Tag Archives: Television

Now or Never

If not now, then when?

if not now then when jonathan hilton
The question that can launch a thousand ships


There is often something that we have meant to do in life we continually put off until tomorrow because of the potential consequences. Perhaps we are too busy, or maybe we are afraid of the price we pay, to do this thing. The fact that there is change involved and change is a scary thing because nobody really can guarantee you that whatever you are looking to do will, in fact, make your life experience all that much better.

This fear is enough to stop many adventurous people from pursuing a new adventure, but should it? Isn’t the point of life to stretch ourselves and create all that we are capable of?  Or is it just a game of accumulation, the one with the most possessions at the end wins?

The short answer, I believe,  is life is about growth, because you can have everything in the world and not achieve happiness, you can know that you are producing something unique, in a voice that no one else has, be totally broke and still be happy.  So if you look to stretch yourself, you have to ask yourself, if not now, then when?

All Great Things

Most of the great things that man has ever accomplished were created by taking a chance and changing the status quo.  In fact, there is really no place in your life that you can look

changes jonathan hilton
All change can be scary

that life hadn’t changed radically from their existence even fifty years ago.

Socially there was still legal segregation in the United States, and it was considered bad by the establishment to listen to Elvis. What would they think of Jay-Z or Katy Perry or the fact that the current president of the US is African-American?

Now with Technology

This is what a phone should look like!
This is what a phone should look like!

Technologically we have gone from the television being a new thing, with three channels, to a massive entertainment source that you can watch on your phone.  Speaking of phones, if you had told me that I would have my own Star Trek communicator that I carried around with me all the time, I would never have believed it.

The phone was attached to the wall, and you had to be home to use it.  Our current phones would really be science fiction.  What if Steve Jobs had said, “Not today world, we don’t need a cool hand-held phone that talks to you.” We would be lost completely.

These things never existed and never would have existed if it wasn’t for the fact that someone thought, if not now, then when?

Are You Living in the Moment?

So when it comes to your personal life, if not now, when? When you look at your life, and you see or even more significantly feel that something needs to change, it can be difficult to take the plunge.

live-in-the-moment-for-the-sheer-joy-ofMaybe you are hoping that things will change on their own, or you will feel differently tomorrow.  However, if you are always looking to tomorrow for things to get better or improve, you may be missing out on something, a great opportunity for happiness today.


Putting off your own happiness is not a good thing because you were not put on the Earth to be miserable with life.  Saying I will start being happy when the kids are grown, or after the autumnal equinox or when my next birthday comes, or some other random event you are resigning yourself to wait for.

This is a prime example of not living in the moment because I have said many times. There is no guarantee that you will be around until the next autumnal equinox or even until tomorrow, for that matter.  Today is all that there is, and now is the only time you are sure to have.  If you wait, it may well be too late.  It is OK to be afraid; everyone is afraid, but those who find success learn to deal with the fear and move forward anyway.

There will come the point in your life when you have to cross your Rubicon and challenge what you need to challenge, change what you need to change, or create what you need to create.  Then and only then will you be in control of your life and your decisions.

So if not now, when?




imagine-what-is-possibleby Jonathan Hilton

Lost in a flow of unfamiliar folks. Found in an instant by you.

Thinking and resigned to my fate, there is a waking up that leads me here.

I don’t know where I’ve been for so long, now I am sure it’s time to move on.

Moving on into the abyss of the dark, scary, exciting and inevitable.

not possible to know if circumstances will improve, but moving forward is the only thing to do. It is then you will find the message with only your name, left just for you.

The loneliness of life can at times totally swallow your soul, if you are not careful, there will be only a weak surface joy in life. Digging deeper with all you have will reveal the truth.

anything is possibleTry not to fear this change, and fight the instincts to run for safety, move boldly.

Strength of nerve will bring understanding so move boldly without hesitation.

There is no limit on your path, your potential is infinite, unless you choose to struggle.

All barriers before you fall, loneliness leaves, contentment grows, as it should.

When your beliefs are working with our dreams, this is a time in your life when …..



I Celebrate What I Do Have

Do you celebrate the things you do have?

celebrate-what-you-have Day 13 By Jon Hilton

It can be difficult in our society to really appreciate all that we do have today.  There is always another commercial that tells us what we should have, or how we should look, even though what we have and how we look is just fine.

 I think that I do currently celebrate the thing I do have, and not worry too much about the things I don’t have but it has not always been that way and it seems many other people have problems appreciating things as well.

The Culture of Want

This toy was really awesome, I used to wind it up and jump stuff, but it only made me happy until it broke.
This toy was really awesome, I used to wind it up and jump stuff, but it only made me happy until it broke.

From the time I was very young I can remember being bombarded and brainwashed with images on television which were designed to get me and my peers to desire products enough to scream until we started to get them.  From breakfast cereal made totally of sugar to toys that we couldn’t be happy without.   I was a child of the 70’s and that means that the marketing at the time was quite mild compared to today.

This was the manner in which the feeling of want was fostered in my generation.  It was built up even more as we grew older and became serious consumers. We needed to have certain things to be happy, and without those possessions happiness was going to elude us.  The biggest problem is that there is never a level where you have accumulated enough, you just see another level of consumption.

Captain Kirk was always a happy toy. Set your phasers to happiness and lets explore the galaxy!
Captain Kirk was always a happy toy. Set your phasers to happiness and lets explore the galaxy!

The young people of today are really the victims of a marketing in society which continually tells them not only what toys they need, but what clothes to wear, how their hair should look, and also what types of relationships they should desire.  The intended market is younger than you might imagine.  If you have young kids, watch television with them sometime, it is a non stop barrage of self esteem destroying marketing.

As for the adults of the world, you would think that after a while you would find a level of accumulating possessions where you would be able to sit back and say, “Wow, I have a massive amount of crap here, I am really happy.”

Yet you still do not feel happy, and corporate advertisers are happy about that, because they can start to sell you other things to fill the void and finally end your unhappiness. It is a fools journey, yet we all take it day after day.

Happiness Is Inside You All Along

happiness-comes-from-within-2I think that everyone eventually comes to the conclusion that happiness doesn’t come from things you buy.  There is always a feeling of happiness no matter how brief that accompanies buying a new thing.  Yet it also fades away quite quickly leaving you to wonder why you are not happy about the new car, Ipad, computer, or large screen television.

Real happiness can never come from things, ever. It is the lie of Madison Avenue that owning a certain product should make you feel a particular way.  No matter how many cars, houses, or electronic devices you own, if you are lacking appreciation for life on the inside there is going to be empty feelings of want and unhappiness left.

We actually put our happiness off by telling ourselves that when we own this or that then we will be able to feel happy.  When the choice to feel happy is really inside you each and every day during each and every moment.  All you have to do is notice it.

Appreciating Today

happinesswithin2Being able to celebrate what you do have is the path to happiness.  There are always going to be things that you don’t have.  Nobody can have it all.

 Yet you will always have exactly what you need at any given moment.  Appreciating what you have and the happiness that is with you right now at this second, seems to be the lightning rod that attracts more situations that make you feel this way.

  Look at the little things you have that make you happy, from the weather, to a cup of coffee in the morning. Whatever it is that makes you feel good appreciate it.  You will be surprised how many good things start showing up in your life to be appreciated.

Personally, I spent many years chasing the dream of owning all of my happiness.  Looking to the future and thinking when I get there I will be happy.  Only to find that there was always a new destination for happiness and it was always ahead of me.

 Now I think that I do appreciate the little things because they are in the here and now.  I have talked about my gratitude journal before and I mention it in passing again because I am grateful for the time each day that I spend being grateful for all that I do have. It is not magic but things seemed to clear up pretty well when I started feeling really grateful for what is in my life.  Rather than longing for, and feeling bad about what I did not have.  Or worse yet worrying about what might be taken away.

I do not know what “things” tomorrow will bring, but I do know that most likely they will be exactly what I need.  So I think I do celebrate what I do have.


Do you celebrate the things you do have?

You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes you’ll find, you get what you need.

Voting Was A Great Experience

by Jonathan Hilton

Voting Was A Great Experience

voting in the 2012 election
Picture with my Ballot in the voting booth

There are many people today on November 7, who are disappointed with the outcome of the election, because in our country we all have the option to believe whatever we want. There are people who feel disillusioned and have hurt feelings, and conversely there are many who  are feeling like there is a brand new day ahead of them and there is a lot of hope for tomorrow based on these election results.  I do not belong to either group and I will tell you why.

The first thing that I am thankful for is that I have the right to vote, what I think is right regardless of what anyone else may think, I am able to make my own considerations about issues and make the choice for myself how I want to vote. There is no negative ad on television that can tell me I am wrong.  Neither can the obviously conservative individuals or blatantly liberal continuously posting on Facebook, the decision is all mine to do what I think is right, and that is a feeling of individual power and pride in my country that can’t be equaled anywhere else in the world.

placing my ballot into the machine
Placing my ballot into the machine, I had to get permission for someone to take this picture. I can’t imagine that could be illegal

After a long month of nothing but the worst common element of fear being broadcast by both  of our major political parties, it is quite frustrating to listen to both sides beat up the other about every conceivable issue.  I am feeling surprisingly good today, because the negativity could possibly end. Then if both sides actually worked together to solve all of the issues the country is facing, and look at the real way that things are done in Washington, then maybe the next election won’t be so polarizing.  I can always hope.  For me though, nothing can ruin the enjoyment I got from exercising my constitutional right, voting the way my conscience dictated.  There is no mention of political candidates or parties, because the choice of who I voted for is my business and nobody else’s.

The one issue that I was happy to see passed in the great State of Maine is Question #1 and now same sex marriage is now legal, and there is just a little less discrimination in the world.  This was a question of human rights and discrimination. Nobody is going to be compelled to enter into same sex relationships, nobody’s religious beliefs are going to be questioned, churches are not going to be required to change their doctrine, in fact the world will move around the sun much as it has throughout history, there just won’t be discrimination against same sex couples in the State of Maine.  More freedom can only be a good thing.

On this Wednesday, November 7, 2012 the sun has risen and it will more than likely set, even though the election didn’t go the way some wanted and did go the way some others have delighted in.  Every person in the country has the right to love their families, enjoy their work, look forward to the future, and to be happy regardless of who is going to be president for the next four years.  Everyone had a chance to participate, talk about and argue over the issues in public, and there were no arrests for thinking differently.  It is a great country still, we have survived world wars, depressions, civil wars and foreign attacks and still we are here.  There have been both extreme liberals and conservatives in the White House and still our country is a great place to live, and I will still feel the same way four years from now.

voting was awesom
The facebook wall post that is supportive of voting
  • Voting with a black face in a white place
  • First Time Voting: The Experience
  • an open letter and a plea to listen before you vote.

Netflix OCD

Like many new things that have come from technology, I have often been slow to a, ccept them, I once swore I would never get a cell phone, now like everybody else in the world, my cellphone is my lifeline to the world.  Call me, text me, check Facebook, all involves my cell phone.  That is kind of how my unhealthy relationship with Netflix began.

Royal Pains Early Cast
Hank Med, How can we make you feel so much better today?

I first heard of Netflix when they came out and thought, “That’s dumb, I would never use that.”  Since I am somewhat stubborn I stuck with that until about two years ago, I bit and signed up for the free month trial.  I was skeptical because I didn’t think that there was any television show or movie that I would like enough to want to watch each episode of.  What I found was not only would I like it, I would become obsessed with it.

It all began innocently enough, I liked the show Royal Pains and wanted to catch up on the doings of Hank Med, so I got those DVD’s first, and at the time you could get dvds in the mail and stream shows.  The first Royal Pains DVD had an episode of a show called Psych on it, which I had heard of but never seen.  It was humerous so the next day I started streaming the first episode of Psych.

Psych picture
We Love Psychic Detectives

This article is called Netflix OCD because much like a person with OCD who can’t control their compulsive behavior, I could not control my viewing of this show.  I had to keep watching, each episode in order, in every spare moment.  I would watch at night and bargain with myself, “OK it is 1 o’clock in the morning and you have to work tomorrow, only one more episode then that’s it for today.” Two episodes later I would finally pass out and that would be that.

Finally the day came that I finished all of the episodes of Psych that existed.  I was finished.  Perhaps now it would end, my Netflix OCD would end.  That didn’t happen.

Greek Cast from ABC Show Greek
Greek Cast

I got hooked on shows that I knew were dumb, but started watching and couldn’t stop.  Greek was one of these.  I know college isn’t like that but I found it fascinating to watch.  I was hooked and the pattern continued.

Then came The Guardian, which was a short lived show with only three seasons about a stuffy lawyer in Pittsburgh of all places.  Simon Baker of the Mentalist was the star and I found the show riveting as the producers and directors clearly searched for a cast that would make the show go and stories that would interest an audience.  Finally ending with the two stars having a baby with down syndrome.

The Cast of The Closer
Don’t Mess With Brenda Lee Johnson!

The next show was In Plain Site.  It was about two US Marshals and the people that they protected.  There were only three seasons of this so for me that is a momentary distraction.  I moved on to the Closer and watched all of the seasons available on that little treasure.  I was in a full blown addiction and didn’t want to be cured.

I would even watch series that I didn’t particularly like like Saving Grace.  Nice premise, but characters totally unlikable and stupid.  I was glad when that was over, and I could stop watching.  Then I started watching Scrubs.

Finally I had to do something before my life was consumed with old shows like Magnum PI and WKRP in Cincinnati.  So I quit cold turkey and started to read books instead.  I was running out of things to watch anyway.  Hopefully someday I will be able to handle the power of Netflix in a more healthy way, but for now I am going to have to keep going to Netflix anonymous and trying to find my entertainment in books.


  • Netflix: The One Mistake That Might Haunt Them Forever
  • More On-Demand Goodness: “Adventure Time,” “Robot Chicken,” More Coming To Netflix
  • New ‘Arrested Development’ to Debut in May
  • 5 Things to Watch on Netflix This Weekend

Leroy Jethro Gibbs

Leroy Jethro Gibbs

Leroy Jethro Gibbs

Leroy Jethro Gibbs is the character that Mark Harmon portrays on NCIS.  Of all of the NCIS characters, I have been told that my perspective on life is very similar to his and I take that as a compliment.  It was from this character that I got the idea for writing down my “rules for life”, because if you don’t have rules to live by you can easily lose your way.  There have been several different versions of the rules that have come out over the course of the show, but they are all pretty good rules to follow if you are an NCIS Agent or just a person in the world.

Gibbs Rules On NCIS-

Rule #1 –Never let suspects stay together.

Rule #1: Never screw over your partner.

Rule #2: Always wear gloves at a crime scene.

Rule #3: Don’t believe what you’re told. Double check.

Rule #3: Never be unreachable.

Rule #4: The best way to keep a secret? Keep it to yourself.
Second best? Tell one other person – if you must.
There is no third best.

Rule #5 is  ‘You Don’t Waste Good’ …You’re Good

Rule #6: Never apologize — Its a sign of weakness.

Rule #7: Always be specific when you lie.

Rule #8: Never take anything for granted

Rule #9: Never go anywhere without a knife.

Rule #10: Never get personally involved on a case

Rule #11: When the job is done, walk away.

Rule #12: Never date a coworker.

Rule #13: Never, ever involve a lawyer.

Rule #15: Always work as a team.

Rule #18: It’s better to seek forgiveness than ask permission.

Rule #22: Never, ever bother Gibbs in interrogation.

Rule #23: Never mess with a Marine’s coffee if you want to live.

Rule #27: Two ways to follow: — First way they never notice you, — second way they only notice you.

Rule #35 — “Always Watch The Watchers

Rule #38: Your case, your lead.

Rule #39: There is no such thing as coincidence.

Rule #40: If it seems someone is out to get you, they are.

Rule #44: First things first. Hide the women and children.

Rule #51: Sometimes — You’re Wrong!

NCIS characters Leroy Jethro GibbsAnd remember. . .




“A slap to the face
is an insult — to the
back of the head
is a wake-up call.”