Tag Archives: overcome fear

Flying Lessons

Have you ever felt like you are ready to fly off on a new adventure or to find a new life? Only to see when you get to the point of taking the necessary action to accomplish the goal you desire, you cannot make those steps. Why is this happening? The feeling is of a bird with clipped wings. All of the talents and skills are there, and you know you can fly, but something is lacking. A person clips a bird’s wings to ensure it requires the ability to fly away. It is done by trimming a bird’s primary feathers, known as the “flight feathers.” A bird can’t operate without them and will stay in captivity safely with no ability to explore and fly as it feels needed.

This is the same process we follow in our lives many times. We have a safe, comfortable existence, but we are yearning for more. Only to find we have clipped our wings to remain in the safety of our current life. The positive here is the only limits we face are the ones we create for ourselves, and we can restore our clipped wings at will and fly to whatever destination we choose.

Feel Like Flying?

There is a feeling we all have at times of having clipped wings. Circumstances are working to keep us from flying precisely as we would like, exactly where we want to go. These are the limits we feel. Some are placed on us by our responsibilities to others, and more often, our wings are clipped by our vision of limitation. Each of us has a choice to make in life to remain grounded or caged or make the changes that will allow us to fly.

Most often, though, the limits we face are the ones that are stated in the thoughts we choose to believe, which create invisible bonds to our wrists and shackle us to where we are. But the secret is that they are not real, only imagined, and can be broken, discarded, and left aside anytime we choose. It is fantastic. So often, we experience a desire. For a moment, dream of how great it would be to share it, and then after a brief time, our mind attacks the idea and destroys our will to achieve it with negative comments and all the reasons we can’t possibly do that. That is the voice of your ego, and listening to it will make sure no flight ever happens.

Flight Plans

The ego is not evil. It is a part of you, and we have created it in our lives to protect us from suffering in life or, better, to help us deal with suffering in the best way possible. Any new situation is a threat to you. Of course, there is a potential for pain, but there is also a potential for growth, maturity, and gain as a person and what you can and do contribute to the world. There is a risk involved in any flight you choose to take. Once you dare to take off, there is no limit to where you go and what you can accomplish.

One of the benefits of writing a goal down is it becomes real in a tiny place. Not just a thought in your head, but you created an idea on paper, which is a significant first step. No matter what excuses the mind makes, the written goal is still there to read. And with it is the emotions of thoughts behind it. You want to travel to a destination because you want to see something unique or do something for the first time. Whatever you want to do, it takes courage to follow it and take steps to try.

Beating the Limits

Fear is the primary limit for everybody in everything they do. Fear of failure, what others will think of you, fear of disappointment, or being unsafe. These are just thoughts in your head, which are designed to keep you safe, but life is not intended to be a safe trip. Being safe always leads to little growth and stagnation, and that is no way to live life.

Find your desire for achievement and then strive to follow it. Look into your heart and find the courage to do, act, and take the flight, which is so terrifying to you. You have to surrender to being less than you are or taking a deep breath and seeing if you can fly. Sometimes the flight will come relatively easy, and other times it will take all of our efforts. But the bottom line is you can take that flight. You can heal your clipped wings and leave your “cage” limits behind you, just about any time you want to.

Fly Now!!

Today is the day for you! In some way, take your flight. It doesn’t have to be a three-month flight that changes every aspect of your life at this moment. There is something you have wanted to do in a small way, which you can do right now. Please write it down. Imagine what it would feel like to do that thing. How would your senses react to this thing? Then fly. Take steps to make that thing a reality today. The experience will come, and you can navigate it. One step at a time, stay in the moment and be present at the event. Not the idea of the thing but the thing itself. Let the goal encompass you and permeate into your life. The only person who can clip our wings is us. Take your flight and find your true passion in life.

When you think about flying, it’s nuts. Here you are at about 40,000 feet, screaming along at 700 miles an hour, and you’re sitting there drinking Diet Pepsi and eating peanuts. It just doesn’t make any sense.” David Letterman

Flying may not be all plain sailing, but the fun of it is worth the price.” Amelia Earhart

Sometimes, flying feels too godlike to be attained by man. Sometimes, the world from above seems too beautiful, too wonderful, too distant for human eyes to see . . .” Charles A. Lindbergh

Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.” Douglas Adams

I don’t fear flying; I have a fear of crashing.” Billy Bob Thornton


Life Challenges

highwireIt is fantastic that life continually puts you into situations that challenge and change you. It is also eye-opening that I continue to be surprised by this. Yet here I am, looking at what I want to create, standing on the precipice of going for it and tentatively cringing.

It is not rare, I think, for people to feel this way. When you look at most people, they have put their real goals and dreams aside to accept living in a rut of consistency and security that life provides. Safe is the choice, but we still have ideas that we are not acting on. Today I am looking to move and am encouraging you to come with me.

See Your Fear

We should be good friends with fear by now in life. It has been a constant our entire lives. How we have reacted to it has changed through our life, but still, it is always there knocking at the door of your thoughts with those two little limiting words…………… What if?

I could attempt my dream, but what if……….

….it doesn’t work?

……….I fail?

……………………I look stupid?

………………………….., the world laughs at me?

…………………………………………….I am not good enough? etc., etc., etc.

These are the seeds of doubt, driven by fear that paralyze us into taking no action at all toward what we want to be. The only difference between those who achieve their dreams and those who do not is a willingness to take action and see what happens.

If it doesn’t work? You will gain experience and knowledge to allow it to work the next time. If you fail, then you learn and know. Joy and freedom are the results of bettering yourself and reaching your dreams. This effort is never wasted. Not growing the talent inside of you and seeing what you can do would be a waste of energy.

What if the world laughs? The world won’t laugh. The world will continue to exist, much as it did before, with the single exception that someone living there has provided their unique contribution, and now it is a slightly better place.

What if you are not good enough? A leftover doubt from childhood and time to get rid of this fear. Why wouldn’t you be good enough? If you can conceive of a thing, you can create that thing. If others don’t accept it, then that is their problem. The beauty of the building isn’t any less.

So on this thoughtful day, let us choose to evaluate who we are, see where we would like to be on a personal, financial, physical, and spiritual level, and then be brave enough to take those first tentative steps toward those goals.

The only way to know if you can cross that high wire is to try and see if you make it to the other side.

Believe in your dreams, no matter how impossible they seem.” Walt Disney

Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” Arthur Ashe

The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.” Oprah

Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake.” Henry David Thoreau

We may place blame, give reasons, and even have excuses, but in the end, it is an act of cowardice to not follow your dreams.” Steve Maraboli



Fear– an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.

FearOne of the most challenging things that people face in life is fear. It is a formidable foe because it can rise in any area of your life at any moment.  Any experience in life can cause pain, and we are designed to avoid pain. So a traumatic experience at any age can cause fear to arise in your mind and affect your life. Fear can either be a motivator or a limiter to what you can and will accomplish in life.  Once you have been harmed, most people go to great lengths to avoid a repeat performance.  Raise your consciousness today, noticing the fear in your life. Look at where you are limited and the fear behind it in your thoughts, words, and actions.  By recognizing the fear and understanding its cause, the fear can be overcome and even eliminated. Try to be fearless. (See Video here)

Eliminate Fear

People often believe that the opposite of love is hate, but that isn’t true. Love’s opposite is fear.  All things seem to come down to a choice between love and concern.  To eliminate fear will, therefore, allow you to experience more love in your life.  Love should be your goal in all things. Not just the fearidealized version of attachment but the caring for others in the world, making your experience more positive.

The thoughts of fear are always in contrast to the ideas of love. Like two sides of the coin, they are there waiting for you to make a conscious choice of which one gets your attention.  There is a Cherokee parable about this battle in our hearts. Each of us has two wolves inside of us, fighting for control. One is love, and one is fear. Which one wins is the one you feed.

The thoughts of love are joy, peace, acceptance, hope, kindness, empathy, humility, and truth.

The thoughts of fear are anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, dishonesty, judgment, and ego.

Which one do you choose to feed? It is essential because overcoming fear will allow you to become a better human being. You are making your life and the lives of those around you a better experience only by consciously choosing the positive thoughts, words, and actions of love over those of fear. Be fearless.

Action Kills Fear

If you asked most people what they would like to do, they would tell you, but then follow it up with a list of reasons they can’t possibly do that right now. Lack of funds, time, freedom, acceptance, fearunderstanding are all reasons to keep dreams at a distance. These are all words of fear of talking.  The truth is behind the excuses is a fear of failure. A doubt has arisen in all of us since the beginning of our lives. But one that cane destroyed as quickly as all others.

The remedy to fear is action. Fear will kill your dreams, and work will open the doorway to achievement. Taking a vision from thought to action is scary because of all the things that can go wrong.  It is courage that allows you to move forward, take action, and see what happens.  No matter what happens, there are answers on the other side of action. Those answers will make your goals and dreams a reality or provide you with a roadmap of getting where you want to go.  Be brave and take action toward whatever it is you want to achieve. Be undaunted by potential failure. To do anything else is to cower in the darkness, hoping someone will stumble across your greatness.  Develop your excellence through action and defeat your fears.

Fear the Constant Companion

Fear is a constant companion in life. It is the brain trying to keep you safe.  But it is just a thought, and you have to decide what kind of life you will live. Life comes with no guarantees, and there are going to be situations that hurt you. That is life.  Learning to muster the courage to keep living fearfully, even though pain may happen, is how great experiences are created.  The only person who can be brave for you is you, so developing this talent will allow you to have the potential to accomplish anything.

So be conscious today and every day about the fears that are controlling your life. Where do they come from? What action will overcome it?  Become aware of your thoughts, words, and works around fear, and strive continuously to overcome it.  This conflict between your mind and your concern is the most significant battle we all face in life. Everything you dream about is on the other side of your victory over fear.

Questions about fear

What fears cause anxiety to you?

How do you deal with the emotion of fear?

What fears are most challenging for you to face?

How does fear help you in life?  How does it limit you?

Quotes About Fear

You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do.~Eleanor Roosevelt

If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself but to your estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment. ~Marcus Aurelius

Fear is only as deep as the mind allows.~Japanese Proverb

Be Fearless




Positive Thought Project 

Awesome-extremely impressive or daunting; inspiring great admiration, apprehension, or fear.

awesomeIt never ceases to amaze me when I look at the people I encounter every day in this small part of the world, just how awesome so many of them are. Some people are kind, caring, supportive, successful, motivated to create and do amazing things. In a word, they are awesome! The strange thing is that they don’t see it in themselves.  I wonder if you can see that same level of awesome in the people around you?  Most importantly, do you see the awesome person you are capable of being? We will go through times when we question our choices, the relationships we are in, or the relationships we are not in our current financial situation, or any other part of life that involves a decision.  Today’s challenge is to look at yourself and be conscious of the potential for awesome that exists in you, and it all begins with your thoughts, words, and actions.

Don’t Listen to Negative Noise.

One of the reasons people rarely see the awesome in themselves is because of the negative messages they are bombarded with throughout their development and into life. It takes a strong individual in a supportive awesomesituation to display the talent and not be ridiculed or chastised for it.  Perhaps a well-meaning adult or a jealous peer saw how awesome a person was and tried to limit this talent. Often, it only takes one negative word that sinks into one’s consciousness and stops creativity in its tracks.  The facts are that no matter who you are and what you can do, there are always going to be those who don’t appreciate what you can do.

One of the reasons people struggle putting themselves out there is the risk of ridicule. In today’s digital age, criticism is easy to give, and your words of hate can be transferred instantly and anonymously.  Awesome people will be created from their hearts and will not waste time worrying about what haters are going to say. They will always exist, and the only way to avoid them is to say nothing, do nothing and be nothing. Forget that and be the awesome creative person you are!

Rarity of Awesome

Once you decide to really look at your life and your capabilities, it can be a scary proposition to follow your passions and skills. There is a lot of fear involved.  You have a talent for doing something, and you love to do it. In awesomefact, when you do it, you feel whole.  The simple fears are the fear of failure, the fear of success, and the fear of what others will think of us.  These simple fears have stunted an untold number of awesome people.  Developing your awesomeness is very rare because it takes courage to try and confidence to continue.

The good news is that each of us has the ability to pursue our awesome gifts at any point in life we choose to do so.  Many look at their current situation and see a static location. It isn’t, change is constant and inevitable, and your circumstances are going to change. Be proactive in how that change develops, and you might find your way.  This is true for any goal setting in any facet of your life. In finances, relationships, or spirituality.  You can begin to develop your awesome talents as soon as you decide to put your fears aside and start. It takes courage to be awesome. That is why it is so rare and why we should appreciate those currently succeeding.

Awesome Things

In your life today, there will be an opportunity to support or diminish awesome in some way. It may be your awesome that you don’t follow through with, or it may be someone else attempting to be awesome whom you either choose to support or ridicule. Your words, even though you don’t know it, might be the push someone needs.  Be conscious today of the potential awesome happening all around you and be a supporter of all those trying to be great, including yourself.  Be conscious of your thoughts, words, and actions.  If you can help someone improve even just a little, you make the world a better place.  What could be more awesome than that?

Positive thinking will let you use the ability which you have, and that is awesome.  ~ Zig Zigler


New Perspectives by Kyle Cease

new perspectives
“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” – Wayne Dyer

This is a great video on creating new perspectives from one of survival to a vision of abundance. Kyle Cease is a speaker/comedian who helps people develop their abilities. He believes these perspectives that come from inside us have control over our reality.

Understanding New Perspectives

There are things we love to do and talents we have in order to find our purpose in life.   Overcoming fear is important in our development.  He advocates creativity and imagination in order to overcome the limits that society puts on us. Feel complete as you are and being what you love, there is no fear. Things outside of you do not complete you. 

Let Your new perspectives help you develop your life experience.