Life is the most valuable thing you have. Even when your emotions bring you down and things are not very enjoyable, you still have an opportunity to allow your most positive ideas to permeate your existence. We all have down days because we are human, and in that existence comes with imperfections as a part of the bargain. But there are some things we can keep in mind which will allow us to make our lives happier and more fulfilling. It starts with your purpose in life, and whatever that is, you are the expression of that. It is to be better than I was yesterday, mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Not miles better, but at least 0.01% better. I am not sure I accomplish this every day, but I try to, and that seems to make a difference. What is your purpose? Where does your daily focus lie?
What’s Your Offer
The people you meet in your life will take on a reflection of your projected emotional attitudes and beliefs. If you think all people are judgmental, mean, short-sighted, and narrow-minded, then that is what you are going to see in those you meet. If you believe that people are mostly good and are not in life for purely selfish reasons, have open minds, open hearts, and kindness, then that is what you most often will find. Think about what you are offering the world with your attitude each day, and if you doubt, look at the people they meet, they are mirroring that attitude right back at you.
What you offer the world is going to determine your experience in it. If you are focused on yourself alone, what’s in it for you, and all of your thoughts revolve around you. Then the world is going to be an experience of selfishness. Conversely, suppose you look for what you can give to others in general. In that case, the world is a kind, open place with a seemingly unlimited reservoir of adventure and exciting happenings. This happens because you offer the world your best self and look for what you can contribute, not for what you can take. Make your best offer to the world every day, even when you don’t feel like it.
Choices Made
Our lives are a consequence of our decisions from the day we were capable of choice until the day it all ends. When you see something that isn’t quite where you want to be, it is easy to point the finger at this factor or that person, but the truth is the responsibility for it all lies right in the mirror, staring back at you. Your current employment is a result of your choices, as the future employment you are going to have will be. Your relationships are a result of your preferences as well. If you are angry or hurt, it is your choice to speak of it or bury it underneath. Things that are hidden underneath never stay there and seem to cause all sorts of problems in life. And life is all about choices.
The best thing is that we always have the option to make a different choice and change the direction of our life at any moment. If you made one poor choice or ten poor choices, it is time to make a different selection if they are not serving your life. You don’t have to complete a course on decisions or talk it over with someone else. Make a different choice, and your life will become something different. Many say it isn’t that simple, but we become attached to our beliefs and thoughts and can’t imagine it is that simple to change. But if you give it a try, look at a choice you have been making, which doesn’t serve you, and choose a different option that will bring you towards being the person you want to be. See what happens.
A change in choice will lead to a shift in what you are aware of and personal growth in life. That shift in awareness can allow you to take a negative situation and see the opportunities it presents. A job you dislike can propel you toward a career that is fulfilling and powerful. Every problem in life has contained the spark of success that can change everything for the better. We need to look at the issue as a challenge presented to make us better people and raise our awareness of our talents and skills.
As our awareness grows, we move along the path to new happiness levels and toward inner peace. All of the issues that continually reappear give us another chance to choose a different outcome and put lessons hard-learned into practice.
“When you find your WHY, you don’t hit snooze no more! You find a way to make it happen!”- Eric Thomas
“We all have a purpose in life, and when you find yours, you will recognize it.”- Catherine Pulsifer
“Success demands singleness of purpose.” – Vince Lombardi
“Anything and everything you have experienced has been purposeful; it has brought you to where you are now.”- Lyla Vanzandt
The lessons I have learned through hard times and good times are all encapsulated in this song. One of my all-time favorites. When you dream, dream big…………