Tag Archives: learn something new

The Room For Improvement

self improvement “We are either getting better, or we are getting worse. Nobody stays the same.” The truth in this statement permeates all aspects of our lives. In all that you do, you are becoming more active or less vital. What you pursue counts, and how self-improvement enters your life is a simple matter of personal choice.   My three main areas of focus are the physical, mental, and spiritual parts of me. My goal each day is to become at least 0.001% better than I was yesterday. If I can keep growing and becoming a better person, my contribution to the world will build, and my experience will be much more significant. Failure is not to be me, being kind, considerate, caring, and unselfish.

Physical Self Improvement

Improving the material is not tricky. Even though in many ways, I will never be the athlete or as self improvementathletic as I was in my youth, I am better physically in some aspects today than I have ever been before. If you spend time exercising and you are just a little bit stronger or have just a little bit more stamina, then you are on your way to finding self-improvement for that day. I am better today than yesterday, and I can’t do much better than that.

Of course, the other aspects of your physical health can’t be ignored either. Eating a healthy diet and getting the right amount of sleep can also contribute to your improvement each day in the physical area. Be conscious of what you are doing, and you will see growth comes easily. A better body leads to a better mind, thoughts, energy, and mood. You don’t have to run a marathon to be .001% better than you were yesterday. Get started doing something; your life will change positively. We only get one body for this life; take care of it and treat it with the love it deserves. It will love you back. The body is also the conduit between the mental and the spiritual realm of your life.

Grow Mentally for Self Improvement

It seems we often forget that our mind is a learning machine, and just because our organized self improvementeducation is over, the learning should never end. You can improve your brain in several ways. Any method that gives you new information and causes the synapses in your brain to fire in a new direction will be positive for you. Once your mind expands, it will not shrink again. People are capable of developing new thought patterns throughout life.

One of my favorite methods is reading and learning about new ideas and philosophies. This can also come from conversations with people with different beliefs and lifestyles. Our differences can be a real education; the less we judge, the more we listen, and the better it is for your mind and mental state. Anything rigid and not pliable will eventually break under enough pressure when the flexible bends and survives. Our thoughts are like that. Do something that makes you think daily, and you will self-improvement mentally.

Remembering that our minds are just tools to create thoughts, solve problems, and focus is also essential. Our thoughts are not who we are, and our intention is not our identity. If you look closely, you will see that your mind often lies to you and pushes you in the wrong direction. It is best at these times to focus on your heart and see where it takes you.

 My Spiritual Self Improvement

When it comes to your relationship with God or a higher power, that is your spirituality. We all have a philosophy of what this life is about, why we are here, and the purpose of this whole game. To grow spiritually can be self improvementthrough religion, but I don’t look at that area. My thoughts and relationship with God are personal and mine alone. I do not want or need someone else to dictate what is right and wrong with that. Others may be different, and that is their choice. You are moving along the spiritual path each time you practice positive things. Kindness, acceptance, understanding, giving, forgiveness, or caring are always to walk along the spiritual way. Practice any of these from your heart, and your spirituality will increase.

Another way to improve in this realm is to do something creative. It doesn’t matter what you are creating; if it comes from your heart, it will enhance your spirituality. Do something creative that takes your concentration, and you will find that time drifts by without you even knowing it. An hour and a minute seem the same. Get in this zone while painting a picture, writing, planning something, building something, working on a car, knitting, or whatever creative thing you do, and your spirituality will grow. Meditate, pray, visit nature, whatever allows you a connection to a higher power or within yourself.

In the end, these are my thoughts on the subject because I want to improve and discover my capacity. Where are my limits, and what barriers can I cross? I know that to do my best, I must be my best, and that is the most we can do for self-improvement.


Learning Every Day

a138890e4646fecda59789f343ebc053Each of us has the opportunity each day to learn something. The only thing stopping us from learning information that will expand our minds, building our potential, and developing a greater understanding of the world and ourselves is a decision not to know.

Knowledge is the great equalizer for all people, and the choice to not pursue it will make you a smaller person and limit what you can do.

Growth Comes From Learning

knowledge 2Nobody was born knowing anything. Circumstances and opportunities have allowed some to learn things quicker and more comfortably. Still, there is no limit on most healthy people that stops them from gaining insight and knowledge other than themselves. Each day is an opportunity to learn something, and it would seem difficult to near impossible to prevent yourself from gaining experience. Still, our society does a good job of ensuring that learning is kept to a minimum.

This is done through a constant stream of disrupting and interrupting distractions in almost every way conceivable. Phones, social media, television, and streaming all combine to keep people from learning and using their minds to think and grow productively. Anger, fear, and hatred in any capacity also work to keep a person from becoming the best version of themselves.

Get Focused, and Nothing Can Stop You

knowledge 3Distraction is one of the best tools to deny a person from learning something new. We are bombarded with distractions throughout the day. From mindless entertainment on the television, computer screen, or tablet, we can be distracted from taking the time to learn something new. These continual interruptions and distractions keep our minds occupied with flashing lights and away from the actual thought process. Imagine what you could achieve if you took just a fraction of the time spent pursuing these activities and devoted it to learning something.

It has to be a problem with our educational system as well. Learning should be the most fascinating and wonderful thing a person experiences, yet most, when completing their schooling, are left wanting to stay far away from the learning process. This seems backward to me. How can we go to places of higher learning and not like to learn more about everything?

Knowledge is Key

The phrase “knowledge is the key” is probably overused or used so much that it has lost its meaning. It is the truth. The only limits to what you can achieve, socially, physically, spiritually, or in any other realm, are dictated by how much you know.

Acquiring new knowledge has never been easier. There is no topic that you can’t learn a lot about just using the internet. There has never been a more wide-open availability of information. You don’t need to go to college to find the answers you seek, and you need a device with an internet connection and a desire to know more. Anyone can become an expert in anything by merely devoting time toward what interests you.

Take some time for yourself today, whenever you can, and dedicate your mind to learning something new: a new insight, a new problem to solve, a modern philosophy of life. Time spent learning is the most precious time in life. You are learning because you want to, not because you have to or because it will bring you success or wealth. This education is the purest form of knowledge, and the determining factor of success or failure lies in your attitude toward learning.

“Ignorance is God’s prison. Knowing is God’s palace.”

Whatever you do and want to learn, don’t stop believing that you can accomplish great things!




There are things known, and there are things unknown, and in between are the doors of perception.” – Aldous Huxley

SHORPY_8d27251a.previewI came across this quote today, and it stuck in my head. It was worth a little thought. Maybe too little. Do you know what is important to you? Do you know the meaning of life? Do you know what your inner nature is? Do you see the power of your thoughts? What happens when this physical life ends?

We don’t know many things, and we are looking for the doors that will bring us into knowledge and understanding of a new life. This quote is said to have been the inspiration for the band the Doors to choose their name. Jim Morrison was on to something, but it makes me think about our perceptions of our realities and how foggy the unknown can make our lives.

What You See Isn’t Always What you See

a Julian Beever’s pavement drawing. amazing!!
Julian Beever’s pavement drawing. Amazing!!

There are whole industries created in marketing that show that our perception will see what they want us to see. That is how they control the marketing dollars by turning your perception of reality into wanting their product. There are also many artists who

An entire generation were lied to about the harm of tobacco products, but good advertisements made the perception of cigarettes positive.
They misled an entire generation about the harm of tobacco products, but good advertisements made the perception of cigarettes positive.

Create incredible images that manipulate our perceptions. Two-dimensional drawings which appear three-dimensional.  These trick your eye into believing something that is not there. How many things in our lives are doing the same thing?  Showing us what we already assume we are looking at, but it is something different. The only way to discern the truth of these perceptions is to investigate them thoroughly. Unfortunately, many people are living in a walking sleep and have no interest in finding the truth. Find the truth and change your perception. Open a new door.

Our Story Can Change

city3All of us have a story that we tell about our lives. It explains who we are and how we have come this far in life. Our trials and triumphs take center stage in this tale about our existence. BUT what happens if you change the story? What happens if you add something new and exciting or remove something devastating and sad? How does your perception change, and more importantly, how does someone else’s perception of you change?

Only by changing the story you tell can you change your perception of yourself. Give it a try. Change that tragedy to a win. Talk about it and see if it turns your descriptions.

Open The Doors of Perception

williamblake396783To understand people better and get fundamental knowledge of yourself, let’s open up these doors to the unknown. All things in your reality come down to the decisions that you make. Decide to be more accepting and open-minded about all facets of life, rather than force-feeding yourself the same old story about something you encounter. Look at it from a new point of view.

Engage in reading books that teach you something or videos about topics you want to learn. As your mind expands with new information, your perception of life is going to change. It has no choice, and it will not go back to what you perceived before.

The more we learn, the more we move into the unknown, the more doors we open. The more entries we begin, obviously, the greater our perception of the world around us. To expand your mind with more thought and knowledge, and the treasures of the world may just be yours. 

Wayne Dyer’s famous quote: “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”   This quote tells us that our perceptions of the world are under our control, and it is our choices and decisions that make up our perception of reality.

What are you looking at today that brings a negative perception into your life?