Tag Archives: Karma


Karma– the sum of a person’s actions in this existence, is viewed as deciding their future fate.

“Life is a boomerang. What you give, you get.” ~ Dale Carnegie

We are all in control of the energy we give to the world each day. It begins with the thoughts we decide to pay attention to in our minds. These become the words that we speak and the actions we perform. These things determine what we give to and get back from life. Like a boomerang the energy, you decide to send out will come back to you, always, inevitably, and usually with interest. That’s Karma. You control the power in your life by the thoughts you entertain, which lead to emotions, words, and actions. These things determine your karma. Are you conscious of them in your life today?

Give, and You will Receive

One of the fundamental paradoxes of life is that when you give, you receive in return. This fact can be a problem when you look at what you have and think that you need so many things for yourself. You don’t see a way that you can give, but it is there. Giving is the path to receiving and

You are open to receiving

giving with an open heart when you provide, and giving spirit is critical. Try to develop the attitude of giving without worrying about what the return is. The performance will be high.

It is a positive energy to give and goes against the worry of lack that plagues most people. Fear that we will not have our needs met and will have to go without something. But what exactly are we going to go without? An extra coffee each day? It doesn’t even take a lot to get this energy working for you, give a little with no expectation of return and see what you get. Be conscious of your experience and what results from your choices. It will surprise you. Karma always will. Good or bad.

Kindness Also Comes Back

The same is valid for compassion. When you practice acts of kindness for others, then you will experience elephant kindnessgoodness in return. The act of practicing kindness will make you more aware of the good things around you. Service costs nothing and maybe the most valuable something you can produce. Giving it away is good karma.

The alternative is to act with selfishness, and to be self-centered is to attract negative things into your life. Again, when you contact people who are sending attitudes of lack, look at your thoughts and actions first before you condemn them. You may find the problem exists in your thoughts and consequent actions. It may just be your kindness that can help turn the lives of others around.

What You Give You Get

So this rule is valid for everything, and with everything, there is a choice for you to make. If you choose to

Try giving some of these
Try giving some of these

steal, you will be the victim of theft. So in effect, you are stealing from yourself, which makes no sense. If you lie, others will lie to you. If you take people for granted, then you will be, in turn, taken for granted. Whichever choices you make will be revisited in your life and usually with a more significant payback.

We are all energy at the core, and our actions determine the charge of power we produce, and the results come back into our life. Our energy controls what we attract. The truth of what you think and do is the living example your life will be. Look at your choices, look at the results, and see the relationship between your options and the experiences you are having. Look at your experiences and see that the thoughts you believe nobody else can know are being revisited on you.

You can experiment by practicing something specific in your life and then be aware of the results. I encourage you to start with a positive thought rather than a negative, but we all make our own choices and determine the overall tenor of our lives through them.

You consciously choose the energy you will experience in your life by the thoughts you entertain. Where focus goes, energy flows. The corresponding emotions those thoughts elicit, the words they bring from your mouth, and the actions you take because of them. You are driving your “karma train” today. What type of trip is it going to be?

“Life is a boomerang. What you give, you get.” ~ Dale Carnegie

“How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours.” – Wayne Dyer

“The law is simple. Every experience is repeated or suffered until you experience it properly.” – Ben Okri

Karma: It’s Not About What We Do


The Theory of Karma

5 Ways Karma Affects Your Life



Educational Tool

Karma is a concept that resonates with most people. The belief that actions lead to repercussions, either good or bad, depends on that action’s energy. However, it becomes clear that karma is a bit more in doing a small amount of research.  Karma is a Sanskrit word for action. According to Newton’s law of motion, there is an equal and opposite reaction for every action.

Some see karma as a form of punishment, but that is short-sighted. Instead, I view karma as an educational tool. As we all develop in life, we take actions, and it has become abundantly clear to me that there is no escape a person can find from the consequences of their actions. So here are 12 laws of karma I was reading about recently. What are you attracting?

  1. The Great Law– The law of cause and effect. In life, you reap what you sow. Karma is the idea that whatever we put into the Universe is what comes back to us. If you want to experience happiness, peace, love, and friendship, then be happy, peaceful, loving, and a true friend in your daily life. What are you sowing today?
  2. The Law of Creation– The concept that nothing happens. All things are created with a thought and an action. Our participation is required. We are one with the world we live in, both inside and out. So our outer world gives a glimpse into our inner world. Changes inside will lead to changes on the outside. You have a hand in creating the things that happen in your life. What are you making today?
  3. The Law of Humility– Learning to see and accept our faults is complicated. Once we honestly look at our shortcomings, then change can happen. However, you can’t change something if you refuse to accept it. When you look at someone else, if you see their character faults and judge them harshly, understand that they are simply another version of you. A person can’t exist on a higher level of existence if we live a life of judgment of others. What changes would you like to see in your life?
  4. The Law of Growth– The changes you want to see in the world need to come from you and in you. You have little control over other people and events in the world, but your thoughts and actions you do control. When you choose to change who you are on the inside, in your heart and mind. The outdoor life will have no choice but to change as well. Better thoughts=better actions=better life.  Growth is vital to life; without it, life ends. How are you growing?
  5. Law of Responsibility-A person must take responsibility for what is in their life. When there is something wrong outside of us, there is something wrong inside us. We mirror what surrounds us and what surrounds us mirrors us. Responsibility is a universal truth.   Do you accept responsibility for your circumstances?
  6. Law of Connection–  Past, present, and future are all connected, and so is everything else. Your actions are going to have effects on the world in some way. You may not be able to see it, but it exists. Even if our activities seem inconsequential, the tasks we undertake must get completed. Each step leads to the next level. There is no way of knowing what the actual value of your actions and accomplishments will be.  What connections are you making today?
  7. The Law of Focus– The human mind can only focus on one thought at a time. You can try to juggle those thoughts around in multitasking. Some are talented in this way. Still, we can only focus on one particular idea at any singular moment if your focus is on higher thoughts of love, kindness, understanding, and acceptance. They can’t be on lower thoughts of greed, hate, judgment, anger, and fear.  Where are your thoughts focused today?
  8. Law of Giving and Hospitality– You will be called upon at some point in your life to demonstrate all truths that you believe. If you believe kindness, giving, or acceptance to be good things, then life will give you opportunities to confirm this.  What have you given today?
  9. Law of Here and Now– Much of our focus tends to be on the past and what has occurred. Or our thoughts are lost in the future and what might happen. When our focus is on these imaginary places, we are missing out on the here and now. That is the only moment that is ours. Old thoughts, dreams, and patterns of behavior prevent us from creating new ones. People make those choices in the here and now. Remember your experience but live in today.  What trends do you need to revamp or create again? 
  10. Law of Change– Life provides the same or similar experiences to us until we learn the lesson we need to change our path. Each of us is on a journey to our real purpose. Each course correction will lead us in that way.  What lessons have you learned today?
  11. Law of Patience and Reward– It is the journey as much as the destination that provides happiness and joy. Anything of value that we achieve usually takes some level of effort, commitment, and work to accomplish. The rewards will come in time. All awards require toil and struggle. It gives these accomplishments value. Patience and persistence are essential elements of successful endeavors. Patience is a difficult concept in a world that makes us want everything right now.  Where are your patience and persistence focused today? 
  12. Law of Significance and Inspiration– The actual value of anything is a direct result of the intent and energy. You get back from something precisely what you put into it.  Your inspiration for something is usually to better your life or circumstance. This energy will provide a focus and determination to complete a task when the going is complex and the excitement of starting something new has worn off. What inspires you today?



What is Your Reflection Telling you? Do you see your true self?

There are stories in which the mirror represents the ultimate truth-teller. Look in a mirror, and you may see the true you peering back at you. There is no denying your age, experience, physical issues, eye color, or any physical trait. They are all there, placed in your awareness right in front of you.  But there is another aspect of the mirror people avoid. It tells the truth about the decisions you are making and have made in your life.  Do these decisions honor you? Do they dishonor you?

The mirror reflects a clear image of this answer.  When we look into the mirror, we need to prepare for the cold hard truth.  Have you been honest with others and yourself?  Have you treated others as you would like to be treated?  The mirror doesn’t judge; it merely reflects your truth to you.  Whether you want it or not.  Be conscious of your mirror today, in thoughts, words, and actions.  Do you like your reflection?

Judgment of  Others

The mirror is not emotional and doesn’t sugarcoat things for you. Instead, it is an accurate reflection of all you have done and do in life.   People spend a lot of time judging other people, their choices in life, and what they are doing financially, in relationships, or in any other aspect of their life.  The irony of the mirror is that we can’t see flaws in others that don’t exist in us.  So before belittling others for their circumstances, take a look in the mirror and see your flaws clearly before harming someone else with your thoughts.

The mirror makes this clearer and brighter as you get more experience in life. Mistakes, misjudgments, wrong turns, bad decisions, and the like are going to happen.  Take the lesson, and they are not harmful. Ignore the wisdom they give, and you will repeat them over and over again.  Look at your reflection before you criticize the flaws in someone else.  There is nothing that will humble you quite like a reflection. It is always essential to focus on your reflection and worry about your actions and let the actions of others represent their value, ethics, and worth as a person. It is none of our business.

What we Might Be

There is another answer in the mirror and its reflection if you look real close.  Within the image that you see is the potential of all you can be and accomplish. Unfortunately, too often don’t want to see this reflection because we are so far away from achieving that.  But there it is, waiting for you to find a way to accomplish it. So how do you do this? One step at a time.

Don’t look at your life as a fixed image. It isn’t.  It is continually changing and evolving into something else.  Your decisions are made each day, and the actions we take determine what our life is capable of producing as you make choices that honor you, the reflection changes accordingly. The same happens if you make dishonoring choices.  There is something to be said for being able to look yourself in the eye with pride. Your decisions determine bright eyes and a clear conscience.

All Things Mirror

All the things that you do will present a mirror image of your life.  Your reflection appears in all the relationships you build, the things you create, the thoughts you entertain, and how you treat other people. All items are a direct reflection of your philosophy of life and your choices to improve your standing in life.

It is a strange thing to see your reflection in your life. It tells you not what you wish you were or what you wish you had but what you are without hesitation or reservation.  The significant part of this is that we are in total control of the reflection we will see.  Forget the past and start entertaining thoughts that are honoring right now. Be honest in all you do today.  Treat each person in your life as if they are the most critical person in the world.  You can do it today, and your true intentions will be reflected flawlessly back to you in your mirror.  Do you like what you see?

“I’m a mirror. If you’re cool with me, I’m cool with you, and the exchange starts. What you see is what you reflect. If you don’t like what you see, then you’ve done something. If I’m standoffish, that’s because you are.”- Jay-Z.

“The real man smiles in trouble, gathers strength from distress, and grows brave by reflection.”  – Thomas Paine.




I was thinking about honesty today and wondering why we do the things we do and speak certain words. Am I sincere? Is that really what I think? Most people go through an entire day and never consider the honesty or value that their terms contain. Do you?

“I Love  the way you look!”

Thoughts come to us all the time, and we can’t control when they go and what they say.  The statement above, “I love the way you look,” is one that I just had.  It brings to mind the Law of Mirrors in karma.  It states that the things you can observe in others exist in you.  If it doesn’t live in you, then noticing that it exists in others is impossible, and it won’t jump out at you. How often do we find fault with others, and upon introspection, realize the same thing lives inside us? That is because they do.

Try a Little Honesty Inside

I challenge you to give this phenomenon a try in an honest manner, and I think you will be stunned by the accuracy of the Law of Mirrors in your life.   Notice all of your thoughts about other people you come in contact with during a day.  Evaluate them as they come. Some will be positive, and some will be negative, don’t judge, notice. Then look at yourself, and see if that thing exists inside you.

Sometimes the thoughts I produce each day are not helpful and can be overly Fotolia_21529305_Mkarma-law-of-mirrors-copymean and critical of someone else’s physical appearance, job, or family life.  I think that it is instinctual to judge others. That is how our ancient ancestors assessed danger and survived. What we choose to pay attention to is vital to the quality of the life we live and, in this case, in understanding ourselves.

When you look at the people you see from this perspective, it becomes increasingly difficult to be critical of others, and it becomes a lot easier to look for the good in all people.  This law is not negative or positive; it just is.  Just as the mirror you peer in to check your hair, the mirror has no choice about the reflection it sends back.  The same is right about your mirrorssoul.

Try to notice all of your thoughts and recognize the things within yourself that need to be improved or, more importantly, the great things about you that exist.  There are only two ways to go in life, and they are getting better or getting worse.  I know which way I want to travel.

Notice your critical or positive thoughts of others.

Understand that whatever you notice exists in you.

Accept it, change it, or let it go.

What annoys you or makes you happy exists inside of you!

What is it that YOU observe?