Tag Archives: The Power of Our Imperfection


Imperfection– a fault, blemish, or undesirable feature.

imperfectionAll of us have to face facts at some point. We are not perfect.  Our lives are infected by personal shortcomings and weaknesses of all sorts, which cause us to make imperfect choices all the time.  These imperfections may be physical, spiritual, emotional, financial, or fall under any area of our experience and/or lives.  Despite these shortcomings, the secret to enjoying life is to explore and embrace each one of them fully. Personal growth can only come from understanding.  This understanding results from looking honestly at the things we don’t like, knowing why they happen and taking actions to improve them.  Increase your awareness of your perceived imperfections by looking at your thoughts, the resulting emotions, words, and actions you experience noticing your imperfections. You will find these imperfections can be a guide to personal growth and understanding of one’s outlook.

Don’t Hide from Imperfections.

For myself, I see weakness every day. Each day I am confronted with situations that either reveal or highlight some glitches in my personal makeup.  There are clear choices.

No need to hide from your weakness, embrace it.
No need to hide from your weakness. Embrace it.

Available to me when I experience these challenges.

The first one is to try to hide them from the world.  You can ignore them and move on with life like nothing ever happened.  This can be good for a day or perhaps a week or maybe even a month or a year, but ignoring something doesn’t make it not exist.

These not-so-powerful images of ourselves do not exist to make us feel bad. They are there to provide you with a road map for improvement.  Don’t hide from or ignore your personal “weaknesses”; learn to recognize, embrace them and grow from them.  We spend so much energy hiding our perceived problems from others, and the real problem becomes the hiding of the problem and worries about it, more than the problem itself.  Embrace your uniqueness and understand it makes you who you are. Unique.  It is through understanding that things change.

See the Path to Improvement

It can be a painful thing to see your weakness on display. When I see my anger, impatience, and negative attitude crop up, it can be a daunting task to face.  Who wants to admit that they are not perfect in everything they Imperfectiondo in a day?  But it is only by recognizing where we are weak that we can see the path we need to follow to be strong.

So if I am negative about something, there is a reason it is happening, and usually, it is a personal, teachable moment.  Yesterday I got angry several times because of the actions of others.  Not bad actions, just being human and worrying about their own needs above everyone else’s needs.  I am a firm believer that anger is an emotional warning sign that shows our concern that our needs might not be met or that we are in physical danger.

It seems my anger reveals my own concerns about the ending of something and the inevitable moving on.  I am ready to move on in most cases, but there are quite a few people and work situations that I have become quite fond of, and both consciously and subconsciously, it hurts to see that coming to an end. But knowing this allows you to say goodbye or maintain relationships comfortably and enjoyably for all people.

I have a fear of these relationships.  I am rational enough to know that moving on is the best thing for me and all of the people I care about. In fact, the end has to happen for me to grow, but it still does not come without difficulty.  Without realizing this, I may let the opportunity to tell some of these people exactly how much they have meant to me during this experience in my life. I could not have enjoyed it without them, and in fact, they are all part of the combined reason it was such a memorable experience.

Grow From Understanding Yourself

So there is really no other choice in life but to embrace the weakness that shows up in your day-to-day existence.  It may be initially difficult or uncomfortable to admit, but once you do, there is a wealth of information imperfectionthat can help to guide you on your path and lead you toward your dreams.

Dissecting your shortcomings allows you to view honestly where your work needs to be spent to live a higher quality of life.  This higher quality is going to allow you a better chance to reach your full potential.  All people have a tremendous potential to be great, but life’s pain and false beliefs often cover it up. Your weakness can provide you with the key to unlocking this great potential inside you. It simply needs to be dealt with.

It is also a fact that many times it is our imperfections that make us unique and interesting.  In some cases, your weakness will push you to overcome it, either to prove your worth to others or yourself, and these motivating factors are a part of understanding why we have weaknesses in the first place.

Change is Constant and Inevitable

Recognizing a weakness is a blessing because it allows you the opportunity to make changes and improve yourself in almost any way.  We know this will happen one way or another because no matter what you do, things are going to change.  Our imperfections are not a permanent handicap on enjoying and being happy in life, and they are simply a signpost of what needs work in our lives to make our existence a greater experience.

We are all imperfect beings in an imperfect world, trying to enjoy the ride of life.  You have the potential to be great, and embracing and working on your weaknesses will allow you to find success a whole lot quicker and to enjoy the experience of life along the way.  Often it is our “imperfections” that allow us to become our strongest selves.

It all begins with a greater awareness of the thoughts we have about our imperfections. Please don’t make it an indictment on you personally. Make it an opportunity to learn and become better, and the growth that results will allow a greater level of consciousness today.

Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring. Marilyn Monroe

“The fact of storytelling hints at fundamental human unease hints at human imperfection. Where there is perfection, there is no story to tell.”- Ben Okri

“There would be no need for love if perfection were possible. Love arises from our imperfection, from our being different and always in need of the forgiveness, encouragement and that missing half of ourselves that we are searching for, as the Greek myth tells us, to complete ourselves.”-Eugene Kennedy