Tag Archives: Possibilities

Building a Mindset

I heard once it is possible that of the more than 7 billion people on this planet, most will live out the entirety of their life and never contemplate anything deep or thoughtful about their existence before they die. It makes me think everyone should spend a little time each day considering their cosmic presence.

But maybe life is more comfortable, not considering the meaning of things. Thoughts about how you look at life and why we are here develop around our mindset. Recently I read the book Mindset by Carol S. Dweck. She discusses the two significant attitudes that exist, the growth mindset and the fixed mindset. Excellent thought for how you approach life, learning, and success presents here, and it would be worth your while to take the time to read through this one.

Know Your Fixed Mind

The bottom line is most people pull from both sides of this spectrum, having characteristics of each mindset, depending on the situation. First is the fixed mindset. The belief that you have the talent to do something or you don’t. Much of your self-esteem builds by results, rankings, and the ease with which something is accomplished. Challenges are avoided, and change is not welcome. In a fixed mindset, people focus on limiting you and often feel helpless when needing to change a situation. Criticism is seen as a personal attack, and they rarely leave their comfort zone. Most important, though, is the fixed mindset that thinks putting effort into something is a waste, and they rarely seek to learn new things.

I would be harder on this mindset, but I have practiced it for large parts of my life in many areas. We worry more about appearances than what would make us happier, better, or contribute significantly to the world. Beginning to recognize the fixed mindset in me has allowed me to step beyond it and look for ways to become better. Fear is behind the fixed mindset of not being accepted as who we are. Fear of not being perfect. Fear of experiencing failure. That is what happens when we let the results define our lives and provide our value. The narrow, limiting view of the fixed mindset, driven by fear, is how many live their lives. I hope to leave doubt far behind me.

Step Into Your Growth Mindset

If you look at your life, the moments when you felt the best about yourself and your accomplishments probably came from practicing the growth mindset. We welcome challenges in this frame of mind because we see their ability to help us become better and wiser and contribute more. We embrace change as an inevitable part of life. Continually seek opportunities to build. The thought is that anything is possible with the right plan, consistent practice, and maximum effort. Growth mindset, people, see learning and constructive criticism as something to be desired and sought out. New things are pleasant, and they love exploring them.

There is a lesson that will lead to your ultimate success in every failure if you take the time to learn about it. Rather than being afraid of not knowing, these people see challenges as an excellent opportunity to become better at whatever they are diving into. In a typical school, the growth mindset is not encouraged or recognized. Becoming better or growing should be life’s number one goal because growth brings purpose, fun, and interest and allows the best version of yourself to rise to the surface.

Building the Growth Mindset

Look at yourself and how you approach new things. Are you afraid to fail? Do you worry so much about what others think you limit yourself, give a half-hearted effort, or see failing as the worst thing possible? If you do, you are operating from a fixed mindset. We all tend to have a limited and growth-oriented mindset, depending on what area of life we live in. In some ways, we might be fearless and growth-oriented, and in others, we can be fearful and operating c

“Amid winter, I found there was within me an invincible summer. And that makes me happy. For it says, no matter how hard the world pushes against me, within, there’s something stronger- something better, pushing right back.”

“Every mistake you make is progress toward accomplishment.”


How to Use Your Space

You Create Space Where Things are Created

quote-Jonathan-Sacks-make-space-in-your-life-for-the-213035Change is an inevitable and vital part of life. Change is happening to everyone each day. Some of the differences are imperceptible as to be invisible, but they are their none the less. It is human nature to hold tightly to the past and the things we are comfortable with, like a child with a blanket. These ideas and possessions present a form of comfort, even if they no longer serve us in any meaningful way.

We each have a certain amount of space in our lives for the people and possessions that matter most to us.   Space in our lives is an important entity. There is only so much in our consciousness, and for new things to come into our lives, we must let go of some older things. To be healthy, all people must grow, and space helps us evolve into a better version of ourselves.

Cleaning Out The Closet

616245989833236_a-c5911e68_0MWQUg_pmCreating space in your life is the same as creating space in a closet. Your life has collected experiences, thoughts, and ideas about everything from the designated hitter’s value in baseball to where honesty fits into your life. As we develop as people, the number of items we collect can become bulky and hard to handle. Our “closets” are getting full, and it is time to weed out our thoughts and find the ones that will provide the most value in your life.

As you look at the new thoughts and information coming into your existence through a change, you can remove older ideas and ideas that are simply taking up space. Some clothes once were relevant in your closets at home, which are not of value anymore. Finally, giving them away to charity and getting them out of your life creates space for new things that will have relevance in your world today.

The same can be said about thoughts, ideas, and beliefs we carry throughout our lives. How many are ready to be recycled? What new ideas and experiences can take their place?

Growth is the Result

The benefit of letting go of the old and creating space for the new is the unstoppable force of growth that will come with it. I have found that growth is a constant journey in my life, and at times, when we slow down and resist growing, life will urge us on. Sometimes that guidance will come in the form of a challenge, creating space, 222which, as unsavory as it seems, moves us toward becoming a better self. We will change anyway, get older, wiser, or become less intelligent and accepting of things. It is up to us what types of change we institute in our lives. Creating space allows new things and people to come into our lives more easily.

Letting Go of Mistakes and Misfortune

This also means that the more we hold onto the past’s mistakes and misfortunes, the less space we have available for forgiveness, learning, and all kinds of positive new things. If you are still holding onto the pain and disappointment of a past relationship, the less room there is for someone new who can bring some healing, joy, and happiness into your life. You will cling to old emotions and disappointments while new possibilities move past you because there is no space for them to enter your life. Make the space.

If you feel crowded and slow in your life and desire new things, a great place to start is to let go of the past and allow the latest to come into the spaces you created. You will never know what will come. Your life will be changed one way or another, and each day provides a blank canvas for you to create your life on. You decide if the painting will be of the possibilities in front of you or the misfortune and mistakes behind you.

Look at your life today and see what space can be created. To move forward, you have to put the past behind you. Letting go of the things that no longer serve us allows room for new experiences, people, and something that makes our lives more enjoyable. Relationships, jobs, artistic expression, etc. Accept it, embrace it, and move forward.


To Be Alive

f405364503cdebb61939dfa03ddd1ad5 Consciousness

Today-on or in this present day.

Each day, we are given a new opportunity to create greatness in the world we live in and in our personal lives. As we embark on our daily adventure, it can be derailed most often by our limiting thoughts and fear-based behavior.

I wonder what would happen if we could fully grasp the magic available every day and make life the grand show it was meant to be. The first step to doing this will make a change in consciousness and be aware of our thoughts today, the resulting emotions, words, and actions. That is the beginning of appreciating and behaving today.

Look At The Possibilities

Each day is born with a nearly unlimited list of possibilities. You could win the lottery, see an old friend, make a new friend, find your passion, experience something new for the very first time, discover a unique food, have a once in a lifetime conversation, become famous, save a life, build something new, see The Rock,  develop that million dollar idea or any other great thing that you can think of. All of it can happen today if you look for it.

When you approach the day as a mundane chore, like it is something that we need to get through to find something on the other side……….the weekend, that vacation, a trip, a visit, that bonus at work, or whatever else you are thinking of. These thoughts rob you of the potential that today has stored away for you. Each moment that today brings for you is a succulent treat to be enjoyed for what it is. Tomorrow will be different and get with it, adventure and potential of its own.

How to Make the most of today

locked up blessingsSo that is all well and good, but how do you start to look for this adventure and potential each day? That is a good question, but it isn’t as hard as you think. You can do several things, but the first and most potent is to practice gratitude.

Be grateful for all of the things and people in your life daily which makes you happy about being a living, breathing human being living on the face of the Earth. What is it you love about life? What is it that makes you smile? What did you do that provided satisfaction? Were there any pleasant moments? Conversations that you enjoyed? Needs met? Whatever you can be thankful for in your life, make a habit of marking them somehow. Gratitude will allow you to appreciate more about today and allow for more of what you love to come into your life. This practice increases today’s potential for you and what you can experience. Growth will come to you.

Leave Fear Behind You

Another simple way to harness the potential of each day is to leave fear behind you. We all will maxresdefaultexperience some anxiety on some level each day of our lives. There will be something that we will be afraid of, which is life. How we deal with this fear will define our lives and determine the enjoyment we get from it. As with all things in life, we have a choice to run from it, face it, or try to ignore it. Running gives fear of power, facing fear through action destroys it, and ignoring it does nothing. The fear is still there, living in the shadows until you face it and deal with it. It will be with you.

Action is the way to defeat fear, and it doesn’t have to be the most decisive step in the world. Still, just a conscious choice to act regardless of the fear that eliminates it and provides you with the courage and confidence to create, move forward, find strength, and accept the gifts and adventure each day has hidden inside for each of us.

Look into the Sky

Finally, each day there is a potential to know how vast the universe is. All you have to do is look into the sky. No matter the weather, time of day, or cloud cover, look and contemplate the size and scope of the thing you are looking at. It can be a giant blue backdrop highlighting the drifting of white puffy clouds as they drift by on their journey to nowhere. Or it could be a clear night sky with a million tiny shining lights facing you. This ever-changing canvas is available to everyone, everywhere in the world, all the time. It provides inspiration, hope, and wonder, and all you have to do is notice it.

The vastness of the sky can allow us to find all of the potential today has to offer. When you see something so wondrous and immense, it is not difficult to imagine the things we need to complete. Our potential is reflected in the vastness of what you see when you look up. Take a moment to see the blue or black in the sky and notice the quiet, constant show in front of you, and it will wake you up to the potential that today has inside of it for each of us.

Each day has its potential for greatness, and so does each of us. Take a moment and think about how you would like tomorrow to be different, better, and generous, and then the steps you can take to make it that way. Is it such a leap to find that happiness? It all starts with a conscious awareness of your thought process in life. The emotions that result become your mood, the words you speak to others, and your actions throughout the day. You can make it great today if you choose to.

“The past is where you learned the lesson. The future is where you apply the lesson.”

“The best way to predict your future is to create it” – Abraham Lincoln

“Forget yesterday – it has already forgotten you. Don’t sweat tomorrow – you haven’t even met. Instead, open your eyes and your heart to a truly precious gift – Today.” ― Steve Maraboli


The Problems with Possibilities

Possibilities– a thing that may happen or be the case.



In all things we attempt to do, our thoughts are a dominant factor in deciding if we experience success or not. Each goal we seek to achieve will have challenges attached, and too often, we spend our valuable thoughts on what can go wrong. But not today! We will focus on the possibilities that your dream will bring to your life.

Following your innermost desires to pursue a goal is an integral part of your identity. Chances are the focus of thought today. You are bringing your conscious thought to the idea of all of the possibilities existing in our lives today and creating a dream in our mind and taking action to make it come true, and cutting out the harmful noise that can exist in our heads and outside of ourselves to imagine the possibilities of accomplishment.  This practice starts with conscious thought and awareness of what you want to accomplish in all areas of your life. Create the thought, feel the emotion it elicits, then be aware of your words and actions around the possibilities of this day and what you can do.

Avoid the Negative Noise to Possibility

It is almost impossible to do this because many people are conditioned to be negative. Either they don’t want others to reach dreams because it will diminish them somehow. Or they are broken in life through challenging experiences. If you want to see what I mean, tell someone a dream you have. and listen to the almost instant harmful and detrimental response. “You had better be careful.”  or “You can’t make a living doing that.”  If you don’t experience that, you have found a true friend and supporter.  Hang with them!

The possibilities of greatness, accomplishment, and achievement are all around us every day. To chase those possibilities is the sweet motivation of life. The thing to remember is that you don’t create what you want. You create what you believe. If you listen to the negative voices, they will create a belief that will dictate the amount of success you will have in your endeavors. Don’t let the negative experiences and opinions dictate your success today.  Is it so easy for people to idolize the great innovators in history yet to dismiss the hopes and dreams of people they know and love in their own lives who are reaching to make a difference? When the thing to do is to GO FOR IT with all that you have to contribute to what your heart tells you that you should.

Chase Your Possibilities

All people, at some point, had dreams of doing something fantastic, Earth-shattering, and unique.  Something that would have defined them for all time.  Everybody, from the waitress at the coffee shop to a famous musician.  The possibilities exist for all of us, and we need to have the courage to chase them and see what happens. One thing, in particular, taking steps toward a goal will teach you just what you need to do to become successful.

Their dream could be for fame, fortune, acting, music, feeding the world, saving the environment, or even world peace.  Once the idea is stated, the possibilities are there as well. The actions you take will reveal the knowledge you need to make the opportunities come into your reality. It is never guaranteed to be easy to accomplish goals.  Quite often, the journey is something you will savor more than the destination. This fact is the place where the enlightened moments happen. If you do nothing, nothing will happen, and no possibility is realized. GO FOR IT!!

Possibilities of Our Talent!

That is why it is so magnificent when someone does realize the possibility of their dreams and goals.  They not only had to develop the plan and overcome their self-doubt and worry but also the doubt and, in many cases, the ridicule of others, to achieve these significant accomplishments what Quotes-on-success-List-of-top-35-success-quotes-10they want to do.

The great news is that all people have the power inside of themselves to ask: Why Not?  With the asking of this question, your focus changes, and instead of focusing on the reasons why you can’t do what you dream about, you are focusing on why you can achieve what your heart tells you that you should.  It is not too late until this life is over, so do not be afraid to follow that dream in your heart. The possibilities are everywhere.

We all have a talent inside us, continually looking for an expression.  All people desire to be themselves and share that unique talent.  Life sometimes provides challenges to sharing your expertise, but it is growing as you cross these hurdles if you have the ability. The possibility that you will be able to share your gift, invent something new or even change the world with the simple act of following your dreams and goals.

Possibilities of Who You Can Be

So look for your possibilities today and decide what dream you will follow.  Where do you want your energy to flow?  Then focus your thoughts on it. Take steps to learn what you need to know.  Take action toward creating a reality and not just following a dream.  Your feelings about the possibility will lead you to excitement and enthusiasm, which will guide you.   It all starts with raising your consciousness today toward the possibilities of who you can be and what you can accomplish.


“Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” – St. Francis of Assisi

“The secret of life is to have a task, something you devote your entire life to, something you bring everything to, every minute of the day for the rest of your life. And the most important thing is, it must be something you cannot possibly do.” – Henry Moore

“The limits of the possible can only be defined by going beyond them into the impossible.” – Arthur C. Clarke

All the possibilities in the world are open to you today. There are dreams to pursue and make come true. Go for it!



Freedom Time

freedomAsk almost anyone, and one of the things they want in their life, more than anything else, are feelings of Freedom. But when you think about the concept of Freedom, what exactly does the word mean for you? Most would agree with the standard dictionary definition: the power or right to act, speak or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint. I know that is what I envision.

We are left with determining what hinders us or restraining us from speaking, thinking, or acting how we want today. Freedom does not come to any person without responsibilities; we are always responsible for our actions, whether they be of Freedom or not. So let’s think about Freedom for a while and what we need to do to experience it in all areas of our lives, right now, today.

What Freedom Looks Like

All of the actions we take, the words we speak, and the thoughts we think are choices we make. We are, in fact, free to do, say, or think whatever we want. But some factors tell us we are limited in what we can do. When you think about Freedom, it will have some particular characteristics attached to it. For example, Freedom is oriented toward the future. Once a barrier is broken, the yoke of restraint is cast off. You will never be affected by that restraining thing again. This idea is constantly created through a realistic perception. Not fearful, but practical. You can quit your job right now, but it is not realistic with no plan to support yourself and your family. Many stop right there and stay in limited situations for the rest of their lives. This location is where you plan your escape and move toward Freedom. You can be responsible and accessible at the same time.

Freedom will require a person to step into the possibilities of life firmly and with resolve. See the potential in all situations and take action to make these things a reality in your life. Not someday, but today. When you look honestly inside of yourself, the things that are stopping you from finding this Freedom are usually self-perpetuating fearful thoughts about what might happen or what someone else might think. By placing new situations in your life and honestly evaluating how you feel about them. You have the choice to seek out the supportive emotions you have or the ones that do not support your Freedom. Allow for the new feelings of a situation to arise in you and honestly see how they feel. They may be a perfect fit right away, or you may have an adjustment period. Freedom allows you to start defining who you are. Are you honest? Are you kind? Are you supportive of others? or do you choose something else? These are all questions that Freedom will answer for you. As your awareness grows, you will know what fits you and what doesn’t. That is what freedom feels like.

Are You Ready for Freedom?

The short answer for most people is, heck, yes! But are you? You are ready for Freedom when you are excited by whatever is happening or will be happening in your life. You know the feeling that something beautiful, upbeat, and all-around fantastic is about to take place in your experience. You will feel more awake in your day-to-day existence and aware of all things floating in and out of your choices. If they are honest, each person has had a feeling inside of them that will guide you exactly where you need to go. You imagine what it will be like to go where you want to go, do what you want to do, and say whatever it is you want to say. The images come to you from a place of knowing and that place inside of you. The key is to let your mind be quiet so that you can hear what your heart is telling you.

You will know you are ready for Freedom when a change is the only real option for you and that moving forward is a done deal to you. No words, actions, thoughts by another could discourage you. You are ready to move forward and accept the responsibility for the Freedom you want to make a part of your life. Even though you haven’t experienced it yet, you can’t wait to share what you seek to achieve. Remember that Freedom does not include pretending. All thoughts and imagination should be focused on natural, tangible things and followed with action. Action always separates reality from those that are acting. Don’t get overwhelmed with specifics and details. All of those things will take care of themselves. Too much thought leads to doubt, indecision, and a significant lack of Freedom.

Be Responsible

All acts of Freedom are responsible and never put people at undue risk. For example, leaving the people you have commitments to do something else is not Freedom, and it is irresponsible, mean, and shows a lack of character.

Freedom is a way to achieve the ability to say, act, and think whatever you want. You don’t have to be foolish to do this. Janice Joplin once said Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose. I can’t entirely agree with that thought. When you have nothing left to forget, there is little choice involved. Why not act? True Freedom comes with options and responsibility. That is the way of life. Seek your Freedom and enjoy it when you find it, but know that everything comes with a price. Approach it in the right direction, and the price will be enjoyable to play as well.

 “I am no bird; and no net ensnares me: I am a free human being with an independent will.”—Charlotte Bronte 

 “Lock up your libraries if you like; but there is no gate, no lock, no bolt that you can set upon the freedom of my mind.”—Virginia Woolf 

 “Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.”—Mahatma Gandhi

“The only real prison is fear, and the only real freedom is freedom from fear.”—Aung San Suu Kyi

 “Freedom (n.): To ask nothing. To expect nothing. To depend on nothing.”—Ayn Rand

“We were the people who were not in the papers. We lived in the blank white spaces at the edge of print. It gave us more Freedom. We lived in the gaps between the stories.”—Margaret Atwood

“In the truest sense, freedom cannot be bestowed; it must be achieved.” 


Carpe Diem

At what time in your recent past have you felt most passionate and alive?

Carpe Diem Jonathan Hilton
Today is the day.

I have felt most passionate and alive right now, and there is nothing that could top this moment in time until tomorrow!

Many people will look far into the distant past for this answer or maybe dream of a day in the future that might be more perfect, but to me, right here and right now is the place where I feel most passionate and alive.

Get More Passionate Right Now

There is really no other way to be, is there? If you are not passionate and alive today, then it is time to make some changes and get more passionate about the life you are living.  As I am right now looking out the window and seeing the bright light of the early morning start to defeat the darkness of the night, I can only think about the

need a change jonathan hilton
Sometimes we all do!

possibilities that today contains in it.

I can’t wait to find out what is coming.  Is it good? Is it bad? We will see, but the experience of today has never happened before, ever!

It is amazing how many people can just let an opportunity to enjoy life slip past them and treat today like a carbon copy of Tuesday of last week when there is absolutely no such thing.

Enjoying the difference is what allows your life to grow and change in big ways.

Someday never Comes

I think it is a huge mistake to think that it is OK to suffer and be a little unhappy today because tomorrow will be better and bring me what I want, need, or desire.

Tomorrow may never come, and once you start making excuses about chasing your passion, you may do it for the rest of your life, living for the hope that tomorrow you will have the courage to change.

I know that there is no better opportunity than today.  What makes you feel alive is the belief and ability to live your life with the hope that you will achieve your goal and take one small action step that will lead to you finding it.

Choose to Live With Passion

Feeling alive should be a part of every morning because if you aren’t feeling this way or

feeling passionate and alive jonathan hilton
Be like Nike

you find life too much of a drag, and it saps you of the positive feelings life gives you.

If you don’t like how you feel about things, then it is time to stop doing them. Choose to do something else that feels better to you.

This sounds really simplistic, but honestly, ask yourself how often you have chosen to be unhappy, chosen to be dissatisfied, chosen to be afraid, chosen to go with the flow.

Find your passion and choose to follow it, and each day will allow you to feel the most passionate and alive than you have felt in your life.

I know for sure that I have this moment in life to make the best of that I can, whatever that may involve, and that is all I can really be concerned with, yesterday is gone, and I can’t get it back tomorrow may never come.

See a Little Light




For those who like spelling!
For those who like spelling!

I was faced with today’s question of whether or not anger is a bad thing or a good thing. I believe that anger is one of the emotions that you should avoid because it is one of the emotions that stem from fear.  However, being the open-minded person that I am, I am willing to look at the emotion of anger from a neutral standpoint and decide once and for all if it is desirable to be angry or not.

Anger is just Anger

I am the first to admit that anger in and of itself is not a bad thing or a good thing. It is just a thing.  We all experience the emotion of anger because we are human. But, it is how we deal with that emotion that I think is important.  So, where your anger takes you in your thoughts, words and actions will determine whether that experience is productive or not.  This determines if it is good or bad for you.

Is anger Good?

Happiness is better than anger.
Happiness is better than anger.

There are some good things to anger.  The emotion itself exists to let us know when someone or something is hurting us or our needs are just not being met. It acts much like a smoke detector, warning of potential danger.   The positive possibilities exist when you look at the anger and understand why you feel this way.  Dealing with these emotions positively and discussing them with the people close to you allows you to work on that warning sign, and the next time it will bother you less.

Anger Problems

It’s not the anger that is the problem. Poor management of anger is the problem. If you are prone to angry outbursts, then you know that anger is more often than not going to entice you to say or do something that you will be apologizing later for.

Anger causes you to react from emotion and act quickly, without really thinking, and those results are usually bad.  But more importantly, I believe it is important to recognize where that anger is taking you.  If, for example, anger makes you physically violent, then that is wrong, and it is always wrong.  That is the most dramatic case, and most people would agree that it is never OK to commit physical violence no matter what someone does to make you mad.

tumblr_mdfkwiHmPt1rzcaajo1_500Everyone knows someone who has an anger management problem, and they are not pleasant people to be around.  You live your life walking on the edge of a volcano, with no idea when it might explode, spewing hot lava all over you.  I have also been fortunate enough to interact with people who use their anger as a push to understand themselves.

We should apply the same filter to other reactions which result from anger.  Much like the action to hit, push or slap a problem away from you because it hurt you, a person can react just as thoughtlessly by adding hate, revenge, or jealousy to the problem.  This would be a great example of how to turn the emotion of anger into something terrible.

Anger leads to Revenge, hatred, and jealousy, to name a few.

Negative thoughts that we entertain are going to affect our lives negatively.  Whether you believe in karma, quantum physics, or Christianity, hate is not an acceptable thought or behavior, and nothing good ever came from revenge, hatred, or jealousy.  They are nothing more than a person’s effort to “payback” someone or something that hurt them or didn’t fulfill a need.  So allowing this anger to churn inside you and spin out these other negative thoughts and actions will harm your existence.

Hating someone because of something they did to you or someone else is the same thing as hating yourself. We all have the ability to commit great evil and to show tremendous love.  How can you hate someone else for acting exactly like you are capable of?  You never have to like what they do or accept it.  Deplore the act, but forgive the person responsible because it is only through forgiveness that you can find peace.

Revenge will Get You Nowhere.

The same can be said for revenge. When someone hurts you, the most natural response is to want to hurt them back in any way you can.  Through name-calling, disparaging comments, or actions that you know will cause pain.  You can find revenge, but it will not make you a better person.  Anger is the hot rock that burns the one that holds it.  To hold a grudge, or obsess about paying someone back, is only going to stop you from moving forward.  The past

All emotions are ok, it is our reaction to them that causes problems.
All emotions are ok; it is our reaction to them that causes problems.

It is gone, it is over, and no matter how much punishment your hurt feelings get you to implement, you can’t change the act that hurt you.  This thought pattern will stop you from letting it go and move forward.

Jealousy is a Monster

Anger often is turned into jealousy about careers, love, or even possessions.  There is nothing positive about this emotion.  Jealousy is selfish and can turn one of the best experiences in life, love and turn it into a controlling, manipulative relationship.  Most of this comes from anger that you either ignore and are a slave to in your reaction to it.

These are just three negative emotions that stem from not positively handling your anger.  My experience with each of these has been inclusively negative in every way imaginable.  Jealousy stems from anger fed by insecurity. Revenge is a reaction to make someone else recognize and understand the hurt you are feeling, and hate is an emotion that has no positive aspect to it at all.

Forgiveness is Final

There is no reason to beat yourself up or think you are a bad person if you experience anger because we are all humans, and we all experience anger.  Gandhi experienced anger, but he didn’t let it consume him. He believed you had to forgive those who wronged you or the things that happened to you.  Once you let them go, they no longer have any power over you, and you can freely move on with your life.  Much like a giant burden is taken off of your back.

In conclusion, Anger is an emotion that is neither good nor bad; it is an inevitable piece of being a human being, stemming from being hurt or not having your needs met.  How you deal with anger and what you let it manifest into in your thoughts, words and deeds are where we can recognize anger as either positive or negative.



PossibilitiesThere are endless possibilities that exist in each new day. It can be difficult to remember this lesson sometimes when you see obstacles in your way.  There may be reasons we can’t do what we want, go exactly where we want, or be the person right now we want to be. But these barriers exist in everyone’s life and serve as a chance first to understand what you would like to see in your life. And second, as a springboard for developing skills, talents, and toughness, you need to accomplish anything you want to in your life. Our problems are not pervasive or permanent. Change your perspective on the situation, and nobody can stop you. How do you do this? Look at the positive possibilities that exist all around you; they are there. Sometimes you have to work to find them.

Difficult Times Provide Possibilities

Perspective is a choice. To see something as insurmountable is a possibilitieschoice. To think that you will never have the power, strength, money, or thoughts to overcome a challenge is your decision.  It is also your choice to see how things are shaping up because of what you have done so far and realize you need to make another choice. Perhaps the people you are spending time with are not positive or healthy for you. Choose differently.  The possibility for happiness and fun is there in every moment of every day.

Each barrier and obstacle in your way provide an opportunity. How is that, you ask? Well, every time you face a difficult time, there is an opportunity to get over it or around it. This may take some growth on your part or stretching of your comfort zone, but it can be done. You have to be willing to try.  Life is a journey from beginning to end, and it has a multitude of lessons. We are going to be continually learning and growing. Challenges come and provide the chance to be great. If you were never pushed, emotionally, mentally, or physically, then you would be happy right where you are, standing in place and leaving the goals to others.

Positive in Negative provide Possibilities

It can seem trite and simple to say that there is possibilitiesan opportunity for something positive in each negative situation. Tragedies happen all the time, and if we are fortunate enough to survive them, then we have a responsibility to find that positive possibility that will always exist. It needs to be looked for.

The choice, of course, is blame, bitterness, and anger. It is a valid choice, but the result will bring no positive presence to the world. It will only bring more tragedy, sadness, and fear.

Your challenges may be there to push you into becoming the best person you can be. Many dreams of having more wealth, love, and better health in their life, and the path to these things may travel through your challenges. Look at them however you want. It is a choice that you have, but recognizing the value and experience of your life will be colored by the choices you make. Just know all of the possibilities are there, just for you.

The possibilities are numerous once we decide to act and not react.” George Bernard Shaw

The only limits to the possibilities in your life tomorrow are the buts you use today.”   Les Brown

I see possibilities in everything. For everything that’s taken away, something of greater value has been given.”  Michael J. Fox

I’m open to possibilities. I’m open to choices. I always welcome new ideas. I’m always eager to learn. I’m never going to close my mind from learning.”  Cesar Millan

“Try to keep your mind open to possibilities and your mouth closed on matters that you don’t know about. Limit your ‘always’ and your ‘nevers.'”   Amy Poehler

My Shift in Progress

Understand that there are great gifts that come with getting older , we shift into a new understanding.
Understand that there are great gifts that come with getting older, we shift into a new understanding.

The recent passing of Dr. Wayne Dyer has led me to contemplate some of the thoughts that he provoked in me that led to my own personal growth. One of Dr. Dyer’s projects was called the Shift. The shift was a movie and a book about finding your true purpose in life and doing the things that truly make you happy. It teaches many wonderful lessons, and the project has a lot of layers. You can watch it more than once and something new will jump out at you each time.  The shift is the natural movement in life that we experience as we age and become more experienced.  We shift in personal empowerment. Here are some of the lessons I learned from this wonderful project.

We are Connected You and Me

We start to look at the world and see the connections to everyone and everything. As younger people, most buy into a philosophy of competition and separation.  We are all connected with each other and everything and that is a phenomenon I would never have considered 15 years ago.

Money Doesn’t Matter

The motivations of life change as you move along in life. It isn’t the material possessions and the money that motivates you anymore. Now it is the ethics of a situation and the people we are associating with. It my shiftis also the peace that we find in the quiet moments of life. As younger people, there are no quiet moments of life. That is the way life is. Serenity comes with contemplation and understanding of what makes you truly happy in life.

Miracles Can and Do Happen

One of the greatest shifts is that we move toward accepting the possibility of miracles in our lives.  To believe in this possibility will provide a wonder to your life that will energize you. Not everything can be planned out and you are not responsible for the actions of the Universe. If you let them and look for them, you can see miracles almost every day. Miracles can be a part of your life.

Quiet Times are Valuable

Meditation should and can be pursued as a daily practice. I personally never considered meditation as a practice when I was younger. I saw it as a waste of valuable time. Now I think that there is no more valuable way to spend your time. Looking to make your mind quiet allows you to speak to your soul. That voice is much quieter than your mind but is rarely wrong. I learned to listen.

We are Connected to Everything

Being an individual in the world can be a scary thing. When you realize that there is part of you in all changeBetterthings, you feel much less alone and the fear dissipates. Look at the sky, the trees, the animals or any part of nature and if you look closely you can see yourself. There is a feeling of connection to the world that only humans can experience.

Acceptance is Better than Judgment

Finally, the need to judge everything and everyone lessens and disappears. You realize that all people are fighting their own difficult battles in life and in different circumstances, you could be right where they are. People make a million decisions each and every day and sometimes they do not have positive results. There is no value in a judgment of others, it is only through acceptance that your personal power can grow. Judgment is not hurting those you judge but the one who is doing the judging.

In the end, I am sure that I am not saying anything that others haven’t already learned from Wayne Dyer, but for me, his voice allowed life to make a lot more sense to me. The movie The Shift is available for free online for the next week. I urge you to take the time and watch it.

More on Wayne Dyer