Tag Archives: supportive person


do soulmates existDo you believe that there is a soulmate out there for everyone?  At first impulse, I often think, “No Way!” But then I did a little thinking…….

What is a Soul Mate?

soulmate3This definition needs to be established first, and according to the internet, here is the description:

Soul Mate- a person, ideally suited to another as a close friend or romantic partner.

In this context, I am not sure how anyone could argue against definition of soulmatethe concept. We all have these people in our lives who are uniquely qualified to be a lover or friend over another person.  They provide a unique understanding of the place you come from and help you understand your journey and that you are still OK after taking it.

Often, we look at ourselves and see the parts of us that we can’t fathom anyone loving. The ugly scars on the inside and out that life have left on our faces and our souls. Yet a soul mate can look at those scars, and suddenly they don’t seem to matter to them. They see character or toughness or experience that provides attractiveness to them. The scars don’t seem to matter at all. I have been fortunate enough to have experienced this in my life.

I think this is a question that has to be answered by each individual for themselves. Connections are made every day between people, and who is to say that they are soulmates or just random acquaintances.  It is more than simply a romantic notion.  I believe in the thought of a mirror. That we all need to have our weaknesses reflected on us to overcome them. Once the strange, uncomfortable differences in each of us are exposed, and we are still accepted anyway, that is the purpose of a soulmate.  In each other, we find the strength to be our true selves.

In the end, being loved for your unique thought, action, and essence are what life is all about. Everyone deserves that at some point in their lives. There is something magical in the world of growth that occurs when we are given a chance to see our weaknesses.

To me, there is no doubt that soulmates exist, and we are each destined to meet them. If you haven’t met yours yet, then it could happen tomorrow.  Perhaps you already know them and don’t realize it.