Tag Archives: Seeking Your Soul

Soul Seek

It has been one of my basic philosophies of life for me to try to find improvement.

The search within provides answers

every day mentally, physically, and spiritually. In this pursuit, I am only looking for a small increment of growth. We can measure physical gains in workouts, strength, body weight, or any other objective measure. Mentally, we grow as we increase our base of knowledge and experience. Reading new books, being exposed to new ideas are going to allow us to find growth in this area. It is in the spiritual realm things are much more challenging to measure. Our spirits are perhaps the most significant part of who we are and what we feel about the world. We are never encouraged to find the meaning behind our journey. We are born with a mind to develop with thought and intellect, a body to carry us through all our adventures, and a soul to bring appreciation and emotional development to things. This emotion is our essence, which is unique to each of us. Seek the things which resonate with your inner self, and you will find all the things you need in life. Take some time every day to get to know your soul without interfering with the mind and its thought. It is a matter of focus and openness to do it.

Knowing Your Soul

Why do we create things? There are plenty of thoughts, art, and creativity in the world already, but still, all people in some way carry a need to be creative, and it is this force that is one of the expressions of the soul. Our soul came to the world to have this experience and to express itself in a way unique to you or me or anyone else. The process of creation not only provides our voice to the world but also.

Take time to create, and you will meet your soul

helps us get to know who we are inside. Each thought we express in words or images we create on canvas will inevitably be a lesson for us about what makes us happy and what we are here to contribute to the world. And this process is ongoing throughout the experience of life.

Most of us are inundated with information, entertainment, food, conversation, or other distraction, which takes away from knowing your soul. So many other messages come to us, which tell us how we should feel. We rarely take the time to understand what our soul needs or wants. But We will hear our soul. It is the subtle but persistent voice or feeling inside of us that is never wrong. You have to quiet the mind and still the body to hear it and understand how to communicate with this knowledge. Seek to create, and that creativity will guide you toward knowing yourself. Many creative endeavors fall short because the focus is on what others will think of the product rather than what it means to your soul. The positive things you create are the expression of your soul.


One human endeavor we all share is a search for links. We are hard-wired to connect with other people and share experiences. If you notice, most of the positive things in life are things shared with other people. What is the sense of doing beautiful things, going to exciting places, or gaining all the things you dream about if you don’t share it with someone else? The meaning, in the end, is that someone else sees us as we are and understands the beauty existing in us. I think each of us is looking for the experience of visiting our unique selves recognized and to do the same for someone else. That is a connection.

We also connect to places in our experience. Nature provides many of these locations where you can go and experience more than what is there on the surface. For example, you can be sitting on a bench on the shore of a lake, but then you start to be aware of the good things around you, water moving, sun shining, and reflecting on the surface of the water. The breeze was gently blowing and bringing the coolness of relaxation. Suddenly you are fully connected to the experience, and you are not at a lake, but you are a part of that thing. It is in these moments your soul is talking to you. Are you wise enough to listen? Are you intrigued enough to try to know your soul and seek its voice and guidance? The wisdom you acquire and the ultimate success you experience in life depends on this. Pure joy resides in your soul.

The True Joy

Life is full of things to take away our awareness. We all have, at one point, had a dream about something we wanted to accomplished, places we wanted to go, or things we wanted to create. People who follow through with these things are those we ultimately see as significant. Most do not follow through, allowing confusion and distraction to take their focus away from the goal. Setting an intention that resonates with you and then taking action will bring movement toward making that thing a reality. No road is smooth and straightforward because we learn nothing that way, and the value of what we create is often paid for in perseverance.

That is the ultimate success and joy in life. To set your mind on something and to pursue it with determination and focus, which can only come from the depths of your soul, which is who you are. Putting aside the mass media messages of what we should look like, where we should live, and how we should feel and embrace our person. In each of us, that person is perfect. The view of that gets skewed and distorted in life. Some turn to drugs, some turn to logic, some roll away and never seek their soul. Pure joy is allowing your soul to grow and express your true self. Seek to know your soul, and you will find this joy. You have to get your mind working well and the world out of the way to do it.

Getting Your Mind Out of the Way

I think that we have been conditioned backward in our experience. All of our development and education focus has been based on what we believe and become more intelligent in our beliefs. With each thought you choose to entertain, we have a corresponding emotional response based on our personal experience and conditioning. We can try to control our thoughts, and that will lead to our emotional experience. However, I think the opposite is true and more productive. Focus on the feelings you want to have, and they will come with automatic thoughts attached to them based on your conditioning and experience.

The power of this is that you can focus on the positive emotions you want to experience in your life, and they will bring with them the bucket of thought, which is related to that positive emotion. Choose the feeling you would like to have and see how the reviews you think are almost involuntarily positive. The sense of belonging, being loved, comfort, happiness, and joy are all in your experience, waiting to be felt and positively charge your life.

One of the benefits of learning to meditate is to get your mind to be quiet, and in that quiet moment, you can feel your soul and the direction it needs you to take. Don’t tryDon’tverthink this, because thought will only get in your way. It is the process of learning to read and trust our instincts, which will be your best and most accurate guide.

Know The Soul

Look to know your soul. I know people of high intellectual capacity who are afraid to look for the soul because they don’t see the value. They tend to be slaves to their emotions and wonder why their feelings are what they are. Take time today, and get to know your soul. I think sometimes I learn more sitting by the ocean in silence for a few moments than I ever learned in years of study in organized educational experiences. When you create, don’t what others will think, how accepted it will be, or if anyone else will understand. Authentic expression is from within and is to speak your truth. That is your soul. That is you.

Create today in some small way, recognize it is to express yourself and share that person with the world. Knowing your soul seems to be the only way to bring the things in your life that will genuinely make you happy. Music is the language of the soul, and the songs we connect with speak to a part of our soul. Please get to know yourself and what resonates with you, and the world will be a better place for it.

“The free soul is rare, but you know it when you see it – basically because you feel good, very good when you are near or with them.” -Charle Bukowski

“The living soul of man, once conscious of its power, cannot be quelled.” Horace Mann

“A beautiful woman delights the eye; a wise woman, the understanding; a pure one, the soul.” Minna Atrim

“If only our eyes saw souls instead of bodies, how different our ideals of beauty would be. Beauty attracts heart, but character attracts soul.”