Tag Archives: take responsibility

How to Create a Good Decision

All successful people seem to do things to make the most of their time and produce valuable stuff they want in their lives. They are simple to understand but challenging to practice collectively consistently, but if you put them all together and allow your awareness to settle on them as you complete them, they will take you on the road to where you want to go. There are seven of these, and I encourage you to learn to make these decisions as I know to choose each one daily.

Take Responsibility

Decide to take responsibility for everything in your life. It is difficult to do when you can quickly look at circumstances, other people, and bad timing as convenient excuses for how things have played out. But once you accept a reason for something, you have given that thing, person, or situation your power. You are, in effect, stating you are helpless against that person, condition, or something. We are just about as weak as we decide to be. Take responsibility for everything, your past, present, and future. Because you are responsible for the situation you are in right now, good or bad. Own it. If things are going well, be accountable and keep working toward building more wonderful goodness. If things are going bad, on the things that put you there, make different choices, and own them. Always be responsible for everything in your life.

Look For More Wisdom

No matter how smart you think you are, there is more to learn. Be proactive and follow the path of knowledge to its completion. There will be things that make sense to learn for business and some you should know for your interest and development as a person. Learn through, find the people, books, classes, or whatever you can to give you the ideas you are looking for. Then as you develop as a person, look for ways to provide service to others.

Having a high level of intelligence or super skills in some areas does not good for society if you keep it to yourself. Let it out and help other people develop their skill set or improve their life experience by sharing what you know in the most practical way possible. Helping others helps the world and will help you develop as a person. Seek wisdom today in all you do, exercise thought, reading, writing, or any creation.

Take Action

Understand that you are a person of action and make those actions count. Today, there are actions you can take to help others and allow them to grow as people and overcome circumstances. We live in a predominantly negative-minded society, be the positive exception that flows against the grain and provides an excellent example for all who observe you and watch you work. Be an example that can’t be questioned. Actions always speak louder than words.

Have Faith

Every person will waver at some point in their life. They will start to question whether there is a purpose for life or if we are just dust in the wind—one of many pebbles on the beach. We are one of over 7 million, but each is unique. There has never been anyone like you, and there will never be another in people’s history. So embrace your special talent and ability. We all have different skills, physical abilities, and appearances. Have faith; things you set your heart on, with the intention of action and follow-through, will happen. It is a mindset of thought we are all capable of right now, in this very moment, to help you grow. Have faith in yourself and that life will work out for the best if you let it.

Choose Happiness

That’s right, choose happiness because it is always a choice. You can let things outside of you that are out of your control take away your joy. Or you can choose to look for the things you can control and be happy about them. In your day, there will be people who do things differently than you might like, or they may make mistakes, and it is up to you if you allow those situations to put you in a bad mood. You don’t have to identify with every problem you see and allow it to make you sad, angry, or anything else. You choose to enable the great spirit in you to shine a light on others or to dim that spirit and be a slave to the whims and larks of the world. That is up to you. Choose happiness.

Forgive Everything

Approach every day with a forgiving spirit because carrying a grudge will give you a heavy burden. Anger and fear are the negative emotions we usually can’t forgive, and when you have a grievance, you create an energy block in your life that will stop you from achieving all that you can be. Forgive the people who harmed you, not for them, but for you. And most importantly, forgive yourself for all of the shortcomings you may have had in life. Forgiveness is a powerful tool that frees up your energy and allows you to function at your best.


There is nothing in your life that can take the place of persistence. This is the ability to stay with something even when you hit a few roadblocks on the way. Those who persist toward their goals without exception will be the ones who find success in the end. It takes a person of great faith to continually move forward against a stream that is flowing against them, but it is the path to success and those who quit before finding the x on the map or the gold at the end of the rainbow. How many projects were not completed because someone lost motivation and quit? Don’t quit. Persist on your way. Carry great faith in your heart that you can achieve and will achieve. It is a mindset you need to discover.


There you have it, seven simple tips to help you find success in anything you do. Each of these attributes by themselves would be great but combine them, and there is nothing you can’t achieve in your life.



Every action has a reaction and a consequence.

All you experience in life is a result of the actions that you have taken. It is a bad habit we develop excuses to justify unfortunate situations faced in our experience and the circumstances we are in. Apologies are only going to hold you back. Accepting responsibility is always the best answer.  Even if you honestly feel that things are out of your control, taking responsibility for where you are is the best mindset to adopt.

Otherwise, you are always looking to accept the mentality of the victim.  We all have choices every day, and each decision we make in thought, word, or action will affect our lives.  Better to be favorable than unfavorable. In a nutshell, it is essential to understand that all actions we take will affect our experience.  Always without exception.

The Energy of Life

All things are energy. Energy can’t be created nor destroyed; it is only transformed.  In your life, the actions you choose to take will influence the power around you.  All of the decisions that we make in our thoughts become our words and our actions.  The ability associated with these things is dictated by the tenor and tone of our dreams.  Positive reviews create positive words and actions. This process leads to positive energy. The same is true for negative energy as well. Your thoughts dictate it.

There is energy all around you all the time. If you want to test this cause and effect law on point, spend time with an intensely negative person.  Someone who spends their time complaining and gossiping about other people will bring an opposing force to their lives that will diffuse into yours if you spend a lot of time with them.   The same is true of someone positive in thought and action; they will create positive, good energy around you that you will take with you.  The moral of this cause and effect moment is to look for the positive people in life, choose to spend time with them and avoid negative people.

Leave Excuses Behind

As children, we face many situations where we are trying to avoid punishment for our actions.  Not doing homework, doing something a little dangerous, or doing anything against our parent’s wishes could lead to trouble and punishment. We learn to manipulate with excuses from an early age.  Once we find the most plausible explanation that everyone accepts, we use it again and again.  It could be about our health, a mental issue, or just a lack of talent.  Once you agree with an excuse, you have pushed responsibility off.  So as you might have gained the momentary reward of not being punished or manipulating a situation in your favor, the effect of that is you will start to create and accept excuses in all areas of your life.

The effects of excuse-making take away your power.  You will now be looking for reasons outside of yourself for everything that happens rather than looking at yourself and accepting responsibility for where you are and taking actions to get you where you want to be.  The effect of taking responsibility is a personal power that will help propel you toward whatever you want to accomplish. You can take actions that will affect your life and the world, which can happen every second of every day. Leave the excuses behind and accept responsibility whenever you can in life, and be empowered with what you can accomplish.

Be a Positive Effect

In your own choices in life, be a positive force in the world.  Focus on what you think, say, and do, in particular when it comes to how you deal with other people. Be accepting of those with different views and forgive those you have perceived to have wronged you. Give to those less fortunate than you.  Be a cause that has a positive effect on the world.  Be grateful for what you have and accepting of all good things entering your life. This, to me, is the best way to understand the law of cause and effect and make it a positive thing for your life and the world. 

“Shallow men believe in luck or circumstance. Strong men believe in cause and effect.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson.

“The sower may mistake and sow his peas crookedly: the peas make no mistake, but come up and show his line.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson.

“Nobody ever did, or ever will escape the consequences of his choices.” – Alfred A. Montapert.