Tag Archives: Understanding

The Simple Choice You Can Make

What is your Choice?

Each person makes a simple choice in their lives, ultimately defining the tenor and tone of their life and all the experiences in it. No person is exempt from this decision, and we make it daily in all we do. It is impossible to fake our decision because it is written in big, bold letters on our soul’s billboard. You can try to fool the outside world and pretend for a time about your thoughts, but eventually, the truth of your choice will be revealed to yourself, and of course, to the world. It is such a pervasive choice; you can see the answer in every person you meet and in each interaction you experience throughout your life. Are you ready to think about your choice? The decision is basic and straightforward. Do you choose to be happy? Or do you choose to be unhappy?

Seems Too Simple

I thought this was too simple a choice when I first was exposed to this thought. There are many more powerful decisions than this, but look at each person you know or have ever known, and their lives are a direct display of their answer.

Your happiness is a light to others, and your unhappiness is a pervasive wet blanket of doom.

About personal happiness. I have known people in challenging situations who have found it in their constitution to find a happy thought, even behind the pain. I have also known people who have very fortunate circumstances and manage to find unhappiness in every blessing in life. This is nothing more than a personal choice.

Where do you fit in your pursuit of happiness? Do you look for the positive? It is always there behind the darkness we face. Sometimes the dark seems so pervasive and complete that we also want to allow it to define us. The death of a loved one, the end of a relationship. Or any other thing we can define as unfavorable consumes us and become a part of our story. But it doesn’t have to be, and we determine the value of these things to us. Nobody will be happy about all the suffering in life, but you can suffer, learn lessons, and not let negativity define your life. That is the choice of being happy in life.

Look Around You

If you doubt this simple choice is before everyone in the world, look at all the people you encounter in your path. Not only will you see this choice in people’s actions, but you can also feel it. Most people make a clear essential choice on a subconscious level to live a happy life or not live a happy life. Fear is the factor robbing people of happiness in life. Fear of losing something, not getting something, of the suffering of all kinds, of the past, and course of the future. Fear is toxic to your happiness, and it is virtually impossible to be afraid and happy simultaneously.

You have this choice continually in your life. You can be unhappy with your job, family, current situation, or anything else in your experience. Spend your time worrying about a million things that probably will never happen, and if they did happen, most often, it isn’t the problematic tragedy built up in your mind. You can spend that time being grateful for what you have and enjoying the things that are good and a part of your life. A good joke at work, a kindness showed, something comfortable you have in life right now. The person deciding whether you are happy in your life or not is always going to be you. Could you take responsibility for it?

Not Blind Faith

I can hear the people’s thoughts determined to be unhappy right now. Not everything is going to make you happy. That is true; how can you be pleased about losing something you love? You can’t but how you deal with that loss is your choice. You can let it destroy you and change you into a life of continual unhappiness. When you are suffering, it is hard to maintain a cheerful countenance, which will always be the truth. However, there is always something in your life, a person, hopefully, who can bring out the best in you.

If you don’t want to consider this choice, then you have made your choice already, and the results of your life experience will reflect it. I encourage you to look at your option and take responsibility for how your life unfolds for you today and every day. I choose to have a positive thought process because choosing otherwise is counterproductive and seems like a choice for continual unhappiness. Some people may find wallowing in anger, sadness, jealousy, envy, selfishness, etc. I will choose love, kindness, joy, giving, gratitude, peace, and acceptance.

This is the choice you have been making your entire life; imagine what the world would be like if everyone chose to be happy in their lives. 

“If you want to be happy, be.”-  Leo Tolstoy

“If you aren’t grateful for what you already have, what makes you think you would be happy with more.”- Roy T. Bennett.

“You can only have bliss if you don’t chase it.”-  Henepola Gunaratana

“For every minute you are angry, you lose sixty seconds of happiness.”-   Ralph Waldo Emerson

“We don’t laugh because we’re happy – we’re happy because we laugh.”-   William James

As Strong As Your Mind

Do you know your mind? How much time do you spend consciously

subconscious mind
subconscious mind

exploring the origins of your thought? Although we like to believe our conscious mind is making all our daily decisions, the truth is that our subconscious mind rules many choices and actions. Programmed from birth to this day by the experiences of our life, the people in it, and the organizations we are members of.

Shockingly, so many people seem to live with a blissful lack of awareness about the source of most of their behavior and reality. So let’s get to know your mind. It is the entity running our life, and we are only as strong as our minds.

The Creator of Thought-Conscious Mind

conscious mindThe conscious mind is the part of the mind that produces thought. It is used to set goals, and it judges all results. It revels in new ideas and creative activities. The goals in the future are determined here, and often the path chosen is based on experience. According to Bruce Lipton of The Biology of Belief, it can process, on average, 2,000 bits of information per second. The conscious mind can only handle a few tasks at a time. We think this mind is in control. It will come up with ideas and allow us to thrive and be successful in the world. Learning to use this tool and not allow it to use us is the natural talent of the subconscious mind’s power.

Our dreams and goals are created here, and it determines the areas our focus is centered. Where our guide goes, our energy flows. Directing your thoughts toward your goals and dreams allows you to put all of your energetic flow behind them, and we can take steps to create them and make them a part of our reality.

The Man Behind the Curtain- Subconscious

The real power in our lives is the subconscious mind. It continually works on our behalf, running its programs in the background like a computer. It has a remarkable capacity. It is believed this mind can handle 4 billion bits of information per second and take care of thousands of tasks at once. It is responsible for regulating most bodily functions without a problem. The subconscious predominantly focuses on the present moment but uses past experiences to solve today’s problems efficiently.

Anyone who drives has witnessed the Subconscious mind in action. When you go down the road, and your mind is distracted by conversation or thought, and your conscious mind “drifts away,” you still drive down the street without really paying attention. You snap out of it and don’t remember how you got where you are. Thank you, subconscious mind. When the thoughts we direct with our conscious thoughts react with the subconscious mind, our world moves to make them all a reality. There are several theories and beliefs about the power of the subconscious mind. But it is undisputed that there is power here, and using it can change your life.

Minds Working Together

The real power of the subconscious mind is that many believe it dictates what we experience in reality. The experiences we have had led to the programming of the mind. This programming forms beliefs based on the_power_of_your_subconscious_mindour interactions at an early age with parents, family members, teachers, the media, or any other significant force in life. These beliefs can be positive or negative, depending on your experiences, and your thoughts lead to perceptions and how you view the world.

Your perceptions dictate your reality, success, understanding, and ultimately your happiness with your life. The subconscious responds to life through this programming, and the conscious mind can be used to create your life. Changing the way you think makes it possible to change the reality you experience daily.

So all beliefs can be affected by conscious choice, which changes the subconscious mind’s programming, where 90% of our actions come from. This process is the key to creating your life as you desire.

Much of what we believe to be accurate results from faulty programming that we built based on others’ inaccurate beliefs. Consciously evaluate your beliefs, and decide the truth in them and where they came from. Change them if they do not serve you or provide a positive life experience.

“Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become a reality.” Earl Nightingale

“If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought.” Anonymous

“You affect your subconscious mind by verbal repetition.” W Clement Stone

“There is only one process of healing, and that is faith. There is only one healing power. Namely. Your subconscious mind.” Joseph Murphy

“Once the subconscious mind accepts an idea, it begins to execute it.” Joseph Murphy

The Gap of Knowledge and Life

One of the things that I have become more sure of each day is I used to know a lot more about life than I do today. You are led to believe early in life, and you will eventually figure all of this out as you gain more experience and become a bit more mature. Yet the older I get, the more I recognize the gap between life and what I know is growing wider by the moment!

This is not to say that I am becoming less intelligent. On the contrary,  it simply means that as I have gained more experience, I attain a certain level of understanding, which unfortunately causes you to know the things you have believed most of your existence about people and life has been chiefly inaccurate or become irrelevant with the discovery of new information. I am sure of much less than I used to be, and that is OK. I have learned to maintain a balance in the unknown.

What I Used To Think


A few years ago, I believed I knew all I needed about relationships, people, finances, politics, and religion. Any topic you wanted to discuss, I was secure in my beliefs of how the world worked and not looking to test those parameters in any way.   I was happy and satisfied, knowing I was very proper and intelligent. We are willing to turn a blind eye to investigation when we are so sure about the true nature of a thing. But life is not a predictable equation, set to the simple calculations of fools.

A funny thing happens as you get older; like old paint on the side of a building, the ideas you carry that once used to show such surety slowly display signs of wear and crack. At first, you can ignore it, but once you start to look at things closely, you realize that what you knew before without the shadow of a doubt is not in any way correct. It happens with just one small thing at first, perhaps a belief about yourself, and once that is proven false, even if it positively helps your life, it is unnerving. If one of your beliefs can be wrong, they could all be wrong, and then what can you count on??

Answers Found, Not Answers at All

Finding an answer does not end the quest; it merely leads you to ask other questions that need to be answered. This cycle continues until you realize that as you answer the many questions you have, more questions come, and soon you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you know much less than you did yesterday.

I believe it would be helpful to give you a demonstration of this process in action. The first question I ever had was, why does bad stuff happen to me?  That was it. I had experienced a string of bad luck, poor choices, and unpopular decision, add-ons, and I couldn’t fathom why this happened to me. Here is a growth opportunity.

The old me would think I didn’t deserve these bad things because I was a good person and never harmed anyone, so why am I being cursed? That often turned into a wave of self-pity and selfishness, unproductive, harmful, and just plain painful.

What I found to be the Answer

image1Life is full of experiences, some may be more pleasant to experience than others, but they all have merit and are designed to teach you something. If you are continually experiencing the same thing, perhaps you are just too dense to grasp the lesson. This was profound, and not surprisingly, those situations stopped occurring.

The questions that came next were predictable, and I think:  Is there a God? Why do bad things happen? What happens when you die? How should I feel? How should you treat others? What is the secret to being happy? What does love mean? Etc.

I am working on all these, but the most mind-boggling question has been, who am I? If you had asked me ten years ago, there would be a short easy answer, based on my job. But when you strip your occupation and titles of a family away, what are you? What makes you uniquely and individually? Is it your thoughts? Or is it the person who sees the ideas? Either way, these questions will keep coming until you have an answer.

Still Not That Smart

I do not have the complete answer to the question of who I am yet and what I am supposed to be doing here because I am not wise enough, and I may never be. I love to learn from the experiences life presents, take those I know, and apply them positively to my knowledge. I am increasing my quality of life and improving the experience for those I encounter.

So as I have searched for answers, I have found many questions. My journey displays clearly and concretely that I know much less today than I did yesterday! I am sure my knowledge will continue to shrink as I get to see the world and the universe better, and I am OK with that. How much you know it is a small thing, and it is how you use what you know to help others and make the world a little bit better place that counts.

“The older I get, the less I know. By that, I mean the less I am sure of. I view people with strong opinions on the big stuff with distrust. I don’t think we should have certainties on faith and politics; I think we should be open-minded.” Pam Ferris.

 “Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life.” Immanuel Kant

“The older you get, the quieter you become. Life humbles you so deeply as you age. You realize how much nonsense you’ve wasted time on.”Anonymous

“Never, no, never did nature say one thing and wisdom say another.” Edmund Burke

“Knowledge is knowing what to say. Wisdom knows when to say it.”Anonymous



The Power of Your Choice

What do we all have in common that makes us human?

diffent the same

No matter where you live or what you do to survive, life always boils down to our choices. From who you choose as friends to how responsible you are, it is all decided consciously. We all can choose what we experience.

 Many people have a hard time accepting responsibility for these choices in their lives, but if you look at yourself honestly and in an unbiased fashion, you will see the power your preferences have had on your life’s success or failure.

 Yet often, we fail to look closer and see the common threads that run through us all. Our choices in what we see, who we love, where we go, and what we do are all made by us alone. Think along with me and recognize the power of your choices as you do.

One Connection Through us All

I think that we are all connected.  You are reading this, and my miles away from you, a person you have never met, are connected.  I believe in the energy we produce each all connectedday through the tenor and intention of the thoughts we create.

 Some see God as a being that exists somewhere, guiding us from afar or judging us either good or bad in our actions. Based on some outward notions of right and wrong.

Yet, it seems that God is much closer and more involved than that. He is inside each of us, and when you can quiet your mind, you can hear that power in all things. God doesn’t judge. God guides. How well we listen will provide joy or disappointment in our experience.

I am not looking for a fight to convince you of anything or change what you believe because that is your Connection and, of course, your choice. I know that I have never felt more connected and sure than I do now.  We all have this Connection inside of us and need to look for it and listen to it to know what we should do.  We are all connected, and that makes us human. It is your choice to determine how that Connection affects your life. I feel that anything that provides separation of people is not from God, and anything that connects people is.

The Choice of Kindness

tumblr_lejihkylQ41qcre5zo1_500When I look at all people, I think we all have the choice of kindness every day in all situations we encounter.

Someone yells at you unfairly, and you have a choice, hug them or punch them in the face.  Someone gives you a gift, and you have the same choice. The choice of your action is always with you, not someone else.

 I have never encountered a situation where kindness was not the right thing to do or didn’t make a bad situation better.

 It eases the pain, boosts morale, and makes people feel generally good and hopeful about the future.  All of these happy ships of thought are sent through acts of kindness.  We all choose to be kind or cruel; you decide what the people in your life will be experiencing. The ability to choose to share hearts makes us all human.

Greatness Lies In Us

All people are born with a great talent of some kind. Unfortunately, life seems to present us with a relentless avalanche of experiences tgreatnesshat cause us to forget what this talent is. To the point that we forget we possessed it in the first place.

 There is a passion inside of you and me that is our own. Each of us has this; once you investigate it, you will find your path. The one that makes you truly happy and allows you to connect to life in the best way possible.

Dreams are the vehicles that these passions follow.  You dream of what you would love to do with your life, and your passion and talent make this happen.  Sometimes we create our roadblocks by overthinking things and believing the negativity that others provide.

What if this happens? Or if only that should happen? Or any other million possible limiting questions that can impede you from simply reaching for your dream.  It may seem daunting and too much of a chance, but the only way you will ever know is to create the journey toward your goals. The journey is a powerful thing because that is where life lessons exist.

How much will I cherish the lessons I learn on the way?  Mistakes are great teachers and often bring tasks you need to know to reach the dream eventually.   We are all searching for our true selves and the ability in us that will make us great. Your choice is to seek this talent or let it lie dormant forever. You can’t blame anybody else.

The Dark Side

One of the scary parts of having the freedom to choose is that from time to time, we are going to

We all have a darkness, without it we couldn't recognize the light.
We all have darkness; without it, we couldn’t recognize the light.

Choose wrong.  There is a dark side in everyone, and all people are capable of great goodness and great evil, and it is one of the mysteries that make life delicious to taste. It is a choice.

 Everyone has been on the dark side at some point, and it may have seemed like it was for a good cause, but when you choose anger, fear, intolerance, or hate, you choose the dark side of humankind.

 I am not wise enough to know why, and I only observe and know that from what I have seen, both darkness and light do exist inside every person I have ever met, including myself.

 Accepting this fact is not difficult because nobody is perfect. I recall all the times I chose for selfish, fear-driven reasons, and I know I could have done better.  It is not a criticism of people, only an observation of fact.

 All people have a dark side. Putting it aside and maintaining the light is a show of strength, which is the most difficult choice.

 We are all the same

All people have so much in common that I often find it inconceivable that hate exists merely for arbitrary reasons, race, religion, culture, region, or even sexual orientation.

If people focused on what we have in common rather than their differences, the world would be friendlier and more productive.  I know that people attacking differences in others is a defense mechanism to make them feel safe, but I can always hope that it will change and our commonalities will be more important than how we are different.

What were the most powerful choices in your life?


Leaving Judgement behind

judgementWhy We Judge

It can be easy to look at someone else’s life and quickly dissect all they are doing wrong or at least be doing better. Their lives seem like a simple puzzle; they are too lazy, too rich, too poor, don’t care enough, or care too much. People look so quickly and coldly that they never really see the harm that judgment can do to their lives.

It is negative energy, which will never be a good thing. Acceptance is the key to positive relationships in life. If you are looking for happiness, then judgment needs to be avoided at all costs. Who are we to judge someone else? There is no more precise definition of where you are in your journey than how you judge someone else. Or perhaps how much you misjudged someone else. 

Hiding In Plain Sight

So why do we all have such an inclination to participate in something that is clearly detrimental to our lives in every way? One of the reasons is that when we direct our attention and others’ attention outward toward someone else and their behavior, the poor decisions and mistakes you have made are overlooked. Isn’t there a safe feeling inside when you say, “I may be struggling, but I am not struggling that much?”  So our judgments are constantly distracting attention away from our weaknesses. Does that make your weaknesses any less real?

Putting someone else down with judgments automatically puts you in a position above whomever decisions are being thrown at. It defines you because you focus on distractions rather than working on your problems and becoming a better person yourself. Your concerns are still simmering in the background, waiting to boil over.  It is impossible to be happy when you know an explosion is coming. And there is an explosion of chaos coming your way.  

Defining Ourselves

It will come down to the choices that we make each day when it comes to judgment. You have the option to be more accepting of others and their challenges because, in reality, it is not any of judgment 3456your business.  The choice to look at yourself honestly and work on your decisions, thoughts, feelings, and actions is a daily struggle that you need to start to pay attention to.

We define ourselves for the world in each thought we have and each word we speak. There is an illusion that nobody sees our weaknesses in our minds if we create a big enough cloud of dust by speaking in judgment about others.  Not your circus, not your monkeys. You will decide whether your meanness and judgment define you or kindness, love, and acceptance. It is that simple. When you judge someone else, you are clearly defining yourself, and you are ignoring your areas that are in significant need of improvement.

I used to worry a lot about what other people thought of me. Now I am much more concerned with what I think of others and how I look at their behavior and try not to take their terrible actions personally. It is a reflection on them and has little bearing on me.

When you judge another, you do not define them. You define yourself.~ Wayne Dyer

Are you judging or accepting today?

 “When someone judges you, it isn’t actually about you. It’s about them and their insecurities, limitations, and needs.” Lulu

“Never judge someone by the opinion of others.” Anonymous

“Be curious, not judgemental.” Walt Whitman

 “Everyone has untold stories of pain and sadness that make them love and live a little differently than you do. Stop judging; instead, try to understand.” Anonymous

“I don’t judge others.” Sarah Jessica Parker


At The Mercy of Other’s Opinions

The concept of judgment has always been a fascinating one for me. We live at the mercy of others’ opinions or try to force others to live their lives under the negative thoughts we carry about them. Either way, the process is decidedly negative and costly to those judged but, more significantly, to those doing the judging. Judgments limit your thought patterns and your possibilities of what someone else can be and what you can accomplish. If you live under the yoke of someone else’s opinion, you will never allow your true self to rise. It is in that true self that your power lies. To be free to grow as you should, you need to free yourself from the shackles that judgment will place on you and live your life based on the ethics of what is suitable for you and not based on what other people would have you be. Letting go of judgment, incoming and outgoing, allow you to be free to become the best version of yourself possible.

Subconscious Behavior

First, it is essential to understand much of the behavior we see in ourselves and others directly from our subconscious. These are decisions we make based on our experiences in life and the beliefs we have chosen to add credibility to. These thoughts can create judgments of others very easily and quickly. Essentially unconscious behavior is repeated over and over because it is easier than spending time on conscious thought. The thoughts we entertain, consciously or unconsciously, lead to the emotions we feel, the words we speak, and their actions. When running on autopilot, we let our unconscious behavior dictate how we treat others and represent ourselves.

It can be easy to judge someone’s subconscious choices and confuse them with who they are. You can say this because most people with conscious thought added will make less judgemental choices. We occasionally place our subconscious thoughts onto another and mistake that for who they are. Try to notice when someone is operating at this level and bring them back into their consciousness by asking simple questions. It usually works to snap someone out of judgment.

Recognizing The Process

When people act without consciousness, there are chances for misunderstanding and other damaging behavior that can hurt you or others. The words you speak come from reaction rather than thought, and the anger, judgment, and fear

Shining a light on unconscious behavior allows you to recognize and not react to it.

You feel associated with someone else, or their behavior will do damage somewhere and to someone. Be conscious of all things you think and speak about other human beings. Everyone is a few different decisions or circumstances in life to being exactly like you. Try not to judge people too harshly because you are judging yourself.

Recognizing this dark habit will allow you to see this process play out in others. It enables you to know what is happening rather than react to it. Instead of fighting the problem unconscious judgment brings, you will help cure it and improve things. You see the situation clearly, and doing that will allow all people you encounter to live as they are and not under the subconscious judgment of you or someone else.

“Life is beautiful. Suffering is due to the unconscious following.” ― Amit Ray.

“Allowing a negative sentence in your head to end itself forms the very nucleus of negative thoughtforms!” ― Stephen Richards.

“Elite competitors manage their unconscious minds by mastering their conscious thoughts.” ― Stan Beecham

Knowledge Will Change You

BeliefOur minds work overtime sometimes, and we must establish a clear representation of our thoughts, goals, and perspectives on life to find our direction based on the things we truly believe. All knowledge will change you and move your consciousness one way or another and leave you with a final set of core beliefs representing your experiences and how you choose to interact with the world. Looking at my experiences over the last year, I needed to revamp my collection of what I think and look at other people.

So here is the current version of MY Mission Statement. Presented in no particular order, here are a few things I hold as truths in my life.

We Are All Connected

Call it God, the Universe, or whatever your religion dictates, but to me, we are all connected through a divine order. All people have the same abilities for great love and equal power to commit evil, which is just a part of this crazy game called life. We are given individual gifts at birth to make our unique mark on the world if we choose to do so. When you look at all things, events, and people in your life, you can see the thread that connects everything.

This connection runs through the hearts of all people. There is an illusion that our experiences are seperate events; a universal force is running between us all, connecting all of our stories. Remember this the next time judgment of others and separation’s effects enter your life. There but for the good fortune of your circumstances, go you. There is no difference between you and anyone else but choices and details. We are all connected.

Our Beliefs Control Our Lives

Each of us has developed throughout our lives a core belief system. We established most of these beliefs early on in life. These are limiting beliefs that delay or even stop our development completely. Our expectations were built by our parents, grandparents, siblings, teachers, religion, and peers. Most were developed before age ten and have remained with us to this day. Our beliefs have to power to achieve goals or stop us from becoming what we should be.

The great thing is that all beliefs can change at any point in life when we look and find irrefutable evidence that contradicts them. All of the “you can’t,” “no’s,” “you’re not good enough’s,” “You can’t make a living doing that’s,” or any other limiting statement from your youth making you feel like you are not good enough can be eliminated — the processing and acceptance of new information about you and your abilities.

Here is a secret; you are powerful and can do anything you set your mind to accomplish. You have the chance to try anything. Look honestly at the barriers stopping you; most often, you will find insecurities and limits that we place on ourselves because of limiting beliefs we choose to accept. Accept new ideas to guide you.

Your Actions Define YOU

Talk is cheap; what you do is the definition of your character. I have heard the soft and sympathetic words that were worth nothing but have been blessed by the actions of many great people. Saying you are something means nothing, and being that thing means everything.

Each day is a new opportunity to take action toward a goal or a dream that you have. Take a step, mail a letter, make a call, or do whatever small thing you can that will lead you toward your goal. Action is the power source for people’s dreams and will cancel out fear.

Every person that has ever been born has had a dream of some kind, and there are no exceptions. When a person takes action, they can make their dream come true. If that action leads to failure, then at least you know, and a direction more suitable to you may show itself from the effort.

Thinking Positively Leads to Positive Results

Bad stuff happens to everyone at some point in life; how you deal with it is crucial. Life is full of things that we define as good or bad. Positive thinking is not about ignoring the “bad” in life and always looking on the bright side, although those factors result. Positive thinking is bringing the focus of love, understanding, kindness, acceptance, and peace to all you experience—ignoring your counterpart’s hate, judgment, separation, meanness, and conflict.

All experiences have the power to bring the positive or negative inside a person to the surface, and what emotions and thoughts you let dominate your behavior will decide what actions come from you and what feelings are happening inside you. All things are just things until we assign a value to them and determine how we look at them.

All People Have Value

A person’s value is difficult to remember when I am angry or someone has hurt me, but that doesn’t change the fact that I believe this is true. People live differently, make poor decisions, and look differently, but they are all valuable and unique individuals.   All that separates us from the circumstances of another is mere chance. At our core, we are all beings of love, and understanding and are looking for acceptance in the world.

We are all born with a unique gift that can contribute to the world’s good. It is the meaning of life to find out what that gift is and how to use it. Some people lose their way through the experience of life and bury their talents too profoundly to be retrieved, but the reward is still there. With the right nurturing, perhaps it could resurface.

Gratitude is the Gateway to Abundance

How often do you appreciate all the positive things in your life? Moving through life each day is easy; let events and people swirl past you without absolute acknowledgment. Stop for a moment and give thanks for each experience. Even when the lessons are not what you are looking for, they will provide clues as to the direction you should be moving in.

Being grateful and putting yourself in that mindset each day creates an energy of acceptance around you, and that energy attracts more into your life. What you focus on multiplies; if you are grateful for what you have, you will have more things to be thankful for having in your life. Take time and reflect a bit each day on the blessings in your life. Breathing in and out and having an experience is a blessing many lose daily.

Forgiveness is Necessary to Move Forward

To forgive someone for something they did that harmed you is very difficult. It can’t just be lip service of saying you forgive; it has to be inside your heart. The only one who can give forgiveness is you, and the sooner you give it, the sooner you can move on. Letting go of pain, sadness, anger, or any other negative emotion is key to enjoying life.   I read somewhere that you know forgiveness occurs when you think of that person, and there is no subtle searing inside your heart. It can take a conscious effort, but with forgiveness comes freedom and strength.

Embrace Love, Avoid Fear

All people carry this inside of them, and the one you pay attention to will determine how much you enjoy this ride we call life. Focus on the love-based emotions like kindness, understanding, generosity, acceptance, patience, and love while avoiding the fear-based feelings and thoughts of anger, hate, separation, jealousy, stereotyping, and judgment. It can be harder to do than it sounds, but the effort is well worth it.

Remember that fear will be a continual battle for you throughout your life. It will attack you both outwardly with dangers real and imagined. It will also subtly invade your life through indirect methods, invading your thoughts and being powered by your emotions. All things will work out if you let them. Some powers exist which are far wiser than you. Learn to trust them.

Our beliefs are essential to the type of life that we live. If you do not work to control them, they will direct you. We all have to live with the results.

The Natural Path of Life

How well do you react to change? If you are like most people, the answer is not very well. All of us seem to have a natural resistance to anything being different. We continually cling to old ways, even when they have become outdated and inefficient. We adhere to careers we no longer like or living situations that make us unhappy because there is a healthy level of fear about doing something different.

But if you never try anything other than what you already do, you never evolve, and your ideas, thoughts, and emotions never become original. The growth we experience is the natural path of our lives, and all we need is to muster up a little courage to accept the changes happening all around us all the time.


There is a natural resistance that exists in people to fight change. It is there personally as people cling to routines and avoid growing on an individual basis. Resistance also exists on a larger scale, as only well-tried and accurate methods of doing things will be accepted, and all other ideas are dismissed or even attacked. Not because they are wrong, but because they are different. All of the social upheavals in the 20th Century provided excellent examples of this. The Civil Rights movement seems like a common sense thing today. Of course, all people are equal.

But fear developed over the years and made people resist messing with the conventional way and societal expectations.

Of course, today, I would like to think that our society has solved the problem, but racial divides seem to permeate all of our community still, and at their roots are people who are resistant to change and unwilling to grow. There will be moments of resistance to change in our lives, even though change is a constant and inevitable experience.

The consciousness of your thoughts is the answer to defeating resistance. We see our beliefs as to what they are and where they guide us. The voice of your ego resists change. The ego exists and grows in the background of your unconscious mind. Its main objective is survival. So when you are in a safe situation, your ego will generate thoughts to keep you there. You would never change or grow. No matter what fantasies your ego creates, life will find a way of making change happen.

Allowing and Acceptance of  Change

There are two ways to deal with life; you can fight or flow with it. Resistance and fighting come when we think we have all the answers. Flow happens when we realize that there will be continual adjustments and changes to the experience and allow them to happen and accept them as they are. All things, our lives, careers, and relationships have a shelf life, and that is just a fact. Like life itself, all items will not last forever. It is in this scarcity that provides the value a thing possesses. Each moment in a situation should be cherished and enjoyed. Allow the lessons and the joy of the moment to seep into your consciousness and teach you precisely what it is supposed to.

Some changes will be painful, and there is a lesson in the pain. To lose something valuable to you is an experience that will allow you to become more selfish or open up and share more of yourself. Accept what happened, take responsibility for where you are, and move forward with an open heart and clear mind. Your journey isn’t over, and many great things are still to come. It is a life skill to learn to allow things to change because it will happen whether you like it or not. To accept and recognize is the action of the soul. To resist and fight is the ego.

“Transformation is not five minutes from now; it’s a present activity. At this moment, you can make a different choice, and these small choices and successes build up over time to help cultivate a healthy self-image and self-esteem.” —Jillian Michaels.

“Transformation means going beyond your form.” —said Wayne Dyer.

The only way to make sense of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.


Your Dark Gift

box of darkness “Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness, and it took me years to understand that this was a gift.”― Mary Oliver.

All experiences in life are an opportunity for growth and learning. The person you are today has been built brick by brick from the things you have gone through, both good and bad. Those things that were not so enjoyable or were extremely painful are often considered darkness, and the darkness that comes into our lives can be challenging to get rid of even many years later. Unfortunately, as we are going through these dark times, there is no natural way to gauge the benefits of coming down the road, but that doesn’t make the value any less tangible. What makes a situation dark? Is it something that another has done to us? Or is it our weakness and inability to say goodbye and move on?

Darkness Teaches Lessons

Love is a challenging game, and most of us start playing at a very young age. As we try to figure out the protocol rules, we are living our lives. Love brings extreme bursts of hormones and emotions that bce9d7147ee2eb2c5daaf2f4200af93bcause us to bond; eventually, those bonds become part of us. W en they are broken or taken away, it can be excruciating. T e dark box is the ending of a relationship and the pain that arrives in your life with it. There is sage advice that time will heal all wounds, and that is true, but the scars will remain and lessons learned last.

These lessons become the legacy of your experience, and in the end, after you have hurt, cried, and healed, there is the experience, and either consciously or subconsciously or both, you are going to use that experience as a guide for future decisions in affairs of the heart. You will make future decisions out of love if the lesson is positive. I  you choose to be bitter and feel sorry for yourself and be afraid of being hurt, problems will arise in all the relationships you try to engage in.

How many people suffer this way, unable to establish a relationship today because of the past pain and not wanting to go through it again? To use the darkness as a gift is to open your heart and be aware that it can be broken, but use the past lessons to take more intelligent risks. But take risks, live your life, and love. Let the darkness be a guide to what you want in life.

Darkness Exposes Light

The dark box is a gift because it is easier to see the light when you have dark. I stand out, and you can recognize the difference. F om the darkness in that box, we can learn to experience the light of life image14with more zeal and enjoyment. W en you are in the moment of love, enjoy it. I  may last forever, or it may end tomorrow. There is no guarantee. Be mindful of the moment and make that time the best it can be.

Wisdom isn’t gained by having a perfect life and making sound decisions. It is usually built through the painful teachings of bad decisions and questionable choices. It doesn’t come easy because easy experiences are quickly forgotten. Painful lessons last a lifetime. Evaluating a dark time and coming away with a plus is the beginning of wisdom. Applying that lesson to future endeavors is putting it into action and making that knowledge a part of your life.

Take your box of dark and explore it all. S e it for what it is, a broken heart, a broken promise, a significant loss. T y not to see it as a personal condemnation of you or punishment but as a valuable tool to help transcend your life. T  gift is that you may ultimately learn how to live totally in the light led by the dark that you have experienced.

Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this, too, was a gift. ~Mary Oliver

The Dark gifts I have been given have left me thinking my light will go out forever. But when I look at my life now………..


Free, Available, Unoccupied

Space-a continuous area or expanse that is free, available, or unoccupied.

One of the words that can be difficult to understand and find in our lives is personal space. This area is defined as the area in which someone has room to grow and develop their skills and ideas and understand the talents they possess and the things they know.

It is essential to find our personal space and allow for those we care about to have theirs. However, people often seem to behave like steamrollers, plowing through other people’s boundaries and exact needs to reassure themselves. Become aware of the space you need and the space you can provide for others today in your thoughts, words, and actions.

Space for Others

When you look at the people you care about, it is crucial to notice how much space they need. Not everyone is the same. Some people need a consistent dose of space, while others are in more need of the company to make it through the day. One of the most effective ways to know how much space someone needs is to ask. It is one of the things people don’t talk about. If you are in a relationship, people are afraid that there is something wrong if they don’t want to be together. The need for solitude is innate in people and allows for growth. The deeper a person is, the more consciousness they usually want to develop and the more time they need themselves.

Value the time you are invited into that space and understand that all people need to seek growth. Don’t take the request for time alone as a personal insult or a sign of trouble in a relationship. It is only selfishness that strives to take space away from someone else. If you care about them, let them grow in the ways they need to succeed. Fish have to swim, birds have to fly, and people need to be who they are. Give them space.

Space for You

That leads to finding space for yourself. We live in a society where being alone is difficult and even undesirable. There is a constant noise in the background, and this television or radio noise keeps our minds occupied and makes us seem less alone. But the actual crime in this is that you never get a chance to think for yourself and contemplate anything real. You need to look at your experience and decide what you like and would like to improve. Thoughts can be a complex and challenging thing. Often they cry for change, and change is difficult.

Find your space to read, think, and grow. To be your best and develop and grow into what you can be. Don’t be afraid of the area; seek it. Don’t hide from it; create it. In the spaces of our lives, we find the answers to the questions we ask. Find your answers in whatever area you like. It can be found in meditation, nature, or even just a moment doing a hobby that you enjoy. Whatever space you want, find it.

Space The Final Frontier

Star Trek always used this saying at the beginning of the show, and it is valid for personal space and the space in the universe. All that can be created and accomplished is waiting for you in the areas of life. Look at your life and seek the rooms containing your creations and possibilities. This will arise from your awareness of space and your need for it, and your consciousness will develop through every thought, word, and action around seeking and using your area. Searching the universe or your individuality is all the same. New worlds are going to be discovered.

“Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” ~Viktor E. Frankl

“Our space is a playground for growth. Revel in it.”