Tag Archives: keep trying


 Don’t quit on your dreams. Dream Big!

Even when you think it might never happen, to go one more mile down the road may be all you need!

Part of being human is to create dreams for yourself of what the future will hold. Everyone does it, and then the story of our lives is whether or not we achieve the things we dream about or not. Life is a beautiful experience. We get all we need to accomplish whatever we want. Sometimes it comes easy, and the dream or goal takes shape quickly, as if by magic.  But there are other times when it seems like every obstacle in the world is blocking our way. It is at this point we have become one of two types of people. Those who persevere and make their dreams real or those who do not.  This distinction will determine much about your mental attitude for the rest of your existence.  Don’t quit on what you dream about. Continue to take action. Success may be one more mile down the road!

One More Mile

Trying to capture something you want is tricky because there will always be lessons we need to learn to achieve what we want. Too often, not only do we have a dream of accomplishment, but we believe we have all the answers about how to get there. There are always lessons to learn and insights to gain in

Never let anyone tell you that you are not practical, or there is no chance…….You take the opportunity.

order to transform from one place in life to another.  Don’t get too discouraged when roadblocks pop up. Look at them carefully and see what they are trying to teach you.  Too often, our confidence is lacking, and we turn back when if we went one more mile down the road, we would have found what we are looking for in their dream.

Maintaining your confidence can be the most challenging thing because fear is a constant companion. I doubt that we might fail—fear of what others might think of us. Worry about what we will do without a fulfilled dream.  Fear is a disease that infiltrates your mind and takes away your confidence.  Don’t let it happen.  Action always defeats fear. Let your action take you one more mile down the road, then another, until you find what you are looking for in your accomplishments. It is there waiting for you one more mile down the road.


Not all things in life are going to obtain without difficulty. Most things that are valuable will cost you effort, creativity, perseverance, and inner strength.  All of these attributes will rise to the surface, helping you accomplish whatever it is you are dreaming about doing. Just because something is not easy to do, doesn’t mean it isn’t right for you. To be our best, we need to learn and develop skills that take us in the direction we want.  The challenges we face on the path offer us the opportunity to become better and learn what we need to know. Rather than getting frustrated, we need to embrace whatever obstacle our way is and see what valuable lesson it teaches us.

Sometimes when things come to us quickly, it is hard to maintain gratitude and appreciation for them.  When you have to expend effort to accomplish them, the value of that thing increases.  It may not mean the same to anyone else, but to you, it does. Your story doesn’t matter what others think; it is what you think and knows about yourself because of the trials you have undergone that should matter to you. That is the value of life and the value of your dreams. If you can persevere in one instant, you know you can do it in another. Just keep taking action, being creative, and look for opportunities to grow.

Dreams Come True

Creating a goal and achieving it is something that anyone can do. Not all will because it can get hard on the road to your accomplishment. You have to decide for yourself what your story will read like when it’s over. The result will be yours and yours alone. Did you keep going when things got complicated, or did you move forward?

You are writing your story every day.  Each of us is the creators of our own story. Do you learn the lessons, and develop the skills and obtain the knowledge you need or not? That is the question that will determine the extent of your success in life.  Keep moving toward your dream, and don’t let your life be sidetracked in life by perceived failure. Learn the lesson, and keep moving forward. Your vision may be just one more mile down the road.

“Character consists of what you do on the third and fourth tries.” ―James A. Michener.

 “It always seems impossible until it’s done.” ―Nelson Mandela

“How long should you try? Until.” ―Jim Rohn

“You just can’t beat the person who won’t give up.” ―Babe Ruth

“Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who had kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.” ―Dale Carnegie


Change The World

Always-at all times, on all occasions.

I am the kind of person that looks for exceptions.  There are a few things that seem to be always correct. I look for themes permeating through all situations and interactions.  When looking for these themes in life, I raise my consciousness and look for things that matter.  I am finding parts of myself that have value and need to focus daily to bring more positivity. What you remember about yourself and your abilities will directly lead to the success you experience in life.  Each of us has the power within us to change the world, and it is up to you to decide if that change is a positive or a negative one.  Every day, we always have choices between one path and another, one of pure positive and one of fear.  You always make a choice.  Today the focus is on some of the forces in your life which are still at your disposal.  It begins with a look at your thoughts, the emotions that connect to them, the words that you speak to express your feelings, and the actions you choose to take in the end. Invariably these things are connected.

Always Ignore the Naysayers

No matter what you are trying to accomplish in life, there will still be people who will express their disbelief in you and what you are doing.  What is their motivation? Usually, it is fear.  If you can accomplish the goals you set and took steps towards, then the only thing stopping them is Alwaysthe strength to choose.  It isn’t easy to maintain excitement about your goals because someone always seems to be deterring you. Telling you the goal is impossible. They may think it outlandish, out of your league, silly, or a waste of time.  Always ignore this.

When it comes to accomplishment, the most important thing is to try. Once you make an effort, one of two things will happen.  You will succeed, or you will fail. There is a power in knowing.  If you reach then high, you have accomplished what you set out to do. If you fail, then great. You have gained valuable information about what you need to do to make whatever you are doing work the next time.  Then you get a chance to try again with more knowledge and understanding of the process.  Always this is the case. Ever none of this good stuff happens if you listen to those who dismiss things out of hand. Still, ignore the naysayers.  They are roadblocks on the path to success in anything you do.

Always Treat People Well

All people could still do, which will make the lives of everyone you deal with, will be better.  I learned a long time ago that if you treat people well, it always comes back to you.  Be honest, be kind, understand, and stay away from being self-centered about your dealings with others.  It is an easy recipe but sometimes hard to remember. I have days when I have to remind myself of this—going to the gym. Seeing there seem to be people who are just getting in my way.

At these moments, I have to take a deep breath and remember it isn’t all about me, and change my thoughts from frustration to understanding.  We are all just trying to get through our lives.  Treating people as they want to be treated is pretty straightforward. Please pay attention to what those you care about like and then provide that experience to them.  There is no time that it isn’t the best choice to treat people well, and it will all come back to you.  I have often said it doesn’t cost anything to be kind.

Always Face Your Fear

We are all afraid of something: heights, crowds, snakes, or public speaking. Something is going to make us feel frightened.  Fear has a deeper hold on most of us as well. Fear is the opposite of love.  Now our underlying concerns exist because of something that happened to us in our experience. It could have been something that happened to you or, more often, something we heard to avoid because it might harm us.  So we live our lives being afraid of something that unnecessarily causes stress in our lives.

Always facing your fear is a good policy.  Once you do, you realize that if fear can stop you from being yourself around what you are afraid of, it can control you in other ways. Face your fear.  If you are scared of snakes, hold one. If you are fearful of public speaking, do it. Whatever it is, face it, and the realization that fear is just a thought that we give power to is all that is left.  Take that power away, and you can replace the idea with something much more productive and help you accomplish your goals.

Always Sum it Up

There are many things I could put on the list of always, love, be kind, give, be grateful, which are just a few that jump out at me.  I am thankful for the people in my life.  I appreciate them all.  I urge you to think of things you always do and look for areas to improve your experience. The lives of those around you will get better as well.

It begins with raising your awareness and becoming aware of your thoughts, the corresponding emotions, the words that result from those thoughts, and the actions that spring from them.  It is always a choice to allow a view to having power, either positive or negative. Choose well.

“I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.”  Jimmy Dean

“Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your sunshine.”   Anthony J. D’Angelo

“Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later.”- Og Mandino.