Tag Archives: questions

Asking The Right Questions

Question-  a sentence worded or expressed to elicit information.

questionOne of the most extraordinary powers is to create questions because our minds have no choice but to answer. It will keep working on a problem in the background, even when doing something else. Most people don’t realize the power this gives them because asking yourself the right questions will lead you to the answers that will enhance or limit your life.

So it would help if you learned to ask the right questions to receive the results you want to see in your life. This takes practice and an awareness of the types of questions you are already asking yourself daily. Evaluate if they are helpful or harmful questions and make changes accordingly. Your mind will help you find the answers, and it starts with being conscious of your words, thoughts, and actions when it comes to the questions you ask yourself and how you ask them.

What Can Questions Do For Me?

Let’s not waste our time. The questions to ask will bring something to your life, and it will be positive or negative for you, so make sure you ask yourself the right questions. More intelligent people than me have stated it, and if questionyou have a “why” that is big enough, the hows take care of themselves. This is another way of saying, ask a question about something you want, then focus on the actions you can take to bring the answer into reality.

So if you want to gain riches, fame, or love, it will all start with a question. Why do you want what you want? How do I get it? Why don’t I have it already? All of these will get you moving toward the answers. People suggest you ask questions before you go to sleep at night, and your mind will work on answering them for you in the morning. Be careful with the questions because you have to be willing to accept the answers. If you never ask the question, you will never get an answer, and that is what questions can do for you, give you the power to find all the answers.

 Good Questions

There are many questions people will ask themselves, and they will questionbe as individual as the people themselves. Here are a few to get you started if you need them.

What experiences do I want to have in the world?    How do I want to grow? What is a list of ways I will contribute to the world? What is it that I want? What is holding me back? How can I best improve myself? Answer all of these honestly and in detail, and it will give you a path toward the place you need to be. All of this questioning should lead to a life that makes you happy. If you are not currently satisfied and happy with your life, you need to start asking yourself some different questions.

Your Power

Remember, your power is always to ask questions, gain answers, and questiongrow from these experiences. Asking questions should never stop and continue throughout your journey. It is happening, even if you are unconsciously doing it. Take control of your questions today, and provide your life with the existence you want. It begins with a conscious awareness of how questions affect your life right now and starts by looking at your thoughts, words, and actions.

Without a good question, you can’t get a good answer. 

“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?” ~Martin Luther King, Jr.

“It is not enough to be busy. So are the ants. The question is: What are we busy about?” ~Henry David Thoreau


Ask The Right Questions

questions One of the most valuable skills a person can develop is asking questions to clarify any situation. Often life brings situations designed to teach us something, and the right questions can get that valuable knowledge to the surface. The right question can change your focus, target your awareness, and get answers. In short, questions bring our thoughts into focus and bring us growth.

Questions Make Sense of Things

Questions can help make sense of things. By questioning a person’s motives or why an event affected us the way it did, we can start to find answers. How many times have we had an experience that was less than pleasant. A loss, a death, an questions 2accident, or something else that, on the surface, is a negative experience. And that could be all it is, but when you ask the right question, you know for sure. What is good about this situation that I don’t see at first? What are the benefits that I can’t see right now? How can my life benefit from this situation?

This is not trying to diminish the trauma and pain life brings you. How can the death and loss of a loved one possibly be good? All things have the possibility for good in some way. Perhaps you will appreciate those loved ones still in your life. Maybe you will take the time to let those still living to know that you care about how you feel. The relationships in your life may become more precious to you. Your experience may become more loving, rich, and deep because you looked honestly at the benefits of a loss.

Steer Clear of Self Pity

A question will change the focus of your consciousness in whatever direction your questions lead you. So if you are wallowing in self-pity with questions like ”


Why me?” or “How can this keep happening to me?” then those answers will be what you find. Self-pity is a damaging exercise that will not provide comfort or personal growth.

Focusing on positive questions and away from self-pity will allow you to maintain or develop your best. All experiences have some value. Even though the value is sometimes hidden, questions release these thoughts and allow for a real examination of a situation. All experiences have some value hidden in them, and asking a question and thinking about the answer will get you a solution at the worst, show the positive aspects of an experience, and, at best, enlighten you about the possibilities of life.

Maintain an Open Mind

The ability to ask, answer, and accept the information the right questions ask is the definition of having an open mind. It is easy to look at things from the short-sighted perception of your day-to-day existence. What benefits could come from this? Even though this isn’t nice to experience, what could come from good, positive, or even pleasurable? Once you open your mind to these possibilities, they can show up in your life. They have been there all along, but recognizing them allows you to understand them and enjoy their benefits in your life.

Questions Eliminate Resistant Thoughts

A good question will not only push your focus toward the desired knowledge or information. It will also empowering questionseliminate the ideas, thoughts, and preconceptions that are resistant or irrelevant to the challenge.
“What can I learn from this challenge so this never happens again?”  At the same time, a question can make all of your resources apparent to us.

Developing a consistent practice of asking real and relevant questions will allow us to meet challenges, focus our attention on solutions, and move past irrelevant information. This will more than likely make your life a bit more of an enjoyable experience.

Be Curious

Curiosity– a strong desire to know or learn something.

There are a lot of conflicting thoughts on Curiosity. Some embrace it, some fear it, others discourage it. But to me, all of the best learners and innovators have a healthy dose of Curiosity in their being.  It motivates them to seek the answers to solve our problems every day. We should be as curious as children, always trying new learning, because it is still there. Learn to cultivate your Curiosity and wonder about everything, and you will never be bored.  It all begins with the consciousness you have around Curiosity. The thoughts you entertain lead to the words you speak and your actions. Interest will allow you to move in new directions and experience new things. Use common sense in this pursuit.

Questions are Your Guides

Never get to the point in life you don’t ask questions.  Curiosity always leads to wondering why things are the way they are, and items move your attention in the direction of finding answers.  Questions still allow you to move in a direction where information is available.  Learning to ask the right questions will let you take active control of your life.  Simple questions like: How can I be more fit and healthy?  Or how can I be a better person? It can lead you down a path of action that will improve your life by answering these questions and taking simple action.

We would all like to think that we know all we need to know, and it would be safe and secure, and then we would have perceived control of this journey through life. The truth is that we have very little power, and questions will lead your Curiosity to find answers about the value of all experiences. Interest gives you the strength to seek all possibilities that exist, and with each opportunity comes more power. And that power comes from the choices you make.  There is also a bit of danger because you never know what the answers are going to bring.

Do Not Limit Your Curiosity

Some will try to limit you to old fables like Curiosity killed the cat and believe that being curious will harm you.  However, I refuse to live by the creative tales about feline behavior. This thought is based on fear, that what you learn will never allow you to go back to where you were before. In essence, ignorance is bliss.  Isn’t it better to know the truth and be uncomfortable, disappointed, or annoyed than to live a lie?

Limiting your Curiosity is a great way to keep people in line, following what someone tells them to maintain control. To be an independent thinker, you have to ask questions all the time. Curiosity gives you strength and power over most situations. Asking the right question to yourself can lead you to positive momentum in your life.  What are the “right” questions to ask?  This answer depends on you and your determination and desire to learn the truth about anything.

Some Good Questions to Ask

There is an excellent book by Dain Heer, Being You. Changing the World outlines his belief in the power of questions.  The philosophy is called Access Consciousness, and the tools they use are questions.  It doesn’t matter if you believe in the Access Consciousness philosophy or not. They know how to ask questions that will enhance your life.   They always ask you to consider what-if questions.  One of my favorites is: What if you ever asked questions?  Then all possibilities would be open to you.

Question all experiences that you have.  It is not easy to do when emotions come into play and fear and anger distract you. But when something happens, ask yourself positive truth-seeking questions. Like: I wonder how this is going to turn out?  The more questions you ask, the more choices available to you.  Rather than worrying about what you can “avoid losing” in a situation, questions inform you of the near infinite possibilities that exist. Curiosity brings this into your life.

Curious and Growing

Stay curious and seek answers to things that you wonder.  No issue is too big for a good question and no knowledge beyond your grasp. What else is possible? How does it get better? What would it take to change this? What else is possible? What would it take for this to turn out better than I could have imagined? Who am I today, and what grand and glorious adventures am I going to have?  These are just some questions you can ask on most days to steer your Curiosity toward a more positive experience.

Let your curiosity lead you to new experiences and knowledge.  Your life will be fuller and more prosperous by seeking knowledge using your Curiosity. It all starts with an awareness of your thoughts, words, and actions around Curiosity today.  Question everything in the right way, allowing you to grow. Look for the ability to provide right-solid questions.

“I could not, at any age, be content to take my place by the fireside and look on. Life was meant to be lived. Curiosity must be kept alive. One must never, for whatever reason, turn his back on life.” ~Eleanor Roosevelt

“Curiosity is the very basis of education, and if you tell me that curiosity killed the cat, I say only the cat died nobly.”– Arnold Edinborough

“Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers.” – Voltaire


Questions of Life

“He that cannot ask cannot live……..”

Life is full of questions. One of the best ways to gain information is to ask others who already have the knowledge you want to get.  If you want to make changes in your life’s experience, learning to ask questions is essential. Being willing to show you don’t know something to learn something is following the growth mindset.  Why is this the case? How do questions work? That is what I hope to answer here, today.

How do Questions work?

Asking a question immediately changes your focus.  The tone of the question will guide a person to investigate more of the same.  What am I happy about?  This is a question that is going to lead you to focus on what you are pleased about. You have no choice if you answer it.  It will lead to a list of positive things, and it is challenging to feel poorly after that.  If you ask, am I disappointed with you? Then you will open up that negative path for you.

This focus can work in conversations with other people as well. Guice them on a more positive path by asking them the right questions.  Others have to be willing to go down that path, but if they take a few steps and start answering the question, the rest will take care of themselves.  Questions dictate your focus, so ……….What could I be happy about? What is excellent in my life right now? What are you truly grateful for?  

Thoughts We Want from Questions

In establishing that focus on questions, you are allowed to determine precisely what you delete from your consciousness at this moment. Focusing on what you want to have will allow you to eliminate all oppositional thoughts.  The human mind can only hold one idea at a time, and if you are focusing your thoughts on what you want or need to do to get it, the seeds of doubt have no room even to be planted, let alone an opportunity to grow.

Challenges are going to occur in life. Rather than spending your time complaining about the challenge and giving away all your power, spend some time asking good questions about the challenge and determine how to eliminate it from your life for good. Learn to focus on your desires and delete all oppositional and negative thinking.   What can I learn from this challenge?  How can I grow from this? 

What is Available to You?

Everyone has a list of resources available to them. These are the people and things we can count on to help us achieve our goals. Learning to ask meaningful questions can lead you to contact new people or develop a new skill.  How can I turn this around? What is here that I am not seeing?  What action can I take right now that will move me closer to my goal?

As you ask questions, the mind has no choice but to seek an answer. That is how we work if we are sober and thinking straight.  How can my performance and production be improved? Learn to be curious toward positive achievement, and positive achievement is what you will experience.  Questions will open doors, not only for outside opportunities but more importantly for inner growth and personal empowerment through action.

Hear. Listen well, take manageable actions and do the best you can.

How can asking questions change your life today? 

“It is not the answer that enlightens, but the question.” – Eugene Ionesco

“The key to wisdom is this – constant and frequent questioning, for by doubting we are led to question, by questioning we arrive at the truth.” – Peter Abelard

“A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer.” – Bruce Lee

Does anybody know what time it is?




Sometimes you have to think outside the box (or bowl) to solve a problem.

Being creative is one of the gifts of being human. We all can look at the same situation and develop different ways of solving the puzzle and finding a solution. Problem-solving can be one of the most valuable tools we have when making money, excelling in a career, or simply just being as high as ourselves.  Sometimes it can be difficult to muster a creative answer, but there are some things that you can do to make your thought process more creative and perhaps find a solution that you are seeking. Become a monarch of creativity.

Ask the Right Question

questions 22One of the most creative things a person can do is to ask the right question. And to me, the right question leads to a new solution. All questions bring with them an unlimited level of possibility.  How can I do this differently? What would make this easier? What can I contribute to that project? How can we complete it in less time? How can it be done more efficiently?

All of the questions you can ask will allow your mind to roam freely if you let it. Our brains are a great tool, but they can only work as well as we make them. So ask a question, and then allow your mind to work on it. The answers will come in their time, and then you must treat them appropriately.

Answers Lead to More Questions

The right follow up questions can lead to the most original solutions.
The right follow-up questions can lead to the most original solutions.

Each question asked represents the possibility every answer given is a dead-end. It sounds contradictory but thinks about it. Once a solution is determined, there is no more time wasted on the question. In the long run, one seemingly great solution may be only a significant first step in solving the problem, so the answers should lead to a new question.  How can we do this even better? What else can come from this that I don’t see right now? How can we make it even better?

These are just some simple examples of how to move your creativity into overdrive. Keep the mind working. Keep the solutions coming because of the next thought, maybe the one worth a million dollars.

Lose Yourself in Something

Losing yourself in a task is easy when you are young, but it is much more challenging for adults. First, you lose-find-in-lovehave to put in a little effort to find something that will take all of your attention. It can be drawing, painting, putting an engine together, building a model, knitting, sewing, or any other activity on which all your focus can be. As your focus and attention get tested, you lose track of time, and it allows your subconscious mind to work in overdrive, and you can get the answers to other questions that you have asked yourself.

As you work on a drawing or an engine and your conscious attention is captured, the limits of our minds rise, and the subconscious can create new ideas, and we are receptive to hearing them. That is where answers to problems come seemingly out of the blue.  Lose yourself to something creative, and your creativity in thought will grow.

Change things Up

All of us are creatures of habit. Our activities tend to fall into patterns that we find either safe or How-to-change-things-up-and-make-the-everydayenjoyable or both. These behaviors turn into routines that turn into a daily path. One of the most creative things you can do is change your daily activities. Take a new route to work, stop at a different food stop, take a slightly longer way, change things up.  Try something new to eat, talk with a total stranger about life. Try something you have never tried before.

By changing these simple things, you will force your mind to use different thought patterns and know what will result from that. Each new experience will expand your mind and your experience and allow your creativity to grow as well. Perhaps the answer you seek is inside of you all along, and you need the right catalyst to free it.  Changing things up might do this.

Read! Read. Read? Read…………….

The key to every kingdom is located in between the covers of a book
The key to every kingdom is located in between the covers of a book.

One of the most natural things a person can do to increase your creativity is to read quality books about topics that interest you. Reading provides a personal connection with the information in a book that is difficult to replicate in any other way. As a result, your mind can easily expand, and there are many possibilities for that growth. That is where creativity can come in large bounds.

In my experience, a mind expanded through the written word changes for the better permanently. That is why being literate is one of the greatest gifts we have. There are absolutely no limits on what you can learn if you can read. All you need is access to a library and the most exceptional thoughts in history expose to you. Read every chance you get, and your creativity will grow. Read, and you will find roads you never knew existed before. Read and grow to your true potential.

“The creative adult is the child who survived.” — Ursula LeGuin

“The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul.” — Dieter F. Uchtdorf

“Creativity doesn’t wait for that perfect moment. It fashions its perfect moments out of ordinary ones.” — Bruce Garrabrandt

“Everything you can imagine is real.” — Pablo Picasso

“Creativity is intelligence having fun.” — Albert Einstein

Imagine what you can create……….


Positivity Project Day 2- Questions

For this Positivity Project Day 2, I am going to focus on questions.  Our minds are a tool that works best when it is under direction. We can put our thoughts under direction by asking questions. The quality of the questions we ask will determine the quality of the action that results. Learning to ask the right questions for ourselves can make us more productive and happier. Questions provide direction, focus and of course answers.


Questions can take you toward all the things you want,

What can I do to build better relationships?  What actions can I take to gain wealth or success today? What activities will make me happy? Fulfilled?

All of these can lead you in a positive direction.

Questions can also be used to delete negative behaviors: What can I stop doing that is slowing me down or hindering my success?

Questions are dangerous because they will lead to change and that comes with risk: Risk of failure, a risk of learning, a risk of what others will think,

But life is a risk and we are put in this game of life to be our best. Questions will lead to this.

Here are two questions for you today:

1.  What do you want in life?

2. What do you have to do to get it?

Question Quotes 

“It is not the answer that enlightens, but the question.” – Eugene Ionesco

“Question everything. Learn something. Answer nothing.” – Euripedes

“The key to wisdom is this – constant and frequent questioning, for by doubting we are led to question, by questioning we arrive at the truth.” – Peter Abelard

“The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure.” -Joseph Campbell

“The only true wisdom is in knowing that you know nothing.“ – Socrates