance to create in life.

“Integrity is telling myself the truth. And honesty is telling others the truth.” –  Spencer Johnson.

“It’s a funny thing about life; once you begin to take note of the things you are grateful for, you begin to lose sight of the things that you lack.”― Germany Kent.

  “Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.” –  Stephen Hawking.


The Gap of Knowledge and Life

One of the things that I have become more sure of each day is I used to know a lot more about life than I do today. You are led to believe early in life, and you will eventually figure all of this out as you gain more experience and become a bit more mature. Yet the older I get, the more I recognize the gap between life and what I know is growing wider by the moment!

This is not to say that I am becoming less intelligent. On the contrary,  it simply means that as I have gained more experience, I attain a certain level of understanding, which unfortunately causes you to know the things you have believed most of your existence about people and life has been chiefly inaccurate or become irrelevant with the discovery of new information. I am sure of much less than I used to be, and that is OK. I have learned to maintain a balance in the unknown.

What I Used To Think


A few years ago, I believed I knew all I needed about relationships, people, finances, politics, and religion. Any topic you wanted to discuss, I was secure in my beliefs of how the world worked and not looking to test those parameters in any way.   I was happy and satisfied, knowing I was very proper and intelligent. We are willing to turn a blind eye to investigation when we are so sure about the true nature of a thing. But life is not a predictable equation, set to the simple calculations of fools.

A funny thing happens as you get older; like old paint on the side of a building, the ideas you carry that once used to show such surety slowly display signs of wear and crack. At first, you can ignore it, but once you start to look at things closely, you realize that what you knew before without the shadow of a doubt is not in any way correct. It happens with just one small thing at first, perhaps a belief about yourself, and once that is proven false, even if it positively helps your life, it is unnerving. If one of your beliefs can be wrong, they could all be wrong, and then what can you count on??

Answers Found, Not Answers at All

Finding an answer does not end the quest; it merely leads you to ask other questions that need to be answered. This cycle continues until you realize that as you answer the many questions you have, more questions come, and soon you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you know much less than you did yesterday.

I believe it would be helpful to give you a demonstration of this process in action. The first question I ever had was, why does bad stuff happen to me?  That was it. I had experienced a string of bad luck, poor choices, and unpopular decision, add-ons, and I couldn’t fathom why this happened to me. Here is a growth opportunity.

The old me would think I didn’t deserve these bad things because I was a good person and never harmed anyone, so why am I being cursed? That often turned into a wave of self-pity and selfishness, unproductive, harmful, and just plain painful.

What I found to be the Answer

image1Life is full of experiences, some may be more pleasant to experience than others, but they all have merit and are designed to teach you something. If you are continually experiencing the same thing, perhaps you are just too dense to grasp the lesson. This was profound, and not surprisingly, those situations stopped occurring.

The questions that came next were predictable, and I think:  Is there a God? Why do bad things happen? What happens when you die? How should I feel? How should you treat others? What is the secret to being happy? What does love mean? Etc.

I am working on all these, but the most mind-boggling question has been, who am I? If you had asked me ten years ago, there would be a short easy answer, based on my job. But when you strip your occupation and titles of a family away, what are you? What makes you uniquely and individually? Is it your thoughts? Or is it the person who sees the ideas? Either way, these questions will keep coming until you have an answer.

Still Not That Smart

I do not have the complete answer to the question of who I am yet and what I am supposed to be doing here because I am not wise enough, and I may never be. I love to learn from the experiences life presents, take those I know, and apply them positively to my knowledge. I am increasing my quality of life and improving the experience for those I encounter.

So as I have searched for answers, I have found many questions. My journey displays clearly and concretely that I know much less today than I did yesterday! I am sure my knowledge will continue to shrink as I get to see the world and the universe better, and I am OK with that. How much you know it is a small thing, and it is how you use what you know to help others and make the world a little bit better place that counts.

“The older I get, the less I know. By that, I mean the less I am sure of. I view people with strong opinions on the big stuff with distrust. I don’t think we should have certainties on faith and politics; I think we should be open-minded.” Pam Ferris.

 “Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life.” Immanuel Kant

“The older you get, the quieter you become. Life humbles you so deeply as you age. You realize how much nonsense you’ve wasted time on.”Anonymous

“Never, no, never did nature say one thing and wisdom say another.” Edmund Burke

“Knowledge is knowing what to say. Wisdom knows when to say it.”Anonymous



Free, Available, Unoccupied

Space-a continuous area or expanse that is free, available, or unoccupied.

One of the words that can be difficult to understand and find in our lives is personal space. This area is defined as the area in which someone has room to grow and develop their skills and ideas and understand the talents they possess and the things they know.

It is essential to find our personal space and allow for those we care about to have theirs. However, people often seem to behave like steamrollers, plowing through other people’s boundaries and exact needs to reassure themselves. Become aware of the space you need and the space you can provide for others today in your thoughts, words, and actions.

Space for Others

When you look at the people you care about, it is crucial to notice how much space they need. Not everyone is the same. Some people need a consistent dose of space, while others are in more need of the company to make it through the day. One of the most effective ways to know how much space someone needs is to ask. It is one of the things people don’t talk about. If you are in a relationship, people are afraid that there is something wrong if they don’t want to be together. The need for solitude is innate in people and allows for growth. The deeper a person is, the more consciousness they usually want to develop and the more time they need themselves.

Value the time you are invited into that space and understand that all people need to seek growth. Don’t take the request for time alone as a personal insult or a sign of trouble in a relationship. It is only selfishness that strives to take space away from someone else. If you care about them, let them grow in the ways they need to succeed. Fish have to swim, birds have to fly, and people need to be who they are. Give them space.

Space for You

That leads to finding space for yourself. We live in a society where being alone is difficult and even undesirable. There is a constant noise in the background, and this television or radio noise keeps our minds occupied and makes us seem less alone. But the actual crime in this is that you never get a chance to think for yourself and contemplate anything real. You need to look at your experience and decide what you like and would like to improve. Thoughts can be a complex and challenging thing. Often they cry for change, and change is difficult.

Find your space to read, think, and grow. To be your best and develop and grow into what you can be. Don’t be afraid of the area; seek it. Don’t hide from it; create it. In the spaces of our lives, we find the answers to the questions we ask. Find your answers in whatever area you like. It can be found in meditation, nature, or even just a moment doing a hobby that you enjoy. Whatever space you want, find it.

Space The Final Frontier

Star Trek always used this saying at the beginning of the show, and it is valid for personal space and the space in the universe. All that can be created and accomplished is waiting for you in the areas of life. Look at your life and seek the rooms containing your creations and possibilities. This will arise from your awareness of space and your need for it, and your consciousness will develop through every thought, word, and action around seeking and using your area. Searching the universe or your individuality is all the same. New worlds are going to be discovered.

“Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” ~Viktor E. Frankl

“Our space is a playground for growth. Revel in it.”



How To Learn Every Day

 Learn Something New Today

All humans are blessed with a mind, and it is just that some people choose to use theirs more than others. Just as the muscles in your body need to be exercised to stay as functional as possible, your mind needs to be put through its paces to maintain its most powerful and beautiful ways. This path is not as difficult as it seems because there is a wealth of knowledge and information to learn. Learning something every day will keep your mind sharp and widen your worldview. We can never know everything there is to know, so pledge to yourself to spend a few moments every day just learning a little something you didn’t know before. Your mind will thank you, and your outlook on the world will thank you too.

A Wealth of Knowledge

Learning something new is easier today than it has ever been before. Most people have a device with internet capabilities in their hands, and then it is a matter of just seeking the information you desire to know.  There are organized education methods, like online classes, and some of these can be taken for absolutely no cost. Much of the world’s knowledge is there for the taking. Learning isn’t about accumulating degrees, although those are nice too. It is about expanding your mind and creating new neural pathways to boost your mind.

Even simpler, you have quick access to almost any book ever written electronically. That means the most significant thoughts are there for you to read, digest, and learn from at any moment.  Just a simple download from an Amazon account, and you know whatever you want.  You can move on to the next one when one book is done. Once new ideas from books are in your head, your mind will expand, and it will never, in its natural state, regress after learning the information it has captured. Learning something every day has never been more comfortable.

Grow Your Mind

Each new morsel of knowledge will cause your perspective to change and your outlook on life to change as well. When you were a child, you believed things that later were proven to be false, and a new set of beliefs took their place. Much of what we think about the world and other people have been taught to us by the media and society. Once you start to learn more and judge for yourself, you realize that much of the information you have relied on earlier in life was false. This can be scary at first, but as you become more comfortable learning new things, you know more about the world.

As your perspective grows with each new thing you learn, your fear of the world shrinks. You realize that although evil, bad things exist, fear of them doesn’t have to control your life.  Knowledge is a light that shines in the dark places of your mind. It eliminates racism, nationalism, and discrimination of every kind. All knowledge seems to lead to the same place. We are all connected and living a similar life regardless of the color of our skin, the part of the world we happened to be born into, or the religion we happen to practice.  We are all the same. Read more actual knowledge, and the more you learn, the better you will be.

Keep a Journal

Keep track of what you have learned each day. It can be one thought, or it can be many ideas. But learning is essential, and journaling about it keeps it active. The more you keep track, the more you will revisit it, and the more it will stay in your brain’s hard drive.  Keeping a notebook about your personal growth will help you keep the knowledge and maybe even pass it on to others somehow.  Learning something is a privilege and joy. Nobody knows it all, despite what they think of themselves. Practice constantly developing a growth mindset and understanding that you will still be learning if you have the desire.  What have you learned today?

A man who asks is a fool for five minutes. A man who never asks is a fool for life.      Chinese Proverb

A moment’s insight is sometimes worth a life’s experience.” Oliver Wendall Holmes    

Over The Rainbow

The Wizard of Oz has always been classic because of its great story and, of course, for the messages it teaches.   Yearly, children of all ages enjoy it because of the symbolic search for self the characters embark on. The search for personal growth is one that I am very familiar with, the ability to think, have a heart, maintain your courage, and find a home. I think we are all looking for the same things. I have learned a few things on my trip somewhere over the rainbow.

If I only had a Brain

With the thoughts I'd be thinking, I could be another Lincoln.
With the thoughts I’d be thinking, I could be another Lincoln.

The search for intelligence has changed over time for me. Initially, I thought school was the ultimate expression of your intellect and to what degree you had determined your intelligence.

But life experience has taught me that your natural intellect is revealed when you have a passion for learning something. I have learned more since I turned 44 than I ever conceived of as a college student. I never had a passion for reading about facts and learning new things as I do today, and trying to fit their lessons into my life. If I were a faster learner, perhaps I would have had a happier life.

I believe that all people contain intelligence inside themselves, and they only need the right question to bring it out. Don’t spend a lifetime looking outside yourself for intelligence or intellect. It has existed inside you all along. Embrace it and your magic that will take you anywhere you want to go.

Tales of a Broken Heart

I would like to be able to sing and dance too.
I want to be able to sing and dance too.

Many of us are just like that tin man, tapping our chests and hearing nothing but an echo shooting back at us. Yet, the heart is always there, and it has to be for us to exist. Some are hard to find in people as they act callously toward us or others. But some semblance of pulmonary machinery exists, and you have to look hard in some people.

An emotional heart is in everyone, but we try to protect it too much. Nothing hurts as bad as when it is broken, but that is a part of the process. There is an inherent risk in any relationship that if you love someone, you may be hurt. It is one of the elements of life that make no sense. Something good goes terrible; pleasure becomes pain; joy becomes sorrow, yin, yang, light and dark; we are all pawns to our strongest emotions.

This fact goes for loving your spouse, girlfriend, boyfriend, children, grandparents, or friends. Because it hurts so much, that is why we construct such stable structures around our hearts. The problem with this is that it is hard to get any guidance from a heart so deeply buried. Let it rise to the surface and take your chances. That is life. No guarantees.

Remember that your heart is available to you anytime you want to use it. Any tin walls around it can be removed simply by deciding to do so. But know also there is no warranty on your heart and no return policy either. It will allow you to love all the good, bad, joyful, and painful stuff that comes with it.

What have they got that I ain’t got?

I'd fight you with my eyes closed!
I’d fight you with my eyes closed!

When it comes to courage, we all face fears all the time. Some are big, like a fear of death or heights, and some are pretty small. There is a twinge of fear in each action that we either overcome or succumb to. I think I have given in way more than I would ever like to admit. To the horror of what others think, fear of failure, fear of success, and fear of being happy. (as silly as that sounds)

Courage to me is recognizing the thing that frightens you and still moving forward anyway. As life progresses, people create routines and structures that seem to protect us from fear, but it still exists.   My search for courage is to be myself in every moment, regardless of what others think. To open myself up to life and love and accept the results, even when they aren’t what I would choose. I still endeavor to try to be happy and try to be brave for another day. Some days I have retreated, but we all have days like that. I have been knocked down 100 times and gotten up 101.

Your fear may be something else.   We all have the courage inside us to face whatever adversity we face. It isn’t always easy, but it can be done. Have courage in your journey, and you will find success.

No Place Like Home

There's no place like home. There's no place like home.
There’s no place like home. There’s no place like home.

Some would say that home is where the heart is, and others might say that home is where you can be accepted and loved for who you are. No matter what definition you use, I think searching for a home is a lifelong one.

I am fortunate to have experienced a lot of pleasant experiences in my life, but I am unfortunate that I have never found my home. Home is one of the places that I have been looking for all of my life, and I have thought I found it before but was mistaken. I also know what I may encounter is finding the home I am thinking of is an impossibility, or it may be something that I have known all along. There is a sneaking suspicion inside me. Home is not out there somewhere over the rainbow but residing much closer to me, right inside myself, just waiting to be recognized. Once accepted and understood, the world might make sense. We can’t find a home in another place or another person, and we can only share our home with them, and they theirs with us.

Either way, those who have found this in their lives should be grateful. I am thankful for the idea that home will be possible someday, and I dream of it because there is no place like home.

So, What have you learned, Dorothy?

So as I express my gratitude for this movie and the search for a brain, a heart, courage, and a home. I urge all of you who have these things to be grateful for them. If you are still searching, that is OK too.

Life is nothing but a search for all of our missing pieces, which exist out there somewhere. If I only knew where a wizard was hiding behind a curtain, perhaps I would find mine more efficiently.

What You STAND For

What do you stand for? That is a simple question I read last week that has been on my mind, along with another issue that I will address later. As for what I stand for, I want specific, stable things that I am striving to represent every day of my life. So I made a shortlist explaining the sort of person I want to be identified as today. This list is with the apparent exception that I may have failed to live up to these things in the past, but in that process, I have realized the extreme value each possesses and why it is so important to know what you want to stand for. It defines who you are and the experience you have in life. More importantly, how my choices and behavior will positively affect others.

Choose to be Kind

Kindness- In all things, I would like service to be the first thing I practice. All people live their own lives and have their own experiences, and their actions and behavior are theirs. I can only control myself, and I would like kindness to be the first word someone thinks of when they think of me. In my experience, a lack of compassion arises when you put your needs ahead of everyone else, leading to fear and worry. Letting this go is easier than you might think. Through a practice of kindness, you will meet all of your needs, and you will make the world a little better place. Do you stand for kindness? I hope I do.

Honesty is the Best Policy

Honesty- A friend once told me that it is human to be dishonest. That may be so because we all seem to lie an awful lot. Small lies, big lies, manipulative lies are all a part of the package. I know that I have lived in my past, mostly out of fear that I might look wrong or, more often, to avoid hurting someone else’s feelings. But it has been a while since I have consciously told a lie because I don’t care what others think of me and what I do, and I care enough about everyone I know to say the cold hard truth. I want all people I deal with to know that what I tell them will be the truth to the best of my knowledge. I don’t think I can do better than that. All things seem to flow perfectly when the truth is told. Do you stand for honesty?

What You Do When Nobody is Watching

Integrity- Along with honesty is integrity. I will do what right all the time is. Not just when it is convenient or when others are around. I will do what is right because I am there, and even if nobody else knew of my transgression, I would know, and the energy from that failure would permeate the rest of my life and cause problems. I would instead behave with integrity and do what right and decent all of the time is. I want my conscious energy to be focused on being and doing the right thing. I will know it is the right thing because it will be in my heart. I am continually seeking guidance for proper guidance. Do you stand for integrity?

Smart is Best

Intelligence– I want to be represented by the idea that all things I do will at least have a general knowledge behind them. I can’t promise to be the most intelligent person in the world, but I can be as bright as I am capable of being. This idea means I am never satisfied that I know it all. There are new things to learn and new ways to grow until the ultimate end waiting for us all occurs. I endeavor to continually learn new things, expand my horizons, and become better today than I was yesterday, just a little bit. Do you stand for intelligence?

Be Positive or Go Home

Positive Attitude-In all things, you have a choice, to be positive or negative. To complain and give away all of your power or address all situations by feeling great about them. We all feel bad sometimes, but that doesn’t mean we need to accept that part of our attitude. It is a simple choice that determines the difference in your path. You look at the flaws of the things you perceive to be missing, or you are grateful for what you do have. We always have the choice to embrace the joy in a moment. I wish all days were perfect and full of easy things to be happy about, but they will not. Life will bring challenges for you to grow. It is up to you to accept the challenge and become better or shrink from it and become its negative, scared, fearful victim. I am hoping I always seek the lesson, am grateful for it, and approach things from the mindset of joy and opportunity. Do you stand for a positive attitude?

Let’s Work Together

Cooperation– People look at the world in two primary ways: cooperation or competition. When I was a young man, I loved playing sports, and I always thought the match was the thing to prove you were better than someone else. That missed the value entirely. The real lesson was that you could rise and become better as a collective through cooperation with your teammates than you were as an individual. Great things can be done cooperatively and far surpass the selfish things that competition brings. Looking back, I value all the people that I ever was a part of a team with at whatever level. There are many situations that, in some small way, work together to allow the group’s strengths to overcome the weakness we all have as individuals, and that plan is fantastic. I want to take that into every relationship I have, personally and in business ventures, always. Do you stand for cooperation?

Better Today than Yesterday

Improvement– In my life, I have noticed that either you are getting better or you are getting worse. It is sporadic to stay the same, even for a day. So it is my goal to improve 0.01% each day somehow, but on the best days, physically, mentally, and spiritually. If I can manage to do that, then I will be a better person today than yesterday and hopefully have a more positive effect on the world than before. You are going to change in some way. I am probably choosing to be better rather than getting worse. This is often a choice to seek the other things I stand for; this should happen naturally, but it is vital to set an example for others that is positive in a world full of bad examples. Do you stand for improvement?

So there is a shortlist that I could expand upon for many pages. Maybe this is the next book idea in some way. But for today, I wanted to state what I want to stand for to guide myself in life. To help me when I have questions about what I should do. I want to say yes or no based on the things that I stand for. What is it that you stand for, not just in words, but in thoughts and actions as well?

“Self-praise is for losers. Be a winner. Stand for something. Always have class, and be humble.:- John Madden

“If you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything.”- Peter Marshall

“You must stand for something! It does not have to be grand, but it must be a positive that brings light to someone else’s darkness.”- Anthony Carmona


A Problem

Sometimes we forget how much control we have in our journey.

When I was growing up, I knew who I was and what I wanted to stand for. There were certain core principles in life I knew were “good,” and I wanted to practice, and there were things that were “bad,” and I wanted to stay away from those. Life changed that boy and clouded his judgment, making the lines of what was “good” and “bad” become cloudy in his mind. The programming I received through experience, peers, society, institutions, and family members made me think my original thoughts were wrong. I naturally valued honesty, kindness, fairness, truth, love, showing courage, and being the best person I could be.

Those things were not always looked at positively and fit in; I pushed much of my best self to the background to lie dormant for years. Until one day, I realized how unhappy I was with how life was going. Through a lot of soul searching, reading, and questioning, I began to realize that my choices were the problem. I had chosen to move from my authentic self to a person who wanted to “fit in.” That compromise cost me much, but it wasn’t too late. I could make conscious decisions about my priorities, which would allow me to return to the person I was as a child. That was a conscious choice and led to raising my consciousness about all aspects of life that will lead to growth. Here are some factors anyone can align themselves with to become their best self.

Finding Truth

Being truthful is difficult and often painful. The conscious choice to accept your truth will be one of the most freeing things you ever experience. What others will think of you stop many of us from expressing our realities to the world. Express your truth anyway. For me, it is about realizing there is a conscious choice in how we treat others and ourselves, and we make it every day. I like people, but I am uncomfortable in crowds. Unless I make a conscious effort, I am very judgmental of others. I am prone to be harmed by extending help to others. I have made bad relationship choices in my life.

Seeing reality for what it is and not through a lens of what things mean is truth. It will allow you to escape the expectations of others and embrace who you are and who you want to be. Most of us are living a lie created by our programming. To embrace who we are as honest and truthful. Embrace it with both arms.

Create Love in Your Life

Love is one of the healthiest things in the world. It is an emotion, but more importantly, love is a verb that dictates the positivism you bring into your life and the world around you. More than just a romantic feeling with one other, love is built in the way you interact with the world and feel about yourself in each moment. To become comfortable with who you are, where you are in life and where you want to go is the more significant aspect of love.

We live in a world that pushes us to be superficial in our thoughts and actions. Put those things aside and pursue what makes you feel positive about yourself, and others will allow the love inside you to shine out to others. Some will accept it; some are so negative they will run from it. Let them that is their choice; you can only choose to love for yourself. Deeper connections with other people can only happen when both parties are looking for them. Love is a verb, a compilation of your actions in life. Love who you are and be the best person you can be.

You Create Your Life

I think we dismiss the power we each have to create almost anything in our lives. All people can see something they want in their minds, from love to wealth to fame or whatever you might like to create for yourself. Yet, we let the same spirit that can help us make these dreams, push negative thoughts onto us, and stop us from creating anything of value. Test it out. Look at a time when you have an inspiring idea. You have about five minutes of positive excitement before you start the flood of thought, telling you why you can’t do what you dream.

It’s too hard. Too expensive. Unrealistic. Nobody would buy it. You don’t have the talent. Nothing you do ever turns outright. All of these things and worse will rise in your mind, and if not dismissed consciously, they will stop you from pursuing what you want. You have the power to choose the thoughts you want to focus on consciously. You can build the motivation and discipline needed to accomplish anything. It starts with aligning yourself with this power by acting on it every day. Do what you must to chase your dream. Your dream will soon be chasing you.

Pursue Conscious Growth

It is a simple plan to find the principles that resonate with you and be true to them in your life. If they are absolute truth, love, power, unity, robustness, courage, and intelligence, then your life will take off in the direction you choose. If you decide to ignore these things and consciously or unconsciously select selfish, negative thoughts that do not represent your best self, life will be far less enjoyable.

I know because I have allowed the unconscious selfishness of my thought to run my life for too long. When I focus on the truth of my life and what I need to create to find the essential things of value and produce practical actions and show love to myself and the world, my life is a pretty great place to be.

No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” Albert Einstein

Consciousness is the stone that creates the waves in a sea of nothing.” Richard Gerber

Through consciousness, our minds have the power to change our planet and ourselves. It is time we heed the wisdom of the ancient indigenous people and channel our consciousness and spirit to tend the garden and not destroy it.” Bruce Lipton

Consciousness is only possible through change; change is only possible through movement.” Aldous Huxley

There is no birth of consciousness without pain.” Carl Jung

 The Problem