Tag Archives: we are all one

All Connected

Oneness- Everything is connected. We are all one.

It is the strange experience of being a human being. We exist in the world, thinking we are all different, but basically, we are the same. Each person is made up of the same building blocks called atoms, and these atoms form our bodies. Everyone has an alive organization, even though they vary in looks and proportions.

Each person has an essence inside, which is unique in the world, but we are all connected in possession of such a thing. Our personalities and thoughts are ours alone, and we are all individuals. It is one of the biggest dualities we face in life,  being an individual but part of something. It is the energy of life that connects us. This energy is generated first by the thoughts we think, then the words we use to express our thoughts and our actions as a result. Oneness is all around, but you have to look for it to notice.

Each One Has Energy

All of our physical experiences, conscious and unconscious, are caused by an electrical reaction. Each thought is a firing synapse that sends a message to the body, to do or not to do something. We are driven by electricity, and that electricity flows between us all. Isn’t physical death the point when our energy can no longer flow through our body? Our powers are not unique, as all people have access to creating thought and energy. We are all the same through this energy, and we are all one.

We determine our energetic impact on the world through the tenor of our thoughts. Thoughts of love describe later on or the opinions of fear determine our active influence on the planet. It is the same for everyone. We are one. Focus on the fearful thoughts of anger, judgment, hate, jealousy, resentment, greed, lies, or ego. Your energy and the results you get in life are based almost solely on your energy. Each individual has the same opportunity to create positive thoughts and conclusions.

The Myth of Separation

We have all been conditioned to believe that we are all separate and alone in the world. This perceived separation can be used to manipulate people into behavior that isn’t in our best interest. That behavior is usually driven by fear. It starts when we are young and continues into adulthood. We are given a set of experiences and memories which belong to us alone. Society judges us on our accomplishments, education, relationships, possessions accumulated, and relative intelligence.

It makes you feel like you live in an isolated place. But there is a connection you can feel between people if you look for it. Some will call this force God, the Universe, or whatever makes you comfortable, but it is clear there is something that makes us all unique and together at that same time, and that energy is what makes everything work. No other person has ever existed who is exactly like you, and there never will be. That is the case for everyone, and we are all connected through that oneness.

Love is the connector.

Focusing on the positiveness of love is the road to seeing the oneness we all share. Love is a powerful, positive force that respects others, life, nature, and you. It comes in all its different levels and costumes to make us see that we are not alone in the world, and all people have basic humanity that connects us all. No one is better than another because of age, ethnicity, nationality, or religion. We are all equal, the same, and connected.

These connections can be seen when you practice love in your life by treating people with the thoughtfulness that love demands. Joy, peace, love, hope, humility, acceptance, understanding, kindness, empathy, and truth are all creators of positivity and allow people to realize that although there are minor differences between us, we are all the same underneath. Focus on the positive forces of life, and those connections with others become easy. Stray from them or ignore them, and isolation or poor company is inevitable. The choice is always yours. We all experience oneness in this.

Look for the Oneness 

Take a moment today and look at someone else. Maybe someone you know or someone you see in passing and look at them, we all have eyes to see, ears to hear, noses to smell, hands to touch, and voices to speak. Think about the miracle this is. We are all the same, and we are united at that moment. Life is an experience that we are all sharing—a one-of-a-kind set of circumstances unifying us if we let it. Seek the oneness in each person, and you will find it.

It will all start with a conscious awareness of your thoughts and their tone in your life. Positive will lead to growth, wellness, and enjoyment, and opposing will lead to less than enjoyable circumstances. Whether you are conscious of your thinking or not, it still belongs to you, and you will always reap the benefits or negatives of that effort. Look at your words and actions that result. The difference between positive and negative is evident for all people to understand.


“Wisdom is knowing we are all One. Love is what it feels like, and Compassion is what it acts like.” ~ Ethan Walker

“The sun shines down, and its image reflects in a thousand different pots filled with water. The reflections are many, but they are each reflecting the same sun. Similarly, when we come to know who we truly are, we will see ourselves in all people.” ~ Ammachi

“When I look inside and see that I am nothing, that is wisdom. When I look outside and see that I am everything, that is love. And between these two, my life turns.” ~ Nisargadatta Maharaj