Tag Archives: keep dreaming

Dreaming My Dreams


My goal is to establish a positive focus every morning by concentrating on one positive word or phrase. There are enough negative influences in the world, and I believe that through a conscious movement of thought, we can improve our emotions, words, and actions and make the world a better place and our lives more enjoyable.   Follow your dreams today?  

What is a dream?

One of the great things about life is that we can conjure up images in our minds of things we want to experience and accomplish through our efforts. These are nothing more than thoughts in our imagination, which are dreams.  Once you establish these dreams, then it becomes a quest to see if you can accomplish them or not. There are plans to make and actions to take, which will allow you to complete all the things you set out to do.

Sometimes you will reach your dream, and sometimes you won’t. But it is the journey to accomplish the things in our minds that provides spice to life.  To believe in yourself and your ability to perform things when all others doubt you and make it happen is the greatest accomplishment.  Follow your dreams!!

Finding the Value

Not all journeys are going to be comfortable and seamless. You can set out on the path to chase a dream, and it will be comfortable in the beginning, but there will be challenges that arise and obstacles that get in your way.  At these moments, a person needs to look for the lesson they are being taught or the skill they have the time to develop.  Often that is the best value that dreams provide an increase in agility, thought, and performance that would have never existed if you didn’t have the plan in the first place.

There is also an enjoyment of the journey that gives a zest to life we can all use.  As you go down the inevitable path, your dream will take you; there will be experiences along the way. There is knowledge to gather, people who encourage you, people who don’t encourage you, and tiny victories and defeats along the way.  Take the time to appreciate them all because it is in the struggle that the value of the goal is felt.

Dreams Come True Every Day

The most important thing to remember on your journey is that dreams come true every day. There are people out there with no more talent, skill, or drive than you are turning their imaginative thoughts into reality.  You can do it too—some simple things to do. First, keep the image of your dream in your mind daily. Please write it down. Look at it regularly and use your imagination to think about what it will be like, then it comes into your reality.  Second, don’t listen to those with a negative mind.  If you want to get discouraged, tell people about your dream. They will most often list all the reasons you are unrealistic or that it can’t possibly happen.  Keep your goals close to your heart and yourself, except for those who are optimistic supporters.  Third, keep on going and moving forward. This track is done by taking consistent and appropriate action, developing your skills, and getting you closer to accomplishing what you dream about.

Dreams are a human experience. No other creature we know of experiences something in the imagination and then brings it into reality.  Our ability to attempt to do this brings us to hope that life can get better and that we can turn things we desire into reality. That means we can create almost anything in our lives. Become better, develop your skills, and follow your dreams.  They are a reality on the other side of your imagination.

“Character consists of what you do on the third and fourth tries.” ―James A. Michener

“How long should you try? Until.” ―Jim Rohn

 “It always seems impossible until it’s done.” ―Nelson Mandela

“You just can’t beat the person who won’t give up.” ―Babe Ruth



When Dreaming Was Easy

Dream – contemplate the possibility of doing something or that something might be the case.

DreamThe human mind is an incredible tool. Not only can it process billions of things each day, it also can help to create the desired images of the future, and it does this through dreams.  Everything that was ever created or achieved started as a dream in someone’s mind and then became a reality through the pursuit of the possibility that dream presents.  What are the dreams that you are creating today? What do you want to do? Where do you want to go? What do you want to be?  The first step to answering all of these things is to start by dreaming. So be conscious today of how your thoughts, words, and actions are leading to or away from your dreams.

When Dreaming was Easy

In the early development of childhood, dreaming is as natural as breathing or eating. A young mind easily imagines what they might be in the future. It doesn’t have to be realistic, it has to be something that will bring joy out Dreamof life and will plain be fun.  As you grow, the world seems to want to distance you from dreaming. We are inundated with statements of “be realistic!”, “you can’t make a living doing that!”, or the most defeating, “You can’t possibly do that!”

The negative messages often come from people who genuinely concern us. They don’t want you to be disappointed, hurt, or seen as unsuccessful. It might be because they will see themselves as a failure if they are not acceptable in society. Some people say these things to you because they didn’t have the courage to pursue their dreams, and if you succeed in yours, they feel emptier without their dreams.  Don’t let your power to dream be diminished, dream every day and let your mind create the possibility of what might be. The world will be better for it.

The Action is the Fuel

So you have this dream of becoming something different or creating Dreamsomething in your life. The fuel that moves a dream from fantastical fiction to reality is taking action toward making it real.  The actions may seem small at first, but action will lead to more actions and soon you are on your way.  Keep the dream in the back of your mind but remain present in the experience of each action you are taking to bring your dream into reality.

If you dream of going to the moon then you have to start by doing what it takes to become an astronaut. If you dream of being a famous singer, you should probably start working on your voice.  Whatever it is, there is a step you can be taking today to move you along the path of your dream.  It won’t happen through thought alone. It takes an action to bring it to reality.

Don’t Be Discouraged

Sometimes dreams don’t come true.  This is one of the harsh realities of life. Even when we keep a strong visualization of the dream and we take positive action toward achieving it, it still doesn’t work out.  The challenge is to see the experience for what it is, a stepping stone to a better you.  Even if you do not achieve your dream, your path will take you in a positive direction.  Evaluate what you learned in the pursuit.  Perhaps it is time to take a new tack and move in a different direction toward the dream? There may have been vital information you needed to obtain in order to ultimately create your dream.

Who is to say what failure is? Many great people failed a lot in their pursuit of achievement. Only by maintaining their dream and continuing taking steps forward did they finally create what they imagined.  That is one of the biggest challenges in life, to keep giving your best every day to make your dreams a part of your reality.  Many times dreams come true if you don’t give up.  Keep dreaming and keep trying, it will allow you to be the best version of yourself and the world will be a better place for it.


So as you move through your life today, be conscious of your dreams. Don’t push them away as fantastical things that could never come true.  Look at the places in your life where you can take even a small action toward it. Also, be conscious of the dreams of others.  Encourage where you can. If you don’t want to accomplish anything, at least don’t be a detriment to those who do.  Be conscious of your thoughts, words, and actions today of the dreams in you and all around you.

“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”~ Harriet Tubman

This video was the dream of an Italian guy to get the Foo Fighters to come to Italy to play. He organized and created this 1000 musician band performing the song Learn to Fly. It is the creation of a dream and shows how taking action makes it come true.  He speaks about it after the song.  Great!!